23 results on '"Serramito-García R"'
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2. Linfomas primarios del sistema nervioso central
- Author
Gelabert-González, M., Castro Bouzas, D., Serramito-García, R., Frieiro Dantas, C., and Aran Echabe, E.
- Published
- 2013
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3. Intracranial gangliogliomas. A review of a series of 20 patients
- Author
Gelabert-González, M., Santín Amo, J.M., Arcos Algaba, A., Serramito García, R., Castro Bouzas, D., Díaz Cabana, L., Prieto González, A., Aran Echabe, E., Bandín Diéguez, F.J., Villa Fernández, J., and García Allut, A.
- Published
- 2011
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4. Hematoma subgaleal crónico en un lactante: Presentación de un caso
- Author
Santín-Amo, J.M., Gelabert-González, M., Villa-Fernández, J.M., Castro-Bouzas, D., Serramito-García, R., and García-Allut, A.
- Subjects
Subgaleal hematomas ,Galea ,Hematoma subgaleal ,Extracción con ventosa ,Cephalohematoma ,Vacuum extraction ,Cefalohematoma - Abstract
Los hematomas subgaleales neonatales son colecciones sanguinolentas, localizadas entre la galea y el tejido conectivo epicraneal; con frecuencia son infradiagnosticados, y en la mayoría de las ocasiones guardan relación con determinados procedimientos obstétricos como el uso de fórceps o ventosa. En general tienen poco volumen y suelen solucionarse espontáneamente. Ocasionalmente pueden alcanzar gran tamaño y ponen en riesgo la vida del recién nacido; excepcionalmente tienden a la cronificación siendo necesario para su tratamiento emplear procedimientos quirúrgicos. Exponemos el caso de una paciente menor de un año de edad que presenta un hematoma subgaleal secundario a parto asistido con ventosa y que precisó tratamiento quirúrgico. Neonatal subgaleal hematomas are under-diagnosed collections of blood beneath the galea, often caused by certain obstetric procedures such as use of forceps or vacuum. They generally have low volume and often resolve spontaneously. Occasionally, they can achieve a large volume and may endanger the live of the affected newborns. Rarely, they become chronic and exceptionally they may require surgical treatment. We report the case of a child under one year of age who was referred to our department because of a subgaleal hematoma secondary to vacuum-assisted delivery that required surgical treatment.
- Published
- 2011
5. Apoplejía pituitaria: Revisión del tema
- Author
Serramito-García, R., García-Allut, A., Arcos-Algaba, A.N., Castro-Bouzas, D., Santín-Amo, J.M., and Gelabert-González, M.
- Subjects
Pituitary apoplexy ,Cirugía transesfenoidal ,Hemorragia ,Transsphenoidal surgery ,Precipitanting factors ,Apoplejía pituitaria ,Hemorrhage ,Factores precipitantes - Abstract
La apoplejía pituitaria es un síndrome caracterizado por una necrosis o hemorragia en el seno de un tumor hipofisario. Clínicamente cursa con cefalea repentina, signos de irritación meníngea, alteraciones en la agudeza visual, incluso ceguera y en ocasiones disminución del nivel de conciencia. Para el diagnóstico es fundamental la realización de pruebas radiológicas, siendo la de elección la resonancia magnética. El tratamiento consiste en la descompresión quirúrgica sellar transesfenoidal urgente y terapia sustitutiva con altas dosis de corticoides. Pituitary apoplexy constitutes a syndrome that is characterized by the ischemic infarction or hemorrhage into a pituitary tumour. Clinically the patient develops sudden headache, meningismus, visual disturbances, even blindness, and occasionally decrease in level of consciousness. To diagnose it is basic to perform a cerebral MRI. Treatment consists in urgent sellar decompression by transsphenoidal surgery and substitute therapy with steroids.
- Published
- 2011
6. Lesiones intracraneales originadas con pistola de bala cautiva
- Author
Santín-Amo, J.M., Castro-Bouzas, D., Arcos-Algaba, A., Díaz-Cabanas, L., Serramito-García, R., Bandín-Diéguez, F.J., Villa-Fernández, J.M., and Gelabert-González, M.
- Subjects
Tomografía computarizada ,Pistola de matarife ,Cranio-cerebral trauma ,Pistola de clavija perforadora ,Traumatismo cráneo-cerebral ,Gunshot ,Slaughterers' gun ,Computed tomography ,Captive-bolt gun ,Pistola de bala cautiva - Abstract
Las pistolas de bala cautiva o clavija perforadora son empleadas para aturdir al animal como paso previo al sacrificio. Colocadas en la frente del mismo inducen una inmediata perdida de consciencia, logrando así una "humanización" del proceso. Su uso con fines suicidas es raro, casi exclusivo de personas que tienen acceso a las mismas dada su ocupación laboral, causando graves lesiones a nivel cerebral. Analizamos tres casos que se presentaron en nuestro servicio. Uno de ellos fallece como consecuencia de las lesiones ocasionadas. Guns bullet or captive bolt is used as a weapon for stunning animals as a prelude to sacrifice. Placed in front of it induce an immediate loss of consciousness, thus achieving a "humanization" of process. It's use for suicide is rare, almost exclusively of people who have access to them because of their occupation, causing severe injuries to the brain. We analyse three cases presented in our service. One of them dies as a result of injuries.
- Published
- 2010
7. Ependimomas del filum terminal: Análisis de 20 casos consecutivos
- Author
Gelabert-González, M., Arcos-Algaba, A., Serramito-García, R., Castro-Bouzas, D., Santín-Amo, J.M., Aran-Echabe, E., Prieto-González, A., Bandin-Diéguez, F.J., and García-Allut, A.
- Subjects
Filum terminal ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,Ependimoma ,Ependymoma ,Resonancia magnética ,Filum terminale ,Tumor medular ,Tumor mixopapilar ,Myxopapillary tumor ,Spinal cord tumor - Abstract
Objetivos. Analizar las características clínicas, radiológicas y los resultados quirúrgicos de una serie de ependimomas del filum terminal. Pacientes y método. Se estudia retrospectivamente 20 pacientes con 21 ependimomas del filum terminal tratados durante un período de 21 años (1988-2008). Todos los pacientes fueron diagnosticados con resonancia magnética e intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Resultados. La relación varón-mujer fue de 1:1.5 y la media de edad al diagnóstico de 44.8 años (rango 15-64). El primer síntoma fue dolor radicular (12 casos) y lumbalgia en los 8 restantes, con una duración media de la sintomatología antes del diagnostico de 8.7 años (rango 0.6-32). Todos los pacientes fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente realizándose resección completa de 17 tumores y subtotal de 4. Histológicamente 20 tumores fueron ependimomas mixopapilares (grado I) y un caso grado II. El período de seguimiento fue de 8 años (rango 1-18). Conclusiones. Los ependimomas del filum terminal, son tumores de crecimiento lento con una mayor incidencia en adultos jóvenes. La forma de presentación más habitual es con dolor lumbar con un largo tiempo de evolución. Aunque la mayoría son tumores de bajo grado histológico, tienen una especial tendencia a crecer y las recidivas locales no son raras. Objective. To analyze the clinical, radiological and surgical outcome of a series of filum terminale ependymomas. Patients and methods. This retrospective study involved 20 patients with 21 ependymomas of the filum terminale encountered during a 21 year period (19882008). All patients were diagnosed using MRI and surgically treated. Results. The male: female ratio was 1:1.5, and the mean age at diagnosis was 44.8 years (range 15-64). First symptom included radicular pain (12 cases) and lumbar pain in the other 8 cases, with average symptom duration of 8.7 years (range 0-6-32). All patients underwent open biopsy, seventeen tumours received gross-total resection and 4 received subtotal resection. Histologically, 20 tumours were myxopapillary ependymomas (grade I) and 1 case a grade II ependymoma. The mean follow-up period was 8 years (range 1-18 years). Conclusions. Filum terminale ependimomas are slow growing tumours of the cauda equina with a high incidence in young adults. The most common presentation is with low back pain long time evolution. Although ependymomas of the filum terminale are thought to be benign, local recurrence is not uncommon.
- Published
- 2010
8. Hematoma subdural crónico asociado a quiste aracnoideo: Presentación de 12 casos
- Author
Gelabert-González, M., Castro-Bouzas, D., Arcos-Algaba, A., Santín-Amo, J.M., Díaz-Cabanas, L., Serramito-García, R., Arán-Echabe, E., Prieto-González, A., and García-Allut, A.
- Subjects
Magnetic resonance imaging ,Traumatismo craneal ,Head injury ,Espacio subdural ,Resonancia magnética ,Chronic subdural hematoma ,Hematoma subdural crónico ,Quiste aracnoideo ,Arachnoid cyst ,Subdural space - Abstract
Objetivos. Analizar las características clínicas, neurológicas y resultado neurorradiológico de una serie de pacientes con quiste aracnoideo asociado a un hematoma subdural crónico. Pacientes y método. Revisamos retrospectivamente 12 casos de pacientes con quiste aracnoideo que presentaron como complicación un hematoma subdural crónico. Resultados. Entre enero de 1984 y abril de 2008, 12 pacientes (0.9%) de 1.253 casos con hematoma subdural crónico presentaban un quiste aracnoideo intracraneal. La localización de los quistes fue en 10 casos en la fosa temporal y los otros dos en la convexidad. Los síntomas de presentación fueron cefalea en 6 pacientes (50%), seguidos por convulsiones (3 casos). En once pacientes se realizó agujero de trépano y drenaje del HSC, la paciente de más edad fue tratada de forma conservadora. Únicamente se trataron 3 quistes aracnoideos mediante craneotomía y fenestración, con resolución completa del quiste. Conclusiones. Los pacientes con quiste aracnoideo, sobre todo si esta localizado en la fosa temporal, tienen un mayor riesgo de sufrir un hematoma subdural crónico. La primera opción terapéutica es el drenaje del hematoma subdural y si persiste la sintomatología deberá tratarse el quiste aracnoideo. Introduction. We designed this study to investigate the clinical, neurological, and radiological outcome of patients with chronic subdural hematoma related to an intracranial arachnoid cysts. Patients and methods. Medical records of 12 cases of patients with arachnoids cyst complicated with chronic subdural hematoma were retrospectively reviewed. Results. Between January 1984 and April 2008, 12 patients (0.9%) of 1.253 cases of chronic subdural hematoma surgically treated in our hospital had associated arachnoid cyst. Arachnoid cysts were located in the middle fossa (10 cases) and convexity (2 cases). The most frequent symptom was headache (6 cases), followed by seizures (3 cases). Eleven patients underwent burr hole and drainage; the oldest patient was treated conservatively. Conclusions. Patients with AC, especially when these are located in temporal fossa, appear to harbour a life-long risk of contracting subdural hematoma. Hematoma evacuation is adequate at first operation and if arachnoid cyst is symptomatic or preoperative symptoms persist, additional arachnoid cyst surgery should be considered.
- Published
- 2010
9. Absceso cerebral por Scedosporium apiospermum: Presentación de un caso con revisión de la literatura
- Author
Gelabert-González, M., Llovo-Taboada, J., Reyes-Santías, R., Arcos-Algaba, A., Serramito-García, R., Peñalver-Barral, M.D., and García-Allut, A.
- Subjects
Brain abscess ,Scedosporium apiospermum ,Pseudallescheria boydii ,Voriconazol ,Absceso cerebral ,Voriconazole - Abstract
Scedosporium apiospermum es un hongo que se encuentra en el suelo y en las aguas contaminadas, que habitualmente ocasiona infecciones cutáneas y excepcionalmente puede contaminar el sistema nervioso central. Sus infecciones se relacionan habitualmente con situaciones de inmunosupresión. Los autores presentan el caso de una mujer de 73 años con insuficiencia renal crónica que se presentó con dolor de cabeza durante 2 semanas y que en la tomografía computarizada se observó una lesión en anillo en el lóbulo temporal izquierdo. Con el diagnostico de absceso cerebral se practicó una craneotomía temporal y extirpación completa de la lesión. La paciente falleció 5 días después de la intervención. En el cultivo del material evacuado se aisló Scedosporium apiospermum. Se realiza una revisión de los casos publicados de absceso cerebral por Scedosporium apiospermum. Scedosporium apiospermum is a fungus found in the soil and in contaminated water and commonly cause cutaneous infections and is a rare cause of central nervous system infection. Invasive infection is usually associated with immunosuppresion. The authors present a 73-year-old woman with chronic renal disease who presented with headache for 2 weeks. Computerized tomography scans revealed a ring-enhancing lesion in left temporal lobe. An urgent craniotomy was performed and the lesion was totally removed. The patient died 5 days later. Scedosporium apiospermum was isolated in the culture of the extirpated lesion. The authors review the previously reported cases of brain abscess for Scedosporium apiospermum.
- Published
- 2010
10. Hematoma epidural secundario al empleo de cabezal autoestático en un adulto
- Author
Serramito-García, R., Arcos-Algaba, A., Santín-Amo, J.M., Bandín-Diéguez, F.J., and Gelabert-González, M.
- Subjects
Hematoma epidural ,Endoscopic third ventriculostomy ,Cabezal autoestático ,Complicación ,Ventriculostomía endoscópica ,Headrest ,Complication ,Epidural haematoma - Abstract
El cabezal autoestático es un instrumento utilizado habitualmente en las intervenciones neuroquirúrgicas y a pesar de su utilización adecuada, puede ser el causante de algunas complicaciones graves como la perforación craneal y el desarrollo de hemorragias intracraneales. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 19 años sometido a una ventriculocisternostomía endoscópica y que presentó un hematoma epidural secundario a la penetración intracraneal de uno de los pinchos del cabezal. A head fixation device with pins is commonly used for immobilization of the patients during neurosurgical procedures. Despite its appropiate management, may be the cause of some serious complications such as skull perforation and intracranial injuries.We report the case of a 19-years-old young admitted for a endoscopic third ventriculostomy who developed an epidural haematoma due to the penetration of the skull by a pin.
- Published
- 2009
11. Meningiomas of the lateral ventricles: A review of 10 cases
- Author
Gelabert-González, M., García-Allut, A., Bandín-Diéguez, J., Serramito-García, R., and Martínez-Rumbo, R.
- Subjects
Surgical treatment ,Tumor cerebral ,Brain tumours ,Lateral ventricle ,Tratamiento quirúrgico ,Intraventricular meningiomas ,Abordajes quirúrgicos ,Meningioma intraventricular ,Ventrículo lateral ,Surgical approaches - Abstract
Background. Intraventricular meningiomas are rare tumours that represent about 2% of all intracranial meningiomas, and represent one of the most challenging problems in neurosurgery. They are located deep within the brain and often are sizable and highly vascular. We report on a series of 10 meningiomas of the lateral ventricles treated at our institution during the last 28 years. Patients. Ten patients (6 women, 4 men; mean age 41.6 yrs) were admitted to our medical center between 1978-2005 with meningioma of the lateral ventricles. Headache was the first symptom in 8 cases and ocular signs were present in 5 patients. Results. Seven tumours were located in the right ventricle (70%) ranging in size from 2-8 cm, with 7 tumours larger than 3 cm in diameter. Nine patients underwent surgery with total excision in 8 cases and subtotal in the other; the remaining patient only received radiosurgery. Conclusions. Total resection is the gold standard for treatment which was possible in all but one of the cases undergoing surgery. Introducción. Los meningiomas intraventriculares son neoplasias poco frecuentes que constituyen alrededor del 2% de todos los meningiomas intracraneales. Pacientes y métodos. Revisamos 10 pacientes (6 mujeres, 4 varones; media de edad: 41.6 años) diagnosticados en nuestro servicio de neurocirugía entre 1978-2005 de meningioma de ventrículo lateral. Resultados. El síntoma de debut fue la cefalea en 8 casos y en 5 pacientes existían alteraciones oculares. Siete tumores estaban localizados en el ventrículo derecho (70%) con un tamaño que oscilaba entre 2 y 8 cm.; 7 tumores tenían más de 3 cm. de diámetro. Se intervino quirúrgicamente a 9 pacientes consiguiéndose una extirpación completa en 8 casos y subtotal en el otro; el paciente restante fue tratado mediante radiocirugía estereotáctica. Conclusiones. La resección completa es el tratamiento idóneo en los meningiomas intracraneales, que exceptuando un caso fue posible en todos nuestros pacientes operados.
- Published
- 2008
12. Resolución espontánea de quiste aracnoideo intracraneal asintomático
- Author
Gelabert-González, M., Serramito-García, R., and García-Allut, A.
- Subjects
Magnetic resonance imaging ,Arachnoid cysts ,Resonancia magnética ,Spontaneous disappearance ,Fosa craneal media ,Resolución espontánea ,Middle fossa ,Quiste aracnoideo - Abstract
Los quistes aracnoideos son lesiones benignas, de origen congénito y de localización extraparenquimatosa, que con frecuencia se diagnostican de forma incidental en niños y adultos. Su etiología e historia natural no están perfectamente establecidas en la actualidad. La introducción de la tomografía computarizada y resonancia magnética han condicionado un incremento en el número de casos diagnosticados, muchos de ellos de forma incidental. En la literatura existen algunas referencias sobre la desaparición espontánea de quistes aracnoideos intracraneales. Presentamos el caso clínico de un quiste aracnoideo silviano que se redujo progresivamente hasta su resolución a lo largo de un período de 13 años. Revisamos los casos publicados previamente y analizamos los posibles mecanismos causante de su resolución espontánea. Arachnoid cysts are commonly considered to be benign, congenial, extraparenchymatous anomalies. Small cyst are common incidental findings in children and adults. The aetiology and natural history of arachnoid cysts are not fully understood. In most cases, the presence of the cysts is detected on CT-scans or MRI performed for other reasons. In the literature, there have been few documented cases of arachnoid cysts with spontaneous regression. We reports the case of a silvian arachnoid cyst, which disappeared spontaneously during the 13-year-follow-up period. We review the cases previously reported and the mechanisms underlying the resolution of the arachnoid cysts are discussed.
- Published
- 2008
13. Resolución espontánea de hernia de disco lumbar
- Author
Gelabert-González, M., Serramito-García, R., Aran-Echabe, E., and García-Allut, A.
- Subjects
Sciatica ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,Resonancia magnética ,Lumbar disc herniation ,Hernia de disco lumbar ,Radiculopatía ,Ciática ,Radiculopathy - Abstract
La hernia del disco intervertebral lumbar es una causa frecuente de radiculopatía en miembros inferiores y su tratamiento más efectivo sigue siendo objeto de controversia. Tanto el tratamiento quirúrgico como el conservador consiguen buenos resultados cuando se realiza una correcta selección del paciente. La desaparición espontánea de hernias de disco intervertebral es un hecho conocido con numerosas referencias en la bibliografía. Los autores presentamos el caso clínico de una paciente con radiculopatía secundaria a una hernia de disco lumbar diagnosticada con resonancia magnética y que se resolvió espontáneamente. Lumbar disc herniation is a common cause of lower leg radiculopathy and the most effective methods of treatment remain in question. Both surgical and nonsurgical treatments may provide a successful outcome in appropriately selected patients. The spontaneous resolution of herniated lumbar discs is a well-established phenomenon. The authors present a case of spontaneous regression of a herniated lumbar nucleus pulpous in a patient with radiculopathy.
- Published
- 2007
14. Paraganglioma de cauda equina
- Author
Gelabert-González, M., primary, Aran-Echabe, E., additional, and Serramito-García, R., additional
- Published
- 2014
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15. Tratamiento mínimamente invasivo del hematoma subdural crónico del adulto. Resultados en 116 pacientes
- Author
Gelabert González, M., primary, Castro Bouzas, D., additional, and Serramito García, R., additional
- Published
- 2012
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16. Surgical challenge: endoscopic repair of cerebrospinal fluid leak
- Author
Martín-Martín Carlos, Martínez-Capoccioni Gabriel, Serramito-García Ramón, and Espinosa-Restrepo Federico
- Subjects
Cerebrospinal fluid leak ,Endoscopic sinus surgery ,Anterior skull base ,Bone defect ,Bacterial meningitis ,Medicine ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 - Abstract
Abstract Background Cerebrospinal fluid leaks (CSF) result from an abnormal communication between the subarachnoid space and the extracranial space. Approximately 90% of CSF leak at the anterior skull base manifests as rhinorrhea and can become life-threatening condition. Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) has become a common otolaryngologist procedure. The aim of this article is to consider our experience and to evaluate the outcomes in patients who underwent a purely endoscopic repair of CSF leaks of the anterior skull base. Findings Retrospective chart review was performed of all patients surgically treated for CSF leaks presenting to the Section of Nasal and Sinus Disorders at the Service of ENT–Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital Complex of Santiago de Compostela (CHUS), between 2004 and 2010. A total of 30 patients who underwent repair CSF leak by ESS. The success rate was 93.4% at the first attempt; only two patients (6.6%) required a second surgical procedure, and none of it was necessary to use a craniotomy for closure. Follow-up periods ranged from 4 months to 6 years. Conclusion Identifying the size, site, and etiology of the CSF leak remains the most important factor in the surgical success. It is generally accepted that the ESS have made procedures minimally invasive, and CSF leak is now one of its well-established indications with low morbidity and high success rate, with one restriction for fistulas of the posterior wall of the frontal sinus should be repaired in conjunction with open techniques.
- Published
- 2012
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17. [Paraganglioma of the cauda equina].
- Author
Gelabert-González M, Arán-Echabe E, and Serramito-García R
- Subjects
- Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Peripheral Nervous System Neoplasms, Cauda Equina, Paraganglioma
- Published
- 2014
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18. Primary central nervous system lymphoma.
- Author
Gelabert-González M, Castro Bouzas D, Serramito-García R, Frieiro Dantas C, and Aran Echabe E
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Central Nervous System Neoplasms complications, Central Nervous System Neoplasms pathology, Cognition Disorders etiology, Female, Headache etiology, Headache psychology, Humans, Lymphoma complications, Lymphoma pathology, Lymphoma, B-Cell pathology, Lymphoma, B-Cell psychology, Lymphoma, T-Cell pathology, Lymphoma, T-Cell psychology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male, Middle Aged, Nervous System Diseases etiology, Nervous System Diseases psychology, Prognosis, Survival Rate, Young Adult, Central Nervous System Neoplasms psychology, Lymphoma psychology
- Abstract
Introduction: Primary central nervous system lymphoma is a rare subtype of extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma that accounts for 4% of central nervous system tumours., Patients and Methods: Retrospective review of 24 patients diagnosed with primary central nervous system lymphoma between 1990 and 2010. All patients were diagnosed using magnetic resonance imaging and the diagnosis was confirmed surgically., Results: Of the 24 patients analysed, all except 4 were immunocompetent. Median age at diagnosis was 59.3 years (range 13-79) and the sex ratio (male to female) was 1:1.1. Cognitive decline (in 33.4%) and headache (in 25%) were the most common complaints. Diagnosis was performed In 13 cases (54%) following craniotomy and in the other 11 cases (46%) after stereotactic biopsy. Breakdown by pathology was as follows: 22 cases of B-cell lymphoma (91.6%), 1 case of anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, and 1 case of T-cell lymphoma. Mean survival time was 12.8 months with an overall 1-year survival rate of 37.5%., Conclusions: Primary central nervous system lymphoma often presents in the sixth decade with cognitive decline, headache, and focal neurological deficits. A single intracranial lesion was present in 75% of the patients (18 cases), and the remaining 25% (6 cases) had between 2 and 4 lesions. Preoperative clinical status was the most important factor determining prognosis., (Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2013
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19. S-100B Protein and Chronic Subdural Hematoma.
- Author
Gelabert-González M, Aran-Echabe E, and Serramito-García R
- Published
- 2013
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20. [Minimally invasive treatment of chronic subdural haematoma in adults: results in 116 patients].
- Author
Gelabert González M, Castro Bouzas D, and Serramito García R
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Male, Hematoma, Subdural, Chronic surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures methods, Neurosurgical Procedures methods
- Published
- 2012
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21. Supratentorial and infratentorial brain abscess.
- Author
Gelabert-González M, Serramito-García R, and Aran-Echabe E
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Male, Brain surgery, Brain Abscess diagnosis, Brain Abscess surgery, Postoperative Complications
- Published
- 2012
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22. [Intracranial gangliogliomas. A review of a series of 20 patients].
- Author
Gelabert-González M, Amo JM, Arcos Algaba A, Serramito García R, Castro Bouzas D, Díaz Cabana L, Prieto González A, Aran Echabe E, Bandín Diéguez FJ, Villa Fernández J, and García Allut A
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Child, Child, Preschool, Female, Ganglioglioma metabolism, Ganglioglioma surgery, Humans, Infant, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Young Adult, Ganglioglioma pathology, Ganglioglioma physiopathology
- Abstract
Introduction: A ganglioglioma is a type of primary central nervous system low grade tumour composed of mixed populations of glial and neuroepithelial elements. They accounts for 0.4 to 2% of all intracranial tumours and appear more commonly in children and young adults. Seizures, which are the most important symptom in these tumours, improve significantly after surgical excision., Methods: Between 1995 and 2008, 20 patients with (12 adults and 8 children) with intracranial ganglioglioma were treated at our hospital. Clinical information obtained by chart review included sex, age at onset of symptoms, clinical history, results of neurological examination, tumour location, CT and MRI appearance, surgical results and follow-up. All patients underwent tumour resection and the extent of surgery was determined from the surgical reports and postoperative imaging studies., Results: The median age of patients was 26.4 years (range, 1-75 years), and the female to male ratio was 1.5:1. Except in one case, all patients had seizures with a median duration before diagnosis of 7.4 years (range 1-29). Seventeen tumours were located in the temporal lobe (9 right and 8 left). Macroscopically complete excision was performed in 17 patients and subtotal in the remaining 3. There were 4 cases of recurrence treated by surgery and radiotherapy being added in one case. The mean follow up was 8.5 years (range 22 months-14 years) and disease free survival at 5 years was 85% and an overall survival of 95%., Conclusions: The seizures, which are the most frequent symptoms, significantly improved after surgical removal. Surgery is the first choice of therapy in these tumours, and in the presence of subtotal resection or tumour recurrence the best indication for treatment is repeat surgery. Radiotherapy should be reserved only for malignant forms., (2010 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2011
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23. Mayfield head clamp and intracranial epidural hematoma.
- Author
Gelabert-González M and Serramito-García R
- Subjects
- Humans, Hematoma, Epidural, Cranial etiology, Surgical Instruments adverse effects
- Published
- 2011
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