483 results on '"rusland"'
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2. Russisk påvirkning virker - også i Danmark.
- Author
Serritzlev, Jeanette
- Subjects
RUSSIAN invasion of Ukraine, 2022- ,INTERNATIONAL relations ,INFORMATION warfare ,COVID-19 ,CONSPIRACY theories ,ARGUMENT ,SKEPTICISM - Abstract
Copyright of Politica: Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab is the property of Politica: Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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3. Hvordan Ruslands krig styrker Vesten.
- Author
Larsen, Henrik
- Subjects
Copyright of Politica: Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab is the property of Politica: Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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4. Den russiske verdensorden før og efter Ukrainekrigen.
- Author
Hansen, Flemming Splidsboel
- Subjects
RUSSIAN invasion of Ukraine, 2022- ,DEVELOPING countries ,POLITICAL debates ,INTERNATIONAL organization ,COLD War, 1945-1991 - Abstract
Copyright of Politica: Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab is the property of Politica: Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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5. Fire nordiske Ruslands-relationer. På vej mod en fællesnordisk Ruslands-politik efter Krim og Trump?
- Author
Hans Mouritzen
- Subjects
bilaterale relationer ,del og hersk ,nordisk samarbejde ,Rusland ,småstater ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
Rusland er en vigtig aktør for de nordiske lande ikke bare i Østersø-området, men også i Barents-regionen og i Arktis. For at opnå et fuldgyldigt billede af de involverede dynamikker bør de enkelte nordiske landes Ruslandsrelationer studeres samlet. De dansk-russiske, norsk-russiske, svensk-russiske og finsk-russiske relationer har udviklet sig ret forskelligt siden år 2000. Der eksisterer to barrierer for nordisk sikkerhedspolitisk samarbejde: (1) landenes forskellige geografiske beliggenhed og (2) bestemte indbyrdes idiosynkrasier, der ofte bunder i forskellige opfattelser af deres fælles historie. Derfor har det traditionelt været muligt for stormagter at praktisere ’del og hersk’ i forhold til de nordiske lande, og det synes også at være lykkedes for Rusland siden år 2000. Men i kølvandet på Ukraine-konflikten og valget af Donald Trump til USA's præsident er der sket en konvergens mellem trusselsopfattelserne og dermed de geopolitiske interesser i de nordiske hovedstæder. I fravær af idiosynkrasier vil det nordiske sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitiske samarbejde derfor blive styrket, om end en fælles Ruslands-politik er urealistisk. Alle fire lande, ikke mindst Sverige, står over for vanskelige dilemmaer.
- Published
- 2019
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6. Dutch trade and patronage networks as facilitators of transcontinental mobility in early modern Russia and the VOC Cape.
- Author
Gorelik, B. and Schutte, G. J.
- Subjects
COMMERCE ,EMIGRATION & immigration ,GROUP identity ,SOCIAL mobility - Abstract
Copyright of Historia is the property of Historical Association of South Africa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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7. Putins brug af sportsbegivenheder som erindringshistorisk arena
- Author
Stanis Elsborg
- Subjects
putin ,historiebrug ,rusland ,sport ,national identitet ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
Med udgangspunkt i begrebet historiebrug belyser artiklen, hvordan den russiske statsmagt og præsident Vladimir Putin benytter store sportsbegivenheder på national grund som en særlig erindringshistorisk arena til påvirkningen af en ny national identitet i Rusland. Artiklen konkluderer, at Putins styre søger at skabe en ny national fortælling med en stærk hyldest til den zaristiske og sovjetiske æra, hvor særligt elitesport og rumpolitik fremhæves, ligesom gamle konservative og religiøse værdier også har en vigtig rolle i Putins genrejsning af Rusland og for russisk national identitet. „For us (and I am talking about Russians and Russia), questions about who we are and who we want to be are increasingly prominent in our society (…) the question of finding and strengthening national identity really is fundamental for Russia.“ (Putin 2014, s. 28-29. Vladimir Putins tale ved et møde hos den Moskvabaserede tænketank Valdai International Discussion Club den 19. september 2013.)
- Published
- 2018
8. Frygtens grænser i Metro 2033
- Author
Roesen, Tine, Pedersen, Martin Bartosz, Roesen, Tine, and Pedersen, Martin Bartosz
- Abstract
This master's thesis delves into Dmitry Glukhovsky's novel Metro 2033, to examine how agoraphobia, xenophobia, and isolationism manifest through spatial divisions in a post-apocalyptic setting. Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach including literature, sociology, and cultural studies, this study seeks to illuminate the intricate interplay between psychological fears and socio-political ideologies in the spatial dimension. Set within a dystopian future where survivors inhabit the Moscow Metro system following a devastating catastrophe, the narrative of Metro 2033 is analyzed to reveal the portrayal and consequences of agoraphobia among its denizens, as well as the xenophobic tendencies exhibited by its various factions. This research contextualizes these thematic elements within the broader socio-political landscape of contemporary Russia. By drawing parallels between the fictional metro and real-world developments, this study explores how the themes of agoraphobia, xenophobia, and isolationism resonate with current tendencies in relation to Russia. These reflections offer insights into societal anxieties and political ideologies. Through an analysis of Glukhovsky's novel and an examination of contemporary Russian society, this thesis shows the many ways literature mirrors and critiques the human condition and societal dynamics within the framework of spatial divisions. It contributes to the ongoing discourse on the impact of literature on our understanding of complex socio-political issues, providing a new perspective on the relevance of Metro 2033 within the context of contemporary Russia.
- Published
- 2023
9. Putin følte, han afsluttede en krig - i Vesten oplevede vi det, som om han startede en
- Author
Vedby Rasmussen, Mikkel and Vedby Rasmussen, Mikkel
- Abstract
I virkeligheden var krigen i Ukraine en fortsættelse af den konflikt mellem Rusland og Ukraine, der startede den 22. februar 2014
- Published
- 2023
10. Tilbage til krigen:Danmark i den nye verdensorden
- Author
Vedby Rasmussen, Mikkel and Vedby Rasmussen, Mikkel
- Abstract
En bog om de mange spørgsmål som Ukrainekrigen rejser for Danmark. Bogen henvender sig til udenrigspolitisk interesserede, herunder især krigen imellem Rusland og Ukraine
- Published
- 2023
11. Krigsforbrydelse og straf
- Author
Bønke Pedersen, Morten, Sørensen, Rasmus Nørlem, Holtermann, Jakob v. H., Bønke Pedersen, Morten, Sørensen, Rasmus Nørlem, and Holtermann, Jakob v. H.
- Abstract
Kapitlet indeholder en overordnet analyse af de retlige og institutionelle muligheder for at retsforfølge de skyldige for overtrædelse af krigens love i Ukraine. Derudover indeholder kapitlet en kritisk diskussion af dele af den fremherskende teoretiske skepsis imod ICC med afsæt i konkrete udviklinger i krigen mellem Ukraine og Rusland, særligt vedr. den ukrainske regerings aktive inddragelse af juridiske incitamenter i sine henvendelser til de russiske officerer og soldater., This chapter contains a general analysis of the legal and institutional possibilities of holding perpetrators of war crimes accountable in Ukraine. Furthermore, the chapter contains a critical discussion of parts of the dominant theoretical skepticism regarding the ICC, taking as its point of departure specific developments in the war between Ukraine and Russia, and focusing in particular on the Ukrainian government's active use of legal incentives (threats of punishment and promises of amnesties) in its communications with the Russian soldiers and officers.
- Published
- 2023
12. NATO's Eastward Expansion The End of History or the Return of Great Power Politics in the 21st Century?
- Author
Goddard, Joseph Arthur, Schubart, Ditte Mathilde, Goddard, Joseph Arthur, and Schubart, Ditte Mathilde
- Abstract
Danish abstract: Dette speciale ønsker at undersøge udvidelsen af Nato efter afslutningen af den kolde krig, og hvilken effekt denne udvidelse har haft på forholdet mellem Rusland og USA. For at kunne undersøge dette gør opgaven brug af teorier fra feltet International Relations studies. I opgaven bruges to skoler inden for IR-teori, Realisme og Liberalisme, som begge har til formål at belyse, hvordan stormagter opfører sig i det internationale system. I opgaven har jeg taget en redegørende og komparativ tilgang og valgt at fokusere på de historiske og politiske begivenheder, som har påvirket dannelsen og udvidelsen af Nato mod slutningen af den kolde krig, og i tiden umiddelbart efter, samt hvilke konsekvenser dette har haft med henblik på Krim-krisen. I opgaven er jeg kommet frem til, at udvidelsen af Nato, efter den kolde krigs afslutning, har haft store konsekvenser for forholdet mellem de to stormagter, Rus- land og USA. Udvidelsen af forsvarsalliancen har truet Ruslands sikkerhedspolitiske mål, og som konsekvens deraf, har de annekteret den ukrainske halvø Krim, i 2014. Ydermere, så har Rusland invaderet Ukraine, med det formål at stoppe udvidelsen af Nato, samt vise overfor USA, at de stadig- væk er en stormagt. USA’s pres for at udvide Nato har været begrundet, da det sikrede deres egen sikkerhedspolitiske interesser, men det har også fornyet den intensive rivalisering mellem Vesten og Rusland, der eksisterede under den kolde krig.
- Published
- 2023
13. Fire nordiske Ruslands-relationer. På vej mod en fællesnordisk Ruslands-politik efter Krim og Trump?
- Author
Mouritzen, Hans
- Abstract
Copyright of Internasjonal Politikk is the property of Cappelen Damm Akademisk and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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14. Critical sports journalism - Danish media coverage of the Football World Cup in 2018 and 2022
- Author
Jeppesen, Christian Ulloriaq, Singh, Sunny, Myllerup, Mikkel Malm, and Ørsten, Mark
- Subjects
FIFA ,sport og politik ,Sportsjournalistik ,Qatar ,Rusland - Abstract
This paper examines the Danish media coverage of the FIFA World Cup in Russia 2018 and Qatar 2022 and investigates whether there has been a change in the way that sports media in Denmark focuses on the political aspects of sports mega events.The cases have been analyzed through a content analysis of 899 articles and semi-structured interviews with journalists, who have covered both tournaments.Sports journalism has a reputation as being the toy department of news, and it has been criticized in academic literature for not meeting the general standards of journalistic norms.Our analysis showed that the political aspects of sports received much more attention in the media during the World Cup in Qatar. Our analysis further shows that sports and politics are today more mixed than ever in sports journalism and that journalists covering sports are expected to cover the political aspects as well.Following interviews with the journalists, it seems that the public’s expectations of sports journalism increasingly play a role in the topics, that journalists choose to write about. It seems that there is a demand for sports journalism to focus more on the political aspects of sports. However further studies of the public’s preference for sports coverage are needed.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Elsborg, Stanis
- Abstract
Copyright of Kulturstudier is the property of Dansk Historisk Faellesraad and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
16. Poetin komt waarschijnlijk nooit voor het gerecht
- Author
Bouwknegt, Thijs B. and Bouwknegt, Thijs B.
- Abstract
Oorlogsmisdaden Hoewel de wereld roept om gerechtigheid voor de burgerslachtoffers in Oekraïne is de kans klein dat Poetin, of andere verantwoordelijken, terecht zullen staan, schrijft Thijs Bouwknegt.
- Published
- 2022
17. Poetin voor het gerecht? Weinig kans
- Author
Bouwknegt, Thijs B. and Bouwknegt, Thijs B.
- Abstract
Hoewel de wereld roept om gerechtigheid voor de burgerslachtoffers in Oekraïne is de kans klein dat Poetin, of andere verantwoordelijken, terecht zullen staan, schrijft Thijs Bouwknegt., Oorlogsmisdaden Hoewel de wereld roept om gerechtigheid voor de burgerslachtoffers in Oekraïne is de kans klein dat Poetin, of andere verantwoordelijken, terecht zullen staan, schrijft Thijs Bouwknegt.
- Published
- 2022
18. Beskyttelse af danske virksomheders investeringer i Rusland i lyset af krigen i Ukraine
- Author
Mouyal, Lone Wandahl and Mouyal, Lone Wandahl
- Abstract
Ruslands svar på sanktioner pålagt af USA og EU som følge af Ukraine-krigen indeholder bl.a. ny lovgivning og dekreter med restriktioner, kontrol og potentiel beslaglæggelse og ekspropriation af udenlandsk ejendom. Artiklen analyserer de økonomiske relationer mellem Danmark og Rusland på området for investeringsbeskyttelse med særlig fokus på den bilateral investeringsbeskyttelsesaftale, som blev indgået mellem Danmark og Rusland i 1993.
- Published
- 2022
19. Civil Society Actors in International Stigmatisation: A study of how civil mobilisation impacts the political effects of sanctions
- Author
Larsen, Henrik, la Cour, Celine Emma, Larsen, Henrik, and la Cour, Celine Emma
- Abstract
Why are some sanctions-regimes more successful in procuring political objectives than others? Despite rich literature on the topic, the scholarship on sanctions is yet to provide a definitive answer. In particular, it remains unclear how civil society actors in the target-country impact political effects of sanctions. I draw on stigma-management theory and theory of communicative rationality to argue that civil society mobilisation and collective action play a very central role in determining political behaviour of sanctioned governments. To substantiate the argument, this thesis employs a qualitatively driven mixed methods research design. First, I illustrate with logistic regression models that civil mobilisation is indeed associated with the probability of sanctions yielding desired political results. In so doing, I separate civil mobilisation into pro-democracy mobilisation against incumbent governments and pro-autocracy mobilisation in support of incumbent governments. Then, I zoom in on the sanctions imposed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, in a qualitative analysis. This case shows how sanctions ignited pro-autocracy instead of pro-democracy mobilisation in Russian civil society which encouraged the Russian government to pursue counter stigmatisation reenforcing sanctioned policies. Insights from both the quantitative and qualitative part of the study are then used to discuss sanctions as a tool for conflict resolution arguing that sanctions-regimes that discriminate against entire populations should be avoided and that sanctions ought to be accompanied by communicative efforts to support and mobilise civil society of the targeted country. If this analysis holds, it implies that interaction with the civil society in the targeted country should play a far more important role when imposing sanctions than formerly assumed., Why are some sanctions-regimes more successful in procuring political objectives than others? Despite rich literature on the topic, the scholarship on sanctions is yet to provide a definitive answer. In particular, it remains unclear how civil society actors in the target-country impact political effects of sanctions. I draw on stigma-management theory and theory of communicative rationality to argue that civil society mobilisation and collective action play a very central role in determining political behaviour of sanctioned governments. To substantiate the argument, this thesis employs a qualitatively driven mixed methods research design. First, I illustrate with logistic regression models that civil mobilisation is indeed associated with the probability of sanctions yielding desired political results. In so doing, I separate civil mobilisation into pro-democracy mobilisation against incumbent governments and pro-autocracy mobilisation in support of incumbent governments. Then, I zoom in on the sanctions imposed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, in a qualitative analysis. This case shows how sanctions ignited pro-autocracy instead of pro-democracy mobilisation in Russian civil society which encouraged the Russian government to pursue counter stigmatisation reenforcing sanctioned policies. Insights from both the quantitative and qualitative part of the study are then used to discuss sanctions as a tool for conflict resolution arguing that sanctions-regimes that discriminate against entire populations should be avoided and that sanctions ought to be accompanied by communicative efforts to support and mobilise civil society of the targeted country. If this analysis holds, it implies that interaction with the civil society in the targeted country should play a far more important role when imposing sanctions than formerly assumed.
- Published
- 2022
20. Europæisk politik har ikke været så formbar siden EU’s grundlæggelse:Vil undtagelsespolitikken også brede sig til klimahandling?
- Author
Dreyer, Jakob, Nissen, Christine, Dreyer, Jakob, and Nissen, Christine
- Published
- 2022
21. Her er hvad Danmark og Vesten bør lære af Ruslands invasion i Ukraine
- Author
Wivel, Anders and Wivel, Anders
- Abstract
Artiklen diskuterer, hvad Danmark og Vesten kan lære af Ruslands invasion i Ukraine i 2022.
- Published
- 2022
22. Hvordan skete sabotageangrebet på Nord Stream-rørledningerne, og hvorfor var Europa forsvarsløs?
- Author
Bueger, Christian and Bueger, Christian
- Abstract
Angrebet på Nord Stream-gasrørledningerne i Østersøen rejser spørgsmål om sårbarheden af de europæiske rørledninger, el- og internetkabler og anden maritim infrastruktur
- Published
- 2022
23. Religie in de internationale betrekkingen: lessen voor het conflict tussen Rusland en Oekraïne
- Subjects
Religie ,Internationale betrekkingen ,Oekraïne ,Politiek ,Rusland - Abstract
In al de jaren dat hij aan zijn proefschrift werkte, had Simon Polinder nooit moeite om op feestjes uit te leggen waarom hij onderzoek deed naar de rol van religie in de internationale politiek. Dat kwam, helaas, omdat iedereen na de hartverscheurende aanslagen op de Twin Towers in de Verenigde Staten wel in de gaten had dat religie een rol speelde in de internationale politiek. Sinds kort komt daar bij dat de inval van Rusland in Oekraïne de rol van de Russisch-Orthodoxe Kerk in Rusland zichtbaar heeft gemaakt. In dit artikel schetst hij zijn bevindingen en wat we daarvan kunnen leren voor het conflict tussen Rusland en Oekraïne.
- Published
- 2022
24. Religie in de internationale betrekkingen: lessen voor het conflict tussen Rusland en Oekraïne
- Author
Polinder, Simon
- Subjects
Religie ,Internationale betrekkingen ,Oekraïne ,Politiek ,Rusland - Abstract
In al de jaren dat hij aan zijn proefschrift werkte, had Simon Polinder nooit moeite om op feestjes uit te leggen waarom hij onderzoek deed naar de rol van religie in de internationale politiek. Dat kwam, helaas, omdat iedereen na de hartverscheurende aanslagen op de Twin Towers in de Verenigde Staten wel in de gaten had dat religie een rol speelde in de internationale politiek. Sinds kort komt daar bij dat de inval van Rusland in Oekraïne de rol van de Russisch-Orthodoxe Kerk in Rusland zichtbaar heeft gemaakt. In dit artikel schetst hij zijn bevindingen en wat we daarvan kunnen leren voor het conflict tussen Rusland en Oekraïne.
- Published
- 2022
25. Poetin komt waarschijnlijk nooit voor het gerecht
- Subjects
oorlogsmisdaden ,opinie ,Oekraïne ,Rusland - Abstract
Oorlogsmisdaden Hoewel de wereld roept om gerechtigheid voor de burgerslachtoffers in Oekraïne is de kans klein dat Poetin, of andere verantwoordelijken, terecht zullen staan, schrijft Thijs Bouwknegt.
- Published
- 2022
26. Grondrechten voor de vijand
- Author
Hins, A.W.
- Subjects
Europese Unie ,Uitzendverbod ,Russia Today ,Mediavrijheid ,Sputnik ,Propaganda ,Oekraïne ,Rusland - Abstract
Opiniërend artikel met commentaar op het besluit van de Europese Unie d.d. 1 maart 2022 om de verspreiding van twee Russische propagandazenders te verbieden.
- Published
- 2022
27. Die Berlynse Lugbrug
- Author
A.M. Steinmann
- Subjects
Berlyn ,Geallieerde magte ,Hitler se selfmoord ,oorlog in Europa ,Duitse Weermag ,Doenitz ,Duitsland ,Brittanje ,die VSA ,Frankryk ,Rusland ,Military Science - Abstract
Met die besetting van Berlyn deur die Geallieerde magte en Hitler se selfmoord op 30 April 1945, was die oorlog in Europa feitlik iets van die verlede. Hitler se opvolger, admiraal Doenitz, is in hegtenis geneem en sy regering is ontbind. Amptelike voorwaardes vir die oorgawe van Duitsland is kort hierna deur verteenwoordigers van die Duitse Weermag in Berlyn onderteken. Ingevolge die voorwaardes is Duitsland in vier besettingsgebiede verdeel wat elkeen deur een van die vier moondhede nl Brittanje, die VSA, Frankryk en Rusland beheer is. Berlyn was binne die Russe se besettingsgebied geleë en is tot 'n vyfde gebied verklaar. Op sy beurt is die gebied weer in vier dele verdeel, elk onder beheer van bogenoemde vier moondhede.
- Published
- 2012
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28. Pirrhiese Oorwinning: Die Oorlog in Kosovo
- Author
Ingrid Scholtz and Leopold Scholtz
- Subjects
Die Oorlog in Kosovo ,Operasie Allied Force ,Yugoslavia ,menseregte ,die na-Koue- Oorlogse era ,Rusland ,China ,Military Science - Abstract
Net soos elke historiese gebeurtenis is elke oorlog uniek. Tog vertoon die oorlog in Kosovo soveel eienskappe wat totaal afwyk van feitlik elke vorige oorlog in die geskiedenis dat dit die moeite kan loon om dit van nader te bekyk. So was daar min oorloe - dalk geen enkele - wat in soveel omstredenheid ontvang en gebore is en so 'n enorme openbare debat (en veral kritiek) uitgelok het. Die uitlating van die Britse krygshistorikus Alistair Home is tipies van die fiole van toom wat wereldwyd oor die hoofde van die beplanners en uitvoerders van Operasie Allied Force uitgestort is: "Like many people of my generation who know Yugoslavia, the past two months have made me utterly miserable. As a military historian having written about many wars, and served in one, I cannot recall any campaign that I have disliked so much.") Dit was die eerste oorlog in die ganse geskiedenis wat (in elk geval aan Navo se kant) nie soseer om redes van harde strategiese eiebelang gevoer is nie, maar om 'n "sagle" rede soos menseregte. En dit het aanleiding gegee tot 'n nuwe intemasionale politieke leer op grond waarvan sekere groot moondhede hulle nou die reg toe-eien om in die binnelandse aangeleenthede van soewereine state in te gryp wanneer menseregte verkrag word. Op operasionele vlak was dit die eerste oorlog in die geskiedenis waar die finale uitklophou nie deur 'n grondoffensief gegee moes word nie, waar die wenners feitlik uitsluitend op lugaanvalle staatgemaak het, en waar die wenners geen enkele ongeval in gevegte gely het nie. Dis ook duidelik dat die oorlog 'n fundamentele keerpunt in die na-Koue-Oorlogse geskiedenis beteken. Trouens, 'n mens kan redeneer dat dit die einde van die na-Koue- Oorlogse era was en die begin van 'n nuwe, nog ondefinieerbare historiese fase ingelui het. Die feit, so sal ons verder sien, was een van die belangrikste redes.waarom die oorlog die katalisator geword het om Rusland en China drasties van die Weste te vervreem.
- Published
- 2012
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29. Den svensk‐danske maritime forbrødring fra 1918
- Author
Clemmesen, Michael Hesselholt and Clemmesen, Michael Hesselholt
- Abstract
Forfatteren beskriver den nu glemte tætte forbrødring mellem de svenske og danske mariner, der indledtes fra 1912. I løbet af 1918 udviklede forholdet sig til et de facto‐alliancesamarbejde mellem de to neutralitetsforsvarsstyrker under presset fra de krigsførendes inddragelse af Kattegat i deres operationer. De fremmede gesandtskaber erkendte udviklingen, og den britiske militærattaché i København og den britiske gesandt i Stockholm opregnede i analyser hjem de fordele, som de nordiske lande – og Storbritannien – kunne opnå ved et tættere formelt samarbejde mellem landene. Mod slutningen tog de to skandinavistisksindede ledende embedsmænd i marineministerierne, Hjalmar Rechnitzer i Danmark og Otto Lybeck i Sverige, initiativ til at udbygge det praktiske samarbejde med netværksskabende informations‐ og kammeratskabsaktiviteter, og allerede før Lybeck i 1927 blev værnschef, havde danske søofficerer adgang til den svenske flådes mest fortrolige tekniske felt, nemlig skydemetoder for det svære skibsartilleri på de nye panserskibe af Sverige‐klassen.
- Published
- 2020
30. At føre krig i Rusland: Tyske opfattelser fra Napoleonskrigene og Clausewitz til Moltke den yngre
- Author
Rasmussen, Peter Hertel and Rasmussen, Peter Hertel
- Abstract
Forfatteren følger udviklingen i den preussisk‐tyske holdning til en krig med og i Rusland igennem århundredet før udbruddet af 1. Verdenskrig. I den første halvdel af perioden var opfattelsen præget af erindringen om, hvordan Napoleons felttog i1812‐13 var forløbet og af det forhold, at Preussen ikke havde noget modsætningsforhold til stormagten i øst. Men da forholdet i de to sidste årtier op mod århundredeskiftet forværredes, måtte man nå til en afklaring af, hvordan man måtte føre en krig mod Rusland, hvis den brød ud. Den dominerende opfattelse var, at i det tilfælde skulle krigen på østfronten enten føres defensivt, eller også skulle krigen udkæmpes med begrænset mål med operationerne koncentreret i Ruslands vestligste dele, dvs. først og fremmest i den russiske del af Polen. Der var dog også tyske officerer, der havde den opfattelse, at ny teknologi, herunder først og fremmest jernbanerne, gjorde, at erfaringerne fra Napoleons invasionsforsøg ikke længere var gældende, og at det nu var muligt at opnå afgørende militære fordele ved operationer i selve Rusland. Fra august 1914 blev krigen en realitet, og også tyskerne fik erfaringer med, at sejre i det vestlige Rusland ikke bragte afgørelsen.
- Published
- 2020
31. Når Hydra angriber - Hybrid afskrækkelse i gråzonen mellem krig og fred
- Author
Jakobsson, Andre Ken
- Subjects
Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet ,Desinformation ,Gråzonekonflikt ,Rusland ,Hybride trusler ,Cyberangreb ,USA ,Kina - Published
- 2019
32. “Donald Trump Is My President!”:The Internet Research Agency Propaganda Machine
- Author
Bastos, Marco, Farkas, Johan, Bastos, Marco, and Farkas, Johan
- Abstract
This article presents a typological study of the Twitter accounts operated by the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a company specialized in online influence operations based in St. Petersburg, Russia. Drawing on concepts from 20th-century propaganda theory, we modeled the IRA operations along propaganda classes and campaign targets. The study relies on two historical databases and data from the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to retrieve 826 user profiles and 6,377 tweets posted by the agency between 2012 and 2017. We manually coded the source as identifiable, obfuscated, or impersonated and classified the campaign target of IRA operations using an inductive typology based on profile descriptions, images, location, language, and tweeted content. The qualitative variables were analyzed as relative frequencies to test the extent to which the IRA’s black, gray, and white propaganda are deployed with clearly defined targets for short-, medium-, and long-term propaganda strategies. The results show that source classification from propaganda theory remains a valid framework to understand IRA’s propaganda machine and that the agency operates a composite of different user accounts tailored to perform specific tasks, including openly pro-Russian profiles, local American and German news sources, pro-Trump conservatives, and Black Lives Matter activists., This article presents a typological study of the Twitter accounts operated by the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a company specialized in online influence operations based in St. Petersburg, Russia. Drawing on concepts from 20th-century propaganda theory, we modeled the IRA operations along propaganda classes and campaign targets. The study relies on two historical databases and data from the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to retrieve 826 user profiles and 6,377 tweets posted by the agency between 2012 and 2017. We manually coded the source as identifiable, obfuscated, or impersonated and classified the campaign target of IRA operations using an inductive typology based on profile descriptions, images, location, language, and tweeted content. The qualitative variables were analyzed as relative frequencies to test the extent to which the IRA’s black, gray, and white propaganda are deployed with clearly defined targets for short-, medium-, and long-term propaganda strategies. The results show that source classification from propaganda theory remains a valid framework to understand IRA’s propaganda machine and that the agency operates a composite of different user accounts tailored to perform specific tasks, including openly pro-Russian profiles, local American and German news sources, pro-Trump conservatives, and Black Lives Matter activists.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Hald, Frederik and Kluth, Michael Friederich
- Subjects
Geopolitik ,Danmark ,Grønland ,Neoklassisk realisme ,Rusland ,USA ,Kina - Abstract
Denne afhandling går ud på at svare på dette spørgsmål: ”Hvordan har Danmark og Grønland internt reageret på et skift i de geopolitiske interesser fra stormagter som Kina og USA og til en vis grad Rusland i den arktiske region baseret på neoklassisk realisme og Lobells (2009) Kompleks Trussel Identifikations Model?”. For at gøre det, er der valgt fire sager baseret på deres indflydelse på det dansk/grønlandske forhold. Disse fire sager er blevet analyseret med Lobells (2009) komplekse Trussel Identifikations Model for at se, om den danske udenrigspolitiske beslutningsinstans (FPE) og den grønlandske FPE deler lignende trusselvurderinger af primært Kina men også USA og Rusland. Den underliggende antagelse her er, at hvis Danmark og Grønland deler lignende trusselvurderinger, vil båndene blive styrket imellem dem. Men hvis deres trusselvurderinger afviger, løsnes båndene mellem Danmark og Grønland, og de ender yderligere distanceret fra hinanden. Denne afhandling fandt, at den generelle tendens i disse fire tilfælde var, at den grønlandske FPE's trusselvurderinger og den danske FPE's trusselsvurderinger divergerede. Det var kun i tilfælde af kinesisk interesse for udvinding af sjældne jordelementer, at den danske og den grønlandske FPE foretog lignende vurderinger. Bortset fra Kvanefjeld på grund af mineralernes art og projektets størrelse i lys af storskala-loven. Her divergerede de også. Desuden stiller denne afhandling spørgsmålet om, at hvis vi oplever en tilbagevenden til stormagtsrivaliseringen, burde realismen ikke også genvende sin plads i teorier om internationale relationer?, This dissertation sets out to answer “How have Denmark and Greenland responded internally to a shift in the geopolitical interests of great powers such as China and the US, and to some extent Russia, in the Arctic region, based on neoclassical realism and Lobell’s (2009) Complex Threat Identification Model?”To do so, four cases have been chosen based on their influence on the Danish/Greenlandic relationship. These four cases have been analyzed with Lobell’s (2009) Complex Threat Identification Model to see if the Danish Foreign Policy Executive (FPE) and the Greenlandic FPE share similar threat assessments of primarily China but also the US and Russia. The underlying assumption here is that, if Denmark and Greenland share similar threat assessments, the ties will be strengthened. However, if their threat assessments diverge the ties between Denmark and Greenland are loosened and they will end further apart. This dissertation found that the general trend in these four cases was that the Greenlandic FPE’s threat assessments and the Danish FPE’s threat assessments diverged. It was only in the case of Chinese interest in mining rare earth elements, the Danish and the Greenlandic FPE made similar assessments. Except from Kvanefjeld, due to the nature of the minerals and the size of the project in light of the large-scale law. Here they diverged too. Furthermore, this dissertation poses the question that if we experience a return to great power rivalry, then should realism also reclaim its place in theories of international relations accordingly?
- Published
- 2019
34. From Russia with...Love? - A study on the coverage of 2018 FIFA World Cup in Danish media
- Author
Hansen, Nicklas Dam, Rygaard, Alexander Leicht, and Jørndrup, Hanne
- Subjects
sportsjournalistik ,VM ,journalistik ,udenrigsjournalistik ,Rusland ,mediebegivenheder - Published
- 2019
35. Hvad er forestillingen om det nordlige? Etiske principper
- Author
Chartier, Daniel and Chartier, Daniel
- Abstract
Verdens nord er et opdigtet sted. Op igennem århundrederne har kunstnere og forfattere i den vestlige verden gjort sig forestillinger om og fremstillinger af de nordlige egne. Med tiden og den gradvise ophobning af diskursive lag har det ført til skabelsen af en forestilling om de nordlige egne - det være sig de nordiske lande inklusive Skandinavien eller Grønland, Rusland, Canadas tre nordlige territorier eller polerne. Imidlertid nåede vesterlændingene jo først til Nordpolen i starten af forrige århundrede, og dette forhold har gjort det nordlige til produktet af et dobbeltblik: et blik ude fra de mestendels vestlige forestillinger og fremstillinger og et andet inde fra de nordlige kulturer selv - heriblandt inuitterne, de nordamerikanske indianere og skandinaverne. De vestlige fremstillinger af det nordlige er ofte forsimplede og de lokale kulturers egne opfattelser gerne miskendte. For at kunne studere det nordlige ud fra en samlet betragtning bør vi derfor stille to spørgsmål: Hvordan kan det nordlige defineres gennem forestillinger? Hvilke etiske principper bør ligge til grund for vores syn på de nordlige kulturer med henblik på en samlet forståelse, der inkluderer de kulturer, som sydlige magter og egne har miskendt? Disse to spørgsmål vil jeg besvare i denne tekst. Først vil jeg definere forestillingen om det nordlige og dernæst foreslå en omfattende plan for, hvordan vi kan få øjnene op for polaregnenes kulturer i al deres faktiske kompleksitet. Flersproget udgave på dansk, men også på norsk, svensk, russisk, fransk, engelsk og nordsamisk.
- Published
- 2018
36. IRA Propaganda on Twitter:Stoking Antagonism and Tweeting Local News
- Author
Farkas, Johan, Bastos, Marco, Farkas, Johan, and Bastos, Marco
- Abstract
This paper presents preliminary findings of a content analysis of tweets posted by false accounts operated by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) in St Petersburg. We relied on a historical database of tweets to retrieve 4,539 tweets posted by IRA-linked accounts between 2012 and 2017 and coded 2,501 tweets manually. The messages cover newsworthy events in the United States, the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack in 2015, and the Brexit referendum in 2016. Tweets were annotated using 19 control variables to investigate whether IRA operations on social media are consistent with classic propaganda models. The results show that the IRA operates a composite of user accounts tailored to perform specific tasks, with the lion's share of their work focusing on US daily news activity and the diffusion of polarized news across different national contexts.
- Published
- 2018
37. Den svære Rusland-politik
- Author
Villaume, Poul, Riishøj, Søren, Villaume, Poul, and Riishøj, Søren
- Published
- 2018
38. Svensk mobilisering - nordisk afspænding
- Author
Villaume, Poul, Riishøj, Søren, Boye Nielsen, Jørn, Villaume, Poul, Riishøj, Søren, and Boye Nielsen, Jørn
- Published
- 2018
39. Bokomtale: Gel'man (ed.) (2017) Authoritarian Modernization in Russia:Ideas Institutions, and Policies
- Author
Skak, Mette
- Subjects
økonomi ,politik ,Rusland - Published
- 2018
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40. Danish-Greenlandic foreign policy in a changed Arctic region
- Author
Møller, Lasse Uldall and Lynggaard, Kennet
- Subjects
Arktis ,Udenrigspolitik ,Grønland ,Rusland ,USA ,Kina - Abstract
This thesis will focus on how the international development in Arctic affects the relationship between Denmark and Greenland. Foreign policy is mainly a Danish competence, but Greenland has over time negotiated a number of agreements and practices, that gives Greenland a limited foreign policy. This boundary between the limited Greenlandic foreign policy and the Danish foreign policy is affected by the increasingly international interest in Arctic. Which leads to the main question of the thesis:How can the development of the relationship between Greenland and Denmark, whilst the Arctic institutionalized progress, together with the three great powers China, Russia and the US increasingly interest in Arctic be explained starting from the theories of neorealism, neoliberalist institutionalism and neoclassic realism, in the time period from 2007 till 2018?In this thesis, the main question will be analyzed by using three theories from international politics - neorealism, neoliberalist institutionalism and neoclassic realism. It is examined how the Arctic policy is affected by the three big superpowers, China, Russia and the US as well as the Arctic institutionalized progress. This to clarify which opportunities and barriers the international development in Arctic can have for the collaboration between Greenland and Denmark.In the thesis, it is found that the international development in Arctic proceeds peacefully, because all three superpowers have an economical interest in the development of the arctic institutions. It is however, also found that Chinas economical interest in investing in the mining sector conflicts with the US security policy interest, which is felt in Greenland. This because the US defends their security instruments, like radar- and missile warning systems. Seeing that the US have Thulebasen on Greenland, they fear that Chinese investments can affect the political system in Greenland, and by that counteract the American presence in Greenland.It is also found that this conflict affects Denmark and Greenland. Greenland want the Chinese investments, seeing they can use them to develop their economy and make it more self-supporting, seeing Greenland is now relying a lot on Danish grants.Denmark, however also fears what Chinese investments could mean to their power and influence in Greenland, and is therefore leaning towards the US, which means Denmark is stopping their grants and investments.3The Danish choice to stop their investments, showed just how extensive the Greenlandic foreign policy is, as foreign policy in Greenland can have security policy implications for Denmark as well as the US.In the thesis, it is found that the Greenlandic boundary for its foreign policy has moved several times. This is seen by the unity of the Realm, that ties together Denmark and Greenland, is disintegrated towards Greenlandic advantage. This means that Greenland can conduct foreign policy within acquired competencies and even affect Danish foreign policy to their advantage. The thesis explains that the driving force behind this, is found at the political decision makers. Their focus is to conduct the foreign policy of
- Published
- 2018
41. 1700 tinsoldater og en amerikansk gossip-greve
- Author
Seerup, Jakob
- Subjects
Militærhistorie ,Tinsoldater ,Rusland ,Tøjhusmuseet - Published
- 2016
42. What are the effects of the sanctions between Russia and the European Union for the industry and agriculture in the region of Twente?
- Author
Jacques Bazen, Sander Reuterink, André Schapink, and Arjen Schoenmaker
- Subjects
economic policy ,business.industry ,sanctions ,International trade ,Twente ,Rusland ,Russia ,Economy ,Agriculture ,Political science ,regionale ontwikkeling ,European integration ,Sanctions ,media_common.cataloged_instance ,ondernemen ,European union ,innovatie ,sancties ,economie ,business ,media_common - Abstract
http://dx.doi.org/10.14261/postit/0C6A2C6A-5687-474F-99F06AAA881D88D4Conference paper of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (RIEC) at Saxion University of Applied Sciences (2015/2016)Abstract: Since 2014 the EU and Russia have put in place a set of sanctions which limit trade between each other. In this study, the authors have found no serious effects of the sanctions on the regional economy of the region Twente. Some individual businesses became bankrupt, but most interviewed businesses reported that they were able to shift their sales to other markets. 
- Published
- 2016
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43. What are the effects of the sanctions between Russia and the European Union for the industry and agriculture in the region of Twente?
- Subjects
economic policy ,regionale ontwikkeling ,sanctions ,ondernemen ,innovatie ,Twente ,sancties ,economie ,Rusland ,Russia - Abstract
http://dx.doi.org/10.14261/postit/0C6A2C6A-5687-474F-99F06AAA881D88D4Conference paper of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (RIEC) at Saxion University of Applied Sciences (2015/2016)Abstract: Since 2014 the EU and Russia have put in place a set of sanctions which limit trade between each other. In this study, the authors have found no serious effects of the sanctions on the regional economy of the region Twente. Some individual businesses became bankrupt, but most interviewed businesses reported that they were able to shift their sales to other markets. 
- Published
- 2016
44. Young generation of Russians
- Subjects
innvoatie ,research ,young generation ,projective method ,ondernemen ,perception ,modern business ,Rusland ,Russia - Abstract
http://dx.doi.org/10.14261/postit/738706F3-E88F-4A5A-94415B281D8B9B1DIn 2015 and 2016, Saxion University of Applied Sciences organized the 2nd and 3rd edition of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (RIEC).The authors put forward a hypothesis about absence of fear among modern generation’s young people that is connected with impossibility of business in Russia. On the base of the hypothesis authors have conducted a research by projective method within 156 respondents, studying at high school, on the base of which has been conclusion about a necessity of large-scale research in this field received.
- Published
- 2016
45. Corporate social responsibility in regional and international entrepreneurship
- Author
A. Fakhrutdinov
- Subjects
Entrepreneurship ,corporate social responsibility ,business.industry ,Corporate governance ,ondernemerschap ,Stakeholder ,Accounting ,Rusland ,Russian businesses ,regionale ontwikkeling ,Corporate social responsibility ,Economic system ,business ,regional differences - Abstract
http://dx.doi.org/10.14261/postit/EF4989E2-2F5F-4E6B-B91D7CFEBE91755DIn 2015 and 2016, Saxion University of Applied Sciences organized the 2nd and 3rd edition of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (RIEC).This paper is debating the regional implications of Corporate Social Responsibility in three important global economic regions. After an introduction of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, some characteristic of each region is presented. Also some good examples are given. In the conclusion it is emphasized that the application of Corporate Social Responsibility can advance both, the international position of Russian Businesses and the attractiveness for high talented experts. 
- Published
- 2016
46. Corporate social responsibility in regional and international entrepreneurship
- Subjects
corporate social responsibility ,ondernemerschap ,regionale ontwikkeling ,Rusland ,Russian businesses ,regional differences - Abstract
http://dx.doi.org/10.14261/postit/EF4989E2-2F5F-4E6B-B91D7CFEBE91755DIn 2015 and 2016, Saxion University of Applied Sciences organized the 2nd and 3rd edition of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (RIEC).This paper is debating the regional implications of Corporate Social Responsibility in three important global economic regions. After an introduction of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, some characteristic of each region is presented. Also some good examples are given. In the conclusion it is emphasized that the application of Corporate Social Responsibility can advance both, the international position of Russian Businesses and the attractiveness for high talented experts. 
- Published
- 2016
47. Young generation of Russians: perception of entrepreneurship
- Author
A.V. Shakhrayo and O.P. Gavrilina
- Subjects
Entrepreneurship ,research ,media_common.quotation_subject ,perception ,Rusland ,Russia ,innvoatie ,young generation ,Perception ,Political science ,projective method ,ondernemen ,Social science ,modern business ,media_common - Abstract
http://dx.doi.org/10.14261/postit/738706F3-E88F-4A5A-94415B281D8B9B1DIn 2015 and 2016, Saxion University of Applied Sciences organized the 2nd and 3rd edition of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (RIEC).The authors put forward a hypothesis about absence of fear among modern generation’s young people that is connected with impossibility of business in Russia. On the base of the hypothesis authors have conducted a research by projective method within 156 respondents, studying at high school, on the base of which has been conclusion about a necessity of large-scale research in this field received.
- Published
- 2016
48. Sådan skaber vi afspænding i Østersøregionen
- Author
Villaume, Poul, Riishøj, Søren, Stubbe Østergaard, Clemens, Boye Nielsen, Jørn, Villaume, Poul, Riishøj, Søren, Stubbe Østergaard, Clemens, and Boye Nielsen, Jørn
- Published
- 2017
49. Vesten tager fejl af Rusland
- Author
Villaume, Poul and Villaume, Poul
- Abstract
Både centrum-venstres Ruslands-forskrækkede og de højrenationales Ruslands-sympatisører i Vesten baserer sig på ensidige og historiefattige forestillinger.
- Published
- 2017
50. Publicaties
- Author
E.O. Colijn, M. Soesbergen, E.O. Colijn, and M. Soesbergen
- Published
- 2017
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