70 results on '"steklo"'
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- Author
Yuhua Zhou, Chong Li, Qijun Zhou, Shanwen Zhang, and Fei Xie
- Subjects
LASER welding ,MICROSTRUCTURE ,POROSITY ,X-ray diffractometers ,HARDNESS testing - Abstract
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- Published
- 2022
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3. Analize stekla s poznoantične višinske postojanke Korinjski hrib nad Velikim Korinjem
- Author
Tina Milavec and Žiga Šmit
- Subjects
slovenija ,korinjski hrib ,pozna antika ,steklo ,arheometrične analize ,Ancient history ,D51-90 - Abstract
Analizirali smo vzorce steklenih posod in okenskega stekla s poznoantične utrdbe Korinjski hrib pri Velikem Korinju. Steklene najdbe s tega najdišča, datiranega v 6. st., kažejo značilen, vendar omejen spekter posod, predvsem kozarce brez noge, kozarce na nogi in okensko steklo. Rezultati arheometričnih analiz so pokazali nepričakovane sredozemske sestave steklenih mas, ki nakazujejo, da je bilo najdišče lahko vpeto v bizantinsko trgovsko mrežo ali sistem vojaške oskrbe.
- Published
- 2020
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4. Analyses of glass from late antique hilltop site Korinjski hrib above Veliki Korinj (Slovenia).
- Author
MILAVEC, Tina and ŠMIT, Žiga
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Hušt'avova, Jana, Černy, Vit, and Drochytka, Rostislav
- Subjects
SAND ,SILICA ,RAW materials ,MICROSTRUCTURE ,CALCIUM silicates - Abstract
Copyright of Materials & Technologies / Materiali in Tehnologije is the property of Institute of Metals & Technology and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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6. Bariere
- Author
Berčan, Petra and Pak, Tanja
- Subjects
Železo ,BA thesis ,Iron ,Sculpture ,Intimacy ,Skulptura ,Bariere ,Diplomska naloga ,Steklo ,Unikatno oblikovanje ,Intima ,Glass ,Applied arts ,Barriers - Abstract
K temi 'Intima' pristopam z vidika ovir oziroma barier, ki si jih postavljamo ali so nam postavljene, ki našo intimno podobo zastirajo in oblikujejo. V prvem, teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela te ovirajoče dejavnike razčlenim na zunanje in psihične, ki predstavljajo tako imenovane 'Bariere' ter razmišljam, kako se med seboj prepletajo oziroma povezujejo. Obravnavam tudi nekatere referenčne umetnike, katerih dela so mi pomagala pri razvijanju ideje ter se nato posvetila procesu odkrivanja otipljive podobe skulpture. V praktičnem delu skozi hitre skice načnem večplastnost čustev, razmišljam o artikulaciji občutkov ujetosti in zatrtosti v materialu ter o različnih variacijah forme. Naslonim se na zakonike človeškega kanona in zlatega reza, vendar se skladno s problematiko tudi prepuščam spontanosti. Želim, da skulptura v telesu opazovalca izzove podoben čustveni odziv kot pri procesu samoodkrivanja, s katerim se bolj ali manj zavedno srečujemo vsak dan. Pri načrtovanju fizičnega izdelka se soočam z izzivi, ki jih prinese nujno uravnovešanje teoretičnega in estetskega vidika izdelovanja skulpture, predvsem pa prevajanje občutka v snovni svet. The diploma thesis approaches the topic of 'intimacy' from the point of view of the obstacles or barriers that we set or that are set for us, obscuring and shaping our intimate image. In the first, theoretical part, these inhibiting factors are divided into external and mental, which represent the so-called barriers, contemplating on how they intertwine or connect with each other. Some of the artists whose works have helped to develop the idea are discussed, after which the thesis focuses on the process of discovering a tangible sculptural image. In the practical part, through the painting, I dedicate myself to exploring the multifaceted nature of our emotions, thinking about the articulation of the feeling of being trapped and repressed in the material, and about different variations of form. I rely on the codes of the human canon and the golden ratio, but in accordance with the problem, I also indulge in spontaneity. I want the sculpture to evoke a similar emotional response in the body of the observer as in the process of self-discovery that we more or less consciously encounter every day. When designing a physical product, I face the challenges posed by the inevitable balancing of the theoretical and aesthetic aspects of sculpting and, above all, by the translation of feeling into the material world.
- Published
- 2022
7. Simbioza
- Author
Gregl, Maja and Barši, Jože
- Subjects
statics ,BA thesis ,communication ,negativni prostor v skulpturi ,space ,forma ,prostor ,symbiosis ,form ,komunikacija ,kiparstvo ,negative space sculpture,process ,les ,steklo ,diplomska naloga ,statika ,simbioza ,proces ,sculpture ,wood ,glass - Abstract
V diplomskem delu se ukvarjam predvsem s procesom, torej fizičnim delom, ki vodi do željene forme s principom odvzemanja, ki temelji na blokovnem formatu. Izhajam iz materialne kombinacije lesa in dodajanja steklenih elementov, s čimer vzpostavim medsebojno komunikacijo in simbiotsko povezanost različnih materialnosti. Ukvarjam se z vprašanjem, kako dva popolnoma nasprotujoča si materiala povežem v celoto (les in steklo), hkrati me zanimajo simbolika, miti in legende izbranega lesa. Pri nekaterih skulpturah se ukvarjam s problematiko statike, prezentacije samega dela, torej s problematiko skulpture v odnosu do prostora. Raziskujem kiparstvo v 20. stoletju, kjer so se umetniki ukvarjali z negativnim prostorom v skulpturi, prav tako je v tistem času prišlo do velike spremembe definicije kiparstva oziroma širšega polja umetnosti. In my thesis I am mainly concerned with the process, the physical work that leads to the desired form, the principle of subtraction based on the block format. My work proceeds from the material combination of wood and the addition of glass elements, thus establishing the intercommunication and symbiotic interconnection of different materialities. I am dealing with the question of how to integrate two completely contradictory materials into a whole (wood and glass), while at the same time I am interested in the symbolism, myths and legends of the chosen wood. In some of my sculptures I am dealing with the problem of statics, the presentation of the work itself, i.e. the problem of the sculpture in relation to space. I am researching sculpture in the 20th century, where artists were dealing with negative space in sculpture, and there was also a big change in the definition of sculpture, or the broader field of art, at that time.
- Published
- 2022
8. Inovativni hibridni kompoziti iz ostankov proizvodnje oken
- Author
Kopač, Luka and Medved, Sergej
- Subjects
okno ,hibridni kompozit ,tlačna trdnost ,toplotna prevodnost ,recikliran material ,compressive strength ,poliuretan ,hybrid composite ,udc:630*833.152 ,les ,polyurethane ,steklo ,recycled material ,thermal conductivity ,window ,wood ,glass - Abstract
Vedno bolj pomembno je recikliranje in krožno gospodarstvo ter s tem zmanjšanje pritiska na naravne vire, ustvarjanje trajnostne rasti in zaustavitev izgube biotske raznolikosti. S tem ciljem v mislih, je Evropska Unija sprejela akcijski načrt, katerega del je tudi projekt START CIRCLES. V povezavi s podjetjem M Sora, smo v okviru tega projekta izdelali inovativni hibridni material z imenom »Comet«, ki naj bi se uporabljal v pod okenski odprtini za preprečevanje toplotnega mostu. Za izdelavo smo uporabili odpadne materiale iz proizvodnje lesenih oken – les in steklo ter jih povezali s taninom in poliuretansko matrico. Raziskavo smo zastavili tako, da smo spreminjali le eno spremenljivko naenkrat in opazovali vpliv na fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti izdelanega kompozita. Spreminjali smo deleže PU, tanina, stekla, gostoto, velikost gradnikov in različne deleže določenih velikosti gradnikov. Za vsako izdelano ploščo smo določali lastnosti, ki so najbolj pomembne za ciljno uporabo – gostota, tlačna trdnost (pri 10 % deformaciji), toplotna prevodnost in upogibna trdnost. V vsakem koraku smo določili vzorec z najboljšimi lastnostmi in jo uporabili v nadaljnjih preizkusih. Na tak način smo prišli do končnih vzorcev, ki smo jih nato primerjali z materiali, ki so že na trgu in se v praksi uporabljajo v pod okenski odprtini. Glede na lastnosti, ki smo jih izmerili, smo prišli do zaključka, da je izdelan material primeren za uporabo v pod okenski odprtini. Recycling and the circular economy are becoming increasingly important for reducing the pressure on natural resources, creating sustainable growth and halting the loss of biotic diversity. With this goal in mind, the European Union put in motion an action plan which includes the START CIRCLES project. In connection with the company M Sora, within the framework of this project, an innovative hybrid composite material, called “Comet”, was created. It was meant for use under windows to prevent thermal bridges. Waste materials from window production were used, namely wood and glass, which we bonded with tannin and polyurethane matrix. The research was set in such a way that it was possible to change one variable at a time and observe it's impact on the physical and mechanical properties of the composite. We altered the proportions of PU, tannin, glass and changed the density, wood particle size and the proportions of each size of wood particles. For each manufactured panel, we determined the properties that are the most important for the intended use – density, compressive strength (at 10 % deformation), thermal conductivity and flexural strength. In each step we determined the sample with the best properties and used that for further testing. Using such a procedure, we arrived at the final samples, which we then compared with materials that are already on the market and are being used in practice. Based on the properties we measured, we came to the conclusion that the manufactured material is suitable for use under windows.
- Published
- 2022
9. Expressionist Utopia: Bruno Taut, Glass Architecture, and the Dissolution of Cities.
- Author
Miller, Tyrus
- Abstract
Copyright of Filozofski Vestnik is the property of Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
10. Vpliv materiala stene na dinamiko kavitacijskega mehurčka in udarnega vala
- Author
Kočoski, Aleksandar and Dular, Matevž
- Subjects
Rayleighjev čas kolapsa ,bubble dynamics ,plexiglass ,dinamika mehurčka ,pleksi steklo ,solid surface ,hitre kamere ,kavitacija ,high-speed cameras ,Rayleigh collapse time ,cavitation ,steklo ,stena ,udc:532.528:666.15:004.932(043.2) ,glass - Abstract
Pojem kavitacija opisuje pojav in aktivnost mehurčkov v kapljevini zaradi padca tlaka. Razumevanje pojava omogoči izogibanje škodi in konstruktivno izkoriščanje destruktivne moči. V nalogi je analiziran vpliv materiala bližnje stene na dinamiko kavitacijskega mehurčka in udarnega vala. S hitro kamero je bil posnet razvoj osamljenega lasersko ustvarjenega mehurčka v mirujoči vodi na različnih oddaljenostih od stekla in pleksi stekla. Predstavljeni so kvantitativni in kvalitativni rezultati računalniške obdelave slik. Čas kolapsa je primerjan s teoretičnim po Rayleigh-Plessetovi enačbi. The term cavitation describes the occurrence and activity of bubbles in a liquid due to a pressure drop. Understanding the phenomenon enables avoiding damage and constructive use of the destructive power. This thesis analyzes the influence of the material of a nearby solid surface on the dynamics of a cavitation bubble and shock wave. The development of a single laser-generated bubble in quiescent water at various distances from glass and plexiglass was recorded with a high-speed camera. Quantitative and qualitative results of computer image processing are presented. The collapse time is compared with the theoretical time according to the Rayleigh-Plesset equation.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Krivolapova, Anastasia and Pak, Tanja
- Subjects
Osebnost ,BA thesis ,Attachment ,Applied Arts ,Identity ,Memory ,Navezanost ,Steklo ,Glass ,Identiteta ,Home ,Dom ,Diplomaska naloga ,Spomin ,Personality - Abstract
Diplomska naloga "Na poti k domu" je na lokacijo vezana isntalacija, izdelana za razstavo v Layerjevi hiši novembra 2021. V delu skozi reflekcijo osebnih migracijskih izkušenj raziskujem faktorje, ki definirajo občutek doma. Kaj in kje je dom? Ta tema je postala še pomembnejša med obdobjem karantene 2020, ko se je normalno življenje ustavilo. Ta vprašanja raziskujem preko različnih disciplin z glavnim fokusom na razlogu za emocionalni odziv na različne scenarije in pomembnost prostora, ko smo nanj navezani. Inspiracije za končno instalacijo so umetniško ustvarjanje Roberta Irwina, Haegueja Yanga, Alicje Kwade in Zhanga Xiaoganga. Ugotovitve iz raziskave sem z uporabo različnih materialov in tehnike, kot so tehnika izgubljenega voska, fuzija, graviranje in jedkanje aplicirala na končno delo in dosegla želeni rezultat. Steklo je element instalacije, na katerega je postavljen največi fokus. V iskanju avtentične in pomenljive vizualizacije koncepta raziskujem široko plateo njegovih lastonsti. Instalacija Na poti k domu bo razstavljena v Layerjevi hiši novembra 2021. The BA thesis “Na poti k domu” is a site-specific installation project originally designed for an exhibition in the Layers house in November 2021. This work investigates factors that define the feeling of home through reflections on personal migration experiences. What and where is home? This topic gained importance in the period of quarantine in 2020 when normal life, as we knew it, was stopped. These questions are explored by approaching it from different disciplines. The main focus is on the reasons for the emotional response to different sceneries, and the importance of place when it applies to attachment. The final installation is inspired by the artistic practice of Robert Irwin, Haegue Yang, Alicja Kwade and Zhang Xiaogang. Using the guidelines developed through the research, different materials and techniques, such as hollow cast, fusing, engraving and etching were applied to achieve the desired result. Glass media is the main focus element of the installation. The variety of properties of this material are explored in the search for a proper and meaningful visualisation of the concept.
- Published
- 2021
12. Priprava silikatnih prosojnih superhidrofobnih površin na steklu
- Author
Koman, Robert and Šarac, Bojan
- Subjects
prosojnost ,steklo ,silane ,superhydrophobic ,transparent ,superhidrofobnost ,silan ,glass - Abstract
Superhidrofobnost je lastnost površine, da jo kapljica vode čim manj omoči. Površino definiramo kot superhidrofobno, če je kontaktni kot med vodo in površino večji od 150°. Načinov omočitve oziroma stanj omočitve površine je več. V primeru, da kapljica omaka površino v Cassie-Baxterjevem stanju, kapljica hitro odteče z minimalno nagnjene površine. V panogi filmografije in fotografije vodne kapljice na lečah kamer in fotoaparatov motijo zajemanje slike. V snemanju vodnih športov je verjetnost, da vodne kapljice vsaj opršijo lečo kamere, precej velika. V magistrskem delu smo poskusili s preprosto in cenovno ugodno metodo pripraviti superhidrofoben in prosojen premaz na steklu. Reakcijo polimerizacije silanov, s katero smo pripravili površine, smo skušali optimizirati za večje vzorce. Reakcijo smo skušali modificirati glede na količine dodanih reagentov, način katalize, z izbiro primerne atmosfere ter z načinom izvleka vzorca iz raztopine. Najboljše rezultate smo prenesli na lečo športne kamere GoPro. Vzorcem smo z optičnim tenziometrom izmerili kontaktni kot površine z vodo, s spektrofotometrom smo izmerili delež optične prepustnosti vzorca, z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) posneli nekaj slik površin ter z lepilnim in brisalnim testom preverili odpornost proti abraziji. Uspešno smo pripravili superhidrofobno prosojno površino na steklu, vendar z nekaj težavami. Homogenost nanosa premaza je v veliko primerov slabša, odpornost na abrazijo je slaba, kar pomeni, da za praktično uporabo ta metoda ni najbolj primerna. Superhydrophobicity is the property of a surface, that a drop of water wets it as little as possible. A surface is defined as superhydrophobic if the contact angle of the water on it is greater than 150°. Superhydrophobic surface can be wetted in several different states. In the event that a droplet soaks the surface in the Cassie-Baxter state, the droplet quickly drains from the minimally inclined surface. In the filmography and photography industry, water droplets on the lenses of cameras interfere with the clarity of the image. This is especially notable in shooting water sports, where the probability of water droplets at least spraying the camera lens is quite high. In the master's thesis, we tried to prepare a superhydrophobic and transparent coating on glass with a simple, low-cost method. Superhydrophobic coating was made by polymerization of silanes. We tried to optimize the reaction for larger samples. An attempt was made to modify the reaction, varying the amounts of reagents added, the method of catalysis, the choice of atmosphere, and the method of extracting the sample from the solution. The best results were transferred onto the lens of the GoPro sports camera. The contact angle with water was measured with an optical tensiometer, the proportion of optical transmittance of the sample was measured with a spectrophotometer, a few images were taken with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and abrasion resistance was tested with a tape and wiping test. We have successfully prepared a superhydrophobic transparent surface on glass, but not without issues. The homogeneity of the coating application is in many cases inferior and the abrasion resistance is poor, which means that this method is not the most suitable for practical use.
- Published
- 2020
13. Tesnobni svet intime
- Author
Mramor, Meta and Pak, Tanja
- Subjects
BA thesis ,vulnerability ,applied arts ,samorazkritje ,intimacy ,tension ,anxiety ,ranljivost ,unikatno oblikovanje ,steklo ,self-disclosure ,diplomska naloga ,napetost ,tveganje ,intima ,tesnoba ,glass ,risk - Abstract
Prvi del diplomske naloge predstavlja teoretično ozadje emocionalne intime v povezavi s tesnobnimi občutki, ki se pojavijo ob samorazkrivanju in pretiranemu zaupanju drugi osebi. Poudarek je na psihološkem vidiku dojemanja strahu, tveganja in ranljivosti v intimnih odnosih ter lastni interpretaciji emocij, ki izhajajo iz tesnobnega sveta intime. V nadaljevanju obravnavam dela referenčnih umetnikov: Louise Bourgeois, Eve Hesse, Marine Abramović in Ulaya, Lucia Fontane ter Senge Nengudi, ki so v meni vzbudila določena čustva in so mi bila v pomoč pri osnovanju praktičnega dela naloge. V drugem delu preidem na praktično izvedbo, kjer skozi skice in makete v najrazličnejših medijih iščem način, kako materializirati anksioznost, ki jo doživljam v intimnih odnosih, ter kako vse skupaj izraziti v končnem izdelku. Bistvenega pomena je iskanje mejne točke, do katere se še lahko odkrijem drugi osebi, vendar pri tem ne izgubim svojega bistva. V končnem izdelku tesnobno napetost ponazorim z odpiranjem steklenih ploskev, s katerima se identificiram. Med njima je napeto blago, ki preprečuje, da bi panela padla na tla in se razbila – tako v fizičnem kot tudi duhovnem smislu. The first part of the Bachelor thesis comprises the theoretical background of emotional intimacy in connection with feelings of anxiety emerging when an individual self-discloses or trusts excessively in another person. The focus is on the psychological perspective of experiencing fear, risk and vulnerability in intimate relationships and on my own interpretation of emotions arising from the anxious world of intimacy. Afterwards, I do a case study of referential material of artists Louise Bourgeois, Eva Hesse, Marina Abramović and Ulaya, Lucio Fontana and Senga Nengudi whose works evoked in me particular feelings and helped me form a practical part of the thesis. In the second part I move on to a practical realization, where through sketches and maquettes made in various art media I am exploring approaches for materializing anxiety related to intimate relationships, which will be used in my artwork. Of utmost importance is finding a limit to which I could self-disclose, without losing myself in the process. In the final work the anxious tension is represented by two diverging glass surfaces with which I identify. A fully stretched fabric is holding the glass panels together and preventing them from falling down and breaking - both in physical and spiritual sense.
- Published
- 2020
14. Vpliv tehnoloških postopkov na spremembe fenolnih spojin v sokovih in nektarjih
- Author
Trošt, Kajetan and Hribar, Janez
- Subjects
aronija ,orange ,polifenoli ,packaging ,vitamin C ,phenolic compounds ,stabilnost sokov ,fruit juices ,polyethylene terephthalate ,udc:663.813.05:634.31:634.73/.74:577.1:547.56 ,blueberry nectar ,blueberry ,glass ,sadni nektarji ,carotenoids ,fenolne kisline ,fruit nectar stability ,anthocyanins ,skladiščenje soka ,fruit juice stability ,fruit juice technology ,antioksidativna učinkovitost ,antioxidants ,borovnica ,karton ,fenolne spojine ,flavanols ,antioksidanti ,flavanoli ,pomarančni sok ,karotenoidi ,fruit nectars ,pakiranje ,carton ,HMF ,polyphenols ,borovničev nektar ,sadni sokovi ,antociani ,aronia ,tehnološki postopki ,antioxidative capacity ,packaging materials ,PET ,steklo ,orange juice ,storing ,stabilnost nektarjev ,phenolic acids ,pomaranča ,embalažni materiali - Published
- 2020
15. Prispevek leseno-steklenih stenskih elementov k potresni odpornosti lesene enostavne stavbe
- Author
Lučovnik, Ajda and Dolšek, Matjaž
- Subjects
displacement capacity ,nosilnost ,Earthquake engineering ,les ,montažne hiše ,timber ,steklo ,udc:624.042.7(043.2) ,prefabricated houses ,deformacijska kapaciteta ,strength ,Potresno inženirstvo ,glass - Abstract
V sodobni arhitekturi in gradbeništvu je vedno večji poudarek na energetsko učinkoviti gradnji z uporabo naravnih materialov in izkoriščanja obnovljivih virov. Sončno energijo lahko izkoriščamo z uporabo stekla, ki v stavbo prepušča ne le svetlobo temveč deloma tudi toploto. Tako je gradnja lesenih hiš z veliko količino zasteklitve vedno bolj pogost pojav, vendar pa ima lahko takšna gradnja negativne učinke na potresno zmogljivost stavb. V trenutni standardizaciji se steklo v lesenih hišah ne predvideva kot nosilni material, čeprav nekateri proizvajalci leseno-steklene panele oglašujejo kot elemente nosilne konstrukcije. Da bi bolje razumeli prispevek leseno-steklenih panelov k potresni odpornosti lesenih stavb smo v sklopu diplomske naloge preučili in predstavili izsledke obstoječih raziskav s tega področja. Nato smo izvedli poenostavljeno potresno analizo tipske montažne hiše z vgrajenimi leseno-steklenimi stenskimi elementi ter preučevali prispevek leseno-steklenih stenskih elementov k potresni odpornosti analizirane stavbe. Kontrolirali smo tudi pomike leseno-steklenih stenskih elementov in primerjali ocenjene neelastične pomike na osnovi določil Evrokoda 8 z deformacijsko kapaciteto leseno-steklenih elementov, ki je bila eksperimentalno določena v predhodnih raziskavah. Kontrola je izvedena za mejno stanje omejitve poškodb, mejno stanje velikih poškodb in mejno stanje blizu porušitve. Rezultati kažejo na ustrezen odziv leseno-steklenih stenskih elementov, ki so v obravnavani stavbi uporabljeni le na eni ravnini stavbe. Poleg tega zaključek temelji na predpostavkah, da se deformacije zaradi potresa enakomerno porazdelijo po višini stavbe in da stiki med lesenimi elementi ne predstavljajo šibkih delov konstrukcije. Za potrditev teh predpostavk bi bilo treba izvesti nelinearno potresno analizo in analizo tveganja, kar pa presega okvire te diplomske naloge. In modern architecture and civil engineering, there is an increasing emphasis on energy efficient construction using natural materials and the exploitation of renewable resources. Solar energy can be partially captured through the glass, which transmits not only light but also heats the building. Thus, the construction of timber houses with a significant amount of glazing is becoming increasingly common. Conversely, such construction can have adverse effects on earthquake resistance of houses. In current standardisation, however, glass is not considered as a load-bearing material, although some manufacturers advertise timber-glass panels as elements of load-bearing construction. To better understand the contribution of timber-glass panels to the seismic resistance of timber buildings, we examined the existing research from the field of timber-glass panels and present the findings in the first part of the thesis. This is followed by a simplified seismic analysis of a typical prefabricated house with timber-glass wall elements, aimed at estimating the contribution of timber-glass wall elements to the earthquake resistance of the building. In addition, the displacements of the timber-glass wall elements are verified by comparing the inelastic displacement determined according to the Eurocode 8 provisions and the experimentally-based displacement capacity of timber-wood panels obtained from previous studies. The verification was performed for the limit state of damage limitation, significant damage and the near-collapse limit state. The results indicated an appropriate seismic performance of timber-glass wall elements, which are used only in one plane of the analysed building. In addition, the conclusion is based on assuming uniformly distributed seismic demand in terms of deformations along the building height and that the connections between the structural elements are not the critical parts of the structure. These assumptions can be verified by a nonlinear seismic analysis and risk analysis, which, is beyond the scope of this thesis.
- Published
- 2020
16. Impact of Solid Particulate on Brittle Materials.
- Author
Aquaro, Donato
- Subjects
- *
CONSTRUCTION materials , *MATERIAL erosion , *COMPUTER simulation , *BENDING (Metalwork) , *DETERIORATION of materials , *STRAINS & stresses (Mechanics) , *FINITE element method , *SURFACES (Technology) - Abstract
This paper deals with the erosion of brittle materials due to the impact of solid particulate. Erosion tests are characterized by a great uncertainty in the results and high costs. These difficulties led the author to develop alternative methods based on numerical simulations for calculating the erosion rate of brittle and ductile materials. Erosion criteria, based on fracture energy, were developed and implemented as Fortran routines in a commercial FEM code. In this paper the proposed method was applied to calculate the erosion rate of glass and glass ceramics. Fracture energy was obtained using four-point bending tests. The numerical results were compared with a developed theoretical model and with the experimental results available in the literature. In spite of several simplifying assumptions, there was a good agreement between the numerical and experimental results. This method could be a powerful tool for assessing the erosion resistance of components in real operating conditions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
17. Izboljšava homogenosti nanosov filma na steklene površine
- Author
Zlatnar, Klemen and Ručigaj, Aleš
- Subjects
APTMS ,steklo ,homogen nanos ,Diels-Alder ,APTES ,homogeneous coating ,glass - Abstract
V tem magistrskem delu sem se ukvarjal z izboljšavo homogenosti filma na steklenih površinah. Raziskovalno delo te magistrske naloge sloni na funkcionalizaciji steklene površine z ustreznimi funkcionalnimi skupinami, preko katerih bo mogoče vršiti Diels-Alder reakcijo. Osnovni reakcijski mehanizem predvideva zamreženje furanskih in maleimidnih skupin polimera, produkt katerih je stabilen šestčlenski obroč. Največjo težavo mi je predstavljalo doseganje homogenosti nanosa filma, čeprav v literaturi posebnega poudarka na tem ni bilo zaslediti. V literaturi je bilo mogoče zaslediti predpostavko o homogenem nanosu, medtem ko je eksperimentalno to slabše predstavljeno. Za tehniko nanosa sem izbral potapljanje v raztopino (angl. dip-coating). Stekla sem predhodno očistil s segrevanjem v peči, kjer sem se znebil vseh organskih onesnaževal, ki so bila predhodno prisotna na steklu. Po določenem času je sledilo namakanje stekel v raztopini klorovodikove kisline, segrete na temperaturo vrelišča, s katero sem tvoril novo oksidno plast z veliko silanolnimi skupinami. V prvi stopnji nanosa filma sem se ukvarjal z aminsko funkcionalizacijo krovnega stekla, kjer poteka reakcija med hidroksilnimi skupinami substrata in reaktivnimi skupinami silana. Kot posledica takih reakcij nastane vez Si-O-Si. Odločil sem se, da bom uporabljal dva različna aminosilana. Prvi aminosilan je bil 3-aminopropiltrietoksisilan (APTES), drugi pa 3-aminopropiltrimetoksisilan (APTMS). V tem magistrskem delu sem se osredotočil na primerjavo različnih koncentracij APTMS in APTES. Glavni cilj je bil doseči homogen nanos filma in to eksperimentalno ovrednotiti. Po doseženem homogenem nanosu filma oziroma aminski funkcionalizaciji sem izvedel še maleimidno funkcionalizacijo in Diels-Alder reakcijo s furanom. Za topilo pri aminski funkcionalizaciji sem se odločil uporabljati raztopino etanola in vode. Uspešnost kemijsko vezanega organosilana na objektnih steklih sem preveril s fluorescenčno spektroskopijo, saj se z metodo infrardeče spektroskopije s Fourierjevo transformacijo ni dalo zagotovo potrditi uspešnosti funkcionalizacije. To je verjetno posledica debelosti stekla in zelo tankega premaza. Skladno s tem sem se odločil, da objektna stekla zamenjam za krovna, ki so tanjša, in jih potem uspešno analiziral s FTIR. Po nanosih sem površino analiziral tudi z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). In this master's thesis, the focus was on improving the homogeneity of the film on glass surfaces. The research work was based on the functionalization of the glass surface with appropriate functional groups through which it shall be possible to perform the Diels-Alder reaction. The basic reaction mechanism involves the crosslinking of furan and maleimide functional groups in a stable six-membered ring. The biggest problem was in achieving the homogeneity of the film since there was no specific emphasis in the literature regarding this aspect. In the contrary, the assumption of a homogeneous coating was found, while experimentally the homogeneity was not sufficiently presented. The glass was cleaned by heating it in a furnace in which case all originally presented organic pollutants were removed. After a while, the glass was soaked in a hydrochloric acid solution heated to the boiling point, which formed a new oxide layer with many silanol groups. In the first stage of the film application, amine functionalization of glass, where the reaction takes place between the hydroxyl groups of the substrate and the reactive groups of the silane, was performed. As a result, a Si-O-Si bond was formed. Two different aminosilanes were chosen. The first aminosilane was 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and the second was 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS). The comparison of different concentrations of APTMS and APTES on the glass functionalization was studied. The main objective was to achieve and experimentally evaluate a homogeneous film deposition. After the homogeneous application of the film, maleimide functionalization and Diels-Alder reaction with furan was carried out. The solution of ethanol and water was used for the amine functionalization solvent. Successfulness of the chemically bound organosilane on the slides was verified by fluorescence spectroscopy, as the Fourier transform method could not confirm successful functionalization. This is probably due to the thickness of the glass and the very thin coating. That is why the swap for thinner slides was made which were then successfully analyzed with FTIR. After application, the surface was also analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM).
- Published
- 2020
18. Možnosti uporabe recikliranega stekla pri izdelavi unikatnih svetil
- Author
Šmid, Špela and Pak, Tanja
- Subjects
ambient light ,ambientalna svetloba ,metal ,BA thesis ,evaporator ,applied arts ,recycling ,reciklaža ,unikatno oblikovanje ,svetilo ,kovina ,steklo ,diplomska naloga ,izparilnik ,light ,glass - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi Možnosti uporabe recikliranega stekla pri izdelavi unikatnih svetil sem raziskala področje reciklaže stekla, ki je po mojem mnenju zelo pomembna tema v današnjem času, prenasičenem s stvarmi in z odpadki. Na ta način lahko zelo pripomoremo k ohranjanju čistega okolja, zmanjšanju toplogrednih plinov, zmanjšanju potrebe po izdelavi novih stvari … Že od malega sem vsem stvarem »podaljševala rok uporabe« ter jih predelovala in preoblikovala, četudi so bile to stare, ponošene hlače, nahrbtnik ali pa obrabljen kos pohištva. Navdihovalo me je morje možnosti predelovanja, katerih edina ovira je naša lastna kreativnost. Steklo je material, ki nudi neskončne možnosti predelave in re-uporabe, pri tem pa se njegova kvaliteta in čistost bistveno ne spreminjata. Veliko podjetij (tudi v Sloveniji) že deluje po tej miselnosti in pri svoji proizvodnji uporabljajo reciklirano steklo. Raziskala sem možnosti in načine uporabe recikliranega stekla tako v umetniških kot tudi v uporabnih izdelkih, pri tem pa posebno pozornost namenila povezovanju stekla in kovine, ki predstavlja glavni vir navdiha mojega umetniškega ustvarjanja. Zanimalo me je, kako lahko ta dva materiala najbolj subtilno povežem v celoto, da bo pri tem ohranjena uporabna funkcija izdelka. Za lažjo predstavo o procesu mojega dela sem opisala tudi glavne tehnike obdelave stekla, ki sem jih uporabila. Poleg tega sem raziskala tudi področji ambientalnih svetil in izparilnikov, kjer sem se osredotočila na izdelke, ki kot vir energije uporabljajo svečo. Na tak način proizvedena svetloba deluje bolj naravno, saj se plamen neprestano giblje, s čimer pa svetilki da življenje. Večji poudarek sem dala visečim svetilkam, saj svetilka s tako prezentacijo dobi nek mistični aspekt in je poudarjena njena vloga prinašalke svetlobe. Najprej sem raziskala razvoj teh izdelkov v različnih obdobjih v zgodovini, nato pa še v današnjem času. Zanimalo me je, kaj vse danes obstaja na trgu, dodala sem tudi nekaj primerov iz recikliranega stekla. Zanimale so me oblika, tekstura površine in sence, ki jih svečke proizvajajo, načini obešenja, uporaba ter preplet različnih materialov, načini rokovanja z izdelkom ter postavitev svečke. Na koncu sem predstavila še nekaj primerov, ki so me tekom procesa inspirirali. Nekateri po obliki, drugi po načinu prepletanja materialov. V praktičnem delu sem povezala raziskavo omenjenih področij z znanjem obdelave stekla, ki sem ga pridobila tekom študija. Večji poudarek sem dala samemu procesu izdelave ter možnostim predelave recikliranega stekla. Poslužila sem se tako hladne kot tople obdelave stekla. Proces izdelave sem poskušala prilagoditi tako, da čim bolj omejim porabo energije, potrebne za izdelavo izdelka, da s tem ne bi povzročala dodatnih obremenitev za okolje. Tako sem se pri topli obdelavi omejila na eno žganje, pri izdelavi kalupov pa sem poskusila obliko prilagoditi tako, da bo za njegovo izdelavo potrebno čim manj materiala. Najbolj optimalno sem poskusila izkoristiti in reciklirati tudi presežek ter odpadek. Pri svojem delu sem se osredotočila na recikliranje steklenic, ki spadajo med sodapnenčevo steklo. Ta tip stekla predstavlja tudi največji delež proizvedenega stekla na svetu (90 %) in je eden izmed težjih za predelavo, saj je zelo togo ter visoko viskozno. In my BA thesis Possibilities of the use of recycled glass in the hand manufacturing of lamps I explored the field of glass recycling, which in my opinion is a very important topic in the present day, oversaturated with things and waste. This way, we can make a big contribution to maintaining a clean environment, reducing greenhouse gases, reducing the need to make new things … Even from an early age, I have always tried to “extend the expiration date” of different object when I tried to refurbish and transform them into something new, whether they were worn out trousers, a backpack or a tattered piece of furniture. I was inspired by the sea of processing possibilities, where the only obstacle is our own creativity. Glass is a material that offers endless possibilities for processing and re-use, without significant change in its quality and purity. Many companies (also in Slovenia) already work by this mentality and use recycled glass in their production. I researched the possibilities and ways of using recycled glass in both artistic and useful products, paying particular attention to the interweaving of glass and metal, which is the main source of inspiration for my artistic creation. I was wondering how I can most subtly interweave these two materials together, without losing the useful function of the product. For a better understanding of my work process I also described the main glass processing techniques, which I have used. I also researched the areas of ambient lightning and evaporators, where I focused on products that use a candle as an energy source. Light produced this way works more naturally because the flame is constantly moving, giving life to the lamp. I put more emphasis on the hanging lamps, because lamps presented this way gets some mystical aspect as well as the role of the bearer of light is highlighted. First I researched the development of these products in different periodes in history. Next I was interested in what is on the market today. I also added a few examples made from recycled glass. I was interested in the shape, texture of the surface and the shadows produced by candles, ways of hanging, use and interweaving of different materials, ways of handling with the product and the placement of the candle. In the end I presented a few examples that have inspired me throughout the process. Some by shape, others by the way materials are intertwined. In the practical part I combined the research of the mentioned fields with the knowledge of glass processing, which I gained during my studies. I put more emphasis on the manufacturing process itself and the possibilities of the use of recycled glass. I used both cold and warm glass processing. I tried to adjust the manufacturing process to minimize the energy required to produce the product, so I would not cause additional burden on the environment. Thus, I limited myself to one kiln-casting. In the manufacturing of molds I tried to adjust the shape so that its production would require as little material as possible. I tried to utilize and recycle excess and waste in the most optimal way too. In my work I focused on the recycling of bottles which belong to soda lime glass. This type of glass also represents the largest proportion of glass produced in the world (90%) and is one of the hardest to process because it is very stiff and highly viscous.
- Published
- 2019
19. Fotoaktivne nanokompozitne tanke plasti na steklu in termično neobstojnih podlagah
- Author
Vodišek, Nives and Lavrenčič Štangar, Urška
- Subjects
nanokompoziti ,nanocomposite ,plastic substrates ,PMMA ,tanke plasti ,PVC ,glass substrate ,PES ,thin films ,imobilizacija ,silica ,nanomateriali ,self-cleaning surfaces ,steklo ,immobilization ,plastične podlage ,TiO2 ,ZrO2 ,titania ,fotokataliza ,SiO2 ,photocatalysis ,nanomaterials ,zirconia ,samočistilne površine - Abstract
Photocatalysis is a well-known process for the last few decades it is predominantly used for water and air purification, but also for self-cleaning and antibacterial surfaces. The photocatalytic process is one of the advanced oxidation processes, where semiconductors are mainly used as photocatalysts. The most known and used semiconductor is nanosized titania, which can non-selectively decompose organic matters. One of the side effects of nano TiO2 under UV irradiation is photoinduced hydrophilicity, which furthermore improves the self-cleaning effect. The main drawback of TiO2 is that for its activation UV light is needed, which represents only 5 percent of the solar spectrum. Consequently, actinic irradiance power is low and the response of photocatalyst is limited. Novel approaches are being introduced to improve TiO2 response to visible light such as doping, coupling, modification of surface morphology and others. The thesis consists of five principal chapters. The first chapter is focused on a short literature review and explanation of some basic terms and principles that are related to this thesis. The aim of the research was to prepare transparent photocatalytically active thin films on glass and thermosensitive substrates. Four thermosensitive substrates were used: polyvinyl chloride (PVC) foil, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) sheet and polyester (PES) fabric coated with a polyvinyl and acrylic coating, with (D1) or without (D2) an additional polyvinylidene fluoride topcoat. The synthesis of films was modified with the introduction of zirconium aiming at improving the photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 films, and the final films had a SiO2 phase present for increased mechanical robustness. The third chapter is dedicated to the experimental part of the thesis. The detailed process of synthesis is described. The sol-gel process was used to prepare initial Ti-Zr sols, colloidal aqueous solutions with TiO2 and ZrO2 nanoparticles derived from titanium and zirconium alkoxides. The four different Ti-Zr sols were prepared with 0, 5, 10 and 20 molar % of Zr according to Ti. The depositing solution was prepared by mixing Ti-Zr sol, SiO2 sol binder, 1-propanol and 2-propoxyethanol, and then thin films were deposited by dip-coating technique. After the deposition, samples did not require high-temperature calcination since the photocatalytic anatase phase was present already after drying the deposited layers. Coated glass slides were put into a furnace at 150 °C, while samples on thermosensitive substrates were just treated by a heat gun. Samples in powder and thin film form were characterized by UV-Vis, FTIR-ATR and laser beam deflection spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and thermal analysis. One of the main aspects of the photocatalyst is its activity. Photocatalytic activity of the thin films was determined, either quantitatively by the formation of fluorescent hydroxyterephthalic acid, one of the first degradation products of terephthalic acid deposit, or qualitatively by a visual-based method where degradation of resazurin ink was observed. Two additional methods were used on glass samples, electron paramagnetic resonance, and degradation of methyl stearate by observing the change in water contact angle under UVA irradiation. Mechanical stability of films on various substrates is an essential factor, describing how successful was immobilization of the photocatalytic materials on the substrate. It was determined by the pencil hardness test, i.e., Wolff-Wilborn method. In the fourth chapter, titled “Results and Discussion,” the most important part of the thesis is placed. Materials characterization and associated discussion of the results are divided into three major parts: i) powder samples characterization ii) characterization of thin films on a glass substrate, and iii) characterization of films on thermosensitive substrates. In the conclusions, the main findings of the Ph.D. research work are summarized. One of our initial hypotheses was disapproved, thin films were not more active with a higher content of zirconium. However, they were more durable. All the obtained films were transparent and photoactive, despite the low-temperature synthesis procedure. Besides commonly used glass substrate, immobilization on thermosensitive substrates was also successful. Fotokataliza je postala v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih zelo razširjena uporablja se predvsem za čiščenje vode in zraka, za samočistilne ter protibakterijske površine. Fotokatalitski proces spada med napredne oksidacijske procese in kot fotokatalizatorji so največkrat uporabljeni polprevodniki. Najbolj znan in najpogosteje uporabljen polprevodnik je (nano) titanov dioksid, ki lahko neselektivno razgradi organske snovi ob UV sevanju. Pri obsevanju TiO2 z UV svetlobo se pojavi tudi fotovzbujena hidrofilnost, ki še dodatno izboljša samočistilni učinek. Ena od glavnih pomanjkljivosti TiO2 je, da se za njegovo fotoaktivacijo uporablja UV svetloba, ki predstavlja le pet odstotkov sončnega spektra. Za boljši odziv TiO2 na vidno svetlobo se razvijajo novi postopki, na primer dopiranje, kombiniranje z drugimi polprevodniki, modifikacija morfologije površine itd. Doktorsko delo ima pet glavnih poglavij. Prvo poglavje je osredotočeno na krajši pregled obstoječe literature in razlago nekaterih osnovnih pojmov. V drugem poglavju je predstavljen namen doktorskega dela. Pripravila sem transparentne fotoaktivne tanke plasti na steklu in temperaturno občutljivih podlagah. Izbrala sem štiri različne občutljive podlage: polivinil kloridna (PVC) folija, polimetil metakrilat (PMMA) plošča in poliesterska (PES) tkanina, prevlečena s slojem polivinila in akrila z (D1) ali brez (D2) dodatne poliviniliden fluoridne (PVDF) prevleke. Postopek priprave filmov smo obogatili z vpeljavo cirkonija, tako naj bi izboljšali aktivnost samih TiO2 filmov, končni raztopini je bil dodan tudi SiO2, ki je izboljšal mehanske lastnosti filmov. Tretje poglavje je posvečeno eksperimentalnemu delu. V poglavju je opisan podroben proces sinteze tankih plasti. Sol-gel postopek sem uporabila za pripravo začetnih Ti-Zr solov izhajajoč iz titanovega in cirkonijevega alkoksida. Pripravila sem štiri različne Ti-Zr sole z 0, 5, 10 in 20 množinskimi % cirkonija glede na titan. Raztopine za nanašanje so vsebovale Ti-Zr sol, SiO2 vezivo, 1-propanol in 2-propoksietanol tanke plasti pa so bile nanešene s tehniko potapljanja. Tanke filme po nanosu ni bilo potrebno termično obdelati na visoki temperaturi, ker je fotoaktivna anatazna faza že prisotna po sušenju vzorcev. Tako so bili vzorci na steklu toplotno obdelani v peči pri 150 ° C, vzorce na termično neobstojnih podlagah pa sem utrdila zgolj s toplotno pištolo. Praškaste vzorce in tanke plasti smo karakterizirali z naslednjimi metodami: UV-Vis, FTIR-ATR spektroskopijo in spektroskopijo z odklonom laserskega žarka, rentgensko praškovno difrakcijo, presevno elektronsko mikroskopijo in termično analizo. Najpomembnejša lastnost fotokatalizatorja je fotoaktivnost, ta je bila določena na tankih plasteh z dvema različnima metodama kvantitativno z merjenjem koncentracije hidroksiteraftalne kisline po razgradnji teraftalne kisline in kvalitativno, z opazovanjem razgradnje barvila resazurin. Z dvema dodatnima metodama smo izmerili fotoaktivnost tankih plasti na stekleni podlagi, z elektronsko paramagnetno resonanco in z merjenjem kontaktnega kota po razgradnji metil stearata pri UV obsevanju. Zelo pomembna lastnost tankih plati je mehanska odpornost in z merjenjem le te lahko ocenimo, če je bila imobilizacija na podlago uspešna. Mehansko stabilnost filmov smo določili z Wolff-Wilborn-ovo metodo. V četrtem poglavju je opisana karakterizacija materialov s spremljajočo razpravo o rezultatih, ki je razdeljena na tri glavne dele: i) karakterizacija praškastih vzorcev ii) karakterizacija tankih plasti na stekleni podlagi in iii) karakterizacija tankih plasti na termično neobstojnih podlagah. V zaključku so povzete glavne ugotovitve. Ena od naših začetnih hipotez ni bila potrjena, saj tanke plasti z višjo vsebnostjo cirkonija niso bile aktivnejše, izkazovali pa so večjo mehansko odpornost. Vsi vzorci so bili, kljub nizki temperaturi pripravi, transparentni in fotoaktivni. Imobilizacija fotokatalizatorjev je bila uspešna na steklu kot tudi na termično neobstojnih podlagah.
- Published
- 2019
20. Analiza procesa vrtanja stekla BK7
- Author
Turk, Primož and Pušavec, Franci
- Subjects
vpetje ,obdelava ,okruški ,chips ,drilling ,lomljenje ,holes ,udc:621.941:666.1(043.2) ,fracking ,steklo ,vrtanje ,izvrtine ,glass ,machining ,holding - Abstract
Pri vrtanju stekla je nastanek okruškov na vhodu, predvsem pa na izhodu orodja, iz obdelovanca ključen problem. Z optimiranjem obdelovalnih parametrov vrtanja, je to krušenje možno zmanjšati na zadovoljivo majhno vrednost. Določanje optimalnih obdelovalnih parametrov tako v tej raziskavi, kot na splošno poteka eksperimentalno na osnovi poskusov, saj jih z računanjem ni mogoče določiti. Za čimprejšnje zadovoljive rezultate je pomembno dobro pregledati obstoječo literaturo in s tem pridobiti čim več znanja o obravnavani temi. Ugotovili smo parametre obdelave, pri katerih je velikost okruškov ustrezala zahtevam raziskave in da ima veliko vlogo pri krušenju ter lomu stekla tudi način vpetja obdelovanca. With glass drilling, chip appearance at the entrance and even more so at the exit of the drill determines the quality of work. It is possible to reduce chipping to the satisfying level with the optimization of the machining parameters. Due to inability of arithmetic determination, choosing the optimal machining parameters is in this research and in general an experimental process based on tests. It is important to research existing literature about the discussed theme in order to get the satisfying experimental results as soon as possible. We chose the machining parameters at which the chipping meets the research requirements and found, that holding the workpiece plays a big role in chipping and fracking of the glass.
- Published
- 2019
21. Meanings, Functions and Influences of Food Packaging
- Author
Praprotnik, Lucija and Unuk, Tatjana
- Subjects
prehajanje ,endocrine disruptors ,plastic ,plastika ,steklo ,migrations ,hormonski motilci ,packaging ,embalaža ,glass - Abstract
Embalaža je danes široko uporabljana. Poznamo več vrst embalaže, vsaka ima svoje prednosti in slabosti. Pri uporabi embalaže se pogosto premalo zavedamo nevarnosti, ki jo le-ta lahko predstavlja za naše zdravje. Tako smo se odločili, da na osnovi pregleda obstoječe literature raziščemo, ali je steklo res inertno in kako je z prehajanjem snovi iz plastike in drugih materialov v živila. Ugotovili smo, da je steklo, ki se splošno uporablja za hrambo živil, neoporečno, kar pa ne velja za silikatno in svinčevo steklo. Večje težave so pri plastiki, kjer v hrano prehaja precej oporečnih snovi. V glavnem gre za hormonske motilce, kot so bisfenol A (BPA),bis (2-etilheksil) ftalat (DEHP), dioksini in poliklorirani bifenili (PCB). Ti negativno vplivajo na naše zdravje, saj so kancerogeni, glede na raziskave pa vplivajo tudi na reproduktivno sposobnost. Tudi embalaža iz papirja ni povsem varna, saj se preko in iz papirja v hrano lahko izločajo nevarne tiskarske barve, benzidin in mineralna olja, ki so prav tako dokazano rakotvorne. Pri embalaži iz kovine, ki se pogosto uporablja za izdelavo konzerv, težavo predstavljajo premazi z laki v notranjosti konzerv, ki vsebujejo težke kovine in melamin, med drugim pa tudi hormonske motilce, predvsem BPA. Steklo torej ostaja edina inertna embalaža za živila. Z napredovanjem analitičnih metod je mogoče pričakovati, da se bo seznam neželenih snovi, ki prehajajo iz embalaže v živila, le še povečeval. Food packaging is widely used with diverse materials used for it. Every one of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Despite using it so widely its negative impact on our health is usually underestimated. Because of that it has been decided to research if glass is inert and what the situation is with plastic. The study indicates that glass, which is used as food packaging material, is inert, but the same cannot be claimed for silicate and lead glass. Bigger problems occur with plastic because of migrations of chemicals into food. The migrating chemicals are well-known endocrine disruptors like bisfenol A (BPA), bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). They have adverse impacts on our health, because they are carcinogenic and may also cause reproductive problems. Besides plastic and glass, alternative food packaging materials have advantages and disadvantages. It has been realized that there might be migrations of paper ink, benzidine and mineral oils from paper into food. Metal is frequently being used for cans. On the inside they have a coating containing heavy metals, melamine and endocrine disruptors, especially BPA. Glass remains the only inert food packaging material of choice. As a result of analytical improvements, it can be expected that the list of migrating materials will only become longer in the future.
- Published
- 2019
22. Analysis of the window manufacturing process in the company termoglas d.o.o
- Author
Žlender, Marko and Buchmeister, Borut
- Subjects
PVC ,manufacturing processes ,production of windows ,process improvement ,udc:658.511.3(043.2) ,steklo ,proizvodnja oken ,postopki izdelave ,izboljšave procesov ,glass - Abstract
Diplomsko delo predstavlja proizvodne postopke tako v teoretičnem izhodišču kot v praksi v podjetju Termoglas, d. o. o. To se ukvarja z izdelavo in vgradnjo PVC oken, proizvodnjo izolacijskega stekla, varnostnega stekla ter požarno odpornega stekla Lamiflame. V uvodu sta izpostavljena opredelitev in opis problema ter so zastavljeni cilji in teze diplomskega dela. Nato je na kratko predstavljeno podjetje. V osrednjem delu sledi pregled proizvodnih postopkov izdelave PVC okvirjev ter proizvodnih postopkov izdelave stekla. Postopek izdelave oken je pol avtomatiziran postopek, pri katerem v veliki meri svoj delež prispevajo delavci. Izkaže se, da je tako pri proizvodnji PVC-ja kot pri proizvodnji stekla delovanje strojev izjemno hitro, zanesljivo in natančno. Tako je tudi pri delavcih, ki poleg deleža fizičnega dela opravljajo tudi večino kontrole na izdelkih. Ugotovimo, da lahko izboljšamo proizvodnjo oziroma pridobimo čas, hkrati pa bi delavec imel manj dela pri zadnji stopnji proizvodnih sistemov PVC, ko pride do vstavljanja stekla. This thesis presents production processes, both in the theoretical starting point and in practice, namely in the company Termoglas d.o.o. It deals with the manufacture and installation of PVC windows, the production of insulating glass, safety glass and the fireproof glass Lamiflame. The introduction emphasizes the definition and description of the problem, the goals and theses of the thesis. Then it is briefly presented company. In the central part, we have an overview of the manufacturing processes of PVC frames and production processes of glass manufacture. The process of window production is a half automated process, in which workers contribute to a large extent. It turns out that both the production of PVC and the production of glass is extremely fast, reliable and precise. Thus, workers who also perform a part of their physical work also carry out the majority of controls on products. We find that we can improve production and gain time, while at the same time the worker would work less at the last stage of the PVC production systems when inserting glass.
- Published
- 2019
23. Modern concrete skyscraper
- Author
Kamenšek, Zdenko and Kuhta, Milan
- Subjects
udc:624 ,Skyscraper ,steklo ,armirani beton ,facade ,reinforced concrete ,Nebotičnik ,fasada ,glass - Abstract
Projektna naloga obravnava tematiko sodobnega nebotičnika. Tema je namenoma omejena le na nebotičnike z armiranobetonsko konstrukcijo in stekleno fasado. Zanemarilo se je torej nekatere druge materiale, ki se prav tako pojavljajo pri gradnji sodobnih nebotičnikov, saj bi tako tematika postala preobsežna. Najprej so predstavljene določene lastnosti obeh materialov. Nato so v poglavju o nebotičniku obravnavane različne definicije nebotičnika, nekateri vplivi nanj in prihodnost njihove gradnje. V zadnjem delu sta predstavljena še dva nebotičnika z armiranobetonsko konstrukcijo in stekleno fasado. Oba objekta sta izjemno sodobna in zanimiva z različnih vidikov, zato je prav, da ju na tem mestu predstavimo. The subject of the project assignment is »the modern skyscraper«. The topic is deliberately limited only to skyscrapers with reinforced concrete construction and a glass façade, so that the topic wouldn't have been too extensive. Therefore, some other materials, which also appear in the construction of modern skyscrapers, have been neglected. The specific characteristics of both materials are presented first. Further on, in the chapter on the skyscraper, different definitions of the tower are being considered, as well as various influences on it and the future of their construction. Lastly, two skyscrapers with a glass façade are being presented. Both buildings are extremely modern and interesting from different aspects, so it is only fair to present them at this point.
- Published
- 2019
24. Orientacija v času s pomočjo svetlobe in senc
- Author
Fras, Tamara and Pak, Tanja
- Subjects
circadian rhythm ,natural light ,umetna svetloba ,BA thesis ,sence ,applied arts ,temperatura barve svetlobe ,unikatno oblikovanje ,čas ,sundial ,sončna ura ,steklo ,artificial light ,LED (light-emitting diode) ,shadows ,naravna svetloba ,cirkadiani ritem ,diplomska naloga ,color temperature ,relief ,time ,glass - Abstract
Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega dela, ki zajema raziskovanje razvoja dojemanja časa ter njegovo prikazovanje s poudarkom na sončni uri. Temu sledi preučevanje svetlobe, njen vpliv na človeka in njegovo zdravje. Ob temu sem se posvetila še pomenu senc ter njihovi prisotnosti v človekovem življenju. Sledi predstavitev stekla kot temeljnega materiala in podporne LED tehnologije. Tako sem v teoretičnem delu ugotovila, da ima umetna svetloba zelo velik vpliv na človekovo življenje, zdravje in kvaliteto življenja. Skozi preučevanje cirkadianega ritma in razčlenitev svetlobe v odnosu z njim tekom dneva sem zasnovala programirano LED osvetlitev, ki najbolj optimalno vpliva na človeka. S tem sem omogočila, da se zunanja svetloba preko svetlobnega telesa prenese v notranje prostore, poleg tega pa služi za časovno orientacijo. Teoretičnemu delu sledi praktična izvedba oblikovalskega izdelka, sestavljena iz izdelave steklenega dela, kovinske konstrukcije in programske zasnove LED osvetlitve z inštalacijo. Na koncu je predstavljena oblikovalska rešitev, ki prepleta naravno gibanje sonca preko neba z njegovo spreminjajočo se temperaturo svetlobe ter gibanjem senc. This thesis consists of a theoretical part, which includes research of time perception and its presentation with emphasis on sundial. This is followed by s study of the light and its effect on humans and their health. Alongside this, I have also focused on the meaning of shadows and their presence in human life. Following, is a presentation of glass as a basic material and LED technology. In the theoretical part, I have found that artificial light has a significant effect on human life, health and quality of life. Through research of circadian rhythm and analysis of light in relation to it, I have designed a programmed LED lighting with the most optimal effect on human. With this, I have enabled the outer light to transfer to living space through light fixtures, while also providing time orientation. Theoretical part is followed by practical production of a design product, which consists of glass part, metal construction and programming scheme of LED lighting with installation. At the end, a design solution is presented, which intertwines Sun’s natural movement over the horizon with its changing of temperature and movement of shadows.
- Published
- 2018
25. Refleksija reke Soče v stekleni skulpturi
- Author
Merslavič, Kristina and Pak, Tanja
- Subjects
reka Soča ,unikatno oblikovanje ,steklena skulptura ,tekstura ,BA thesis ,steklo ,glass scoulpture ,river Soča ,diplomska naloga ,applied arts ,texture ,glass - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi je opisano moje doživljanje reke Soče ob obisku doline Trente in odkrivanje njene okolice. Gre za črpanje inspiracije iz narave, iskanje utemeljitve ob literarni opori ter opis procesa izdelave steklene skulpture. Analitično-raziskovalni del diplomske naloge mi bo služil kot izhodišče za nadaljnje delo, pri raziskovanju in boljšem spoznavanju in povezovanju reke Soče, vode, svetlobe in skulpture. Vse bom skušala strniti v premišljen koncept, ki bo temeljil na izboru vsebin, ki si smiselno sledijo v tematskem zaporedju. V poglavjih bom večjo pozornost namenila razvoju in raziskavi tistih likovnih vprašanj, ki mi bodo v pomoč pri razvijanju, načrtovanju in nastajanju steklene skulpture. This thesis describes my experience of the river Soča on the occasion of my visit of Trenta valley and exploration of its surroundings. I drew inspiration from nature, sought support in literature and described the process of producing a glass sculpture. Analytical and research part of my thesis will serve as the basis for further research in understanding and connecting with the river Soča, water, light, and the sculpture. I will attempt to piece everything together into a well-thought-out concept, based a selection of content, in a logical sequence. In the following chapters, I will pay more focus on development and research of those fine art issues that will aid me in the development, planning and making of a glass sculpture.
- Published
- 2018
26. Uporaba za trento značilnih meterialov v prostorski intervenciji
- Author
Šedivy, Špela and Pak, Tanja
- Subjects
Trenta valley ,materiali značilni za Trento ,art intervention ,BA thesis ,applied arts ,vitreography ,vitrografija ,materials typical of Trenta valley ,prostorska intervencija ,unikatno oblikovanje ,steklo ,Trenta ,diplomska naloga ,glass - Abstract
Diplomsko delo pojasnjuje in prikazuje proces nastajanja predloga za prostorsko intervencijo, namenjeno gostinskemu lokalu Kamba v Trenti. Skozi spoznavanje zgodovine omenjenega kraja, njegovih značilnosti in posebnosti sem si zastavila izhodišče in cilje. Z uporabo za Trento značilnih materialov v prostorski intervenciji sem skušala v prostoru, ki mu je intervencija namenjena, zmanjšati občutek praznine, mu dodati nekaj topline in prijetnosti ter z njo obiskovalce tudi informirati oz. izobraziti o kraju, v katerem se nahajajo. Proces razvijanja ideje me je ob raznih vmesnih rešitvah popeljal do končnega cilja – predloga za prostorsko intervencijo. Ugotovila sem, da lahko željeni cilj dosežem na več različnih načinov in se na koncu odločila za tistega, na katerega na začetku nisem niti pomislila. This BA thesis explains and shows the process of making the proposition for an art intervention intended for Kamba restaurant in Trenta. Through learning about the history of the place, its characteristics and pecularities, I've set the basis and goals. With the use of materials typical for Trenta I have tried to reduce the feeling of emptiness in an intended space and to add some warmth and pleasantness. With this intervention I also wanted to inform or educate visitor about Trenta. The process of developing the idea took me through various solutions that lead me to achieve my goal. I found that a desired goal can be achieved in many different ways and at the end decided to choose a way I've never thought I would choose.
- Published
- 2018
27. Svetloba skozi steklo v uporabnem izdelku
- Author
Zagoršek, Zala and Pak, Tanja
- Subjects
crystal glass ,BA thesis ,oblikovanje uporabnega predmeta ,applied arts ,svetloba in senca ,Kristal ,unikatno oblikovanje ,designing of functional object ,Steklo ,umivalnik ,diplomska naloga ,light and shadow ,sink ,glass - Abstract
Skozi diplomsko nalogo sem opazovala odnose med svetlobo in senco, med vodo in steklom. Pregledala sem, kaj sploh senca je in kakšen imata odnos svetloba in steklo v fizikalnem vidiku. Preko teorije fizike sem raziskala lomne količnike in vrste sence, kasneje pa sem se osredotočila na izdelek, ki sem ga želela izdelati – umivalnik. Pregledala sem knjige o oblikovanju življenjskega prostora in ergonomske zakonitosti, ki so nujno potrebne za funkcionalnost izdelka (višina postavitve, odmaknjenost od stene, velikost, oblika). Pri samem izdelku sem se ukvarjala s teksturami in reliefi, tudi z lomom svetlobe. Izdelala sem teste reliefa, hkrati pa pri tem raziskovala tudi otipni občutek, ki ga določena tekstura pušča. Glede na teste sem kasneje razmišljala o obliki in o občutku, katerega želim, da ima uporabnik ob preizkušanju tega umivalnika. Uporabni predmet pa ni uporabni predmet, če ga ne postaviš v prostor, zato sem se ukvarjala tudi s tem, kakšno pipo naj izberem, kakšen je primeren sifon in kako bo zadeva na koncu predstavljena. Through my bachelor thesis, I was exploring relations between light and shadow, water and glass. I tried to find out what shadow really is and how it corresponds with light from the physical point of view. Through the theory of physics I learned about quotients of light and types of shadow, and later on how to make a functional object – a sink. Exploration of topic began with books about creating a living space and about ergonomic laws, which are necessary for functionality of an object. Creating the final piece I was playing with textures, light and shadow, while also exploring how material feels if you touch it. Deciding on the kiln tests my thinking was oriented on shape and sentiment, I wanted to create for user of this sink. But functional object is not a functional object, if it isn't positioned in the space, so my research also included searching for the right tap and lightning to present and exhibit the final product.
- Published
- 2018
28. Laser ablation-ICP-MS depth profiling to study ancient glass surface degradation
- Author
Ligia Maria Moretto, Johannes T. van Elteren, Emilio Francesco Orsega, and Serena Panighello
- Subjects
depth profiling ,Materials science ,Bulk composition ,internal standardization ,Analytical chemistry ,Mineralogy ,Mass spectrometry ,lastnosti ,Biochemistry ,Microanalysis ,Analytical Chemistry ,law.invention ,Corrosion ,microanalysis ,udc:620.1/.2 ,law ,bulk composition ,Settore CHIM/01 - Chimica Analitica ,education ,Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ,education.field_of_study ,Laser ablation ,glass density ,Glass density ,Volumetric Mass Density ,Laser ,Depth profiling ,Internal standardization ,materiali ,steklo ,mikroanalize ,laser ablation ,Laser drilling - Abstract
In general the analysis of archeological glass represents a challenge for a wide variety of objects because of the presence of physical and/or chemical damage on the surface of the artifact, also known as weathering or corrosion. To retrieve accurate bulk elemental information by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), the original, pristine glass needs to be "reached", thereby penetrating the alteration layer which is often more than 10 μm thick. To study this alteration layer the laser was operated in the drilling mode, either with a low (1 Hz) or a high (10 Hz) pulse repetition rate for a period of 50 s yielding detailed spatial information for ca. 20 elements over a shallow depth (ca. 5 μm) or less-detailed spatial information for 50-60 elements over a greater depth (ca. 50 μm). Quantitative elemental depth profiles (in wt%) were obtained with the so-called sum normalization calibration protocol, based on summation of the elements as their oxides to 100 wt%. We were able to associate the increase of SiO2 (in wt%) in the alteration layer to the volumetric mass density change in the glass as a result of depletion of Na2O and K2O. Also the interaction of the number of laser shots with the alteration layer is shown experimentally via depth measurements using profilometry. Chemical and physical changes in four ancient glass artifacts, directly and indirectly measureable by laser drilling, were studied as a function of internal and external factors such as age, composition, and exposure conditions.
- Published
- 2015
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29. Karakteristike rezanja različnih materialov z abrazivnim vodnim curkom na stroju OMAX 2652A
- Author
Kotnik, Kristjan and Valentinčič, Joško
- Subjects
abrazivni vodni curek ,aluminium ,lead-in lead-out error ,hrapavost površine ,cut quality ,konstrukcijsko jeklo ,napaka koničnosti ,kvaliteta reza ,aluminij ,mild steel ,corner error ,abrasive waterjet ,steklo ,napaka vhoda-izhoda ,surface roughness ,taper ,napaka vogala ,glass - Abstract
V delu bomo obravnavali karakteristike značilne za rezanje z abrazivnim vodnim curkom (AVC). Rezanje z AVC je postopek konturnega rezanja. Karakteristike rezanja, ki vplivajo na kakovost reza so hrapavost površine, koničnost reza, napaka vogala in napaka vhoda-izhoda in so opredeljene v Švicarskem standardu SN 214001. Podatke pridobljene s pomočjo novo izrezanih vzorcev, na katerih bomo opravili meritve, bomo združili s podatki iz virov in podali komentarje, ali stroj dosega zahtevane vrednosti pri različnih kvalitetah reza. Ponovne preizkuse smo opravili na aluminiju in konstrukcijskem jeklu različnih debelin in tlaku curka. Ugotovili smo, da je hrapavost površine in koničnost reza funkcija izbrane kvalitete reza, medtem ko je napaka vogala in napaka vhoda-izhoda funkcija debeline obdelovanca. In this work the characteristics typical for abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting are evaluated and discussed. AWJ is a contour cutting process according to the Swiss standard SN 214011, the characteristics of cutting are sourface roughness, taper error, corner error and lead-in lead-out error. Data acquired through the newly cut samples is merged with data acquired from the literature review. The tests are repeated on aluminium and mild steel of various thicknesses, and various jet pressures. The results show the surface roughness and taper error depend on the selected quality of the cut, while corner error and lead-in lead-out error depend on the thickness of the workpiece.
- Published
- 2017
30. Nova spoznanja o latenskem grobišču v Brežicah
- Author
Jendrašić, Petra and Črešnar, Matija
- Subjects
grobišča ,grupiranje grobov ,archaeology ,glass finds ,udc:902 ,Brežice ,keramika ,arheologija ,steklo ,Late Iron Age ,groups of graves ,ceramic finds ,cemetery ,mlajša železna doba - Published
- 2017
31. Nova pisava kristalinija za graviranje v steklo
- Author
Černelč, David and Možina, Klementina
- Subjects
gravura ,oblikovanje pisave ,kristalinija ,steklo ,kaligrafija ,udc:655.24 - Published
- 2016
- Author
Peršak, Matej and Štrukelj, Andrej
- Subjects
okno ,processing glass ,udc:692.23:692.82(043.2) ,steklo ,facade ,medstekelni prostor ,window ,technological processes ,fasada ,obdelava stekla ,tehnološki procesi ,pane interspace ,glass - Abstract
V diplomskem delu opisujem uporabo stekla v gradbene namene, tehnološke procese predelave stekla, oblikovanje stekla . Pregledali bomo zgodovinski razvoj ravnega stekla, tehnologijo proizvodnje, karakteristike stekla, vrsto stekla glede na sestavo, uporabnost stekla v gradbene namene. Predelali bomo načine obdelave stekla s kontrolo stekla, montaže ter transporta. Opisali bomo sestavo sodobnih oken ter fasad ter njihove tehnične lastnosti. Podrobneje o prednostih glede na sestavo, načine vgradnje. Opisali bomo kako nastane steklena fasada in opisali načine izvedb fasad ter se dodatknili možnosti zaščite pred sončno svetlobo. The thesis deals with the use of glass in construction purposes, technological processes, glass processing, glass forming. We will review the historical development of flat glass and production technology, the characteristics of glass, the type of glass depending on the composition, the usefulness of glass for construction purposes. We will elaborate on methods of processing glass with glass control, assembly and transport. We will describe the structure of modern windows and facades as well as their technical characteristics. More information will be given about the benefits depending on composition, methods of installation. We will describe the making of a glass facade and describe the manner of implementation of facades and explore protection from sunlight.
- Published
- 2016
33. Eksperimentalna analiza obnašanja segmenta stekleno-aluminijastega fasadnega sistema, izpostavljenega ravninski strižni ciklični obtežbi
- Author
Strižič, Rok and Bosiljkov, Vlatko
- Subjects
ciklična strižna preiskava ,steklo ,aluminijaste fasade ,aluminium ,cyclic shear racking test ,udc:624.041.61:691.6/7(043.2) ,aluminij ,glass ,aluminium facade - Abstract
Diplomsko nalogo smo razdelili na posamezne sklope. Najprej smo obdelali steklo in aluminij kot gradbeni material, saj je dobro razumevanje mehanskih lastnosti ter proizvodnih in obdelovalnih možnosti posameznih materialov pogoj za dobro razumevanje fasadnega sistema iz teh materialov. Ko smo osvojili ta znanja, smo lahko s pomočjo tehničnih rešitev izdelovalcev fasadnih sistemov razčlenili in obdelali aluminijaste fasade. Za dobro razumevanje samega sistema sem pridobil tudi vzorec stekleno-aluminijastega fasadnega segmenta. Področje potresno varnih stavb je – predvsem za Slovenijo, ki leži na potresno ogroženem območju – zelo pomemben del projektiranja, zato smo se odločili izvesti ciklične strižne preiskave, ki so nam približale obnašanje takšnega fasadnega segmenta pod vplivom horizontalne obtežbe v njegovi ravnini. Na osnovi eksperimentalno dobljenih rezultatov smo s parametrično analizo izdelali še numerični model enakih dimenzij kot je bil preizkušanec. Ta je služil za osnovo izdelave numeričnega modela večjih dimenzij, takšnih kot se pojavljajo v realnih fasadnih sistemih. Primerjali smo pomike, dobljene pri eksperimentalni in numerični analizi. Rezultat naših preiskav je odpor konstrukcije, ki jo nudi pri mejnem pomiku. Ugotovili smo, da je togost večje konstrukcije padla, saj smo obravnavali precej višji element zato so manjši tudi zasuki in posledično notranje obremenitve ter poškodbe elementa. The graduation thesis is divided into the several parts. First a glass and aluminium were analysed as a construction materials. The detail investigation of mechanical properties, production and treatment possibilities of individual materials is a condition for good understanding of facade system, made from this materials. When we got the knowledge about the materials, we analysed and separated the aluminium facades with a help of tehnical system solutions, provided by facade system manufacturers. For a good understanding of system behaviour itself, we obtained the sample of glass-aluminium facade segment as well. Field of earthquake resistant building design is for us very important, because Slovenia is on the earthquake hazard area. We decided to do the cyclic shear racking tests, wich will better show the behaviour of facade system under the influence of in plane horizontal loading. On the base of experimental received results, we made a numerical model with the same dimensions, like the specimen. This was used as the basis for numerical modelling of the same system with bigger dimensions, the one that we can find out in real facade systems. We compared the shifts, which we got from experimental and numerical analysis. The results of our investigations is a resistance of structural element by the limited shift. We can conclude, that the rigidity of bigger structural element decreases, because of its enlarged height. The rotations are smaller and cosequently the internal loads and damages of element are smaller as well.
- Published
- 2016
34. Development of the timber-glass upgrade module for the purpose of energy-efficient refurbishment of the existing multi-family buildings
- Author
Špegelj, Tina and Žegarac Leskovar, Vesna
- Subjects
potencial prihrankov energije v stavbnem sektorju ,udc:[69.059.25:697.1]:[694:691.6](043.3) ,lesene konstrukcije ,energijsko učinkovite stavbe ,optimalni delež zasteklitve ,energijsko učinkovite nadgradnje ,optimalna oblika modula ,energy savings potential within the housing stock ,energy-efficient upgrade structures ,energy-efficient buildings ,steklo ,optimal glazing proportion ,optimal module shape ,energijska prenova stavb ,timber structures ,energy-efficient refurbishment of buildings ,glass - Abstract
Trenutni trendi v gradbeništvu poudarjajo predvsem naslednje tri ukrepe za zmanjšanje onesnaževanja okolja: uporabo naravnih materialov, gradnjo energijsko učinkovitih stavb ter prenovo obstoječih energijsko potratnih stavb. Doktorska disertacija analizira različne načine energijske prenove obstoječih stanovanjskih stavb. Analiza posameznih načinov energijske prenove ter vpliva prenov na letno potrebno energijo za ogrevanje in hlajenje dveh različnih obstoječih večstanovanjskih stavb prikazuje možnosti prihrankov energije pri prenovi obstoječega stavbnega fonda. Za celovitejšo prenovo obstoječega stavbnega fonda se razvijejo leseno-stekleni moduli, ki se uporabljajo kot nadgradnja obstoječih stanovanjskih stavb. Razviti leseno-stekleni moduli nadgradnje imajo leseno nosilno konstrukcijo in optimalen delež zasteklitve na posamezni fasadi. Razvoj modulov je potekal na osnovi naslednjih petih spremenljivk: neto tlorisne površine, oblike modulov, toplotne prehodnosti ovoja modulov in orientacije steklenih površin ter njihovega deleža na fasadi. Rezultati numerične parametrične analize letne potrebne energije za ogrevanje in hlajenje so izračunani na podlagi mesečne metode. Pozitiven vpliv modulov nadgradnje na energijsko učinkovitost obstoječih večstanovanjskih stavb je prikazan na praktičnem primeru. Current trends in civil engineering highlight mainly the following measures to reduce pollution: the use of natural building materials, energy-efficient building construction as well as refurbishment of the existing energy-inefficient buildings. The present doctoral thesis analyses different approaches to energy-efficient renovation of the existing multi-family buildings. The analysis of individual energy refurbishment processes along with their consequent impact on the annual need for heating and cooling of two existing multi-family buildings show energy savings potential arising from the renovation of the existing housing stock. With a view to renovating the existing housing stock in a more complex manner timber-glass upgrade modules are developed to be installed onto the existing multi-family buildings. These modules have a timber-load bearing structure and the optimal glazing proportion in the selected façades. Development of the modules is based on five variables those of usable floor area, module shapes, thermal transmittance of the module envelopes, in addition to the glazing orientation and size. The results of the parametric numerical analysis of the annual energy need for heating and cooling are calculated through application of the monthly computational method. A positive influence upgrade modules exert on the energy efficiency of the existing multi-family buildings is shown through a practice case study.
- Published
- 2016
35. Process desing for an automated manufacture of glassware
- Author
Namurš, Matej and Župerl, Uroš
- Subjects
modelling ,modeliranje ,udc:621.7.07:666.1.053(043.2) ,steklo ,tools ,orodje ,steklarski stroj ,glass ,glassware machine - Abstract
Diplomsko delo prikazuje postopek modeliranja preoblikovalnega orodja za izdelavo steklene sklede Sara Bowl. Najprej smo predstavili razlike v sestavi kristala in kristalinskega stekla. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena tehnologija stiskanja stekla, s katero smo izdelali omenjeno stekleno skledo. Podrobneje so opisani sestavni deli orodja za izdelavo steklene sklede in njihove funkcije. Fazi izdelave orodja je sledila faza optimizacije proizvodnega cikla, saj je vedno potrebno pred začetkom prve proizvodnje zagnati t. i. »testno proizvodnjo«, kjer določimo potrebne parametre, kot so temperatura jedra in modela, hitrost pomika steklarskega stroja itd. V zadnjem poglavju diplomskega dela smo analizirali, ali smo dosegli zadane cilje in hkrati razmišljali o prednostih in pomanjkljivostih izdelave tega orodja. This diploma thesis describes the modelling process of a forming tool for the production of glassware Sara Bowl. Firstly, it explains the differences in crystal and crystalline glass structures. Further on, it discusses the technology of glass molding used to produce the previously mentioned glassware. It clarifies the tool components for the production of the glassware and their functions. When the tool was prepared the process continued with the optimization phase of the production cycle. Namely, it is important to run a so called »test phase« before the first production to determine the necessary parameters, such as temperature of the core and the model, the moving speed of the glassware machine, etc. The last chapter of the diploma thesis discusses the analysis, whether we have achieved the goals that were set and at the same time it considers the advantages and disadvantages for the production of the described tool.
- Published
- 2016
36. Glass Produstion in Styria in the19th Century
- Author
Stojnšek, Sanja and Kos Zabel, Mateja
- Subjects
steklarne ,decay of glassworks ,glass products ,glassworks ,razvoj obratov ,development of plants ,owners and founders ,export of products ,stekleni izdelki ,proizvodni postopki ,steklo ,lastniki in ustanovitelji ,udc:666.1(497.412)"18"(043.2) ,propad steklarn ,Glass ,izvoz izdelkov ,production procedures - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obravnava steklarne, ki se delovale na Štajerskem območju v 19. stoletju. Zaradi boljšega razumevanja teme sem v začetnih poglavjih na kratko predstavila postopke, ki so potrebni za izdelovanje steklenih izdelkov, opisala sem tudi surovine, iz katerih pridobivajo steklo. Sledi potek razvoja posameznih steklarn ter analiza njihovega delovanja. Seveda je bilo samo delovanje steklarn v takratnem času odvisno tako od lastnikov kot tudi od ustanoviteljev ter tudi lokacije steklarn. Čeprav so vse steklarne imele dokaj podobne proizvodne postopke, so se kljub temu pojavile razlike pri samih končnih izdelkih. Steklarstvo se ni prvič pojavilo v 19. stoletju, ampak so se glažute na območju Štajerske pojavile že v 16. stoletju. Najprej so se nahajale sredi gozdov, daleč stran od naseljenih območij. Posledično so v bližini glažut zgradili tudi stanovanjska poslopja, ki so bila namenjena delavcem in njihovim družinam. Sprva so glažute ustanavljali podjetniki in gozdni veleposestniki, katerih glavni namen je bil, da so izkoristili gozdne površine. Nekoliko kasneje (natančneje v sredini 19. stoletja) pa so steklarne, ki so se nahajale na višinskih predelih, začeli zapirati in so jih na novo odprli na novih, bolj dostopnih lokacijah. The diploma thesis describes glassworks that were active in Styria in the 19th Century. For better understanding of the topic, I have presented the procedures in the first chapters, which are needed for making of glass products I have described the raw materials needed for production of glass. Then I have described the development of the individual glassworks and I have done an analysis of their working. Working of the glassworks at that time depended on their owners and founders of the factories as well as location of the glassworks. Even though all glassworks had similar production procedures, there were differences with their final products. Glass industry did not first appear in the 19th Century but small glassworks had appeared in Styria already in the 16th Century. They were first built in the middle of forests, far from the inhabited areas. Consequentially, they started to build buildings for living as well, which were meant for workers and their families. First, small glassworks were established by businessmen and big forest landowners whose purpose was to take advantage of forests. Later on (precisely in the middle of the 19th Century) they started to close the glassworks, which were located higher, and started the new ones on new, easier accessible locations.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Ber, Boštjan and Premrov, Miroslav
- Subjects
lepljeni spoj ,adhesive ,lesene konstrukcije ,adheziv ,experiment ,numerical analysis ,udc:624.04:624. ,timber-framed walls ,leseni okvirni stenski elementi ,eksperiment ,leseno-stekleni stenski elementi ,steklo ,timber structures ,adhesive joint ,timber-glass walls ,numerična analiza ,glass - Abstract
Pomembnost vgrajevanja povečanega deleža steklenih površin v lesene konstrukcije je zaradi izboljšave fizikalnih lastnosti tega transparentnega materiala v zadnjem času močno narasla. S pravilno integracijo obeh materialov, lesa in stekla, lahko namreč dosegamo številne pozitivne učinke, vezane na bivalno ugodje in energijsko učinkovitost stavb. S konstrukcijskega vidika pa povečan delež zasteklitve prinaša problem ohranjanja stabilnosti konstrukcije, saj ostaja le malo strižnih sten, ki prispevajo k horizontalni nosilnosti. Slednje predstavlja enega od poglavitnih razlogov za izvedbo predstavljenih raziskav. Predstavljene so eksperimentalne preiskave in numerična analiza horizontalne nosilnosti in togosti lesenih okvirnih stenskih elementov s steklenimi obložnimi ploščami. Leseni okvir, na katerega je pritrjena steklena obloga s pomočjo adhezivov, predstavlja sovprežni stenski element, ki s svojo nosilnostjo prispeva k stabilnosti celotne lesene konstrukcije. Uporabljeni so bili različni tipi adhezivov s specifičnimi lastnostmi in posledično vplivi na samo obnašanje stenskega elementa. Razvili smo različne koncepte leseno-steklenih stenskih elementov, ki se razlikujejo glede na tip in postavitev stekla ter način spajanja. Predstavljena je tudi eksperimentalna analiza potresne odpornosti eno- in dvoetažnih lesenih montažnih objektov, ki so sestavljeni iz leseno-steklenih stenskih elementov. Na primeru izračuna potresne odpornosti leseno-steklenega montažnega objekta je dokazan prispevek nosilnosti in togosti leseno-steklenih stenskih elementov. Due to improved physical properties of glass the importance of incorporating an increased proportion of glass surfaces in timber structures has recently grown significantly. With proper integration of glass and timber, a number of positive effects related to occupant's comfort and energy efficiency of a building can be reached. From a structural point of view the increased proportion of glazing presents a problem of maintaining the stability of a structure as there is lack of load-bearing wall elements that contribute to the horizontal load-carrying capacity. The latter problem presents the main reason for executing the presented research. In this work the experimental investigations and numerical analysis of horizontal load-bearing capacity and stiffness of timber-glass wall elements are presented. Timber frame with an adhesively bonded glass panel represents a composite structural member. With its load-carrying capacity a timber-glass wall can contribute to the stability of a timber structure. Different types of adhesives are used to study their effect on the behaviour of the wall element. A variety of concepts are presented which differ depending on the type of joint, position of glass and method of assembling. An experimental investigation into seismic resistance of single- and two-storey prefabricated timber structures made of timber-glass wall elements is also presented and briefly discussed. A case-study of a timber-glass house is analitically analised. The integration of timber-glass walls has proved to be a good solution with a significant influence on the horizontal load-carrying capacity and stiffness of the whole structure.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Germadnik, Matevž and Žegarac Leskovar, Vesna
- Subjects
brick ,classical building ,udc:697.11:693.25(043.2) ,low energy house ,steklo ,klasična gradnja ,nizkoenergijska hiša ,opeka ,glass - Abstract
V diplomskem delu predstavljamo zasnovo nizkoenergijske hiše v Celju. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavimo opeko in steklo kot gradbena materiala in značilne elemente nizkoenergijske hiše, ki smo jih kasneje vključili in uporabili pri zasnovi projekta. V praktičnem delu podrobneje prestavimo zasnovo hiše. Objekt je zasnovan tako, da niso prisotni toplotni mostovi in da ustreza pogojem, ki jih podaja Pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah. O ustreznosti zasnove iz vidika učinkovite rabe energije je priča elaborat gradbene fizike, ki je bil narejen s pomočjo programa Gradbena fizika URSA 4. In this thesis we present the design of a low-energy house in Celje. In the theoretical part we first present the bricks and glass used as construction materials and discuss the characteristics of low-energy houses, which we later incorporated into the project's design. In the practical part of the thesis we present the design of the house in detail. The building is designed in such a way that it does not have thermal bridges and that it conforms with the conditions, set out by the Regulations of efficient energy use in buildings. The building engineering physics analysis, done with the help of the software Gradbena fizika URSA 4, is proof of the design's adequate energy efficiency.
- Published
- 2015
39. Technology of glass bottle tooling
- Author
Škorjanc, Matjaž and Ficko, Mirko
- Subjects
izdelava steklenic ,IS tehnologija ,udc:621.9.01:666.1.053.3(043.2) ,steklo ,steklarsko orodje ,glass bottle manufacturing ,IS technology ,glass bottle tooling ,glass - Abstract
Diplomska naloga prikazuje različne postopke za izdelavo steklenic. Predstavljena je tudi tehnologija izdelave končnega modela, dna, izpihovalne glave in odvzemalnih klešč za steklenico JOY 750. V nalogi sta predstavljeni dve možni tehnologiji izdelave končnega modela za steklenico. Na podlagi kriterijev je bila izbrana tehnologija z rezkanjem oblikovnega dela modela. Ostali izdelki zaradi zahtevanih oblik ne dopuščajo več načinov izdelave. Dno in izpihovalno glavo stružimo in rezkamo, medtem ko odvzemalne klešče samo stružimo. V nalogi so napisane tudi ugotovitve, do katerih sem prišel med izdelavo te diplomske naloge. Te ugotovitve so težave pri strojnih obdelavah, ki so razlog za daljšo izdelavo izdelkov v proizvodnji. This thesis shows different varieties of procedures for manufactoring glass bottles. Manufacturing technologies for blow mold, bottom, blow-out head and substraction pliers for a bottle called JOY 750, are also presented. There are two possible technologies of manufacturing the blow mold. On the basis of the criteria was chosen the technology by milling the bottle shaped form. Other products because of the required forms do not allow multiple ways of manufacturing. The bottom and blow-out head are manufactured by turning and milling, while substraction pliers are only beeing turned. This findings are also the problems of machining, which are the reason for longer manufacturing of the products in production.
- Published
- 2014
40. Use of wooden-glass holders in a wooden building
- Author
Kruško, Arijana and Premrov, Miroslav
- Subjects
construction ,počitniška hiša ,architecture ,wood construction ,lesena konstrukcija ,gradnja ,udc:72 ,arhitektura ,leseno steklena konstrukcija ,les ,steklo ,wood glass construction ,summer house ,wood ,glass - Abstract
V zasnovi diplomskega izpita se osredotočamo na razvoj nosilne konstrukcije, katera temelji na nosilnosti lesa ter togosti stekla. Raziskava je preizkušena na primeru lesene energetsko učinkovite zasnove počitniškega objekta. In the design of the final exam, we focus on the wrapper load-bearing structure, which is based on the load capacity and stiffness of timber glass. The study has been tested in the case of wood energy efficient design of holiday accommodation.
- Published
- 2014
41. Timber-glass Panels for Rennovation
- Author
Potočnik, Jaka and Premrov, Miroslav
- Subjects
fasadni panel ,architecture ,facade ,timber-glass construction ,udc:72 ,arhitektura ,glass,timber ,prenova ,leseno steklena konstrukcija ,facade panel ,les ,steklo ,fasada ,fotovoltaika ,rennovation - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi smo si zadali nalogo ustvariti leseno stekleni fasadni panelni sistem, ki bi služil za hitro in učinkovito prenovo stavbnih ovojev. Tako bi jim izboljšali energijsko in estetsko vrednost. Our goal in this graduate thesis was to create a timber-glass facade panel system, which would be used for fast easy and efficient rennovation of existing building skins. Energetical and aesthetic value will be increased.
- Published
- 2014
42. Analiza toplotnih izgub pri različnih okenskih sistemih
- Author
Movrin, Miran and Bučar, Bojan
- Subjects
udc:694.6 ,toplotne izgube ,PVC window ,steklo ,aluminium ,leseno okno ,heating loss ,wooden window ,PVC okno ,aluminij ,glass - Abstract
Ob vseobsegajočih razvojnih trendih tudi okna niso bila izvzeta, njihov razvoj je med drugim šel tudi v smeri zmanjševanja toplotnih izgub. Raziskovali smo, kolikšne so toplotne izgube pri okenskih sistemih z različno okvirno konstrukcijo, s steklom in z distančno letvijo. Ugotovili smo, da imajo lesena, aluminijasta in PVC-okna z novimi PVC-distančniki manjše toplotne izgube od dosedanjih izdelanih s klasičnimi, aluminijastimi distančniki. Ugotovitev pa je tudi razultat primerjave velikosti oken. Čim manjše je okno, tem večji je delež stekla z distančnikom, s tem pa večje tudi toplotne izgube, in nasprotno - čim večje je okno, tem manjši je vpliv distančnika na toplotne izgube Windows were no exception to the all-encompassing development trends in their case, progress has also taken the path of minimising heat losses. We studied heat losses in various window systems with different frame constructions, fitted with window glass and spacing board. It was found out that wooden, aluminium and PVC windows with the new PVC spacer all featured reduced heat losses, compared to the windows with usual aluminium spacers. Another finding came from the comparison of window sizes. The smaller the window, the larger the proportion of glass with the spacer, which results in greater heat losses, and vice versa the larger the window, the smaller its spacer contribution.
- Published
- 2014
43. Parametrična študija vpliva različnih vrst zasteklitev na svetlobne in toplotne tokove skozi odprtino
- Author
Černivec, Marjan and Kristl, Živa
- Subjects
okno ,frame ,okvir ,transmission of light ,prepustnost svetlobe ,zasteklitev ,diplomska dela ,air space between window panes ,prepustnost sončnega sevanja ,udc:699.86+699.88(043.2) ,transmission of solar radiation ,glazing ,steklo ,heat transfer ,distančnik ,toplotna prehodnost ,spacer ,window ,gradbeništvo ,medstekleni prostor ,VSŠ ,glass - Published
- 2014
44. Energy and cost efficiency of triple layer glazing
- Author
Frangež, Rok, Premrov, Miroslav, and Bastič, Majda
- Subjects
three-layer glazing ,building construction ,toplotni dobitki in izgube ,low-energy buildings ,nizkoenergijske zgradbe ,ekonomičnost oken ,steklo ,troslojna zasteklitev ,heat gains and losses ,window efficiency ,gradbeništvo ,windows ,okna ,glass - Abstract
Dandanes so zakoni za minimalne zahteve energijske učinkovitosti že zelo visoki in nizkoenergijske gradnje vedno bolj popularne. Pri tem se je potrebno osredotočiti tudi na pravilno izbiro oken. V tem diplomskem delu obravnavam okna s trojno zasteklitvijo. Obdelujem njegove lastnost, in obrazložim kje in kako se uporabljajo okna pri nizkoenergijskih hišah. Pokazana je primerjava spreminjanja energijske učinkovitosti stavbe, če spreminjamo delež zasteklitve na južni strani, ter primerjava ekonomičnosti oken z trojno zasteklitvijo z dvoslojnimi okni. Nowadays the laws for the minimum energy efficiency requirements are very high and construction of low energy building has increased rapidly. But we must also take into consideration the proper selection of windows. In this thesis I have focused on the windows with triple glazed. I discussed their characteristic, and explained where and how to use windows for low energy houses. I compared the energy performances of a building, if you change the proportion of glazing on the south side. Then I compared the economical efficiency of triple glazed windows with double glazed windows.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Korez, Mirjana and Premrov, Miroslav
- Subjects
stiffness ,nosilnost ,dimenzioniranje ,montažna lesena hiša ,steklo ,dimensioning ,dinamična analiza ,udc:694.4.057:624.011.1.04/.07(043.2) ,togost ,dynamic analysis ,prefabricated wooden house ,load capacity ,glass - Abstract
Diplomsko delo opisuje različne sisteme montažne lesene gradnje ter računske metode za določitev togosti in horizontalne nosilnosti stenskih elementov. Slednje vključujejo opis eksperimentalne raziskave togosti in horizontalne nosilnosti lesenih stenskih elementov s steklenimi obložnimi ploščami. Že pridobljene rezultate eksperimentalnih raziskav bomo uporabili v praktičnem primeru diplomskega dela. Izvedeno je dimenzioniranje osnovnih nosilnih elementov po Evrokod standardih. S programom Tower 6 je narejena tudi dinamična analiza za primer montažne lesene hiše s povečanim deležem stekla. Prikazana sta dva koncepta pri prvem k horizontalni nosilnosti prispevajo stenski paneli z obložno ploščo na osnovi lesa, pri drugem pa k nosilnosti prispevajo še stenski elementi s stekleno obložno ploščo, prilepljeno na leseni okvir. The objectives of the present diploma thesis are different systems of prefabricated building methods in timber construction and calculation methods for the estimation of stiffness and horizontal load capacity of wall elements. The latter also includes a description of the experimental study which investigates stiffness and horizontal load capacity of wooden wall elements with glass sheathing boards. The results of the latter have been applied to the project example of the thesis, which includes a dimensioning of basic supporting elements, carried out in accordance with the Eurocode standards. Furthermore, the programme Tower 6 was used to carry out a dynamic analysis for a prefabricated wooden house with extended glass area. The thesis introduces two concepts: in the first case, the horizontal load capacity is determined by wall panels with a sheathing board on wooden base, whereas in the second case, the load capacity is also affected by wall elements with glass sheathing boards which were attached on the timber frame.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Pangrčič, Monika and Premrov, Miroslav
- Subjects
glass as the carrier construction material ,izolacijsko steklo ,steklo ,udc:691.6+624.012.6(043.2) ,varnostno steklo ,steklo kot nosilni konstrukcijski material ,steklena fasada ,safety glass ,insulating glass ,glass facade ,glass - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obravnava uporabo stekla v gradbeništvu, zato se bomo sprehodili skozi zgodovinske prelomnice pri razvoju stekla ter podrobneje prikazali proizvodnjo le-tega. Opisali bomo poglavitne karakteristike konstrukcijskega stekla, njegovo uporabnost v gradbeništvu ter vrste stekla, primerne za izdelavo steklenih fasad. Podrobneje se bomo seznanili s tipi steklenih fasad in z vrstami sončne zaščite glede na material, način pritrditve in obliko. Spoznali bomo zgodovinski razvoj in oblike steklenih streh in nadstreškov ter opisali steklo kot nosilni konstrukcijski material. Dotaknili se bomo predpisanih tehničnih smernic za uporabo stekla v konstrukcijah in tehničnih smernic za varnostne zasteklitve ter zaključili z obrazložitvijo naveze les-steklo. Thesis deals with the use of glass in construction, therefore we will walk through the historic turning points in the development of glass and further display production. We will describe the main characteristics of the construction glass, its usefulness in the construction industry and the type of glass, suitable for making glass facades. We will see in more detail the types of glass facades and the types of solar protection, depending on the material, method of the affixing, and shape. We will get to know the historical development and shape of the glass roofs and awnings and describe the glass as a load-bearing structural material. Shortly we laid down technical guidelines for the use of glass in structures and technical guidelines for protective glazing and completed with an explanation of the train wood-glass.
- Published
- 2012
47. Life cycle inventories for packagings
- Author
Habersatter, Kurt and Fecker, Ivo
- Subjects
zagotavljanje kvalitete ,uporabniki ,življenjsko okolje ,inventar ,lastnosti ,Švica ,mešanice ,pakiranje ,recikliranje ,umetne snovi ,papir ,jeklo ,embalaža ,vrednotenje ,študije ,raziskovalno delo ,aluminij ,regulacija ,plastične mase ,varstvo okolja ,odpadki ,steklo ,materiali ,udc:621.798 ,strojna oprema ,onesnaževanje okolja ,tabele ,rezultati ,bilanciranje ,tehnološki procesi ,predelava ,surovine - Published
- 2012
48. Rewards of employees as a motivational factor in company Diamant
- Author
Pintarič, Dunja and Treven, Sonja
- Subjects
razvoj ,udc:331.103 ,kadri ,kadrovska politika ,organizacijske strukture ,nagrajevanje ,delovna uspešnost ,kadrovska dejavnost ,podjetje ,zaposlenost ,delovna organizacija ,motiviranje ,delo ,predstava ,proizvodnja ,steklo ,zadovoljstvo ,uspešnost poslovanja ,osebni dohodek ,Slovenija ,učinkovitost ,steklarstvo ,plače - Published
- 2012
49. Analiza nabavnega procesa v podjetju Reflex Gornja Radgona, d.o.o. : diplomsko delo
- Author
Križan, Bojan and Završnik, Bruno
- Subjects
predelovalna industrija ,metode ,zagotavljanje kvalitete ,nabavna politika ,trg ,materialno poslovanje ,podjetje ,poslovni proces ,potrebe ,panoge dejavnosti ,mednarodni trg ,dobavitelji ,udc:658.7 ,materiali ,steklo ,kvaliteta ,nabava ,dobava ,standardi ,mednarodni standardi ,uspešnost poslovanja ,steklarstvo ,ocenjevanje - Published
- 2012
50. Prodor blagovne znamke Rogaška Crystal na mednarodne trge : diplomsko delo
- Author
Iršič, Samo and Jurše, Milan
- Subjects
pozicioniranje ,distribucija ,prednost ,industrija ,oblikovanje ,modeli ,pospeševanje prodaje ,izdelki ,predstava ,proizvodni programi ,udc:658.6 ,steklarstvo ,prodajna politika ,trženje ,dejavnost ,organiziranost ,mednarodno trženje ,konkurenčnost ,blagovne znamke ,mednarodni trg ,steklo ,marketing ,politika izdelka ,strategija trženja ,tržna analiza ,komercialno poslovanje ,upravljanje - Published
- 2012
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