Objective: To understand the influence of perioperative comprehensive structural nutrition intervention for cochlear implant patients on the complications, medical costs and satisfaction of cochlear implant patients, so as to provide reference for exploring the management mode of cochlear implant patients. Methods: Selfassessment questionnaires were used to investigate the subjects from January1 2018 to November 30 2020. The comprehensive structural nutrition intervention mode was used in the intervention group, and the traditional conventional mode was used in the control group. The information such as auditory behavior classification, speech intelligibility classification, complications, medical expenses and satisfaction degree of the patients under the unmanaged mode from January 1 2018 to November 30 2020. Results: The difference between the intervention group and the control group was not statistically significant in the auditory behavior grading and speech intelligibility grading at admission, 3 months and 6 months after operation (P > 0.05). There was statistically significant differences in the complications (χ² = 4.406, P = 0.036), medical expenses (t = -17.131, P < 0.001), satisfaction score (t = 3.489, P = 0.007) between the intervention group and the control group. The multivariate analysis showed that patients with comprehensive nutrition intervention, increased body mass index, and improved satisfaction were less likely to have postoperative complications. Conclusions: Comprehensive intervention of structural nutrition can effectively improve the clinical outcome of cochlear implant patients, reduce medical costs of the patients, and improve the satisfaction on the patients family members. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the comprehensive intervention management model of structural nutrition in cochlear implant patients. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]