We present two recent test case application examples of a new high-performance insulation panel with product name SLENTITE® used as core element of a rendered internal wall insulation system. The first case study refers to the 18th-century building Alte Schäfflerei now the Fraunhofer Centre for Conservation and Energy Performance of Historic Buildings, at the monastery Benediktbeuern, southern Germany, where SLENTITE® was applied in 11/2017. The second test case was installed in 04/2019 in a heritage building situated in the historic center of Luxembourg. In Benediktbeuern, a single layer of insulation material was chosen, in Luxembourg we applied two layers of insulation. In both cases, detail work around the windows was a main task and we gained experience on product processing under real conditions. In terms of indoor room usage, the object in Benediktbeuern is used as exhibition hall with rare traffic and well controlled climate, whereas the object in Luxembourg is used as meeting room without climate control. Measured data of 20 months from the object in Benediktbeuern and first impressions of the performance in Luxembourg are discussed.