Illuminated in its very own rhythm, the Portuguese eighteenth-century was built anchored in written memories, legacies of a conqueror past, but also dominated, in permanent alertness about the vast physical and intellectual territory. On the conquered ground from the religious dictates supported by the royal power, promising synergies emerge, echoes of new ways followed abroad with success, designed in the illuminated minds and printed by the typographic mesh of a press under renovation. Through typesetting, ideas upsurge, modern directions of a society widespread and, stepby- step from pressing cultural requirements, new aesthetic compositions emerge, horizons of education expand, increasing knowledge and making it accessible. In the main movements of editorial renovation of the century, a new country is raised, open to change, aware of scientific innovations, available for the arts, the ones that recreate and disseminate national culture and those that perpetuate the written achievements. In the importation of typographical progress and engraving techniques, the emergence of a new culture of information is promoted, evolving into advertising and multiple graphics paths that are supported by typography and image. In the eighteenth-century investment dedicated to typography and engraving is the beginning of a graphical development that would one day set free from the paper. Identifying these editorial spaces and their cultural, scientific and artistic achievements was the path we have travelled, witnessed by the characters that make up this thesis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]