Competitiveness is both the functioning basis and the measure of the organization development which is subjected to the laws of the market. The study presents the general look at the problem of competitiveness. The aim of the research is to present the competitiveness as the measure of the enterprise development. The following research hypothesis was taken in the study: competitiveness is an abstract term which is the basis for the enterprise's functioning on the competitive market. The method of literature interpretation was applied in the study, in terms of which the logical reasoning (logical thought) and perception were used. This elaboration confirms the competitiveness importance for the organization's functioning in the changing environment. Competitiveness is an important link in the development of organization (enterprise) resulting from the competition and contributing to the competitive advantage. Competitiveness is the variety of the factors which form the organization. The development is a wide problem, which the competitiveness – which may be treated as the measure of organization’s success[1] - falls within.Eachorganization is responsible for the formation of its own competitiveness. The competitiveness should be seen through the prism of the internal and external factors of the organization, as well as the integrated factors, meaning internal and external (external and internal). Only the integrated view gives a full picture of these factors, which contribute to the achievement of the competitive advantage. The managers, as people who realize the process of organization management, have the obligation to shape the competitiveness. A manager in the partnership with his subordinates strengthen the competitiveness of the enterprise in a comprehensive way.The manager responsible forthe competitiveness may be described as a competition manager. The quality of the factors of competitiveness depends from the quality of the manager, in other words, from the level of his commitment to work together with his intellectual capital (knowledge, abilities, experiences, positive attitude towards work and people, etc.). The conducted study of the literature along with the applied testing method confirms positively accepted research hypothesis, which takes the form of a thesis which sounds: competitiveness is an abstract concept which forms the basis of the functioning of the enterprise on a competitive market. Competitiveness must be shaped permanently, because the passage of time puts pressure on the factors of competitiveness, what is the competitiveness today, in the future ceases to be the basis for creating competitiveness. The following study is another step in highlighting the importance of competitiveness in shaping the direction of achieving a competitive advantage. The quality of competitiveness is the quality of the competitive advantage. [1]One should keep in mind that competitiveness can not only contribute to success, but also to the failure of the organization. Many studies treat competitiveness in terms of success and as such it is the subject of this study.