This study tested the efficacy of the Cystic Fibrosis Family Education Program, a cystic fibrosis self-management program, on improving participants' knowledge, self-efficacy, self-management behavior, health, and quality of life. A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest nonequivalent comparison group design was employed. Participants made up 104 patient-primary caregiver dyads from the intervention site cystic fibrosis center and 95 from the usual care comparison center. The intervention, a self-paced print curriculum based on social cognitive theory, targeted behavioral capability, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations and was implemented as an integral part of medical care. Parents, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescents received separate materials on respiratory, nutrition and malabsorption, communication, and coping issues. Significant intervention effects were found on the knowledge scores for caregivers, adolescents, and children; caregiver and adolescent total self-management scores; Child Behavior Checklist total score; one parent coping scale score; the modified NIH score; NIH pulmonary factor 1; and the Brasfield total score. Significant interaction effects were evident in the self-efficacy scores for caregivers and children. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]