Problem setting. The presented in the paper analysis of political identity of the students in the system of value orientations has acknowledged a number of contradictions in understanding of these phenomena and ascertained a proper epistemological narrowness of the students concerning their tolerance growth which blocks to implement the results of fundamental and applied theoretical developments. Apropos, in these developments the definite methods, receptions, proposals and algorithms of certain situations’ improvements, with certain people, usage of definite ways of outlook-value, cognitive, operation-activity and reflexive components of the development are not always available. Paper objective. The paper objective is to determine the theoretical analysis of political identity of the students as a result of political identification and an influence factor of tolerance forming. Recent research and publications analysis. By the analysis results it has been established that in literature sources sometimes values and value orientations are presented in one meaning –as a conception which determines the significance for people and the society of different phenomena, objects which play the central role in building the system of life values, developing life strategies, defining the vector of possible changes, in whole in awareness of the life sense and the socio-cultural activity of a person. Most scholars point out that a value orientation is a directivity of a personality to adoption of the definite values to satisfy his needs; in value orientations the value plays a role of a peculiar guideline and a corresponding regulator of behavior and activity of a person in the subject and social reality. By this way a personality is oriented to those values which are the most necessary for him at present and in prospect and which correspond to his interests and goals, appeal to his experience. Paper main body. Unconditionally taking this statement, at the level of a new assertion we refine that value orientations reflect the result of values summing by a person so that a person chooses the positively important essence among everything important in them. They are the main dominant of a person’s world outlook and correspondingly they predetermine the tolerance as a world-view credo. The analysis of political orientation of the student youth has confirmed the fact that it mainly “deals with” the attitude to these or those political parties. Besides, it is necessary to take into account its dependence on psychological phenomena which characterize a student body as integrity (autonomy), in particular their influence on student personalities. Among them there are the public opinion consisting of intellectual, strong-willed, emotional components and manifesting in evaluative opinions which reflect the general attitude (approval or disapproval) of a group to issues and events connected with life and interests of a group. The public mood is a general emotional state which is dominating or prevailing in a group, creating an emotional atmosphere in it; so it can stimulate or oppress the activity of group members and sometimes even lead to conflicts. The self-affirmation is when each group member perceives himself as its part and tries to take and hold a certain position (social status) in it, gain recognition, trust, support and his mates’ understanding. There are collective traditions, customs, rules and aims appearing during the group existence. The collective self-determination is when each student has a definite freedom for an individual thinking in the group which is listened to, respected, paid attention to while the public opinion, group assessment are developed etc. The orientation sources always have the summative character: they are caused by interaction of one’s own motives and empiric knowledge of people, their adopted idea-political conceptions, outlook-value and spiritual-practical grounds of political orientation. Conclusions of the research. By essence, the political orientation cannot lead to the political identification and it is considered as correlation by a subject of himself to a political position on the basis of self-reflection. This conception also means the correlation of a subject to a definite political position presented by other subjects of political relations and it naturally will influence the character of communication and tolerance growth. The tolerance cannot be considered as a certain acceptance of different political orientations’ existence but it has to become a world-view “credo”, a mechanism of consensus finding in all varieties of communication which is the subject of author’ subsequent researches., Предоставленный в статье анализ политической идентичности студенчества в системе ценностных ориентаций показал ряд противоречий в понимании этих феноменов и осветил определенную эпистемологическую ограниченность студенческой молодежи в ее толерантнисном росте, что мешает реализовать результаты фундаментальных и прикладных теоретических разработок, в которых, кстати, не всегда присутствуют конкретные методики, рецепции, предложения и алгоритмы улучшения конкретных ситуаций, с конкретными людьми, использования конкретных способов мировоззренчески-ценностного, когнитивного, операционно-деятельностного и рефлексивного компонентов развития. Целью статьи определено теоретический анализ политической идентичности студентов как результата политической идентификации и влиятельного фактора формирования толерантности., Наданий у статті аналіз політичної ідентичності студентства в системі ціннісних орієнтацій засвідчив низку суперечностей в розумінні цих феноменів та висвітлив певну епістемологічну обмеженість студентської молоді щодо її толерантнісного зростання, що заважає реалізувати результати фундаментальних і прикладних теоретичних розробок, в яких, до речі, не завжди присутні конкретні методики, рецепції, пропозиції та алгоритми поліпшення конкретних ситуацій, із конкретними людьми, використання конкретних способів світоглядно-ціннісного, когнітивного, операційно-діяльнісного та рефлексивного компонентів розвитку. Метою статті визначено теоретичний аналіз політичної ідентичності студентів як результату політичної ідентифікації і впливового чинника формування толерантності.