1. 精神看護学実習前後における看護学生の意識変化に関する研究
- Subjects
学生の意識 ,精神看護学実習 ,エゴグラム ,自尊感情 ,自己洞察 - Abstract
看護学2年次生の精神保健授業の課題レポートのシュヴィングの体験書「精神病者の魂への道」に記述された内容をKJ法に基づいて否定的要因と肯定的要因に抽出した.3年次に進学してからの精神看護学の実習を通して,否定的要因と肯定的要因にどのような変化をもたらしたかを明らかにするために質問紙法による調査を行った.さらに,学生のエゴグラム(egograms)や自尊感情(self-esteem)との関係についても検討した. 実習前後の平均値において,否定的要因である不安,患者恐怖は実習後に有意に低くなった.一方,肯定的要因の援助的欲求も実習後に低くなった.しかし,興味(関心)は,実習後に高くなった.さらに,学生のエゴグラムや自尊感情と否定的要因と肯定的要因との関係について分析した.学生のエゴグラムでは実習の前後における変化は見られなかったが,自尊感情の消極的自尊感情は実習後の平均値が有意に高くなった.実習後に援助的欲求が低くなったことと消極的自尊感情が高くなったことの関係において,実習体験を通して学生は自己洞察を深める機会になっていたと推察された., Positive and negative factors were determined using the KJ method described in the report " Ein Weg zur Seele des Geisteskranken " by Schwing based on the findings of a mental health class taken by the second-year students in the nursing department of the School of Allied Medical Sciences Nagasaki University. In the third-year, changes in positive and negative factors after classes on psychiatric nursing were identified based on a questionnaire survey of the same students, and the self-esteem of the students was also evaluated. After the classes, the mean scores of anxiety and fear in patients, which are negative factors, and of the desire to assist the patients, which is a positive factor, significantly decreased, however, interest in the patients, which is a positive factor, increased. Concerning the relationship between the positive and the negative factors based on egograms and the self-esteem of the students, egograms showed no changes before or after the above classes, however, the degree of passive self-esteem significantly increased after the classes. The association between the decreased desire to assist patients and the increased degree of passive self-esteem suggests that these psychiatric nursing classes enabled the students to deepen their self-insight into the nurse-patient raletionship., 長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 = Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University. 2000, 13, p.59-65
- Published
- 2000