With the proliferation of wearable wireless sensors and adequate communication protocols, the internet of things (IoT) started to shape the healthcare sector into a new frame of connection between patients with health providers. Although the huge opportunities granted by this paradigm, it raises some concerns as well. Two main issues that could be highlighted are power consumption and medical record security. This paper aims to address both issues in an IoT-based remote health monitoring systems by exploring compressive sensing (CS). The presented solution exploits shift registers with sparse sensing matrices in order to construct an encryption key to implement a lightweight efficient encryption scheme. The obtained results show that CS can reduce power consumption by a factor of 35% by only transmitting 70% of the data while preserving the ECG information. In addition, the paper demonstrates that transmission is kept secure even if the illegitimate attacker can access 95% of the information needed to recover the data. 2019 Elsevier Ltd This paper was made possible by National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) grant No. 9-114-2-055 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors. Hamza Djelouat received the B.Eng. degree in telecommunication from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Boumerdes, Algeria, in 2013, and the M.Sc. degree in electronic systems majoring telecommunication from the Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Algiers, Algeria, in 2015. He is currently a Research Assistant with Qatar University. His research interests are mainly in digital signal processing and the applications of compressive sensing in wireless networks and connected health Abbes Amira (S99M01SM07) received the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from Queens University Belfast, Belfast, U.K., in 2001.,In 2001, he undertook many academic and consultancy positions in the U.K., Asia, and the Middle East. He is currently the Associate Dean for research and graduate studies and a Full Professor in computer engineering with Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. He has taken visiting professor positions with the University of Tun Hussein Onn, Parit Raja, Malaysia, and the University of Nancy Henri Poincare, Nancy, France. He has been successful in securing substantial funding from government agencies and industry. He has supervised over 20 Ph.D. students and has authored or co-authored around 300 publications in top journals and conferences in the area of embedded computing, and image and signal processing.,Prof. Amira was a recipient of many international awards, including the 2008 VARIAN Prize of the Swiss Society of Radiobiology and Medical Physics. He has been invited to give keynote talks, short courses, and tutorials at many universities and international conferences. He is also a member of the IEEE Technical Committee for Biomedical Circuits and Systems. He is a Fellow of the IET and the Higher Education Academy and a Senior Member of the ACM. Faycal Bensaali (S03M06SM15) received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Eng.) degree in electronics from the University of Constantine, Constantine, Algeria, and the Ph.D. degree in electronic and computer engineering from Queens University Belfast, Belfast, U.K.,He is currently an Associate Professor in electrical engineering with Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. He took other academic positions with Queens University Belfast and the University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, U.K. He has authored/co-authored over 100 scientific papers in international journals and conference proceedings. His current research interests include embedded systems and high performance computing, custom computing using field programmable gate arrays, image and vision systems, and connected health.,Dr. Bensaali is a regular Reviewer for a number of international journals and conferences, such as the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Sensors Journal, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (Springer), EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision, IEEE GCC conference, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, and IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems. He also serves as the Guest Editor of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal and the General Chair, the Workshop Chair, and a TPC member of a number of international conferences and workshops. He is an Associate of the Higher Education Academy. Issam Boukhennoufa received the B.Eng. degree in control from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Boumerdes, Algeria, in 2013, and the M.Sc. degree in electronic systems majoring sensors and associated systems from Montpellier university, Montpellier, France, in 2015. He is currently a Research Assistant with Qatar University. His research interests are mainly in digital signal processing and the applications of compressive sensing in wireless networks and connected health Scopus