39 results on '"Eckhard, Frick"'
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2. Wahrgenommene Veränderungen in der Spiritual Care-Kompetenz nach einem Online Spiritual Care-Seminar bei Studierenden in Gesundheitsfächern
- Author
Susanne Magin, Kathrin Maier, and Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
Pastoral counseling ,030504 nursing ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,03 medical and health sciences ,Nursing ,Health care ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Spiritual care ,0305 other medical science ,business ,Psychology ,Competence (human resources) - Abstract
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Forschung zeigt, dass der Einsatz von Spiritual Care nicht nur durch Zeit- und Ressourcenknappheit erschwert wird, sondern auch durch einen Mangel an Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie durch das bei Gesundheitsfachpersonen vorherrschende Gefühl von Inkompetenz in diesem Bereich. Im deutschen Sprachraum existiert wenig Forschung zu Kurs- oder Trainingsangeboten in Spiritual Care und deren Auswirkung auf die Kompetenzwahrnehmung von zukünftig im Gesundheitswesen Tätigen. Methode: 12 leitfadengestützte Interviews mit bayerischen Studierenden verschiedener Gesundheitsfächer, die an einem virtuellen Spiritual Care-Seminar teilgenommen haben, wurden mit qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Mithilfe des Seminars konnten verschiedene Arten der Veränderung angestoßen werden: (1) Öffnung: Vom Engen zur Weitung, (2) Präzisierung: Von Abstraktem zu Konkretem‚ (3) Fokussierung: Von Indifferentem zur Bewusstheit‚ (4) Ausweitung: Vom Exemplarischen zur Gesamtheit, (5) Professionalisierung: Von Privatem zu Beruflichem, (6) Persönlichkeitsentwicklung: Vom Zaghaften zur Kompetenz. Zudem brachte das Material die Kategorie (7) Fortbestand: Unverändertes und Leerstellen hervor. Diskussion: Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass ein freiwilliges Online Spiritual Care-Seminar einen Transformationsprozess bei den teilnehmenden Studierenden auslösen konnte. Sie öffnen den Raum, die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen weiter zu erforschen. Dies soll Lehrende ermutigen, Spiritual Care ins Studium zu integrieren, und dadurch sowohl das Kompetenzgefühl für als auch die Anwendungswahrscheinlichkeit von Spiritual Care in der Zukunft erhöhen.
- Published
- 2020
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3. Spirituelle Kompetenz in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie – Hindernisse und Erfolgsfaktoren
- Author
Franz Pfitzer, Philip Ziemer, Stephan Heres, Eckhard Frick, Arndt Büssing, and Karl Ableidinger
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,05 social sciences ,Success factors ,050109 social psychology ,General Medicine ,ddc ,03 medical and health sciences ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,0302 clinical medicine ,Neurology ,medicine ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,Spiritual care ,Psychology - Abstract
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Ebenso wie die World Psychiatric Association (WPA) und andere nationale psychiatrische Fachgesellschaften hat auch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) ein Positionspapier zu Religiosität und Spiritualität (R/Sp) in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie veröffentlicht, in dem sie Patientenzentrierung und spirituelle Kompetenz (SpK) der psychiatrischen Berufe fordert. Es ist bekannt, dass Kompetenzmangel das wichtigste Hindernis für die Implementierung von Spiritual Care (SpC) in die klinische Praxis darstellt. Fragestellung Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist die praxisnahe Untersuchung der SpK in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Wie schätzen psychiatrisch Tätige die SpK ihrer eigenen Berufsgruppe ein und welche Variablen beeinflussen dieses Urteil? Material und Methoden Insgesamt 391 psychiatrische Pflegekräfte, 75 Psychiater, 119 Therapeuten verschiedener Professionen und 62 andere (n = 647) aus Krankenhäusern in Deutschland und Österreich füllten den SpC Competency Questionnaire (SCCQ) aus. Ergebnisse Pflegekräfte, ältere und spirituell erfahrenere Personen schätzen die SpK der eigenen Berufsgruppe vergleichsweise höher ein und meinen seltener, diesbezüglich nicht zuständig zu sein. Pflegende nennen häufiger als andere Berufsgruppen das Fehlen geeigneter Räumlichkeiten als Hindernis für die Implementierung von SpC. Höhere Einschätzung der SpK der eigenen Berufsgruppe geht mit höheren Werten in den SCCQ-Faktoren „Selbsterfahrung und proaktive Öffnung“, „Team-Spirit“, „Wahrnehmungs‑/Dokumentationskompetenz“ einher. Diskussion Die Zuständigkeit der Gesundheitsberufe für SpC in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie wird unter den deutschsprachigen psychiatrischen Berufsgruppen noch kontrovers diskutiert. Dies hängt mit mangelnder Kompetenz in diesem Feld zusammen.
- Published
- 2020
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4. Spiritual Care in Containment-Zeiten
- Author
Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
Containment (computer programming) ,Pastoral counseling ,Nursing ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Forestry ,Plant Science ,Sociology ,Spiritual care ,0503 education - Abstract
ZusammenfassungMedizinische und politische Autoritäten behandeln die COVID-19-induzierte Ungewissheit durch Containment-Maßnahmen wie Social Distancing, Quarantäne, Abschirmung vulnerabler Populationen. Über diese abwehrende Bedeutung hinaus betrifft das englische Wort “to contain” den Menschen in seiner psycho-sozio-spirituellen Dimension: Wie „containen“, transformieren, transzendieren Subjekte die Erfahrung von Ungewissheit?Foucault unterscheidet zwischen dem autoritären Pest/Lepra- und dem liberaleren Pocken-Modell der politischen und medizinischen Bewältigung von Epidemien. In westlichen Industrieländern stimmt die Covid-19 Pandemie (2020) recht gut mit dem Pocken-Modell überein, indem sie den Bürgern eine gewisse Bewegungsfreiheit einräumt und über Eindämmungs-Maßnahmen informiert. Foucault zufolge üben medizinische und politische Autoritäten in pandemischen Krisen ihre „Pastoralmacht“ aus. Die „Herde“ der säkularen Pastoren („Hirten“) reagiert auf die Eindämmungsmaßnahmen durch Unterwerfung oder Widerstand, z. B. durch Spiritualität (Selbstsorge, Praktiken durch die das Subjekt an sich selbst die notwendigen Transformationen ausführt, um Zugang zur Wahrheit zu erlangen).Die pandemische Bedrohung reduziert den Menschen auf seine physische Dimension und schließt psycho-soziale und spirituelle Aspekte aus. Seelsorgende erleben diesen diskursiven Ausschluss, wenn sie als Besucher ausgeschlossen werden. Sie können jedoch sinnlose, toxische oder traumatische Aspekte der Pandemie „containen“ (i. S. v. „halten“) und transformieren. Auf diese Weise repräsentieren sie für Patienten und Personal nicht nur den Ausschluss des Spirituellen, sondern auch Hoffnung und Transzendenz.
- Published
- 2020
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5. Zur Konstruktion von Spiritualität im Gesundheitswesen
- Author
Eckhard Frick, Benjamin Bettenbrock, Traugott Roser, and Teresa Deffner
- Subjects
05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,050105 experimental psychology - Abstract
Zusammenfassung Wissenschaftliche Communities bemühen sich um Konsensusdefinitionen von Basiskonzepten, die der empirischen Forschung zu Grunde liegen. In der Forschung über Spiritualität und Spiritual Care können etic-Daten (erhoben durch operationalisierte Methoden) und idiosynkratische, stark subjektive emic-Daten unterschieden werden. Interessanterweise können auch empirische Forscher und Spiritualitäts-Experten ihre persönliche emic-Perspektive ausdrücken, die sehr verschieden von der Perspektive ihrer Kollegen sein kann. Diese Studie verwendet die Repertory Grid Technik (RGT), eine empirische Methode zur Erfassung idiosynkratischer psychologischer Charakteristika, um die persönlichen Konstrukte von „Spiritualität“ und „Spiritual Care“ bei Experten in diesen Forschungs- und Praxisfeldern zu untersuchen.
- Published
- 2020
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6. Spirituelle Bedürfnisse von Patienten eines Notfallzentrums
- Author
A. Beivers, C. Wapler, K. Härtl, C. Dodt, Eckhard Frick, Arndt Büssing, and D. Rodrigues Recchia
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,Emergency Nursing ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,ddc ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Emergency Medicine ,Internal Medicine ,Medicine ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Spiritual care ,business - Abstract
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Spirituelle Bedürfnisse (spB) sind von einer religiösen Gebundenheit prinzipiell unabhängige wichtige Elemente des menschlichen Wesens. Sie können in Belastungssituationen, die z. B. durch das akute Auftreten einer Erkrankung ausgelöst werden, eine Ressource zur Bewältigung der Situation sein. Notaufnahmen sind Bereiche des Krankenhauses mit hoher medizinischer Leistungsdichte, was für Notfallpatienten eine besondere Unsicherheit hervorruft. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht erstmals das Vorliegen spiritueller Bedürfnisse eines Kollektivs von Patienten eines Notfallzentrums. Methoden Insgesamt 383 von 479 kontaktierten Patienten füllten die deutschsprachige Version des Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ-20) aus und stimmten der Erhebung demographischer und klinischer Daten zu. Die Auswertung umfasste deskriptive Statistiken, Korrelationsanalysen, univariate sowie multiple Varianzanalysen. Ergebnisse Bedürfnisse nach innerem Frieden und generative Bedürfnisse (etwas weitergeben, etwas für andere tun) waren stärker ausgeprägt als religiöse (rB) und existenzielle (eB) Bedürfnisse. Es fanden sich keine Zusammenhänge zwischen spB einerseits und Grund der Konsultation, Schweregrad und Anzahl der Komorbiditäten andererseits. Das Alter spielte keine ausschlaggebende Rolle; vielmehr waren die vorhandenen Bedürfnisse, insbesondere die rB, bei Frauen signifikant stärker ausgeprägt als bei Männern. Schlussfolgerung Auch in einer Notfallsituation sind Menschen bereit, ihre spirituellen Bedürfnisse zu äußern. Die frühzeitige Erhebung in einer Notaufnahme erfasst auch nichtmedizinische wichtige Aspekte des kranken Menschen und erlaubt die Berücksichtigung der erfassten Bedürfnisse. Ob das auf den weiteren Behandlungsverlauf und das Wohlbefinden der Patienten einen Einfluss hat, müssen weitere Studien klären.
- Published
- 2020
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7. Unterwegs zum Facharzt für Spirituelle Medizin? Entwurf eines medizinisch-therapeutischen Spiritual Care-Modells zwischen Professionalisierung und Deprofessionalisierung
- Author
Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030502 gerontology ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Sociology ,0305 other medical science - Abstract
Zusammenfassung Nach Balboni & Balboni fördert die säkulare Medizin mit ihrer Spiritualität der Immanenz das einflussreiche und weitgehend unbewusste Modell einer apersonalen und technokratischen Heilkunde, welche die spirituelle Suche von Patienten und Gesundheitsberufen vernachlässigt. Die Gegenüberstellung differierender Systemlogiken von Seelsorge (Ss) und Spiritual Care (SC) hilft einerseits, diese internen Gegensätze und Verkürzungen der gegenwärtigen Medizin klarzustellen. Andererseits wird „Spiritual Care“ weithin als Oberbegriff verwendet, der Seelsorgende und SC Anbietende aus allen Berufen umfasst. Insgesamt fördert die Diskussion des Risikos eines medikalisierten SC und der inter-systemischen Differenzen ein entstehendes Spiritual Care-Modell für die Medizin und andere helfende Berufe.
- Published
- 2020
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8. Spiritual Dryness and Celibacy in Catholic Priests – Discernment of Ongoing Spiritual Journeys from Relational and Psychosexual Immaturities
- Author
Christoph Jacobs, Eckhard Frick, Arndt Büssing, and Klaus Baumann
- Subjects
060303 religions & theology ,Sociology and Political Science ,Social Psychology ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,Religious studies ,Celibacy ,050109 social psychology ,Loneliness ,Human sexuality ,Context (language use) ,06 humanities and the arts ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,Mental health ,Cross-cultural psychology ,Feeling ,medicine ,Discernment ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,medicine.symptom ,Psychology ,Social psychology ,Applied Psychology ,media_common - Abstract
The celibacy of Roman Catholic priests, in contrast to a single lifestyle, implies an existential choice for spiritual reasons as a conscious motivation. Nevertheless, several of them struggle with celibacy life style and some experience phases of spiritual dryness. So far it is unclear which role priestly celibacy may play in this context. We therefore intended to investigate whether and how celibacy on the one hand and supportive relations to other persons and feelings of loneliness on the other hand are connected to the experience of spiritual dryness among priests. As part of the German Pastoral Ministry Study, we analyzed data sets of 2531 priests. The results at first hand confirmed a correlation of spiritual dryness with a low commitment to celibacy and loneliness. Regression analyses revealed problems with sexuality and loneliness as an inability to be alone are relevant indicators of spiritual dryness. Our results point to two important concomitant mental conditions in a considerable number of cases: to continuous psychosexual problems and immaturities on one hand and to a basic incapacity to be alone, pointing to a serious structural deficit in the psychic life of some of our participants. Our study finally is a call to address these problems adequately, first of all for the mental health and spiritual truth of these persons, secondly also in the interest of all of those who priests are called to minister.
- Published
- 2019
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9. Health professionals' attitudes toward religiosity and spirituality: a NERSH Data Pool based on 23 surveys from six continents
- Author
Maria Cecilia Menegatti-Chequini, Inga Wermuth, Klaus Baumann, Jens Søndergaard, Esther Schouten, Parameshwaran Ramakrishnan, Eunmi Lee, Arndt Büssing, Rocío de Diego-Cordero, Alex Kappel Kørup, René Hefti, Giancarlo Lucchetti, Azimatul Karimah, Niels Christian Hvidt, Wyatt Butcher, Nada A Alyousefi, and Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
Male ,Complete data ,Attitude of Health Personnel ,Datasets as Topic ,050109 social psychology ,Data pool ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology ,Preliminary analysis ,Religiosity ,Physicians ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Spirituality ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,060303 religions & theology ,Medical education ,General Immunology and Microbiology ,Health professionals ,Individual participant data ,05 social sciences ,06 humanities and the arts ,General Medicine ,Articles ,Religion ,International collaboration ,Female ,Psychology ,Demography ,Research Article - Abstract
Background In order to facilitate better international and cross-cultural comparisons of health professionals (HPs) attitudes towards Religiosity and/or Spirituality (R/S) using individual participant data meta-analysis we updated the NERSH Data Pool. Methods We performed both a network search, a citation search and systematic literature searches to find new surveys. Results We found six new surveys (N=1,068), and the complete data pool ended up comprising 7,323 observations, including 4,070 females and 3,253 males. Most physicians (83%, N=3,700) believed that R/S had “some” influence on their patients’ health (CI95%) (81.8%–84.2%). Similarly, nurses (94%, N=1,020) shared such a belief (92.5%–95.5%). Across all samples 649 (16%; 14.9%–17.1%) physicians reported to have undergone formal R/S-training, compared with nurses where this was 264 (23%; 20.6%–25.4%). Conclusions Preliminary analysis indicates that HPs believe R/S to be important for patient health but lack formal R/S-training. Findings are discussed. We find the data pool suitable as a base for future cross-cultural comparisons using individual participant data meta-analysis.
- Published
- 2021
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10. L’alexithymie : historique, recherches et perspectives psychopathologiques
- Author
Benoît Maillard and Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Applied Mathematics ,General Mathematics ,05 social sciences ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,050104 developmental & child psychology ,030227 psychiatry - Abstract
La notion clinique d’alexithymie désigne littéralement l’absence de mot pour l’expression de l’humeur (a-lexis-thymie). Elle est composée de quatre traits : 1. l’incapacité à exprimer verbalement les émotions ou les sentiments, 2. la limitation de la vie imaginaire, 3. la tendance à recourir à l’action pour éviter ou résoudre les conflits, 4. la description détaillée des faits, des événements, des symptômes physiques. Il est évident que cette notion recoupe certains processus de la pensée opératoire développée par l’École de Paris dans ces travaux sur les phénomènes psycho-somatiques. Si certaines recherches proposent une étiologie neuropsychologique de l’alexithymie, cet article montre les limites d’une telle approche et propose de confronter les hypothèses psychanalytiques sur le fonctionnement alexithymique comme le résultat d’une carence ou la mise en œuvre d’un type défensif. L’idiosyncrasie affective en jeu dans ces processus ouvre la question de savoir si l’absence d’affects peut être impliquée dans des modalités défensives. Un repérage théorique sur l’inscription du corps dans les lignes du langage et les fondements de la subjectivité sera nécessaire pour éclairer la complexité des potentialités psycho-somatiques. Enfin, nous développerons certaines implications contemporaines de ces travaux, notamment dans la clinique de l’obésité.
- Published
- 2019
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11. Meaning in life of older adults living in residential and nursing homes
- Author
Jülyet Öven Uslucan, Eckhard Frick, Carlos Ignacio Man-Ging, Martin Johannes Fegg, and Arndt Büssing
- Subjects
Gerontology ,030214 geriatrics ,05 social sciences ,Religious studies ,050109 social psychology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Spirituality ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Meaning (existential) ,Aged care ,Life-span and Life-course Studies ,Psychology ,Nursing homes ,Older people - Abstract
Background: The purpose of this study was to contribute to the analysis of older people’s Meaning in Life and the implications of dwelling in residential and nursing homes. The transition from one’...
- Published
- 2018
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12. Religious Values in Clinical Practice are Here to Stay
- Author
Eunmi Lee, Connie Thurøe Nielsen, Arndt Büssing, Jens Søndergaard, Alex Kappel Kørup, Nada A Alyousefi, Klaus Baumann, Inga Wermuth, Esther Schouten, Eckhard Frick, René dePont Christensen, Niels Christian Hvidt, Giancarlo Lucchetti, Andreas Schulze, Parameshwaran Ramakrishnan, and Azimatul Karimah
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Religious values ,media_common.quotation_subject ,050109 social psychology ,Context (language use) ,Clinical practice ,Medical ethics ,Morals ,Ideal (ethics) ,Faith ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Physicians ,medicine ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Theism ,Ethics, Medical ,030212 general & internal medicine ,General Nursing ,media_common ,Value-neutrality ,Medical education ,Physician-Patient Relations ,Public health ,05 social sciences ,Religion and Medicine ,Religious studies ,Australia ,General Medicine ,ddc ,Philosophical Exploration ,Religion ,Suspect ,Psychology - Abstract
Research to date has shown that health professionals often practice according to personal values, including values based on faith, and that these values impact medicine in multiple ways. While some influence of personal values are inevitable, awareness of values is important so as to sustain beneficial practice without conflicting with the values of the patient. Detecting when own personal values, whether based on a theistic or atheistic worldview, are at work, is a daily challenge in clinical practice. Simultaneously ethical guidelines of tone-setting medical associations like American Medical Association, the British General Medical Council and Australian Medical Association have been updated to encompass physicians' right to practice medicine in accord with deeply held beliefs. Framed by this context, we discuss the concept of value-neutrality and value-based medical practice of physicians from both a cultural and ethical perspective, and reach the conclusion that the concept of a completely value-neutral physician, free from influence of personal values and filtering out value-laden information when talking to patients, is simply an unrealistic ideal in light of existing evidence. Still we have no reason to suspect that personal values, whether religious, spiritual, atheistic or agnostic, should hinder physicians from delivering professional and patient-centered care.
- Published
- 2018
13. Entwicklung eines Moduls zu 'Spiritualität und Gesundheitsfürsorge' für den Arbeitsschutz
- Author
Katrin Voll, Lydia Maidl, Eckhard Frick, and Beate Mayr
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030502 gerontology ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,0305 other medical science - Published
- 2018
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14. Seelsorge in neuen Kontexten
- Author
Katja Goudinoudis, Claudia Bausewein, Eckhard Frick, Norbert Kuhn-Flammensfeld, and Karoline Labitzke
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030502 gerontology ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,0305 other medical science ,Psychology - Abstract
Zusammenfassung Religiöse/spirituelle Begleitung ist Aufgabe des multiprofessionellen Palliativteams. Seelsorgende mit kirchlichem Auftrag gehören in der Regel zu stationären Palliativteams. Die Mitarbeit der Seelsorge im ambulanten Bereich ist hingegen eher sporadisch und zufällig. In der vorgestellten Studie werden bestehende Formen der Mitarbeit kirchlicher Seelsorge in Teams der spezialisierten ambulanten Palliativversorgung (SAPV) im Bundesland Bayern untersucht. Es wurden 34 semistrukturierte Interviews mit Mitgliedern von 12 SAPV Teams (jeweils 6 mit/ohne Seelsorger/-in im Team) in Bayern geführt. Interviewt wurden 12 Ärzte bzw. Ärztinnen, 12 Pflegende, 4 Sozialarbeiter/-innen und 6 kirchliche Seelsorgende. Es zeigte sich, dass Spiritualität im Kontext der SAPV-Versorgung eine relevante Größe darstellt. Die Bereitschaft zu Spiritual Care ist bei Teammitgliedern unterschiedlich ausgeprägt, wobei sich der persönliche Bezug zu spirituellen Fragen förderlich auswirkt. Die Mitarbeit von Seelsorgenden im Team fördert die spirituelle Kompetenz der Teammitglieder und stellt eine Entlastung für das Team dar. Spiritual Care bildet eine Schnittstelle zwischen der „profanen“ naturwissenschaftlich und ökonomisch orientierten Logik des Gesundheitswesens und der religiös geprägten kirchlich verantworteten Seelsorge. Mit der daraus resultierenden Spannung gilt es im Blick auf das gemeinsame Ziel der Versorgung von Patienten und Zugehörigen konstruktiv umzugehen.
- Published
- 2018
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15. 'Struggles are not necessarily destructive or dangerous'
- Author
Traugott Roser and Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030502 gerontology ,Political science ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,0305 other medical science - Published
- 2018
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16. Spirituelle Trockenheit – Krise oder Chance?
- Author
Christoph Jacobs, Arndt Büssing, Eckhard Frick, Jochen Sautermeister, and Klaus Baumann
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,030212 general & internal medicine - Published
- 2018
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17. Der narzisstische Hunger nach Selbstinszenierung auf der Bühne des Psychodramas
- Author
Eckhard Frick and Sebastian Verbeek
- Subjects
0502 economics and business ,05 social sciences ,050206 economic theory ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,050105 experimental psychology - Abstract
Dieser Beitrag fur die Zeitschrift fur Psychodrama und Soziometrie (ZPS) beschreibt, dass die psychodramatische Handlungspraxis die beiden Extreme narzisstischer Selbstinszenierung und ihre Mischformen darstellen und konstruktiv verandern kann. Narzisstisches Leid kann entstehen, wenn das vitale Bedurfnis nach Selbstinszenierung zu kurz kommt oder wenn es inflationar wird, oft auf Kosten anderer. Entlang der Unterscheidung von dickfelligen und dunnhautigen Narzissten wird gezeigt, dass sich die psychodramatische Arbeit an einer ethischen Praxis zu orientieren hat, die sowohl kritisches Mitfuhlen als auch konstruktives Spiegeln im Zusammenspiel der Personen ermoglicht.
- Published
- 2017
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18. Spiritual Care, Trägerschaft und Management von Krankenhäusern
- Author
Erny Gillen, Jörg Lindenmeier, Lydia Maidl, Dieter K. Tscheulin, Klaus Baumann, and Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030503 health policy & services ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Forestry ,Plant Science ,0305 other medical science ,Psychology - Published
- 2017
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19. Wenn die Sinnquelle zu versiegen droht
- Author
Eckhard Frick, Klaus Baumann, Jochen Sautermeister, and Arndt Büssing
- Subjects
060303 religions & theology ,Psychotherapist ,05 social sciences ,Pastoral care ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,06 humanities and the arts ,Sociology ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,Resilience (network) - Published
- 2017
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20. Spiritual dryness in Catholic priests: Internal resources as possible buffers
- Author
Christoph Jacobs, Arndt Büssing, Eckhard Frick, and Klaus Baumann
- Subjects
060303 religions & theology ,Social Psychology ,05 social sciences ,Religious studies ,050109 social psychology ,06 humanities and the arts ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,medicine ,Dryness ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,medicine.symptom ,Psychology ,Social psychology ,Applied Psychology - Published
- 2017
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21. Charting Spiritual Care: Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Aspects
- Author
Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Coping (psychology) ,Health professionals ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,MEDLINE ,050109 social psychology ,Mental health ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Documentation ,Spirituality ,Health care ,medicine ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Spiritual care ,Psychology ,Psychiatry ,business - Abstract
Proactively addressing religious and spiritual (r/s) issues has a strong intervention effect on patients, which is generally more important than the detailed content of spiritual screenings and assessments. When asked about r/s needs or problems, patients may feel bothered, surprised, annoyed, or, conversely, satisfied, supported, acknowledged in their coping efforts. Consequently, documentation should first and foremost reflect the patient’s reaction towards the clinician’s r/s intervention and to what extent the patient wishes this interaction to be shared within the healthcare team. In psychiatry and psychotherapy, patients’ spirituality is less pathologized than in former times and more and more accepted as a universal dimension of human experience, transcending individual religions. In mental health and in other medical fields, r/s may be part of the problem or part of the solution (K. Pargament), or both. Consequently, spiritual charting should not only differentiate pathological/negative and resilient/positive coping but consists of the patient’s r/s healthcare preferences and goals as well as the role he or she attributes to the health professional.
- Published
- 2020
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22. Self-Attributed Importance of Spiritual Practices in Catholic Pastoral Workers and their Association with Life Satisfaction
- Author
Klaus Baumann, Eckhard Frick, Arndt Büssing, and Christoph Jacobs
- Subjects
060303 religions & theology ,Pastoral counseling ,Sociology and Political Science ,Social Psychology ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,Religious studies ,Life satisfaction ,050109 social psychology ,Gender studies ,06 humanities and the arts ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,language.human_language ,Existentialism ,German ,Cross-cultural psychology ,Gratitude ,Clinical pastoral education ,language ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Association (psychology) ,Psychology ,Social psychology ,Applied Psychology ,media_common - Abstract
Although much is known about the frequency of the spiritual activities of pastoral workers, less is known related to how important specific spiritual and existential practices are to pastoral workers personally or existentially. This part of the German Pastoral Ministry Study analyzed (1) which forms of spiritual activities were regarded as important, (2) how the perceived importance of religious practices related to frequency of engagement in spiritual practices, and (3) how these practices contributed to the life satisfaction of ordained priests and of non-ordained pastoral workers. Participants included 1826 Catholic pastoral workers, composed of 65% priests and 35% (non-ordained) pastoral assistants and parish expert workers. Prosocial-Humanistic practices scored highest in importance, followed by Gratitude/Awe, Existentialistic practices, and Religious practices; specific forms of Spiritual Mind-Body practices were not relevant. Differences in the frequency and ascribed importance of spiritual practices between ordained and non-ordained pastoral workers were identified, as well as a surprising lack of connection between religious practices and their proclaimed importance, particularly of Prosocial-Humanistic and Gratitude/Awe practices. These findings may stimulate further research into the underlying causes of these differences between priests and other pastoral workers and between the frequency and importance of spiritual practices in all groups, which in the researchers’ opinion indicate challenging inconsistencies with regard to the ideals of religious vocations.
- Published
- 2016
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23. Prävalenz und Interaktion von Stresserleben und psychosomatisch relevanten Lebensstilvariablen bei Seelsorgenden in den deutschen Diözesen
- Author
Klaus Baumann, Philipp Kerksieck, and Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Life style ,05 social sciences ,Perceived Stress Scale ,050109 social psychology ,medicine.disease_cause ,language.human_language ,German ,Psychophysiologic Disorders ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Work stress ,language ,Pastoral care ,medicine ,Psychological stress ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Psychology ,Psychiatry - Abstract
Zusammenfassung Fragestellung: In der vorliegenden Studie wird untersucht, welche Ausmase von Stresserleben (gemessen mit Cohens „Perceived Stress Scale“) in Berufsgruppen der Seelsorgenden vorliegen und wie diese im Vergleich zu anderen Berufsgruppen einzuordnen sind. Daruber hinaus wird berichtet, welche Auspragung fur Variablen des Lebensstils mit psychosomatischer Relevanz in den genannten Berufsgruppen auftreten. Hierzu erfolgt eine Analyse des Body-Mass-Index und des Konsums von Alkohol und Nikotin sowie eine Zusammenfuhrung dieser Variablen mit genanntem Stressparameter. Methode: Fur den hier vorliegenden Teil der deutschen „Seelsorgestudie“ wurden 6388 pastorale Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in 22 der 27 deutschen Diozesen anhand einer quantitativen Querschnittsstudie befragt. Ergebnisse: Die berichteten Werte des Stresserlebens in den Berufsgruppen der Seelsorgenden sind insgesamt gering. Auffallend sind ein erhohter Anteil an Personen mit taglichem Alkoholkonsum wie auch haufig auftretendes U...
- Published
- 2016
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24. Reduced Sense of Coherence Due to Neuroticism: Are Transcendent Beliefs Protective Among Catholic Pastoral Workers?
- Author
Christoph Jacobs, Philipp Kerksieck, Klaus Baumann, Eckhard Frick, and Arndt Büssing
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Religion and Psychology ,Coping (psychology) ,Sense of Coherence ,media_common.quotation_subject ,050109 social psychology ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,Young Adult ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Perception ,Adaptation, Psychological ,Humans ,Personality ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Big Five personality traits ,General Nursing ,Aged ,media_common ,Aged, 80 and over ,Neuroticism ,060303 religions & theology ,Operationalization ,05 social sciences ,Catholicism ,Religious studies ,06 humanities and the arts ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Moderation ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Female ,Clergy ,Psychology ,Social psychology ,Sense of coherence - Abstract
In this study, we examined a third variable effect on the relationship of personality traits, especially neuroticism and the salutogenetic concept sense of coherence. Specifically, we were interested in the moderating role of religious trust (RT) and transcendence perception operationalized as daily spiritual experiences (DSE) on the aforementioned relationship among religious individuals. We applied a cross-sectional study among a sample of 8594 pastoral workers using standardized questionnaires. Multiple regression and moderator analysis displayed the relationships between big five personality variables and sense of coherence. Neuroticism was identified as a negative predictor to sense of coherence, indicating impairment on this psychological resource. RT and DSE appear to function as moderators that buffer the negative effects of neuroticism on sense of coherence among religious persons. This is an interesting finding because people with expressions of neurotic personality tendencies often struggle to find helpful methods of coping and may find a helpful resource in the concepts studied here.
- Published
- 2016
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25. Attachment Patterns Affect Spiritual Coping in Palliative Care
- Author
Yvonne Petersen, Jakob Johann Müller, Elke Kunsmann-Leutiger, Eckhard Frick, and Cécile Loetz
- Subjects
Male ,Coping (psychology) ,Palliative care ,Cross-sectional study ,050109 social psychology ,Projective system ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Quality of life ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Spirituality ,Health care ,Adaptation, Psychological ,Attachment theory ,Humans ,Terminally Ill ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Aged ,Advanced and Specialized Nursing ,Community and Home Care ,Aged, 80 and over ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Palliative Care ,Middle Aged ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Quality of Life ,Female ,business ,Psychology ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
Research has shown that spiritual coping is essential for palliative care patients in enhancing quality of life and that attachment patterns affect the emotional well-being of the terminally ill. This is the first study evaluating how spiritual coping and attachment are associated in palliative care patients. Four different attachment patterns-secure, dismissive, preoccupied, and unresolved-were examined, as well as how they relate to three different spiritual coping strategies-search, trust, and reflection. In a cross-sectional, correlative design, 80 patients were recruited from German palliative care wards and hospices. Attachment patterns were determined using the Adult Attachment Projective System and spiritual coping strategies by SpREUK questionnaire, measuring spiritual and religious attitudes in dealing with illness. The results indicate that there is an association between attachment style and spiritual coping. Preoccupied patients had the lowest score in spiritual coping, with the strategy "reflection" being significantly lowest (t = 2.389, P = .019). Securely and dismissively attached patients presented equally high scores, raising the question of what mechanisms underlie spiritual coping. Furthermore, the unresolved group scored high in spiritual coping. Heightening awareness for ways in which attachment styles influence spiritual coping can contribute significantly to the quality of life in terminally ill patients, enabling health care professionals to tailor to individual needs in this vulnerable stage of life.
- Published
- 2018
26. Coping Mechanisms for Psychosomatic Symptoms among Aging Roman Catholic German priests
- Author
Eckhard Frick, Klaus Baumann, and Carlos Ignacio Man-Ging
- Subjects
Male ,Religion and Psychology ,Coping (psychology) ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Aging ,050109 social psychology ,050105 experimental psychology ,German ,Adaptation, Psychological ,medicine ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,General Nursing ,Depressive symptoms ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Depression ,Public health ,05 social sciences ,Significant difference ,Religious studies ,Catholicism ,General Medicine ,Protective Factors ,medicine.disease ,Psychophysiologic Disorders ,language.human_language ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Maladaptive coping ,language ,Psychology ,Clergy ,Psychosocial ,Somatization ,Stress, Psychological ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
To identify and investigate coping mechanisms and other factors which may impact upon the psychosomatic symptoms of aging German Roman Catholic priests. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 499 aging German Roman Catholic priests with standardized questionnaires: Brief Symptom Inventory, Coping Inventory Stressful Situations, and Religious Coping Scale. Task-Oriented Coping exhibited a significant difference between the two groups. Multiple regression analyses indicated that psychosomatic symptoms could be best predicted by means of Task-Oriented Coping mechanisms, identification with priesthood, and by a low Negative Religious Coping. The success of adaptive coping processes for older clergy may depend on how they employ strategies, strengthen their spiritual dimensions, and manage important psychosocial aspects of aging. In our sample, Depression and Somatization are explained best by Emotion-Oriented Coping. It is desirable for aging priests to be aware of protective factors like Role Identification, Task-Oriented Coping, and low Negative Religious Coping, which may be helpful in improving their psychological well-being.
- Published
- 2018
27. Spirituelle Anamnese und Patientenverfügung. Ein Gespräch mit Ulla-Mariam Hoffmann und Heide Krantz
- Author
Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030502 gerontology ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,0305 other medical science - Published
- 2016
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28. Die Kluft zwischen eingeschätzten und tatsächlichen Fähigkeiten bei der Erhebung der spirituellen Anamnese
- Author
Eva Elhardt, Traugott Roser, Piret Paal, Beate Mayr, Eckhard Frick sj, and Carola Riedner
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Psychology - Abstract
ZusammenfassungDiese Studie behandelt praktische Probleme der spirituellen Anamnese im klinischen Umfeld. Nach einer 180-minütigen Schulung wurden die Teilnehmer eingeladen, spirituelle Anamnesen zu erheben und mit Hilfe von zwei zu diesem Zweck erstellten Fragebögen aus Sicht des Befragers und des Befragten zu bewerten. 56 spirituelle Anamnesen wurden durchgeführt. Die Einschätzung der beiden Gruppen zeigte eine statistisch hochsignifikante Übereinstimmung. Die Befrager äußerten (M = 3,4) eine größere Belastung als die Befragten (M = 1,9). Als Belastungsfaktoren wurden eigene Unsicherheit, ablehnende Haltung von Patienten und wenig unterstützende äußere Bedingungen identifiziert. Die Studie machte eine Kluft zwischen den eingeschätzten und tatsächlichen Fähigkeiten bei der Erhebung der spirituellen Anamnese deutlich.
- Published
- 2016
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29. Health and Life Satisfaction of Roman Catholic Pastoral Workers: Private Prayer has a Greater Impact than Public Prayer
- Author
Christoph Jacobs, Klaus Baumann, Eckhard Frick, and Arndt Büssing
- Subjects
060303 religions & theology ,Sociology and Political Science ,Social Psychology ,Transcendence (religion) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,Religious studies ,Life satisfaction ,050109 social psychology ,06 humanities and the arts ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,Prayer ,Stress perception ,Cross-cultural psychology ,Perception ,Eucharist ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Liturgy ,Psychology ,Social psychology ,Applied Psychology ,media_common - Abstract
Studying 7390 Roman Catholic pastoral workers (42 % priests, 13 % deacons, 20 % pastoral assistants, 25 % parish expert workers), we intended to clarify (1) which forms of religious activities were practiced and were thus of importance to them, (2) whether these activities were related to their experience of the transcendent in daily life, and (3) and how these measures were related to their psychosomatic health, stress perception and life satisfaction. We found almost equal levels of the experience of the transcendent in daily life (DSES) and in private prayer, but there were differences, particularly with respect to public prayer forms (e.g., the Eucharist, Liturgy of the Hours). The frequency of spiritual practices showed either no significant or only some marginal associations with psychosomatic health, while DSES showed weak to moderate associations. This perception of transcendence was predicted best by private prayer and life satisfaction.
- Published
- 2015
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30. Factor Structure of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ) in Persons with Chronic Diseases, Elderly and Healthy Individuals
- Author
Eckhard Frick, Daniela Rodrigues Recchia, Arndt Büssing, Klaus Baumann, and Harold G. Koenig
- Subjects
factorial structure ,lcsh:BL1-2790 ,media_common.quotation_subject ,050109 social psychology ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,Factor structure ,structural equation modeling ,patients ,elderly ,lcsh:Religions. Mythology. Rationalism ,Structural equation modeling ,Inner peace ,Cronbach's alpha ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,media_common ,validation ,060303 religions & theology ,Generativity ,questionnaire ,05 social sciences ,Religious studies ,spiritual needs ,chronic disease ,healthy persons ,06 humanities and the arts ,Chronic disease ,Healthy individuals ,Psychology ,Psychosocial ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
The Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ) is an established measure of psychosocial, existential and spiritual needs. Its 4-factor structure has been primarily validated in persons with chronic diseases, but until now has not been done in elderly and stressed healthy populations. Therefore, we tested the factor structure of the SpNQ in: (1) persons with chronic diseases (n = 627); (2) persons with chronic disease plus elderly (n = 940); (3) healthy persons (i.e., adults and elderly) (n = 1468); and (4) chronically ill, elderly, and healthy persons together (n = 2095). The suggested structure was then validated using structured equation modelling (SEM). The 4-factor structure of the 20-item SpNQ (SpNQ-20) was confirmed, differentiating Religious Needs, Existential Needs, Inner Peace Needs, and Giving/Generativity Needs. The psychometric properties of the measure indicated (CFI = 0.96, TLI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.04 and SRMR = 0.03), with good reliability indices (Cronbach’s alpha varying from 0.71 to 0.81). This latest version of the SpNQ provides researchers with a reliable and valid instrument that can now be used in comparative studies. Cultural and religious differences can be addressed using their different language versions, assuming the SpNQ’s structure is maintained.
- Published
- 2018
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31. Reactions and Strategies of German Catholic Priests to Cope with Phases of Spiritual Dryness
- Author
Klaus Baumann, Jochen Sautermeister, Arndt Büssing, and Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Coping (psychology) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,050109 social psychology ,Personal Satisfaction ,law.invention ,03 medical and health sciences ,Social support ,0302 clinical medicine ,law ,Perception ,Germany ,Adaptation, Psychological ,medicine ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,030212 general & internal medicine ,General Nursing ,media_common ,Aged ,05 social sciences ,Religious studies ,Catholicism ,Life satisfaction ,Social Support ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Self Efficacy ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Feeling ,CLARITY ,Dryness ,medicine.symptom ,Psychology ,Clergy ,Somatization ,Social psychology - Abstract
We investigated strategies of 763 Catholic priests (response rate 36%) to deal with phases of spiritual dryness, specifically their reactions toward these feelings, and which strategies were used. Most priests have found strategies to cope with feelings of spiritual dryness. Those who have managed to overcome these phases were stimulated “all the more to help others” and experienced “deeper spiritual clarity and depth.” Whatever strategy was chosen (we differentiated eight strategies in various combinations), there were no significant differences for priests’ self-efficacy expectation, transcendence perception or life satisfaction. Instead, we found significant differences for social support (F = 6.5; p
- Published
- 2016
32. Commitment to Celibacy in German Catholic Priests: Its Relation to Religious Practices, Psychosomatic Health and Psychosocial Resources
- Author
Christoph Jacobs, Klaus Baumann, Eckhard Frick sj, and Arndt Büssing
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Religion and Psychology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Celibacy ,050109 social psychology ,Personal Satisfaction ,050108 psychoanalysis ,Social support ,Germany ,Spirituality ,medicine ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Sociology ,General Nursing ,media_common ,Aged ,Sexual Abstinence ,Aged, 80 and over ,Public health ,Work engagement ,05 social sciences ,Religious studies ,Catholicism ,Social Support ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Psychophysiologic Disorders ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Liturgy ,Job satisfaction ,Clergy ,Social psychology ,Psychosocial - Abstract
We aimed to investigate Catholic priests’ commitment to celibacy and its relation to their religious practices, life and work satisfaction, and psychosomatic health. Results of our cross-sectional study of 2549 priests show that the majority finds living in celibacy helpful to minister more effectively. Nevertheless, a large proportion see it as a burden and would not choose celibate life again. Commitment to celibacy was predicted best by the frequency of religious practices (liturgy), work engagement and personal relation with God, explaining 39 % of variance. These resources are predictors for maintaining a celibate lifestyle and facilitate priests’ satisfaction with life and commitment to their ministry.
- Published
- 2016
33. Emisch / etisch
- Author
Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
060303 religions & theology ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,06 humanities and the arts ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion - Published
- 2017
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34. 'Spiritual Care' im Plural
- Author
Simon Peng-Keller and Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030502 gerontology ,05 social sciences ,Pedagogy ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Sociology ,Spiritual care ,0305 other medical science ,Plural - Published
- 2017
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35. Do Self-efficacy Expectation and Spirituality Provide a Buffer Against Stress-Associated Impairment of Health? A Comprehensive Analysis of the German Pastoral Ministry Study
- Author
Arndt Büssing, Christoph Jacobs, Eckhard Frick, Klaus Baumann, and Wolfgang Weig
- Subjects
Gerontology ,Adult ,Pastoral counseling ,medicine.medical_specialty ,genetic structures ,media_common.quotation_subject ,education ,Pastoral Care ,050109 social psychology ,Personal Satisfaction ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,German ,Perception ,Germany ,Spirituality ,medicine ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,General Nursing ,media_common ,Aged ,Self-efficacy ,Aged, 80 and over ,060303 religions & theology ,Public health ,05 social sciences ,Stressor ,Religious studies ,Life satisfaction ,06 humanities and the arts ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Psychophysiologic Disorders ,language.human_language ,Self Efficacy ,language ,Female ,Psychology ,Clergy ,psychological phenomena and processes ,Stress, Psychological ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
We aimed to analyse stress perception, psychosomatic health and life satisfaction in pastoral professionals, paying particular attention to their individual and shared resources. Enrolling 8574 German pastoral professionals (48% priests, 22% parish expert workers, 18% pastoral assistants, 12% deacons), we found that pastoral professionals' stress perception is associated with psychosomatic health impairment. General self-efficacy was a beneficial resource to protect against stress perceptions, while perception of the transcendent had a further yet weakly positive influence for stress-related impairment of health. External stressors (i.e. team size, duration of work per week and size of pastoral unit) were only of marginal independent relevance.
- Published
- 2015
36. Exerzitien, spirituelle (Geistliche Übungen)
- Author
Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030502 gerontology ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,0305 other medical science - Published
- 2016
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37. Margit Gratz & Traugott Roser: (2016) Curriculum Spiritualität für ehrenamtliche Hospizbegleitung
- Author
Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030502 gerontology ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,0305 other medical science - Published
- 2016
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38. Abide with me; fast falls the eventide
- Author
Eckhard Frick
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030502 gerontology ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Forestry ,Plant Science ,0305 other medical science - Published
- 2016
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39. Spiritual Dryness in Non-Ordained Catholic Pastoral Workers
- Author
Klaus Baumann, Eckhard Frick, Christoph Jacobs, and Arndt Büssing
- Subjects
Transcendence (religion) ,lcsh:BL1-2790 ,media_common.quotation_subject ,spiritual dryness ,Catholics ,050109 social psychology ,sense of coherence ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,pastoral workers ,stress perception ,transcendence perception ,lcsh:Religions. Mythology. Rationalism ,Social support ,Perception ,Spirituality ,medicine ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,media_common ,060303 religions & theology ,05 social sciences ,Stressor ,Religious studies ,06 humanities and the arts ,Spiritual crisis ,Feeling ,Dryness ,medicine.symptom ,Psychology ,Social psychology ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
Background: We wondered whether “spiritual dryness” as a specific phase of “spiritual crisis” or insecurity is mostly a matter only of Catholic priests or can also be found in other pastoral professionals. Methods: In a cross-sectional survey, we measured the prevalence of spiritual dryness in non-ordained Catholic pastoral workers, and identified relevant predictors. Results: In a sample of 3.277 pastoral workers, 50% would occasionally experience phases of spiritual dryness, while 13% experience it often or even regularly. There were no significant differences between women and men, professions, or age groups. The best predictors of spiritual dryness were low transcendence perception and a low sense of coherence (both are resources), as well as depressive symptoms and stress perception (both are demands or stressors), which would explain 41% of the variance. Self-efficacy expectation and social support were not among the significant predictors. Conclusion: Both the proportions and the main predictors are similar compared to Catholic priests. It is thus not the underlying profession or vocation and the related life situation or differences in social support, but predominantly specific perceptions, feelings, and attitudes that are related to the phenomenon of spiritual dryness—and these can be found in all pastoral professionals who seriously live their spirituality.
- Published
- 2016
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