Novelty Statement - For the first time, CH-AZ resin competence has been evaluated for Pd(II) recovery and use application. - CH-AZ resin provided excellent Pd sorption characteristics but moderate desorption characteristics. - With good Pd loading even after desorption, Pd adsorbed CH-AZ resin can serve as excellent material to serve as value added product development from waste resources. Abstract This article targets the efficacy of chitosan cross-linked 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole-5-thiol derivative for the recovery of Pd from synthetic electroless plating solutions (ELP) whose solution chemistry complexity is brought forward with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), ammonium hydroxide (NH 4 OH), and surfactant (cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)). Batch adsorption characteristics of the resin were investigated in the parametric range of 2–10 pH, 0.2–2 g L−1 adsorbent dosage, 5–1080 min contact time, 50–300 mg L−1 Pd concentration and 25–60 °C operating temperature. Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic model fitness studies were also considered. Pd(II) adsorption characteristics were determined using NaOH, KOH and HCl solutions with variant eluent concentrations (0.1–2 N). The solution chemistry complexity has been evaluated to have profound impact in detrimentally influencing Pd sorption characteristics of the CH-AZ resin. The resin has been characterized to be highly effective for Pd removal from synthetic ELP solutions but with moderate efficacy towards the noble metal recovery and reuse. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]