The passive control of compressible dynamic stall has been experimentally demonstrated in a dynamically oscillating airfoil test at Reynolds numbers near two million and Mach numbers ranging from M = 0.3 to 0.4. A rotorcraft-type airfoil was retrofitted with a leading edge glove, and tested with and without integral molded vortex generators. Even at relatively low free-stream Mach numbers (M = 0.3 to 0.4), the dynamic stall process on the basic airfoil was initiated by a strong shock boundary layer interaction near the airfoil leading edge. When installed on the original airfoil, the vortex generators failed to control leading edge stall as the free-stream Mach number increased from M = 0.3 to 0.4 due to this locally supersonic leading edge flow at high lift. Although not successful in eliminating dynamic stall, the aerodynamic shape of the glove reduced the extent of a supersonic pocket near the leading edge and the subsequent shock strength; as a result, the airfoil retained trailing edge stall behavior during the dynamic stall event. Without the vortex generators, the glove switched the stall from leading edge to trailing edge, but did not alleviate the stall. The combined use of a transonic leading edge glove and vortex generators lead to the alleviation of dynamic stall pitching moments; the two concepts worked together to alleviate the severe pitching moments during stall, even though neither one was successful when used independently. In some light stall cases the adverse pitching moment associated with dynamic stall was completely eliminated up to M = 0.40. For deep stall cases, the adverse pitching moments were alleviated up to a Mach number of M = 0.375, however the method failed for deep stall at M = 0.40 for this configuration.