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1. Immune responses in newly developed short-lived SAM mice II. SELECTIVELY IMPAIRED T-HELPER CELL ACTIVITY IN <em>IN VITRO</em> ANTIBODY RESPONSE.

2. Emergent Group Dynamics Governed by Regulatory Cells Produce a Robust Primary T Cell Response.

3. Modelling the interaction of T-Cells, antigen presenting cells, and HIV-1 in vivo

4. Regulation of T-cell activation in the lung: isolated lung T cells exhibit surface phenotypic characteristics of recent activation including down-modulated T-cell receptors, but are locked into the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle.

5. The absence of delayed-type hypersensitivity reactivity in a syngeneic murine tumour system.

6. Desensitization <em>in vitro</em>: the role of T-suppressor cells, T-suppressor factor and T-acceptor cells in the inhibition of the passive transfer of contact sensitivity to picryl chloride by exposure to antigen <em>in vitro</em>.

7. Identification of two suppressor factors induced by early pregnancy factor.

8. Generation of non-MHC restricted killing in cultures stimulated with B cells from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients: phenotypic characterization of the precursor and effector cells.

9. Regulation of the immune response in Plasmodium falciparum malaria II. Antigen specific proliferative responses in vitro.

10. Absence of any male-specific antigen recognized by T lymphocytes in X/X<em>Sxr′</em> male mice.