Proučevali smo tvorbo heterocikličnih aromatskih aminov (HAA) ob različnih dodatkih na sol vezanega brinovega ekstrakta v goveje pleskavice po 4,5 minutnem pečenju na dvoploščnem žaru pri temperaturi 240 °C. Glede na dodatek brinovega ekstrakta in soli (NaCl) v maso za goveje pleskavice smo oblikovali enajst kombinacij oz. eksperimentalnih skupin (0/0 – negativna kontrola (brez NaCl in ekstrakta), 1,25/0 – 1,25 g NaCl, 1,30/0 – 1,3 g NaCl, 1,60/0 – 1,6 g NaCl, 0,75/0,50 – 0,75 g NaCl + 0,50 g ekstrakta, 0,65/0,65 – 0,65 g NaCl + 0,65 g ekstrakta, 0,25/1,00 – 0,25 g NaCl + 1 g ekstrakta, 0,80/0,80 – 0,8 g NaCl + 0,8 g ekstrakta, 0/1,25 – 1,25 g ekstrakta, 0/1,30 – 1,3 g ekstrakta, 0/1,60 – 1,6 g ekstrakta). Presno goveje meso, ki smo ga uporabili za izdelavo pleskavic je v 100 g v povprečju vsebovalo 73,85 ± 1,11 g vode, 22,32 ± 0,19 g beljakovin, 1,98 ± 0,31 g maščob in 1,44 ± 0,44 g soli ter 0,408 mmol kreatina in 0,036 mmol kreatinina. Z metodo Folin-Ciocalteu smo v ekstraktu brinovih jagod določili vsebnost skupnih fenolnih spojin 423,2 mg/l izraženo kot koncentracija galne kisline v mg na liter ekstrakta. Toplotno obdelane goveje pleskavice so v povprečju vsebovale 6,92 ± 4,51 μg skupnih HAA/kg, največ je bilo PhIP (1,96 g/kg), Glu-P-2 (1,74 g/kg), 4,8-DiMeIQx (0,92 g/kg), IQx (0,78 g/kg), MeIQx (0,54 g/kg), ostalih HAA, kot so harman, 7,8-DiMeIQx, norharman, AC in IQ se je tvorilo manj kot 0,5 g/kg (metoda LC-MS). Skupni dodatek soli oziroma ekstrakta brinovih jagod v koncentraciji 1,3 g/100 g presne mase poveča tvorbo skupnih HAA (in tudi nekaterih posameznih HAA, kot so MeIQx, PhIP in Glu-P-2). Z vidika zmanjšanja tvorbe HAA in senzorične sprejemljivosti je optimalen dodatek 0,75 g soli in 0,50 g brinovega ekstrakta, vezanega na sol (zmanjšanje tvorbe HAA pa ni statistično značilno). The aim of this study was to examine the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAA) in beef patties with different amounts of added juniper berries extract bound to the salt after grilling for 4,5 minutes on a two-plate grill at 240 °C. Regarding the amount of added juniper extract and salt (NaCl) to beef patties eleven combinations or experimental groups were formed (0/0 – negative control (without NaCl and extract), 1,25/0 – 1.25 g of NaCl, 1,30/0 – 1.3 g of NaCl, 1,60/0 – 1.6 g of NaCl, 0,75/0,50 – 0.75 g of NaCl + 0.50 g of extract, 0,65/0,65 – 0.65 g of NaCl + 0.65 g of extract, 0,25/1,00 – 0.25 g NaCl + 1 g of extract, 0,80/0,80 – 0.8 g NaCl + 0.8 g of extract, 0/1,25 – 1.25 g of extract, 0/1,30 – 1.3 g of extract, 0/1,60 – 1.6 g of extract). In average, raw beef used for patty production in 100 g contains 73.85 ± 1.11 g of water, 22.32 ± 0.19 g of protein, 1.98 ± 0.31 g of fat and 1.44 ± 0.44 g of NaCl as well as 0.408 mmol of creatine and 0.036 mmol of creatinine. Juniper berries extract contains 423.2 mg of total phenolic compounds/L (expressed as the concentration of galic acid in mg per litre of extract) analysed by Folin-Ciocalteu method. Grilled beef patties contained on average 6.92 ± 4.51 μg of total HAA/kg, with the highest amount of PhIP (1.96 g/kg), Glu-P-2 (1.74 g/kg), 4,8-DiMeIQx (0.92 g/kg), IQx (0.78 g/kg), MeIQx (0.54 g/kg), and other HAA, such as Harman, 7,8-DiMeIQx, Norharman, AC and IQ less than 0.5 g/kg (LC-MS method). A sum addition of salt and juniper berries extract at concentration of 1.3 g/100 g of raw patty mass increase the formation of total HAAs (as well as some individual HAA, such as MeIQx, PhIP and Glu-P-2). From the lower formation HAA and sensory acceptability point of view the most optimal was addition of 0.75 g of salt and 0.50 g of salt-bound juniper berries extract (statistically not significant).