1. Türk Bankacılık Sektöründe Kovid-19 Döneminde Alınan Tedbirler Bağlamında Aktif Rasyosu Düzenlemesinin Muhtemel Etkileri: Mevduat Bankaları Üzerine Bir İnceleme (Possible Effects of Asset Ratio Regulation in the Context of Measures Taken in the COVID-19 Period in the Turkish Banking Sector: An Examination upon Deposit Banks)
- Author
Kartal Mt
- Subjects
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Business administration ,Political science ,Context (language use) ,Asset (economics) ,Banking sector ,Financial sector - Abstract
Turkish Abstract: Ulkeler, tum dunyayi etkisi altinda alan Kovid-19 pandemisinin ekonomiler, reel ve finansal kesim uzerindeki negatif etkilerinin azaltilmasina yonelik cesitli onlemler almaktadirlar. Bu kapsamda, ilk vakanin 11 Mart 2020 tarihinde tespit edildigi Turkiye’de de para ve maliye politikalari ile idari tedbirleri iceren onlemler alinmaktadir. Bankacilik Duzenleme ve Denetleme Kurulu (BDDK) tarafindan 18 Nisan 2020 tarihinde alinan kararla 1 Mayis 2020 tarihinde yururluge girecek olan aktif rasyosu, bankacilik sektoru acisindan son donemde alinan onemli tedbirlerden birisini olusturmaktadir. Hedef aktif rasyosu, mevduat bankalari icin ilk etapta %100 olarak belirlenmis, daha sonra ise bazi degisiklikler yapilmistir. Bu calisma, soz konusu duzenlemesinin mevduat bankalari uzerindeki muhtemel etkilerinin degerlendirilmesi amaciyla hazirlanmistir. 2019 Eylul finansal verilerine gore yapilan incelemede, mevcut durumda kamu mevduat bankalarinin hedef aktif rasyosunu sagladiklari, aktif rasyosunu tutturmada ise cogunlukla yabanci mevduat bankalarinin geride oldugu belirlenmistir. Diger taraftan, duzenlemenin iceriginde cesitli acilardan eksiklikler oldugu belirlenmistir. Bu hususlar dikkate alinarak, aktif rasyosu duzenlemesinin suratli bir sekilde revize edilerek iyilestirilmesi, Turk bankacilik sektoru uzerinde olumsuz etkilere neden olmamasi acisindan kritik onem tasimaktadir. Bu kapsamda, yapilan ek duzenlemelerle bazi eksiklikler giderilmis olup diger hususlarda da aksiyon alinmasi onerilmektedir. English Abstract: Countries have been disclosing various measures to reduce the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on economies, the real and the financial sector, which has influenced the whole world. In this context, Turkey also has been taking measures including administrative measures with monetary and fiscal policies at where the first case was detected on March 11, 2020. Active ratio, which will come into force on May 1, 2020 with the decision taken by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Board (BRSB) on April 18, 2020, is one of the most important measures taken recently for the banking sector. The target asset ratio is determined as 100% for deposit banks in the first stage and some changes have been made in later times. This study is prepared to evaluate the possible effects of the regulation on deposit banks. According to the examination that consider 2019 September data, it is determined that public deposit banks currently maintain target asset ratio while foreign deposit banks are lagging behind in the target asset ratio. On the other hand, it has been determined that there are deficiencies in the content of the regulation from various aspects. Taking these issues into consideration, it has the critical importance to revise the asset ratio regulation rapidly in order not to cause adverse effects on Turkish banking sector. In this context, some deficiencies have been completed with the additional regulations, and it is recommended that additional measures should be taken for remaining deficiencies.
- Published
- 2020
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