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1. Using clustered data to develop biomass allometric models: The consequences of ignoring the clustered data structure.

2. Narrative Style Influences Citation Frequency in Climate Change Science.

3. Navigating behavioral energy sufficiency. Results from a survey in Swiss cities on potential behavior change.

4. Organic farming enhances soil microbial abundance and activity—A meta-analysis and meta-regression.

5. Niche shifts and the potential distribution of Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) under climate change.

6. Statistical Downscaling of General Circulation Model Outputs to Precipitation Accounting for Non-Stationarities in Predictor-Predictand Relationships.

7. Global patterns and impacts of El Niño events on coral reefs: A meta-analysis.

8. Using clustered data to develop biomass allometric models: The consequences of ignoring the clustered data structure

9. Navigating behavioral energy sufficiency. Results from a survey in Swiss cities on potential behavior change

10. Modeling environmental variability and network formation among pastoral nomadic households: Implications for the rise of the Mongol Empire.

11. Trait-based plant ecology a flawed tool in climate studies? The leaf traits of wild olive that pattern with climate are not those routinely measured.

12. Climate drivers of malaria at its southern fringe in the Americas.

13. Exploring households’ resilience to climate change-induced shocks using Climate Resilience Index in Dinki watershed, central highlands of Ethiopia.

14. Climate change impacts on aflatoxin B1 in maize and aflatoxin M1 in milk: A case study of maize grown in Eastern Europe and imported to the Netherlands.

15. A mark–recapture approach for estimating population size of the endangered ringed seal (Phoca hispida saimensis).

16. Systematically false positives in early warning signal analysis.

17. Different grain-filling rates explain grain-weight differences along the wheat ear.

18. Predicted distribution of the glass sponge Vazella pourtalesi on the Scotian Shelf and its persistence in the face of climatic variability.

19. Uncertainty in malaria simulations in the highlands of Kenya: Relative contributions of model parameter setting, driving climate and initial condition errors.

20. Dissolved organic carbon in streams within a subarctic catchment analysed using a GIS/remote sensing approach.

21. Insurance optimizes complex interactive and cooperative behaviors in public goods games.

22. An R package for simulating growth and organic wastage in aquaculture farms in response to environmental conditions and husbandry practices.

23. Conservation planning under uncertainty in urban development and vegetation dynamics.

24. Modeling and mapping the current and future distribution of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae under climate change in China.

25. Hidden early-warning signals in scale-free networks.

26. Estimating future temperature maxima in lakes across the United States using a surrogate modeling approach.

27. Potential worldwide distribution of Fusarium dry root rot in common beans based on the optimal environment for disease occurrence.

28. Incorporating abundance information and guiding variable selection for climate-based ensemble forecasting of species' distributional shifts.

29. Combining dispersal, landscape connectivity and habitat suitability to assess climate-induced changes in the distribution of Cunningham’s skink, Egernia cunninghami.

30. Simulated bat populations erode when exposed to climate change projections for western North America.

31. Optimization of black-box models with uncertain climatic inputs—Application to sunflower ideotype design.

32. Predicting and understanding law-making with word vectors and an ensemble model.

33. A new explanation for unexpected evolution in body size.

34. The Promise and Limitations of Using Analogies to Improve Decision-Relevant Understanding of Climate Change.

35. Exploration of Trends in Interspecific Abundance-Occupancy Relationships Using Empirically Derived Simulated Communities.

36. climwin: An R Toolbox for Climate Window Analysis.

37. Impacts of Climate Change on Native Landcover: Seeking Future Climatic Refuges.

38. Morphological and Genetic Variation along a North-to-South Transect in Stipa purpurea, a Dominant Grass on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Implications for Response to Climate Change.

39. The Influence of Climate Change Efficacy Messages and Efficacy Beliefs on Intended Political Participation.

40. Hydrological Impacts of Land Use Change and Climate Variability in the Headwater Region of the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China.

41. Summed Probability Distribution of 14C Dates Suggests Regional Divergences in the Population Dynamics of the Jomon Period in Eastern Japan.

42. Habit Discontinuity, Self-Activation, and the Diminishing Influence of Context Change: Evidence from the UK Understanding Society Survey.

43. An Objective Approach to Select Climate Scenarios when Projecting Species Distribution under Climate Change.

44. Extensive Acclimation in Ectotherms Conceals Interspecific Variation in Thermal Tolerance Limits.

45. Forecasting Large-Scale Habitat Suitability of European Bustards under Climate Change: The Role of Environmental and Geographic Variables.

46. On the Viability of Conspiratorial Beliefs.

47. Improving the Use of Species Distribution Models in Conservation Planning and Management under Climate Change.

48. Quantifying the Impact of Land Cover Composition on Intra-Urban Air Temperature Variations at a Mid-Latitude City.

49. Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Geospatial Risk Factors of Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis.

50. Uncertainty in Model Predictions of Vibrio vulnificus Response to Climate Variability and Change: A Chesapeake Bay Case Study.