J G de Jesus, Rafael F. O. França, A. C. da Costa, Ester Cerdeira Sabino, Allison Black, B. L. S Nascimento, Oliver G. Pybus, Vitor H. Nascimento, Marta Giovanetti, Carlos Fernandes, L. du Plessis, Shirlei Ferreira Aguiar, Sneha Somasekar, L. C Franco, Jared T. Simpson, Nicholas J. Loman, Ernesto T. A. Marques, Sandro Patroca da Silva, Sarah C. Hill, Poliana da Silva Lemos, C-H Wu, Moritz U. G. Kraemer, M. M. de Lima, Luiz Carlos Junior Alcantara, Márcio Roberto Teixeira Nunes, T Magalhães, Silvia Nunes Szente Fonseca, M. R Lemos, Trevor Bedford, José Esteban Muñoz-Medina, Nuno R. Faria, Edward C. Holmes, Nathan D. Grubaugh, João Felipe Bezerra, Isadora Cristina de Siqueira, L. C Vinhal, Andrew Rambaut, J. P Moura Neto, Hamilton Antônio de Oliveira Monteiro, M. C. de Lima, Sally A. Baylis, A. C. F. S Santelli, Matthew Loose, Flavio Augusto de Pádua Milagres, Joshua Quick, Thomas Jaenisch, W. K. de Oliveira, Carlos F. Arias, Charles Y. Chiu, Jayna Raghwani, Alexandre Otavio Chieppe, M. G. de Queiroz, César González-Bonilla, Tania Regina Tozetto-Mendoza, L. C Moura, Gavin Pereira, Eduardo Hage Carmo, Rafael Dhalia, T. R. de Souza, Gabriel Luz Wallau, M. P Verotti, Maria Cassia Mendes-Correa, D. L Mascarenhas, E. M. de Cerqueira, Kristian G. Andersen, Simon Cauchemez, Ingra Morales Claro, D Loudal, Aluísio Augusto Cotrim Segurado, Julien Thézé, Anna S. Levin, Cláudio Maierovitch Pessanha Henriques, Lia Laura Lewis-Ximenez, Giovanini E. Coelho, University of Oxford, University of Birmingham [Birmingham], Universidade de São Paulo = University of São Paulo (USP), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz / Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP), Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata [Roma], Harvard Medical School [Boston] (HMS), Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center [Seattle] (FHCRC), Modélisation mathématique des maladies infectieuses, Institut Pasteur [Paris] (IP)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Bioinformatique, Biostatistique et Biologie Intégrative (C3BI), This work was supported by an MRC/Wellcome Trust/Newton Fund Zika Rapid Response grant (MC_PC_15100/ZK/16-078) and by the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats Program-2 PREDICT-2 (Cooperative Agreement AID-OAA-A-14-00102). N.J.L. is supported by an MRC Bioinformatics Fellowship. N.R.F. is funded by a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship (grant 204311/Z/16/Z). CNPq contributed to trip expenses (grant 457480/2014-9). A.C.d.C. was supported by FAPESP #2012/03417-7 and M.R.T.N. by CNPq grant no. 302584/2015-3. A.B. and T.B. were supported by NIH award R35 GM119774. A.B. is supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (grant DGE-1256082). T.B. is a Pew Biomedical Scholar. C.Y.C. is partially supported by NIH grant R01 HL105704 and an award from Abbott Laboratories, Inc. E.C.H. is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council Australia Fellowship (GNT1037231). C.-H.W. is supported by the MRC and CRUK (ANR00310) and by the Wellcome Trust and Royal Society (grant 101237/Z/13/Z). S.C.H. is supported by the Wellcome Trust. This research received funding from the ERC under grant agreements 614725-PATHPHYLODYN and 278433-PREDEMICS, and from EU Horizon 2020 under agreements 643476-COMPARE and 734548-ZIKAlliance. T.J. and E.T.M. acknowledge funding from IDAMS, DENFREE, DengueTools, and PPSUS-FACEPE (project APQ-0302-4.01/13). R.F.F. received funding from FACEPE (APQ-0044.2.11/16 and APQ-0055.2.11/16) and from CNPq (439975/2016-6). S.A.B. was supported by the Sicherheit von Blut und Geweben hinsichtlich der Abwesenheit von Zikaviren from the German Ministry of Health., European Project: 614725,EC:FP7:ERC,ERC-2013-CoG,PATHPHYLODYN(2014), European Project: 278433,EC:FP7:HEALTH,FP7-HEALTH-2011-two-stage,PREDEMICS(2011), European Project: 734548,ZIKAlliance(2016), University of Oxford [Oxford], University of São Paulo (USP), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), and Institut Pasteur [Paris]-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
University of Oxford. Department of Zoology, Oxford, UK / Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil. University of Birmingham. Institute of Microbiology and Infection. Birmingham, UK. University of Oxford. Department of Zoology. Oxford UK. University of Oxford. Department of Zoology. Oxford, UK / Harvard Medical School. Boston, MA, USA / Boston Children's Hospital. Boston, MA, USA. University of Oxford. Department of Zoology. Oxford, UK. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division. Seattle, WA, USA / University of Washington. Department of Epidemiology. Seattle, WA, USA. University of S?o Paulo. School of Medicine &Institute of Tropical Medicine. Department of Infectious Disease. S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil. University of Oxford. Department of Statistics. Oxford, UK. University of Oxford. Department of Zoology. Oxford, UK. Institut Pasteur. Biostatistics and Integrative Biology. Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases and Center of Bioinformatics. Paris, FR / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris, FR. University of Oxford. Department of Zoology. Oxford, UK. Ministry of Health. Coordena??o dos Laborat?rios de Sa?de. Bras?lia, DF, Brazil. Ministry of Health. Coordena??o Geral de Vigil?ncia e Resposta ?s Emerg?ncias em Sa?de P?blica. Bras?lia, DF, Brazil / Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Center of Data and Knowledge Integration for Health. Salvador, BA, Brazil. Ministry of Health. Departamento de Vigil?ncia das Doen?as Transmiss?veis. Brasilia, DF, Brazil. Ministry of Health. Coordena??o Geral dos Programas de Controle e Preven??o da Mal?ria e das Doen?as Transmitidas pelo Aedes. Bras?lia, DF, Brazil / Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Buenos Aires, AR. Ministry of Health. Coordena??o Geral dos Programas de Controle e Preven??o da Mal?ria e das Doen?as Transmitidas pelo Aedes. Bras?lia, DF, Brazil / Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Ministry of Health. Coordena??o Geral dos Programas de Controle e Preven??o da Mal?ria e das Doen?as Transmitidas pelo Aedes. Bras?lia, DF, Brazil Ministry of Health. Departamento de Vigil?ncia das Doen?as Transmiss?veis. Brasilia, DF, Brazil. Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. Toronto, ON, Canada. University of Nottingham. Nottingham, UK The Scripps Research Institute. Department of Immunology and Microbial Science. La Jolla, CA, USA. The Scripps Research Institute. Department of Immunology and Microbial Science. La Jolla, CA, USA. University of California. Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Medicine & Infectious Diseases. San Francisco, CA, USA. University of California. Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Medicine & Infectious Diseases. San Francisco, CA, USA. Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Divisi?n de Laboratorios de Vigilancia e Investigaci?n Epidemiol?gica. Ciudad de M?xico, MC. Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Divisi?n de Laboratorios de Vigilancia e Investigaci?n Epidemiol?gica. Ciudad de M?xico, MC. Universidad Nacional Aut?noma de M?xico. Instituto de Biotecnolog?a. Cuernavaca, MC. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. Langen, Germany. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica Noel Nutels. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica Noel Nutels. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica Noel Nutels. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil. Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Salvador, BA, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica. Natal, RN, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica. Natal, RN, Brazil / Universidade Potiguar. Natal, RN, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica. Natal, RN, Brazil / Faculdade Natalense de Ensino e Cultura. Natal, RN, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica. Jo?o Pessoa, PB, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica. Jo?o Pessoa, PB, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica. Jo?o Pessoa, PB, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica. Jo?o Pessoa, PB, Brazil. Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Recife, PE, Brazil. Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Recife, PE, Brazil. Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Recife, PE, Brazil / Colorado State University. Department of Microbiology, Immunology &Pathology. Fort Collins, CO, USA. Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Recife, PE, Brazil. Heidelberg University Hospital. Department for Infectious Diseases. Section Clinical Tropical Medicine. Heidelberg, Germany. Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Recife, PE, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica. Macei?, AL, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica. Macei?, AL, Brazil. Laborat?rio Central de Sa?de P?blica. Macei?, AL, Brazil. Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. Feira de Santana, BA, Brazil. Secretaria de Sa?de de Feira de Santana. Feira de Santana, BA, Brazil. Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Manaus, AM, Brazil. University of S?o Paulo. School of Medicine &Institute of Tropical Medicine. Department of Infectious Disease. S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil. University of S?o Paulo. School of Medicine &Institute of Tropical Medicine. Department of Infectious Disease. S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil. Hospital S?o Francisco. Ribeir?o Preto, SP, Brazil. University of S?o Paulo. School of Medicine &Institute of Tropical Medicine. Department of Infectious Disease. S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil. Universidade Federal do Tocantins. Palmas, TO, Brazil. University of S?o Paulo. School of Medicine &Institute of Tropical Medicine. Department of Infectious Disease. S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil. University of Sydney. Sydney, Australia. University of Edinburgh. Institute of Evolutionary Biology. Edinburgh, UK / National Institutes of Health. Fogarty International Center. Bethesda, MD, USA. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division. Seattle, WA, USA. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil / University of Texas Medical Branch. Department of Pathology. Galveston, TX, USA. University of S?o Paulo. School of Medicine &Institute of Tropical Medicine. Department of Infectious Disease. S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil. Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Salvador, BA, Brazil. University of Birmingham. Institute of Microbiology and Infection. Birmingham, UK. University of Oxford. Department of Zoology, Oxford, UK / Metabiota. San Francisco, CA, USA. University of S?o Paulo. School of Medicine &Institute of Tropical Medicine. Department of Infectious Disease. S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil. Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Salvador, BA, Brazil. Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz. Salvador, BA, Brazil / University of Rome Tor Vergata. Rome, Italy. Transmission of Zika virus (ZIKV) in the Americas was first confirmed in May 2015 in northeast Brazil. Brazil has had the highest number of reported ZIKV cases worldwide (more than 200,000 by 24 December 2016) and the most cases associated with microcephaly and other birth defects (2,366 confirmed by 31 December 2016). Since the initial detection of ZIKV in Brazil, more than 45 countries in the Americas have reported local ZIKV transmission, with 24 of these reporting severe ZIKV-associated disease. However, the origin and epidemic history of ZIKV in Brazil and the Americas remain poorly understood, despite the value of this information for interpreting observed trends in reported microcephaly. Here we address this issue by generating 54 complete or partial ZIKV genomes, mostly from Brazil, and reporting data generated by a mobile genomics laboratory that travelled across northeast Brazil in 2016. One sequence represents the earliest confirmed ZIKV infection in Brazil. Analyses of viral genomes with ecological and epidemiological data yield an estimate that ZIKV was present in northeast Brazil by February 2014 and is likely to have disseminated from there, nationally and internationally, before the first detection of ZIKV in the Americas. Estimated dates for the international spread of ZIKV from Brazil indicate the duration of pre-detection cryptic transmission in recipient regions. The role of northeast Brazil in the establishment of ZIKV in the Americas is further supported by geographic analysis of ZIKV transmission potential and by estimates of the basic reproduction number of the virus.