Currently cryopreservation is applied mainly for safe long-term germplasm conservation of seedless and thus vegetatively propagated crops like banana (Musa spp.). Three cryopreservation methods for shoot-tip cultures of banana are currently available. The first method relies on rapid freezing of highly proliferating meristem cultures precultured for 2 weeks on 0.4 M sucrose. The second method is based on vitrification of tiny meristems excised from rooted in vitro plants. The third, and until now most successful protocol, is a combination of the previous ones; vitrification of highly proliferating, sucrose-precultured meristem cultures. Postthaw regeneration rates are up to 75 %, depending on the cryopreservation protocol and the cultivar. Besides its traditional application for germplasm storage, cryopreservation of meristem cultures can also result in virus eradication of BSV and CMV from infected plants. Only the most meristematic, and thus the least virusinfected, part of these cultures regenerates after freezing. Finally, cryopreservation can also be applied to plant material with specific characteristics, such as medicinal and alcohol producing cell lines, genetically transformed tissues and transformation competent tissues. The safe storage of transformation competent embryogenic cell suspensions of banana is of utmost importance since their initiation is difficult and time-consuming and their morphogenic capacity decreases with time. Cell cultures were recovered after 4 years of storage in liquid nitrogen. We showed that viability and regeneration capacity remainded intact, as well as competence to Agrobacterium mediated transformation. INTRODUCTION Bananas (Musa spp.) are grown in approximately 120 countries where they provide sustenance to millions of people. With a yearly production of around 88 million metric tons they are the most important fruit crop in the world. The export trade, which deals almost exclusively with one variety, ‘Cavendish’, accounts for only 13 % of world production. The remaining production is locally consumed and consists of a large range of varieties with different eating or cooking qualities; local dessert bananas, true plantains, highland bananas and cooking bananas etc. Banana plantations are extremely vulnerable to pests and diseases due to clonal propagation and monoclonal cultivation of this crop. Besides dealing with phytopathologic constraints, bananas could also be improved for tolerance to wind, salinity, cold and water stress, and increased yield, shelf life and fruit quality. Germplasm collections can provide a source of such ‘superior’ genetic material. Moreover, the availability of a wide variety of germplasm is essential for both classical and modern breeding. Seed preservation, the most convenient method to preserve plant germplasm, is not applicable to edible (seedless) banana cultivars. Field collections lose germplasm 51 Proc. IInd IS on Biotech. of Trop & Subtrop. Species Eds: W.-C. Chang and R. Drew Acta Hort 692, ISHS 2005 (genetic erosion) because of pests, diseases and adverse weather conditions and their maintenance is labour-intensive and expensive. Therefore, in vitro collections were established. However, the maintenance of such in vitro banana collections is labourintensive, and even at reduced growth conditions, there is always the risk of losing accessions due to contamination or human error. Moreover, in vitro material is subject to somaclonal variation. Cryopreservation or freeze-preservation at ultra-low temperatures (-196°C) is the method of choice since at these conditions biochemical and most physical processes are arrested. As such, plant material can be stored for unlimited periods. Currently, three cryopreservation protocols are available for shoot-meristematic tissues of banana; (i) simple freezing of proliferating meristem culture using a sucrose preculture (Panis et al., 1996) (ii) vitrification of apical meristems (Thinh et al., 1999) and (iii) vitrification of sucrose-precultured meristem cultures (Panis et al., 2000). Further optimisation of the latter protocol is presented below. Until now, the availability of embryogenic cell suspensions has been an essential requirement for genetic engineering of Musa spp. (Sagi et al., 1995: Hernandez et al., 1998). However, the initiation of transformation competent banana embryogenic suspensions remains a difficult and time-consuming endeavour. Moreover, once initiated, they are subject to somaclonal variation, loss of regeneration capacity and contamination (Schoofs et al., 1999). Their safe, long-term storage through cryopreservation is therefore recommended. Recently, it was discovered that cryopreservation is not only applicable as a conservation tool but can also be applied to eradicate plant viruses (Helliot et al., in press). Successful eradication of Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) and Banana Streak Virus (BSV) from proliferating shoot cultures of banana through cryopreservation is reported. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cryopreservation of Meristem Clumps through Vitrification 1. Starting Material and Preculture. All varieties were obtained from the in vitro INIBAP Musa germplasm collection situated at K.U.Leuven, Belgium. In order to prepare ‘Cauliflower-like’ meristem clumps, shoot-tips were transferred to semi-solid Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium supplemented with 100 μM BA and 1 μM IAA (p4 medium). Every 1 to 2 months, the material was subcultured but only small clumps of 'cauliflowerlike' meristems were selected and transferred to fresh medium. As soon as ‘cauliflowerlike’ clumps were obtained, white meristematic clumps of about 4 mm diameter, each containing at least four apical domes were excised and transferred onto a preculture medium. The preculture medium consisted of Murashige and Skoog (1962) elements supplemented with 10 μM BA, 1 μM IAA and 0.4 M sucrose. These cultures were kept for 2 weeks under normal growth conditions after which meristem clumps of 1.5 to 3 mm diameter (containing 3 to 5 meristematic domes) were excised. 2. Loading, Dehydration with PVS2 and Freezing. Loading solution was added to the meristem clumps and kept for 20 min at room temperature. The filter sterilised loading solution contained 2 M glycerol and 0.4 M sucrose dissolved in MS medium (pH 5.8). Ice-cooled PVS2 solution was then added. The PVS2 solution consisted of 30 % (3.26.M) glycerol, 15 % (2.42 M) ethylene glycol (EG), 15 % (1.9.M) DMSO and 0.4 M sucrose (Sakai et al., 1990). These compounds were dissolved in MS medium, pH adjusted to 5.8 followed by filter sterilisation. The meristems were subjected to the PVS2 solution for 60, 120, 150 or 180 min at 0°C. During this period, the meristems were transferred from the PVS2 in plastic containers into cooled 2 ml sterile Cryo Vials which contained 1 ml of fresh ice-cold PVS2. After the PVS2 treatment, cryotubes were plunged into liquid nitrogen. 3. Thawing, Deloading and Regeneration. The tubes were rapidly thawed by stirring the cryotubes in a warm water bath (40°C) for 1 min 20 sec. Directly after thawing, the toxic PVS2 solution was removed and replaced by the deloading solution for 15 min at room