The detection of antepartum or intrapartum oligohydramnios has been reported to increase the risks of meconium stained amniotic fl uid, abnormal fetal heart rate traces, and fetal distress related operative deliveries1-9. A signifi cant decrease of amniotic fl uid volume (AFV) below 1 cm detected by using the approach of vertical measurement of the deepest amniotic fl uid pouch has also been defi ned as abnormal for biophysical profi le studies6. Several studies have demonstrated the negative effects of oligohydramnios on postterm pregnancy outcomes9-12 and a frequent association with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)9,13-15. Nevertheless, other researchers have found oligohydramnios associated with IUGR to be a poor predictor of peripartum complications16. The Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI), which was designed by Phelan and better refl ects the intrauterine content, seems to be more advantageous than the measurement of the single deepest amniotic fl uid pouch17. However, there are contradictory studies BULGULAR: ASI ilerleyen gebelik haftasiyla birlikte azaldi. ASI azalmasinin șiddetlenmesi Sezaryen dogum, amniyos sivisinda mekonyum, fetal kalp hizi traselerinde anormal bulgu, fetal distress ve miad așimi oranlarinin artișlariyla guclu korelasyonlar gosterdi. Demografik bulgular ve bașlangic servikal muayene bulgulariyla ASI arasinda ilișki saptanmadi.