Problem setting. The current stage of social development poses on a global scale of countries tasks and requirements concerning public administration systems’ construction taking into account basic principles of democracy, onward movement, balance, sustainable development. A new space of social interaction is being formed, which is characterized by fundamentally different peculiarities, while changing the traditional social roles of modern society and its individuals. Our state also needs an open and transparent governance that can face the new contemporary challenges and requirements, where digital technologies can substantially stimulate development of the transparent information society as one of the essential factors of Ukrainian democracy progress, increase of productivity, economic growth, job creation as well as appearance of new forms of solidarity, partnership and cooperation, significant increase of life quality of the whole society and its individuals.Recent research and publications analysis. In the modern scientific literature on the subject of our study there is a number of publications that to some extent respond to the demand of research raised. In consideration of the appearance of new research areas as well as attempts to characterize current trends in social development in terms of new technologies’ usage in the field of public administration the researches of recent years are worthy of notice. Thus, the publications of R. Vlasenko, O. Kolomytseva and I. Shevchuk, O. Orlov, O. Orlov and A. Serenok, O. Pizhuk, L. Samoilenko, V. Chekina and S. Kniaziev, I. Shkyrta and V. Lazar are devoted to certain issues related to our study, on the main results of which we relied in its conducting.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The Ukrainian Government has determined a new main direction for further development of Ukrainian society; it made a decision on general digitalization, digital transformation, introduction of the latest achievements in the field of information and telecommunications technologies in all spheres of life, which begin to play a top-ranked role and transform into a key factor affecting almost all social processes – from daily to global. In view of the aforesaid the study of state support for organization and implementation of relevant arrangements is of great relevance, because countries that do not focus enough attention on this issue, risk losing their positions not only in the IT sphere, but also in others – economic, financial, humanitarian, etc.Paper main body. Over the past few years emerged a global trend, the impact of which on public administration is currently not very noticeable, but in a few years it can become a determining factor in operations with data in political and social spheres. The matter concerns shifting the emphasis towards Big Data analysis technologies’ usage, which became widespread mainly in commercial and private spheres.Nowadays the usage of new technologies to achieve the public good is a global trend that gives impressive results, because in forming of Big Data content are involved all participants of public-civil interaction actualizing in that way potential areas of its usage, among which, in particular: tracking the dynamics of public opinions’ change on the effectiveness of public authorities’ activities, forecasting, elaboration, appropriate decision-making on further socio-economic development of certain territories and assessing their effectiveness and efficiency, analysis of changes in audience mood and response to published information about public authorities’ activities and implemented administrative decisions, identification of basic needs, requests and pursuits of inhabitants of the certain territory, identification of the main problem issues requiring urgent solutions, etc.Already now the work is under way at the state level on the wider usage of modern e-governance tools, including automation of data bulk processing and information-analytical support of administrative decisions, optimization and automation of administrative processes, implementation of electronic interaction forms. The main task to ensure the development of e-governance in the basic fields of Ukraine is implementation of information and telecommunication systems of decision-making support and automation of administrative processes (including usage of prospective geographic information technologies, Internet of Things, Big Data processing technologies and Blockchain).Therefore now when public authorities have an opportunity not only to collect but also to analyze and manage Big Data, they have received a powerful tool for its effective usage to construct a safer society, to improve and optimize its administrative functions, to forecast and reduce the government spending, etc.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Thus, the benefits of Big Data usage in public authorities are obvious. They allow to reveal hidden patterns that are invisible to human perception. And this provides good opportunities for optimization of all spheres of human life: public and municipal government in general, medicine, security, finance, transport, education and more. Therefore, further research on the analysis of implementation and usage of specific e-governance tools in the basic fields of Ukraine concerning decision-making support and automation of administrative processes seem to be very promising.