1,115 results on '"A Della Corte"'
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2. Fluid balance and outcome in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury (CENTER-TBI and OzENTER-TBI)
- Author
Eveline Janine Anna Wiegers, Hester Floor Lingsma, Jilske Antonia Huijben, David James Cooper, Giuseppe Citerio, Shirin Frisvold, Raimund Helbok, Andrew Ian Ramsay Maas, David Krishna Menon, Elizabeth Madeleine Moore, Nino Stocchetti, Diederik Willem Dippel, Ewout Willem Steyerberg, Mathieu van der Jagt, Joanne Brooker, Peter Bragge, Jeffrey Rosenfeld, Jamie D. Cooper, Ronny Beer, Herbert Schoechl, Martin Rusnák, Elisabeth Schwendenwein, Anna Antoni, Véronique De Keyser, Tomas Menovsky, Dominique Van Praag, Andrew I.R. Maas, Gregory Van der Steen, Paul M. Parizel, Thijs Vande Vyvere, Bart Depreitere, Wim Van Hecke, Jan Verheyden, Benoit Misset, Didier Ledoux, Steven Laureys, Alexandre Ghuysen, Hugues Maréchal, Guy-Loup Dulière, Guoyi Gao, Ji-yao Jiang, Daniel Kondziella, Martin Fabricius, Rico Frederik Schou, Morten Blaabjerg, Christina Rosenlund, Anna Piippo-Karjalainen, Rahul Raj, Matti Pirinen, Samuli Ripatti, Aarno Palotie, Peter Ylén, Jussi P. Posti, Olli Tenovuo, Riikka Takala, Jean-François Payen, Emmanuel Vega, Aurelie Lejeune, Gérard Audibert, Vincent Degos, Habib Benali, Damien Galanaud, Vincent Perlbarg, Louis Puybasset, Philippe Azouvi, Valerie Legrand, Claire Dahyot-Fizelier, Rolf Rossaint, Mark Steven Coburn, Ana Kowark, Hans Clusmann, Jens Dreier, Stefan Wolf, Peter Vajkoczy, Marc Maegele, Johannes Gratz, Nadine Schäfer, Rolf Lefering, Amra Covic, Nicole von Steinbüchel, Silke Schmidt, Monika Bullinger, Alexander Younsi, Andreas Unterberg, Julia Mattern, Oliver Sakowitz, Renan Sanchez-Porras, Natascha Perera, Romuald Beauvais, Janos Sandor, Endre Czeiter, Andras Buki, Erzsébet Ezer, Zoltán Vámos, Béla Melegh, Viktória Tamás, Abayomi Sorinola, Noémi Kovács, József Nyirádi, Krisztina Amrein, Pál Barzó, Deepak Gupta, Leon Levi, Guy Rosenthal, Alex Furmanov, Costanza Martino, Luigi Beretta, Maria Rosa Calvi, Maria Luisa Azzolini, Emiliana Calappi, Tommaso Zoerle, Fabrizio Ortolano, Marco Carbonara, Alessio Caccioppola, Alessia Vargiolu, Arturo Chieregato, Giorgio Chevallard, Francesco Della Corte, Francesca Grossi, Sandra Rossi, Paolo Persona, Maurizio Berardino, Simona Cavallo, Malinka Rambadagalla, Agate Ziverte, Lelde Giga, Egils Valeinis, Rimantas Vilcinis, Tomas Tamosuitis, Saulius Rocka, Arminas Ragauskas, Joukje van der Naalt, Bram Jacobs, Ewout W. Steyerberg, Ronald Bartels, Hugo den Boogert, Erwin Kompanje, Marjolijn Timmers, Kelly Foks, Iain Haitsma, Victor Volovici, Juanita A. Haagsma, Ana Mikolic, Hester Lingsma, Kimberley Velt, Jilske Huijben, Daphne Voormolen, Daan Nieboer, Eveline Wiegers, Charlie Sewalt, Benjamin Gravesteijn, Suzanne Polinder, Dick Tibboel, Roel van Wijk, Jeroen T.J.M. van Dijck, Thomas A. van Essen, Wilco Peul, Guus Schoonman, Kelly Jones, Valery L. Feigin, Braden Te Ao, Alice Theadom, Eirik Helseth, Cecilie Roe, Olav Roise, Nada Andelic, Lasse Andreassen, Audny Anke, Anne Vik, Toril Skandsen, Horia Ples, Cristina Maria Tudora, Ancuta Negru, Peter Vulekovic, Đula Đilvesi, Mladen Karan, Jagoš Golubovic, Veronika Rehorcíková, Mark Steven Taylor, Alexandra Brazinova, Marek Majdan, Juan Sahuquillo, Andreea Radoi, Guillermo Carbayo Lozano, Inigo Pomposo, Alfonso Lagares, Pedro A. Gomez, Ana M. Castaño-León, Pablo Gagliardo, Matej Oresic, Bo-Michael Bellander, Linda Lanyon, Pradeep George, Visakh Muraleedharan, David Nelson, Cecilia Ackerlund, Lars-Owe Koskinen, Nina Sundström, Camilla Brorsson, Antonio Belli, Alex Manara, Matt Thomas, Marek Czosnyka, Peter Smielewski, Manuel Cabeleira, Jonathan Coles, Sylvia Richardson, Frederick A. Zeiler, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Guy Williams, David Menon, Ari Ercole, Abhishek Dixit, Virginia Newcombe, Sophie Richter, Charles McFadyen, Peter J. Hutchinson, Angelos G. Kolias, Hadie Adams, Marta Correia, Jonathan Rhodes, William Stewart, Catherine McMahon, Daniel Rueckert, Ben Glocker, Christos Tolias, Helen Dawes, Patrick Esser, Caroline van Heugten, Nicola Curry, Simon Stanworth, Fiona Lecky, Olubukola Otesile, Faye Johnson, Paul Dark, Stefan Jankowski, Roger Lightfoot, Lindsay Wilson, Lindsay Horton, Robert Stevens, Jonathan Rosand, Geoffrey Manley, Mike Jarrett, Vibeke Brinck, Kevin K.W. Wang, Zhihui Yang, Paul M. Vespa, Russell L. Gruen, Peter Cameron, Emma Donoghue, Dashiell Gantner, Russel Gruen, Lynette Murray, Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld, Dinesh Varma, Tony Trapani, Shirley Vallance, Cristopher MacIsaac, Andrea Jordan, Wiegers, E. J. A., Lingsma, H. F., Huijben, J. A., Cooper, D. J., Citerio, G., Frisvold, S., Helbok, R., Maas, A. I. R., Menon, D. K., Moore, E. M., Stocchetti, N., Dippel, D. W., Steyerberg, E. W., van der Jagt, M., Brooker, J., Bragge, P., Rosenfeld, J., Cooper, J. D., Beer, R., Schoechl, H., Rusnak, M., Schwendenwein, E., Antoni, A., De Keyser, V., Menovsky, T., Van Praag, D., Van der Steen, G., Parizel, P. M., Vande Vyvere, T., Depreitere, B., Van Hecke, W., Verheyden, J., Misset, B., Ledoux, D., Laureys, S., Ghuysen, A., Marechal, H., Duliere, G. -L., Gao, G., Jiang, J. -Y., Kondziella, D., Fabricius, M., Schou, R. F., Blaabjerg, M., Rosenlund, C., Piippo-Karjalainen, A., Raj, R., Pirinen, M., Ripatti, S., Palotie, A., Ylen, P., Posti, J. P., Tenovuo, O., Takala, R., Payen, J. -F., Vega, E., Lejeune, A., Audibert, G., Degos, V., Benali, H., Galanaud, D., Perlbarg, V., Puybasset, L., Azouvi, P., Legrand, V., Dahyot-Fizelier, C., Rossaint, R., Coburn, M. S., Kowark, A., Clusmann, H., Dreier, J., Wolf, S., Vajkoczy, P., Maegele, M., Gratz, J., Schafer, N., Lefering, R., Covic, A., von Steinbuchel, N., Schmidt, S., Bullinger, M., Younsi, A., Unterberg, A., Mattern, J., Sakowitz, O., Sanchez-Porras, R., Perera, N., Beauvais, R., Sandor, J., Czeiter, E., Buki, A., Ezer, E., Vamos, Z., Melegh, B., Tamas, V., Sorinola, A., Kovacs, N., Nyiradi, J., Amrein, K., Barzo, P., Gupta, D., Levi, L., Rosenthal, G., Furmanov, A., Martino, C., Beretta, L., Calvi, M. R., Azzolini, M. L., Calappi, E., Zoerle, T., Ortolano, F., Carbonara, M., Caccioppola, A., Vargiolu, A., Chieregato, A., Chevallard, G., Della Corte, F., Grossi, F., Rossi, S., Persona, P., Berardino, M., Cavallo, S., Rambadagalla, M., Ziverte, A., Giga, L., Valeinis, E., Vilcinis, R., Tamosuitis, T., Rocka, S., Ragauskas, A., van der Naalt, J., Jacobs, B., Bartels, R., den Boogert, H., Kompanje, E., Timmers, M., Foks, K., Haitsma, I., Volovici, V., Haagsma, J. A., Mikolic, A., Lingsma, H., Velt, K., Huijben, J., Voormolen, D., Nieboer, D., Wiegers, E., Sewalt, C., Gravesteijn, B., Polinder, S., Tibboel, D., van Wijk, R., van Dijck, J. T. J. M., van Essen, T. A., Peul, W., Schoonman, G., Jones, K., Feigin, V. L., Te Ao, B., Theadom, A., Helseth, E., Roe, C., Roise, O., Andelic, N., Andreassen, L., Anke, A., Vik, A., Skandsen, T., Ples, H., Tudora, C. M., Negru, A., Vulekovic, P., Dilvesi, D., Karan, M., Golubovic, J., Rehorcikova, V., Taylor, M. S., Brazinova, A., Majdan, M., Sahuquillo, J., Radoi, A., Carbayo Lozano, G., Pomposo, I., Lagares, A., Gomez, P. A., Castano-Leon, A. M., Gagliardo, P., Oresic, M., Bellander, B. -M., Lanyon, L., George, P., Muraleedharan, V., Nelson, D., Ackerlund, C., Koskinen, L. -O., Sundstrom, N., Brorsson, C., Belli, A., Manara, A., Thomas, M., Czosnyka, M., Smielewski, P., Cabeleira, M., Coles, J., Richardson, S., Zeiler, F. A., Stamatakis, E., Williams, G., Menon, D., Ercole, A., Dixit, A., Newcombe, V., Richter, S., Mcfadyen, C., Hutchinson, P. J., Kolias, A. G., Adams, H., Correia, M., Rhodes, J., Stewart, W., Mcmahon, C., Rueckert, D., Glocker, B., Tolias, C., Dawes, H., Esser, P., van Heugten, C., Curry, N., Stanworth, S., Lecky, F., Otesile, O., Johnson, F., Dark, P., Jankowski, S., Lightfoot, R., Wilson, L., Horton, L., Stevens, R., Rosand, J., Manley, G., Jarrett, M., Brinck, V., Wang, K. K. W., Yang, Z., Vespa, P. M., Gruen, R. L., Cameron, P., Donoghue, E., Gantner, D., Gruen, R., Murray, L., Rosenfeld, J. V., Varma, D., Trapani, T., Vallance, S., Macisaac, C., Jordan, A., Public Health, Neurology, Intensive Care, Neurosurgery, Erasmus MC other, Pediatric Surgery, CENTER-TBI Collaboration Group, OzENTER-TBI Collaboration Group, Molecular Neuroscience and Ageing Research (MOLAR), Psychology 3, Section Neuropsychology, RS: MHeNs - R1 - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, RS: FPN NPPP I, Wiegers, E, Lingsma, H, Huijben, J, Cooper, D, Citerio, G, Frisvold, S, Helbok, R, Maas, A, Menon, D, Moore, E, Stocchetti, N, Dippel, D, Steyerberg, E, van der Jagt, M, Brooker, J, Bragge, P, Rosenfeld, J, Cooper, J, Beer, R, Schoechl, H, Rusnák, M, Schwendenwein, E, Antoni, A, De Keyser, V, Menovsky, T, Van Praag, D, Van der Steen, G, Parizel, P, Vande Vyvere, T, Depreitere, B, Van Hecke, W, Verheyden, J, Misset, B, Ledoux, D, Laureys, S, Ghuysen, A, Maréchal, H, Dulière, G, Gao, G, Jiang, J, Kondziella, D, Fabricius, M, Schou, R, Blaabjerg, M, Rosenlund, C, Piippo-Karjalainen, A, Raj, R, Pirinen, M, Ripatti, S, Palotie, A, Ylén, P, Posti, J, Tenovuo, O, Takala, R, Payen, J, Vega, E, Lejeune, A, Audibert, G, Degos, V, Benali, H, Galanaud, D, Perlbarg, V, Puybasset, L, Azouvi, P, Legrand, V, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Rossaint, R, Coburn, M, Kowark, A, Clusmann, H, Dreier, J, Wolf, S, Vajkoczy, P, Maegele, M, Gratz, J, Schäfer, N, Lefering, R, Covic, A, von Steinbüchel, N, Schmidt, S, Bullinger, M, Younsi, A, Unterberg, A, Mattern, J, Sakowitz, O, Sanchez-Porras, R, Perera, N, Beauvais, R, Sandor, J, Czeiter, E, Buki, A, Ezer, E, Vámos, Z, Melegh, B, Tamás, V, Sorinola, A, Kovács, N, Nyirádi, J, Amrein, K, Barzó, P, Gupta, D, Levi, L, Rosenthal, G, Furmanov, A, Martino, C, Beretta, L, Calvi, M, Azzolini, M, Calappi, E, Zoerle, T, Ortolano, F, Carbonara, M, Caccioppola, A, Vargiolu, A, Chieregato, A, Chevallard, G, Della Corte, F, Grossi, F, Rossi, S, Persona, P, Berardino, M, Cavallo, S, Rambadagalla, M, Ziverte, A, Giga, L, Valeinis, E, Vilcinis, R, Tamosuitis, T, Rocka, S, Ragauskas, A, van der Naalt, J, Jacobs, B, Bartels, R, den Boogert, H, Kompanje, E, Timmers, M, Foks, K, Haitsma, I, Volovici, V, Haagsma, J, Mikolic, A, Velt, K, Voormolen, D, Nieboer, D, Sewalt, C, Gravesteijn, B, Polinder, S, Tibboel, D, van Wijk, R, van Dijck, J, van Essen, T, Peul, W, Schoonman, G, Jones, K, Feigin, V, Te Ao, B, Theadom, A, Helseth, E, Roe, C, Roise, O, Andelic, N, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Vik, A, Skandsen, T, Ples, H, Tudora, C, Negru, A, Vulekovic, P, Đilvesi, Đ, Karan, M, Golubovic, J, Rehorcíková, V, Taylor, M, Brazinova, A, Majdan, M, Sahuquillo, J, Radoi, A, Carbayo Lozano, G, Pomposo, I, Lagares, A, Gomez, P, Castaño-León, A, Gagliardo, P, Oresic, M, Bellander, B, Lanyon, L, George, P, Muraleedharan, V, Nelson, D, Ackerlund, C, Koskinen, L, Sundström, N, Brorsson, C, Belli, A, Manara, A, Thomas, M, Czosnyka, M, Smielewski, P, Cabeleira, M, Coles, J, Richardson, S, Zeiler, F, Stamatakis, E, Williams, G, Ercole, A, Dixit, A, Newcombe, V, Richter, S, Mcfadyen, C, Hutchinson, P, Kolias, A, Adams, H, Correia, M, Rhodes, J, Stewart, W, Mcmahon, C, Rueckert, D, Glocker, B, Tolias, C, Dawes, H, Esser, P, van Heugten, C, Curry, N, Stanworth, S, Lecky, F, Otesile, O, Johnson, F, Dark, P, Jankowski, S, Lightfoot, R, Wilson, L, Horton, L, Stevens, R, Rosand, J, Manley, G, Jarrett, M, Brinck, V, Wang, K, Yang, Z, Vespa, P, Gruen, R, Cameron, P, Donoghue, E, Gantner, D, Murray, L, Varma, D, Trapani, T, Vallance, S, Macisaac, C, and Jordan, A
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Fluid balance and outcome in critically ill patients traumatic brain injury ,Icu mortality ,Traumatic brain injury ,Critically ill ,business.industry ,INTRACRANIAL-PRESSURE ,Glasgow Outcome Scale ,Odds ratio ,medicine.disease ,GUIDELINES ,Intensive care unit ,law.invention ,law ,Emergency medicine ,medicine ,MANAGEMENT ,Observational study ,Neurology (clinical) ,Human medicine ,business ,Balance (ability) - Abstract
Background Fluid therapy-the administration of fluids to maintain adequate organ tissue perfusion and oxygenation-is essential in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with traumatic brain injury. We aimed to quantify the variability in fluid management policies in patients with traumatic brain injury and to study the effect of this variability on patients' outcomes.Methods We did a prospective, multicentre, comparative effectiveness study of two observational cohorts: CENTER-TBI in Europe and OzENTER-TBI in Australia. Patients from 55 hospitals in 18 countries, aged 16 years or older with traumatic brain injury requiring a head CT, and admitted to the ICU were included in this analysis. We extracted data on demographics, injury, and clinical and treatment characteristics, and calculated the mean daily fluid balance (difference between fluid input and loss) and mean daily fluid input during ICU stay per patient. We analysed the association of fluid balance and input with ICU mortality and functional outcome at 6 months, measured by the Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE). Patient-level analyses relied on adjustment for key characteristics per patient, whereas centre-level analyses used the centre as the instrumental variable.Findings 2125 patients enrolled in CENTER-TBI and OzENTER-TBI between Dec 19, 2014, and Dec 17, 2017, were eligible for inclusion in this analysis. The median age was 50 years (IQR 31 to 66) and 1566 (74%) of patients were male. The median of the mean daily fluid input ranged from 1middot48 L (IQR 1middot12 to 2middot09) to 4middot23 L (3middot78 to 4middot94) across centres. The median of the mean daily fluid balance ranged from -0middot85 L (IQR -1middot51 to -0middot49) to 1middot13 L (0middot99 to 1middot37) across centres. In patient-level analyses, a mean positive daily fluid balance was associated with higher ICU mortality (odds ratio [OR] 1middot10 [95% CI 1middot07 to 1middot12] per 0middot1 L increase) and worse functional outcome (1middot04 [1middot02 to 1middot05] per 0middot1 L increase); higher mean daily fluid input was also associated with higher ICU mortality (1middot05 [1middot03 to 1middot06] per 0middot1 L increase) and worse functional outcome (1middot04 [1middot03 to 1middot04] per 1-point decrease of the GOSE per 0middot1 L increase). Centre-level analyses showed similar associations of higher fluid balance with ICU mortality (OR 1middot17 [95% CI 1middot05 to 1middot29]) and worse functional outcome (1middot07 [1middot02 to 1middot13]), but higher fluid input was not associated with ICU mortality (OR 0middot95 [0middot90 to 1middot00]) or worse functional outcome (1middot01 [0middot98 to 1middot03]).Interpretation In critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury, there is significant variability in fluid management, with more positive fluid balances being associated with worse outcomes. These results, when added to previous evidence, suggest that aiming for neutral fluid balances, indicating a state of normovolaemia, contributes to improved outcome. Copyright (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2021
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3. The Heart Muscle and Valve Involvement in Marfan Syndrome, Loeys-Dietz Syndromes, and Collagenopathies
- Author
Gioacchino Scarano, Francesco Natale, Giuseppe Palmiero, Guglielmina Pepe, Antonello Credendino, Adelaide Fusco, Giuseppe Limongelli, Alessandro Della Corte, Martina Caiazza, Giovanni Signore, Alfredo Mauriello, Chiara Granato, Flavia Chiosi, Michele Lioncino, Maria Giovanna Russo, Annapaola Cirillo, Fiorella Fratta, Emanuele Monda, Stefano Nistri, Fusco, A., Mauriello, A., Lioncino, M., Palmiero, G., Fratta, F., Granato, C., Cirillo, A., Caiazza, M., Monda, E., Credendino, A., Signore, G., Natale, F., Chiosi, F., Scarano, G., Della Corte, A., Nistri, S., Russo, M. G., Limongelli, G., and Pepe, G.
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Marfan syndrome ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Fibrillinopathie ,Connective tissue ,Loeys–Dietz syndrome ,Cardiomyopathy: mitral valve prolapse ,Marfan Syndrome ,medicine ,Humans ,Mitral valve prolapse ,Ectopia lentis ,Collagenophatie ,Aortic dissection ,Loeys-Dietz Syndrome ,business.industry ,Myocardium ,TGFbetapathies ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Ehlers–Danlos syndrome ,Heart failure ,Ehlers-Danlos syndrome ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
The inherited connective tissue disorders (Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome [LDS], and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome [EDS]) involve connective tissue of various organ systems. These pathologies share many common features, nonetheless compared to Marfan syndrome, LDS' cardiovascular manifestations tend to be more severe. In contrast, no association is reported between LDS and the presence of ectopia lentis. The EDS are currently classified into thirteen subtypes. There is substantial symptoms overlap between the EDS subtypes, and they are associated with an increased incidence of cardiovascular abnormalities, such as mitral valve prolapse and aortic dissection.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Transversus abdominis plane block versus wound infiltration for post‐cesarean section analgesia: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials
- Author
Antonio Schiattarella, Pasquale De Franciscis, Gaetano Riemma, Marco La Verde, Irene Esposito, Maddalena Morlando, Luigi Della Corte, Giovanni Sisti, Stefano Cianci, Pasquale Sansone, Riemma, Gaetano, Schiattarella, Antonio, Cianci, Stefano, La Verde, Marco, Morlando, Maddalena, Sisti, Giovanni, Esposito, Irene, DELLA CORTE, Luigi, Sansone, Pasquale, De Franciscis, Pasquale, Riemma, G., Schiattarella, A., Cianci, S., La Verde, M., Morlando, M., Sisti, G., Esposito, I., Della Corte, L., Sansone, P., and De Franciscis, P.
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Sedation ,Cochrane Library ,transversus abdominis plane block ,analgesia ,cesarean delivery ,TAP block ,wound infiltration ,Abdominal Muscles ,Analgesia, Obstetrical ,Anesthetics, Local ,Female ,Humans ,Pain, Postoperative ,Pregnancy ,Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic ,Cesarean Section ,Nerve Block ,law.invention ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Randomized controlled trial ,Transversus Abdominis Plane Block ,law ,medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Adverse effect ,030219 obstetrics & reproductive medicine ,business.industry ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,General Medicine ,Confidence interval ,Anesthesia ,Relative risk ,Meta-analysis ,Abdominal Muscle ,TAP block, analgesia, cesarean delivery, transversus abdominis plane block, wound infiltration ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Human - Abstract
Background: Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block and wound infiltration (WI) with local anesthetics are used for postoperative analgesia after cesarean section (CS), reducing the need for administration of opioids. Objective: To compare the analgesic effect of TAP block related to WI. Search strategy: MEDLINE, Scopus, ClinicalTrials.gov, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and CINAHL were searched from inception until April 2020. Selection criteria: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) about women who underwent TAP block or WI after CS. Data collection and analysis: Relevant data were extracted and tabulated. Review Manager 5.3 was used for data analysis. Primary outcome was cumulative opioid consumption (COC) 24 and 48 h after CS. Main results: Five RCTs, enrolling 268 women, were included. There were no significant differences between the interventions regarding COC at 24 (mean difference [MD] -1.68, 95% confidence interval [CI] -6.29 to 2.93) and 48 hours (MD 1.28, 95% CI -10.44 to 13.00). Adverse effects (relative risk [RR] 0.93, 95% CI 0.75-1.16), gastrointestinal reactions (RR 1.30, 95% CI 0.46-3.68), or mild-moderate sedation (RR 1.12, 95% CI 0.72-1.74), pain scores, satisfaction of women, and withdrawals were similar between groups. Conclusions: There might be no significant advantages selecting TAP block over WI for post-CS analgesia.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Gestational diabetes mellitus: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment. A fresh look to a busy corner
- Author
Gabriella Zito, Giuseppe Ricci, Simone Garzon, F. Di Guardo, G Maso, Sanja Terzic, L Della Corte, Pierluigi Giampaolino, Milan Terzic, I Della Pietà, Zito, G, DELLA CORTE, Luigi, Giampaolino, P, Terzic, M, Terzic, S, Di Guardo, F, Ricci, G, Della Pietà, I, Maso, G, Garzon, S, Zito, G., Della Corte, L., Giampaolino, P., Terzic, M., Terzic, S., Di Guardo, F., Ricci, G., Della Pieta, I., Maso, G., and Garzon, S.
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Gestational diabetes mellitus, diagnosis, prevention, risk factors, treatment ,medicine.medical_specialty ,endocrine system diseases ,diagnosis ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Type 2 diabetes ,Cochrane Library ,Gestational diabetes mellitus ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,prevention ,risk factors ,treatment ,Pregnancy ,Early Medical Intervention ,Gestational diabetes mellitu ,Diabetes mellitus ,Preventive Health Services ,Fetal macrosomia ,Humans ,Medicine ,Intensive care medicine ,030219 obstetrics & reproductive medicine ,business.industry ,Prevention ,nutritional and metabolic diseases ,Prenatal Care ,medicine.disease ,Diagnosis ,Risk factors ,Treatment ,female genital diseases and pregnancy complications ,Gestational diabetes ,Diabetes, Gestational ,Systematic review ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Small for gestational age ,Female ,Risk factor ,business ,Risk Reduction Behavior ,Diagnosi - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common pregnancy complication characterized by hyperglycaemia with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. Risk factors include family history of diabetes, previous GDM, genetic predisposition for GDM/type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance conditions such as overweight, obesity and ethnicity. Women with GDM are at high risk for fetal macrosomia, small for gestational age, neonatal hypoglycaemia, operative delivery and caesarean delivery. The aim of this narrative review is to summarize the most recent findings of diagnosis and treatment of GDM in order to underline the importance to promote adequate prevention of this disease, especially through lifestyle interventions such as diet and physical activity. METHODS: The research was conducted using the following electronic databases, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, Scopus, ClinicalTrial.gov, OVID and Cochrane Library, including all published randomized and non-randomized studies as well as narrative and systematic reviews. RESULTS: The lack of universally accepted criteria makes the definition of diagnosis and prognosis of this condition difficult. Early diagnosis and glucose blood level control may improve maternal and fetal short and long-term outcomes. Treatment strategies include nutritional interventions and exercise. Medical treatment can be necessary if these strategies are not effective. Moreover, novel non-pharmacologic agents such as myo-inositol seem to be effective and safe both in the prevention and the treatment of GDM. CONCLUSIONS: It is important to promote adequate prevention of GDM. Further studies are needed in order to better define the most appropriate strategies for the clinical management of women affected by GDM.
- Published
- 2020
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6. The role of endocervicoscopy in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a systematic review of the literature
- Author
Giuseppe Bifulco, Pierluigi Giampaolino, Antonio Mercorio, Luigi Della Corte, Salvatore Giovanni Vitale, Giada Lavitola, Giuseppe Vizzielli, DELLA CORTE, Luigi, Mercorio, Antonio, Giampaolino, Pierluigi, Giovanni Vitale, Salvatore, Vizzielli, Giuseppe, Bifulco, Giuseppe, and Lavitola, Giada
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Biopsy ,medicine.medical_treatment ,MEDLINE ,Uterine Cervical Neoplasms ,Cervix Uteri ,Endocervical curettage ,Cochrane Library ,Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia ,medicine ,Humans ,Prospective Studies ,Retrospective Studies ,Colposcopy ,Accuracy, Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, Diagnosis, Endocervicoscopy ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Reproducibility of Results ,Retrospective cohort study ,Uterine Cervical Dysplasia ,medicine.disease ,Curettage ,Surgery ,Squamous intraepithelial lesion ,Female ,Radiology ,business - Abstract
Endocervicoscopy is an alternative diagnostic tool to endocervical curettage for the diagnostic workup of repeatedly positive cervicovaginal cytology suggestive of a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) and negative or unsatisfactory colposcopy. The aim of this review is to summarize the current evidence on the diagnostic accuracy of endocervicoscopy in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in the presence of nonvisible squamocolumnar junction with unsatisfactory colposcopy. A systematic review of literature was performed by searching in the main electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, Scopus, ClinicalTrial.gov, OVID and Cochrane Library), from their inception to January 2021 for studies testing endocervicoscopy. Risk of Bias Assessment was performed. Four articles were included: three prospective and one retrospective cohort studies. Data on the endocervicoscopy accuracy, the accuracy and reliability correlation with definitive histology, the cone biopsy dimension after endocervicoscopy, the comparison between endocervicoscopy and curettage and the lesion missed were analyzed. Based on our results, the limit of this technique is the low predictive value that does not allow it to replace the colposcopy. Nevertheless, it could help to define the characteristics and localization of cervical-suspected lesions. However, further studies are needed to clarify its use and indication.
- Published
- 2021
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7. The relevance of relational capabilities in collaborative decisions
- Author
Massimo Aria, Fabiana Sepe, Jay Brian Barney, Cihan Cobanoglu, V. Della Corte, Giovanna Del Gaudio, DELLA CORTE, Valentina, Aria, Massimo, DEL GAUDIO, Giovanna, Brian Barney, Jay, Cobanoglu, Cihan, and Sepe, Fabiana
- Subjects
Variable (computer science) ,Focus (computing) ,Knowledge management ,business.industry ,Computer science ,Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management ,Perspective (graphical) ,Tourist destinations ,Relevance (information retrieval) ,business ,Hospitality industry ,Relational view - Abstract
PurposeThis study aims to focus on inter-firm collaboration, exploring the main capabilities that can make a business more or less open to collaboration; it also considers the role of both firm-specific and relationship-specific capabilities. The paper proposes a model that can be used to study how the combination of the two categories of capabilities determines a firm’s approach to collaboration.Design/methodology/approachThrough a survey of high-end hotels in tourist destinations in Italy and the USA, this paper tests variable connected with firm-specific and relationship-specific aspects, using confirmatory factor analysis.FindingsFirms with greater capabilities are less open to cooperation; weaker firms with fewer resources appear to be more inclined to cooperate, probably to gain access to resources and competencies they do not possess.Research limitations/implicationsFrom a scientific perspective, this paper suggests an analysis based on both individual and relational capabilities when deciding whether to collaborate, while most studies based on a relational view just consider relational capabilities. The study could be enlarged to other countries and contexts.Practical implicationsFrom a practical perspective, it indicates the importance of accounting for different and sometimes diverging aspects when deciding to cooperate.Social implicationsIn terms of social implications, it shows that, apart from the relational capabilities they have, potential partners can decide not to collaborate.Originality/valueThe paper suggests a method of analyzing both individual and relational capabilities when deciding whether to engage in a collaboration. It shows that firms’ behavior does not necessarily depend on the firm’s relational capabilities.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Modelling issues and pushover response of singlestory older steel buildings
- Author
Gaetano Della Corte, Gaetano Cantisani, Prof. Ian Burgess, Cantisani, Gaetano, and Della Corte, Gaetano
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business.industry ,Fracture (geology) ,General Medicine ,Structural engineering ,business ,Geology ,Connection (mathematics) - Abstract
The paper describes a study concerning the seismic response of some typical non-residential single-story older steel buildings. To this end, the design of two archetype buildings was simulated according to structural codes and standards of practice used in Italy in the 1980s-1990s. The basic structural layout was assumed to be made of trussed portals in the transverse direction and con centric braces in the longitudinal direction. In the direction of the trussed portals, two alternative structural options were considered: (a) a pinned column base with moment action provided by the truss, and (b) a semi-continuous column base with a pinned connection between the truss and the column top cross section. 3D finite element non-linear models of the two case study structures were built. The model included the main frame members, some critical connections and explicit representation of fracture propagation for braces. Results from non-linear static analysis are then presented and discussed. The paper highlights differences in the structural response due to differ ences in the selected design options, comparing both global and local response results.
- Published
- 2021
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9. Beating vs Arrested Heart Isolated Tricuspid Valve Surgery: Long-term Outcomes
- Author
Sandro Sponga, Ugolino Livi, Michele Di Mauro, Antonio Lio, Maurizio Taramasso, Francesco Maisano, Alfred Kocher, Marco Solinas, Paolo Berretta, Martin Andreas, Paul Werner, Ernesto Greco, Ester Della Ratta, Guglielmo Saitto, Carlo Antona, Dror B. Leviner, Fabio Miraldi, Roberto Scrofani, Andrea Biondi, Giacomo Bianchi, Francesco Musumeci, Marco Di Eusanio, Matteo Saccocci, Marco Russo, Alessandro Della Corte, Erez Sharoni, Guenther Laufer, Carlo De Vincentiis, Giovanni Troise, Antonio M. Calafiore, Russo, Marco, Di Mauro, Michele, Saitto, Guglielmo, Lio, Antonio, Berretta, Paolo, Taramasso, Maurizio, Scrofani, Roberto, Della Corte, Alessandro, Sponga, Sandro, Greco, Ernesto, Saccocci, Matteo, Calafiore, Antonio, Bianchi, Giacomo, Leviner, Dror B, Biondi, Andrea, Della Ratta, Ester, Livi, Ugolino, Sharoni, Erez, Werner, Paul, De Vincentiis, Carlo, Di Eusanio, Marco, Kocher, Alfred, Antona, Carlo, Miraldi, Fabio, Troise, Giovanni, Solinas, Marco, Maisano, Francesco, Laufer, Guenther, Musumeci, Francesco, Andreas, Martin, RS: Carim - V04 Surgical intervention, CTC, Russo, M, Di Mauro, M, Saitto, G, Lio, A, Berretta, P, Taramasso, M, Scrofani, R, Della Corte, A, Sponga, S, Greco, E, Saccocci, M, Calafiore, A, Bianchi, G, Leviner, D, Biondi, A, Della Ratta, E, Livi, U, Sharoni, E, Werner, P, De Vincentiis, C, Di Eusanio, M, Kocher, A, Antona, C, Miraldi, F, Troise, G, Solinas, M, Maisano, F, Laufer, G, Musumeci, F, and Andreas, M
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Male ,Reoperation ,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,Isolated tricuspid valve disease ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Tricuspid Valve Surgery ,REGURGITATION ,survival ,beating heart ,surgery ,Postoperative Complications ,Risk Factors ,Tricuspid valve ,medicine ,Humans ,Propensity Score ,Survival rate ,Stroke ,Retrospective Studies ,FORGOTTEN ,Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation ,REPAIR ,Ejection fraction ,business.industry ,Incidence ,Mortality rate ,EuroSCORE ,Retrospective cohort study ,Perioperative ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency ,Surgery ,Europe ,Survival Rate ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Heart Arrest, Induced ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
BACKGROUND Isolated tricuspid valve (TV) surgery is a rare procedure generally considered at high risk for perioperative mortality and poor long-term outcomes. Surgical treatment can be performed with either an arrested heart (AH) or beating heart (BH) technique. The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of isolated tricuspid surgery with 2 different approaches.METHODS The Surgical-Tricuspid Study is a multicenter international retrospective study enrolling adult patients who un- derwent isolated TV procedures (n = 406; age 56 +/- 16 years; 56% female) at 13 international sites. The AH and BH strategies were performed in 253 and 153 patients, respectively. Propensity score-matched analysis was used to compare groups.RESULTS After matching, 129 pairs were obtained and analyzed. The 30-day mortality rate was 6.2% versus 5.0% in the AH and BH groups, respectively (P = .9). The rates of acute renal failure requiring replacement therapy (10% versus 3%; P = .02) and stroke (1.6% versus 0%; P = .08) were numerically higher in the AH group. The 6-year survival rate was 67% +/- 6% versus 78% +/- 5% in the AH and BH groups, respectively (P = .18), whereas freedom from cardiac death was 75% +/- 5% versus 84% +/- 4% (P = .21). The 6-year composite cardiac end point of cardiac death and reoperation rate was 60% +/- 9% versus 86% +/- 5% (P - .024) comparing AH-TV replacement and BH-TV repair groups.CONCLUSIONS Isolated TV surgery performed with a BH strategy is a safe option and resulted in a trend of increased long-term survival and freedom from reoperation compared with the standard AH technique. Patients undergoing BH valve repair had the best long-term outcome. (C) 2022 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons
- Published
- 2022
10. RPE65-associated inherited retinal diseases: consensus recommendations for eligibility to gene therapy
- Author
Andrea Sodi, Sandro Banfi, Francesco Testa, Michele Della Corte, Ilaria Passerini, Elisabetta Pelo, Settimio Rossi, Francesca Simonelli, Italian IRD Working Group, Sodi, A., Banfi, S., Testa, F., Della Corte, M., Passerini, I., Pelo, E., Rossi, S., and Simonelli, F.
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0301 basic medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Consensus ,Steering committee ,Delphi method ,Consensu ,Disease ,RPE65 ,Retina ,Patient pathway ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Gene therapy ,Inherited retinal diseases ,Retinal Diseases ,parasitic diseases ,Humans ,Medicine ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Inherited retinal disease ,Genetics (clinical) ,computer.programming_language ,business.industry ,Research ,Voretigene neparvovec ,Genetic Therapy ,General Medicine ,Vitreoretinal surgery ,030104 developmental biology ,Italy ,Family medicine ,Expert opinion ,Referral centre ,030221 ophthalmology & optometry ,business ,computer ,Delphi ,Human - Abstract
Background This research aimed to establish recommendations on the clinical and genetic characteristics necessary to confirm patient eligibility for gene supplementation with voretigene neparvovec. Methods An expert steering committee comprising an interdisciplinary panel of Italian experts in the three fields of medical specialisation involved in the management of RPE65-associated inherited retinal disease (IRD) (medical retina, genetics, vitreoretinal surgery) proposed clinical questions necessary to determine the correct identification of patients with the disease, determine the fundamental clinical and genetics tests to reach the correct diagnosis and to evaluate the urgency to treat patients eligible to receive treatment with voretigene neparvovec. Supported by an extensive review of the literature, a series of statements were developed and refined to prepare precisely constructed questionnaires that were circulated among an external panel of experts comprising ophthalmologists (retina specialists, vitreoretinal surgeons) and geneticists with extensive experience in IRDs in Italy in a two-round Delphi process. Results The categories addressed in the questionnaires included clinical manifestations of RPE65-related IRD, IRD screening and diagnosis, gene testing and genotyping, ocular gene therapy for IRDs, patient eligibility and prioritisation and surgical issues. Response rates by the survey participants were over 90% for the majority of items in both Delphi rounds. The steering committee developed the key consensus recommendations on each category that came from the two Delphi rounds into a simple and linear diagnostic algorithm designed to illustrate the patient pathway leading from the patient’s referral centre to the retinal specialist centre. Conclusions Consensus guidelines were developed to guide paediatricians and general ophthalmologists to arrive at the correct diagnosis of RPE65-associated IRD and make informed clinical decisions regarding eligibility for a gene therapy approach to RPE65-associated IRD. The guidelines aim to ensure the best outcome for the patient, based on expert opinion, the published literature, and practical experience in the field of IRDs.
- Published
- 2021
11. Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia and treatment efficacy in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a pooled analysis of 6 randomized trials
- Author
Floriana Morgillo, Giovanna Esposito, Gianfranco Mancuso, Francesco Perrone, Fortunato Ciardiello, Maria Carmela Piccirillo, Paolo Maione, Clorinda Schettino, Cesare Gridelli, Raimondo Di Liello, Piera Gargiulo, Vittorio Gebbia, Giuliano Palumbo, Massimo Di Maio, Adriano Gravina, Alessia Spagnuolo, Laura Arenare, Alessandro Morabito, Carminia Maria Della Corte, Ciro Gallo, Gargiulo, P., Arenare, L., Gridelli, C., Morabito, A., Ciardiello, F., Gebbia, V., Maione, P., Spagnuolo, A., Palumbo, G., Esposito, G., Della Corte, C. M., Morgillo, F., Mancuso, G., Di Liello, R., Gravina, A., Schettino, C., Di Maio, M., Gallo, C., Perrone, F., and Piccirillo, M. C.
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Male ,0301 basic medicine ,Oncology ,Cancer Research ,Retrospective-prospective design ,Lung Neoplasms ,law.invention ,Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN) ,Lung cancer ,Overall survival ,Prognostic factors ,0302 clinical medicine ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung ,Clinical endpoint ,Prospective Studies ,RC254-282 ,Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic ,Prognostic factor ,education.field_of_study ,Hazard ratio ,Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens ,Middle Aged ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Female ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Neutropenia ,Population ,Antineoplastic Agents ,03 medical and health sciences ,Internal medicine ,Genetics ,medicine ,Humans ,education ,neoplasms ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,Proportional hazards model ,business.industry ,Research ,Cancer ,medicine.disease ,030104 developmental biology ,business - Abstract
Background Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN) has been demonstrated to be a prognostic factor in several cancer conditions. We previously found a significant prognostic value of CIN on overall survival (OS), in a pooled dataset of patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) receiving first line chemotherapy from 1996 to 2001. However, the prognostic role of CIN in NSCLC is still debated. Methods We performed a post hoc analysis pooling data prospectively collected in six randomized phase 3 trials in NSCLC conducted from 2002 to 2016. Patients who never started chemotherapy and those for whom toxicity data were missing were excluded. Neutropenia was categorized on the basis of worst grade during chemotherapy: absent (grade 0), mild (grade 1–2), or severe (grade 3–4). The primary endpoint was OS. Multivariable Cox model was applied for statistical analyses. In the primary analysis, a minimum time (landmark) at 180 days from randomization was applied in order to minimize the time-dependent bias. Results Overall, 1529 patients, who received chemotherapy, were eligible; 572 of them (who received 6 cycles of treatment) represented the landmark population. Severe CIN was reported in 143 (25.0%) patients and mild CIN in 135 (23.6%). At multivariable OS analysis, CIN was significantly predictive of prognosis although its prognostic value was entirely driven by severe CIN (hazard ratio [HR] of death 0.71; 95%CI: 0.53–0.95) while it was not evident with mild CIN (HR 1.21; 95%CI: 0.92–1.58). Consistent results were observed in the out-of-landmark group (including 957 patients), where both severe and mild CIN were significantly associated with a reduced risk of death. Conclusion The pooled analysis of six large trials of NSCLC treatment shows that CIN occurrence is significantly associated with a longer overall survival, particularly in patients developing severe CIN, confirming our previous findings.
- Published
- 2021
12. Infective Endocarditis in Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis
- Author
Juan M. Pericàs, Jaume Llopis, Maria Jesús Jiménez-Exposito, Wissam M. Kourany, Benito Almirante, Giampiero Carosi, Emanuele Durante-Mangoni, Claudio Querido Fortes, Efthymia Giannitsioti, Stamatios Lerakis, Rodrigo Montagna-Mella, Juan Ambrosioni, Ru-San Tan, Carlos A. Mestres, Dannah Wray, Orathai Pachirat, Asuncion Moreno, Vivian H. Chu, Elisa de Lazzari, Vance G. Fowler, Jose M. Miró, Liliana Clara, Marisa Sanchez, José Casabé, Claudia Cortes, Francisco Nacinovich, Pablo Fernandez Oses, Ricardo Ronderos, Adriana Sucari, Jorge Thierer, Javier Altclas, Silvia Kogan, Denis Spelman, Eugene Athan, Owen Harris, Karina Kennedy, Ren Tan, David Gordon, Lito Papanicolas, Tony Korman, Despina Kotsanas, Robyn Dever, Phillip Jones, Pam Konecny, Richard Lawrence, David Rees, Suzanne Ryan, Michael P. Feneley, John Harkness, Jeffrey Post, Porl Reinbott, Rainer Gattringer, Franz Wiesbauer, Adriana Ribas Andrade, Ana Cláudia Passos de Brito, Armenio Costa Guimarães, Max Grinberg, Alfredo José Mansur, Rinaldo Focaccia Siciliano, Tania Mara Varejao Strabelli, Marcelo Luiz Campos Vieira, Regina Aparecida de Medeiros Tranchesi, Marcelo Goulart Paiva, Auristela de Oliveira Ramos, Clara Weksler, Giovanna Ferraiuoli, Wilma Golebiovski, Cristiane Lamas, James A. Karlowsky, Yoav Keynan, Andrew M. Morris, Ethan Rubinstein, Sandra Braun Jones, Patricia Garcia, M. Cereceda, Alberto Fica, Rodrigo Montagna Mella, Ricardo Fernandez, Liliana Franco, Javier Gonzalez, Astrid Natalia Jaramillo, Bruno Barsic, Suzana Bukovski, Vladimir Krajinovic, Ana Pangercic, Igor Rudez, Josip Vincelj, Tomas Freiberger, Jiri Pol, Barbora Zaloudikova, Zainab Ashour, Amani El Kholy, Marwa Mishaal, Dina Osama, Hussien Rizk, Neijla Aissa, Corentine Alauzet, Francois Alla, CHU Catherine Campagnac, Thanh Doco-Lecompte, Christine Selton-Suty, Jean-Paul Casalta, Pierre-Edouard Fournier, Gilbert Habib, Didier Raoult, Franck Thuny, Francois Delahaye, Armelle Delahaye, Francois Vandenesch, Erwan Donal, Pierre Yves Donnio, Erwan Flecher, Christian Michelet, Matthieu Revest, Pierre Tattevin, Florent Chevalier, Antoine Jeu, Jean Paul Rémadi, Dan Rusinaru, Christophe Tribouilloy, Yvette Bernard, Catherine Chirouze, Bruno Hoen, Joel Leroy, Patrick Plesiat, Christoph Naber, Carl Neuerburg, Bahram Mazaheri, Carl Neuerburg Sophia Athanasia, Ioannis Deliolanis, Helen Giamarellou, Tsaganos Thomas, Elena Mylona, Olga Paniara, Konstantinos Papanicolaou, John Pyros, Athanasios Skoutelis, Konstantinos Papanikolaou, Gautam Sharma, Johnson Francis, Lathi Nair, Vinod Thomas, Krishnan Venugopal, Margaret M. Hannan, John P. Hurley, Maor Wanounou, Dan Gilon, Sarah Israel, Maya Korem, Jacob Strahilevitz, Domenico Iossa, Serena Orlando, Maria Paola Ursi, Pia Clara Pafundi, Fabiana D’Amico, Mariano Bernardo, Susanna Cuccurullo, Giovanni Dialetto, Franco Enrico Covino, Sabrina Manduca, Alessandro Della Corte, Marisa De Feo, Marie Françoise Tripodi, Enrico Cecchi, Francesco De Rosa, Davide Forno, Massimo Imazio, Rita Trinchero, Paolo Grossi, Mariangela Lattanzio, Antonio Toniolo, Antonio Goglio, Annibale Raglio, Veronica Ravasio, Marco Rizzi, Fredy Suter, Silvia Magri, Liana Signorini, Zeina Kanafani, Souha S. Kanj, Ahmad Sharif-Yakan, Imran Abidin, Syahidah Syed Tamin, Eduardo Rivera Martínez, Gabriel Israel Soto Nieto, Jan T.M. van der Meer, Stephen Chambers, David Holland, Arthur Morris, Nigel Raymond, Kerry Read, David R. Murdoch, Stefan Dragulescu, Adina Ionac, Cristian Mornos, O.M. Butkevich, Natalia Chipigina, Ozerecky Kirill, Kulichenko Vadim, Tatiana Vinogradova, Jameela Edathodu, Magid Halim, Yee-Yun Liew, Tatjana Lejko-Zupanc, Mateja Logar, Manica Mueller-Premru, Patrick Commerford, Anita Commerford, Eduan Deetlefs, Cass Hansa, Mpiko Ntsekhe, Manel Almela, Manuel Azqueta, Merce Brunet, Pedro Castro, Elisa De Lazzari, Carlos Falces, David Fuster, Guillermina Fita, Cristina Garcia- de- la- Maria, Javier Garcia-Gonzalez, Jose M. Gatell, Francesc Marco, José M. Miró, José Ortiz, Salvador Ninot, J. Carlos Paré, Juan M. Pericas, Eduard Quintana, Jose Ramirez, Irene Rovira, Elena Sandoval, Marta Sitges, Adrian Tellez, José M. Tolosana, Barbara Vidal, Jordi Vila, Ignasi Anguera, Bernat Font, Joan Raimon Guma, Javier Bermejo, Emilio Bouza, Miguel Angel Garcia Fernández, Victor Gonzalez-Ramallo, Mercedes Marín, Patricia Muñoz, Miguel Pedromingo, Jorge Roda, Marta Rodríguez-Créixems, Jorge Solis, Nuria Fernandez-Hidalgo, Pilar Tornos, Arístides de Alarcón, Ricardo Parra, Eric Alestig, Magnus Johansson, Lars Olaison, Ulrika Snygg-Martin, Pimchitra Pachirat, Burabha Pussadhamma, Vichai Senthong, Anna Casey, Tom Elliott, Peter Lambert, Richard Watkin, Christina Eyton, John L. Klein, Suzanne Bradley, Carol Kauffman, Roger Bedimo, G. Ralph Corey, Anna Lisa Crowley, Pamela Douglas, Laura Drew, Thomas Holland, Tahaniyat Lalani, Daniel Mudrick, Zaniab Samad, Daniel Sexton, Martin Stryjewski, Andrew Wang, Christopher W. Woods, Robert Cantey, Lisa Steed, Stuart A. Dickerman, Hector Bonilla, Joseph DiPersio, Sara-Jane Salstrom, John Baddley, Mukesh Patel, Gail Peterson, Amy Stancoven, Donald Levine, Jonathan Riddle, Michael Rybak, Christopher H. Cabell, Pericas, J. M., Llopis, J., Jimenez-Exposito, M. J., Kourany, W. M., Almirante, B., Carosi, G., Durante-Mangoni, E., Fortes, C. Q., Giannitsioti, E., Lerakis, S., Montagna-Mella, R., Ambrosioni, J., Tan, R. -S., Mestres, C. A., Wray, D., Pachirat, O., Moreno, A., Chu, V. H., de Lazzari, E., Fowler, V. G., Miro, J. M., Clara, L., Sanchez, M., Casabe, J., Cortes, C., Nacinovich, F., Oses, P. F., Ronderos, R., Sucari, A., Thierer, J., Altclas, J., Kogan, S., Spelman, D., Athan, E., Harris, O., Kennedy, K., Tan, R., Gordon, D., Papanicolas, L., Korman, T., Kotsanas, D., Dever, R., Jones, P., Konecny, P., Lawrence, R., Rees, D., Ryan, S., Feneley, M. P., Harkness, J., Post, J., Reinbott, P., Gattringer, R., Wiesbauer, F., Andrade, A. R., Passos de Brito, A. C., Guimaraes, A. C., Grinberg, M., Mansur, A. J., Siciliano, R. F., Varejao Strabelli, T. M., Campos Vieira, M. L., de Medeiros Tranchesi, R. A., Paiva, M. G., de Oliveira Ramos, A., Weksler, C., Ferraiuoli, G., Golebiovski, W., Lamas, C., Karlowsky, J. A., Keynan, Y., Morris, A. M., Rubinstein, E., Jones, S. B., Garcia, P., Cereceda, M., Fica, A., Mella, R. M., Fernandez, R., Franco, L., Gonzalez, J., Jaramillo, A. N., Barsic, B., Bukovski, S., Krajinovic, V., Pangercic, A., Rudez, I., Vincelj, J., Freiberger, T., Pol, J., Zaloudikova, B., Ashour, Z., El Kholy, A., Mishaal, M., Osama, D., Rizk, H., Aissa, N., Alauzet, C., Alla, F., Campagnac, C. C., Doco-Lecompte, T., Selton-Suty, C., Casalta, J. -P., Fournier, P. -E., Habib, G., Raoult, D., Thuny, F., Delahaye, F., Delahaye, A., Vandenesch, F., Donal, E., Donnio, P. Y., Flecher, E., Michelet, C., Revest, M., Tattevin, P., Chevalier, F., Jeu, A., Remadi, J. P., Rusinaru, D., Tribouilloy, C., Bernard, Y., Chirouze, C., Hoen, B., Leroy, J., Plesiat, P., Naber, C., Neuerburg, C., Mazaheri, B., Sophia Athanasia, C. N., Deliolanis, I., Giamarellou, H., Thomas, T., Mylona, E., Paniara, O., Papanicolaou, K., Pyros, J., Skoutelis, A., Papanikolaou, K., Sharma, G., Francis, J., Nair, L., Thomas, V., Venugopal, K., Hannan, M. M., Hurley, J. P., Wanounou, M., Gilon, D., Israel, S., Korem, M., Strahilevitz, J., Iossa, D., Orlando, S., Ursi, M. P., Pafundi, P. C., D'Amico, F., Bernardo, M., Cuccurullo, S., Dialetto, G., Covino, F. E., Manduca, S., Della Corte, A., De Feo, M., Tripodi, M. F., Cecchi, E., De Rosa, F., Forno, D., Imazio, M., Trinchero, R., Grossi, P., Lattanzio, M., Toniolo, A., Goglio, A., Raglio, A., Ravasio, V., Rizzi, M., Suter, F., Magri, S., Signorini, L., Kanafani, Z., Kanj, S. S., Sharif-Yakan, A., Abidin, I., Tamin, S. S., Martinez, E. R., Soto Nieto, G. I., van der Meer, J. T. M., Chambers, S., Holland, D., Morris, A., Raymond, N., Read, K., Murdoch, D. R., Dragulescu, S., Ionac, A., Mornos, C., Butkevich, O. M., Chipigina, N., Kirill, O., Vadim, K., Vinogradova, T., Edathodu, J., Halim, M., Liew, Y. -Y., Lejko-Zupanc, T., Logar, M., Mueller-Premru, M., Commerford, P., Commerford, A., Deetlefs, E., Hansa, C., Ntsekhe, M., Almela, M., Azqueta, M., Brunet, M., Castro, P., Falces, C., Fuster, D., Fita, G., Garcia- de- la- Maria, C., Garcia-Gonzalez, J., Gatell, J. M., Marco, F., Ortiz, J., Ninot, S., Pare, J. C., Quintana, E., Ramirez, J., Rovira, I., Sandoval, E., Sitges, M., Tellez, A., Tolosana, J. M., Vidal, B., Vila, J., Anguera, I., Font, B., Guma, J. R., Bermejo, J., Bouza, E., Garcia Fernandez, M. A., Gonzalez-Ramallo, V., Marin, M., Munoz, P., Pedromingo, M., Roda, J., Rodriguez-Creixems, M., Solis, J., Fernandez-Hidalgo, N., Tornos, P., de Alarcon, A., Parra, R., Alestig, E., Johansson, M., Olaison, L., Snygg-Martin, U., Pachirat, P., Pussadhamma, B., Senthong, V., Casey, A., Elliott, T., Lambert, P., Watkin, R., Eyton, C., Klein, J. L., Bradley, S., Kauffman, C., Bedimo, R., Corey, G. R., Crowley, A. L., Douglas, P., Drew, L., Holland, T., Lalani, T., Mudrick, D., Samad, Z., Sexton, D., Stryjewski, M., Wang, A., Woods, C. W., Cantey, R., Steed, L., Dickerman, S. A., Bonilla, H., Dipersio, J., Salstrom, S. -J., Baddley, J., Patel, M., Peterson, G., Stancoven, A., Levine, D., Riddle, J., Rybak, M., Cabell, C. H., Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital [Barcelona], Laboratoire Chrono-environnement - CNRS - UBFC (UMR 6249) (LCE), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Franche-Comté (UFC), Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté [COMUE] (UBFC)-Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté [COMUE] (UBFC), Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Besançon (CHRU Besançon), Centre recherche en CardioVasculaire et Nutrition = Center for CardioVascular and Nutrition research (C2VN), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE), CHU Pontchaillou [Rennes], ARN régulateurs bactériens et médecine (BRM), Université de Rennes (UR)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ), and Laboratoire Chrono-environnement (UMR 6249) (LCE)
- Subjects
Male ,relapses ,medicine.medical_treatment ,infective endocarditi ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Kidney Failure ,Cohort Studies ,Catheters, Indwelling ,0302 clinical medicine ,Surgical ,Epidemiology ,cardiac surgery ,enterococci ,hemodialysis ,infective endocarditis ,Staphylococcus aureus ,Aged ,Anti-Bacterial Agents ,Arteriovenous Shunt, Surgical ,Cardiac Surgical Procedures ,Endocarditis ,Female ,Humans ,Kidney Failure, Chronic ,Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus ,Middle Aged ,Renal Dialysis ,Staphylococcal Infections ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Chronic ,Prospective cohort study ,health care economics and organizations ,relapse ,Arteriovenous Shunt ,3. Good health ,Cardiac surgery ,[SDV.MP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Microbiology and Parasitology ,Indwelling ,Infective endocarditis ,Hemodialysis ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Catheters ,education ,03 medical and health sciences ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,hemodialysi ,Etiology ,Complication ,business ,[SDV.MHEP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology - Abstract
International audience; Background - Infective endocarditis (IE) is a common and serious complication in patients receiving chronic hemodialysis (HD). Objectives - This study sought to investigate whether there are significant differences in complications, cardiac surgery, relapses, and mortality between IE cases in HD and non-HD patients. Methods - Prospective cohort study (International Collaboration on Endocarditis databases, encompassing 7,715 IE episodes from 2000 to 2006 and from 2008 to 2012). Descriptive analysis of baseline characteristics, epidemiological and etiological features, complications and outcomes, and their comparison between HD and non-HD patients was performed. Risk factors for major embolic events, cardiac surgery, relapses, and in-hospital and 6-month mortality were investigated in HD-patients using multivariable logistic regression. Results - A total of 6,691 patients were included and 553 (8.3%) received HD. North America had a higher HD-IE proportion than the other regions. The predominant microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus (47.8%), followed by enterococci (15.4%). Both in-hospital and 6-month mortality were significantly higher in HD versus non-HD-IE patients (30.4% vs. 17% and 39.8% vs. 20.7%, respectively; p
- Published
- 2021
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13. Diagnostic approach to neonatal and infantile cholestasis: A position paper by the SIGENP liver disease working group
- Author
Maurizio Fuoti, Mara Cananzi, Giulia Paolella, Manila Candusso, Paola Francalanci, Lidia Monti, Emanuele Nicastro, Lorenzo D'Antiga, Carlo Dionisi Vici, Michele Pinon, Lorenza Matarazzo, Irene Degrassi, P. Gaio, Angelo Di Giorgio, Giusy Ranucci, Pier Luigi Calvo, Giuseppe Indolfi, Claudia Mandato, Fabio Mosca, Pietro Vajro, Maria Pia Bondioni, Maria Iascone, Maria Grazia Clemente, Federica Nuti, Marco Sciveres, Jean de Ville de Goyet, Claudia Della Corte, Marco Spada, Chiara Grimaldi, Federica Ferrari, Gabriella Nebbia, Giuseppe Maggiore, Fabio Fusaro, Daniele Serranti, Daniele Alberti, Fabiola Di Dato, Paola Roggero, Raffaele Iorio, and Giovanni Boroni
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Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Genetic liver disease ,Alagille syndrome ,Biliary atresia ,Diagnosis ,Inborn errors of metabolism ,Jaundice ,Monogenic liver disease ,Newborn ,Female ,Gastroenterology ,Humans ,Infant ,Infant, Newborn ,Cholestasis ,Evidence-Based Medicine ,Infant, Newborn, Diseases ,Practice Guidelines as Topic ,Diseases ,Disease ,Liver disease ,Epidemiology ,medicine ,Intensive care medicine ,Hepatology ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,Etiology ,Position paper ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
Neonatal and infantile cholestasis (NIC) can represent the onset of a surgically correctable disease and of a genetic or metabolic disorder worthy of medical treatment. Timely recognition of NIC and identification of the underlying etiology are paramount to improve outcomes. Upon invitation by the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS), an expert working grouped was formed to formulate evidence-based positions on current knowledge about the diagnosis of NIC. A systematic literature search was conducted to collect evidence about epidemiology, etiology, clinical aspects and accuracy of available diagnostic tests in NIC. Evidence was scored using the GRADE system. All recommendations were approved by a panel of experts upon agreement of at least 75% of the members. The final document was approved by all the panel components. This position document summarizes the collected statements and defines the best-evidence diagnostic approach to cholestasis in the first year of life.
- Published
- 2022
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14. Classification systems of Asherman’s syndrome. An old problem with new directions
- Author
Luigi Della Corte, Péter Török, G.A. Vilos, Jan Tesarik, Salvatore Giovanni Vitale, Aayushi Rathore, Jose Carugno, Rahul Manchanda, Manchanda, Rahul, Rathore, Aayushi, Carugno, Jose, DELLA CORTE, Luigi, Tesarik, Jan, Török, Péter, Angelos Vilos, George, and Giovanni Vitale, Salvatore
- Subjects
Infertility ,Pediatrics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Tissue Adhesions ,Asherman's syndrome ,Gynatresia ,Hysteroscopy ,Disease ,Endometrium ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pregnancy ,Asherman’s syndrome, classification system, hysteroscopy, intrauterine adhesion ,Intervention (counseling) ,medicine ,Humans ,Uterine Diseases ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Patient counseling ,medicine.disease ,Curettage ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Female ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,Surgery ,Amenorrhea ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
Intrauterine adhesion (IUA) formation and the resulting Asherman’s syndrome (AS) is an unfortunate clinical condition that occurs when the endometrium is damaged as a consequence of trauma, such as vigorous curettage, infection, or some Müllerian anomaly. The most frequent symptoms include hypo/amenorrhea, infertility, and adverse reproductive outcomes. Prevention of IUA formation is essential; however, when present, accurate diagnosis and surgical intervention (hysteroscopic adhesiolysis) are required. The outcome of this treatment is based on the technique and the extent of surgery performed which depends on the severity and complexity of the disease. Hence its classification becomes particularly important to determine a standardized therapy for each case and patient counseling regarding the prognosis. In this article, we aim to describe the IUAs classification systems that have been proposed comparing the merits and demerits of each one.
- Published
- 2021
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15. Simulation Study of Carbon Vacancy Trapping Effect on Low Power 4H-SiC MOSFET Performance
- Author
Lakhdar Dehimi, Nour eddine Athamena, Fortunato Pezzimenti, H. Bencherif, M.L. Megherbi, Francesco G. Della Corte, Bencherif, H., Dehimi, L., Athamena, N., Pezzimenti, F., Megherbi, M. L., and Della Corte, F. G.
- Subjects
4H-SiC ,Materials science ,Band gap ,Defect state ,chemistry.chemical_element ,02 engineering and technology ,Trapping ,01 natural sciences ,ON-state resistance ,Vacancy defect ,0103 physical sciences ,MOSFET ,Device modeling ,010302 applied physics ,Inert ,Computer simulation ,business.industry ,Low power MOSFET ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials ,Threshold voltage ,chemistry ,Optoelectronics ,0210 nano-technology ,business ,Carbon - Abstract
The carbon vacancy in 4H-SiC is an important recombination center of the minority carrier and a direct consequence of SiC-based device degradation. In 4H-SiC, this defect acts as the primary carrier-lifetime killer. Whether, low-energy electron radiation exposure or high temperature processing in an inert ambient gas will produce the carbon vacancy defect. Despite, the extensiveness of the studies concerning the defect’s modeling and characterization, numerous essential questions remain. Amongst them, we have the impact of these defects on the performance of 4H-SiC MOSFET. Herein, the influence of intrinsic defect states, namely, Z1/2 and EH6/7 centers, on the 4H-SiC MOSFET electrical outputs is examined via 2D numerical simulation. The obtained results show that the traps act to increase the device on-state resistance (RON), reduce the channel mobility, increase the threshold voltage (Vth). Besides, the increase of the temperature leads to less influence of the traps on the threshold variation. Furthermore, due to their locations in the bandgap, the impact of both Z1/2 and EH6/7 centers at room temperature on the device electrical outputs is extreme. For high temperature the EH6/7 have the severest impact because of the cross section temperature dependency.
- Published
- 2021
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16. Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI), depression and quality of life in gynecological cancer patients: a prospective study
- Author
Giuseppe Bifulco, Alessia Giannattasio, Luigi Della Corte, Pierluigi Giampaolino, Costantino Di Carlo, Nicoletta De Rosa, De Rosa, N., Della Corte, L., Giannattasio, A., Giampaolino, P., Di Carlo, C., and Bifulco, G.
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Disease ,Cancer-related depression ,Menopause-related cognitive impairment ,Quality of life ,Neoplasms ,Internal medicine ,Humans ,Medicine ,Cognitive Dysfunction ,Prospective Studies ,Cognitive decline ,Prospective cohort study ,Depression (differential diagnoses) ,Depression ,business.industry ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Cancer ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Radiation therapy ,Gynecological cancer ,Quality of Life ,Marital status ,Female ,business ,Cancer-related cognitive impairment - Abstract
Purpose: Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) has been reported in non-central nervous system neoplasms survivors. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perception of cognitive decrement in patients undergoing surgical and / or medical therapy for gynecological cancers. Methods: All women diagnosed with primary gynecological cancer and undergoing active medical treatment have been enrolled in a prospective study. Before starting treatment (T1) and 6 months after the end of treatment (T2), patients were interviewed to evaluate the effects of cancer treatment on perceived cognitive function (using FACT-Cog -version 3), on depression (using Beck Depression Inventory-II test) and on quality of life (using EORTC-QLQC-30). Age, education level, marital status, lifestyle, menopausal state at diagnosis, cancer type, cancer FIGO stage, treatment modality was also recorded. The differences between baseline and post-treatment results have been evaluated with Student's t test. The results have been stratified by the menopausal state at diagnosis, type of tumor (endometrial, cervical, ovarian, vulvar) disease stage and type of treatment (chemotherapy or radiotherapy). Results: Seventy-three patients were included. A significant reduction in perceived cognitive impairments was demonstrated at T2 (CogPCI: 61.35 ± 13.83 vs 55.05 ± 16.56; p < 0.05). On the contrary, a significant improvement was shown in depression state (BDII: 21.14 ± 11.23 vs 12.82 ± 12.33, p < 0.005). The menopausal state at surgery, tumor site, stage and treatment modality seem to influence the variables analyzed. Conclusion: CRCI is a true risk also in gynecological cancer survivors. The cognitive impairment does not seem to be dependent on depression state after treatment or to a menopausal condition. Assessing cognitive decline in cancer survivorship is essential for ensuring the optimum quality of life and functioning.
- Published
- 2021
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17. Sentinel lymph node biopsy in endometrial cancer: state of the art
- Author
Giuseppe Bifulco, Antonio Schiattarella, Luigi Della Corte, Antonio Mercorio, Pierluigi Giampaolino, Gaetano Riemma, Pasquale De Franciscis, Corte, L. D., Giampaolino, P., Mercorio, A., Riemma, G., Schiattarella, A., de Franciscis, P., Bifulco, G., and DELLA CORTE, Luigi
- Subjects
Endometrial cancer (EC) ,Cancer Research ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Endometrial cancer ,Sentinel lymph node ,Paraaortic lymph node ,Pelvic lymph node ,medicine.disease ,Sentinel lymph node (SLN) ,tracers ,Review Article on Endometrial Cancer ,Oncology ,Tracer ,Biopsy ,medicine ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Ultrastaging ,Radiology ,business - Abstract
Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynecological neoplasm in developed countries. In literature, there are discordant data regarding the therapeutic value of systematic lymphadenectomy whereas the importance of lymph node status for determining prognosis and the need for adjuvant treatment is undoubted. Given the low risk of lymph-node metastases in the apparent early-stage disease and the significant surgical and postoperative risks when performing a complete pelvic lymphadenectomy, the surgical approach in these patients is controversial, ranging from no nodal evaluation to comprehensive pelvic and aortic lymphadenectomy. The recent introduction of sentinel node mapping represents the mid-way between the execution and omission of node dissection in EC patients. Indeed, the sentinel node mapping has rapidly emerged as an alternative to complete lymphadenectomy to reduce morbidity. In the present review, we discuss the role of sentinel node mapping in the surgical management of EC evaluating all aspects of this procedure.
- Published
- 2020
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18. Predictors of Access to Rehabilitation in the Year Following Traumatic Brain Injury
- Author
Louis Jacob, Mélanie Cogné, Olli Tenovuo, Cecilie Røe, Nada Andelic, Marek Majdan, Jukka Ranta, Peter Ylen, Helen Dawes, Philippe Azouvi, Cecilia Åkerlund, Krisztina Amrein, Lasse Andreassen, Audny Anke, Anna Antoni, Gérard Audibert, Maria Luisa Azzolini, Ronald Bartels, Pál Barzó9, Romuald Beauvais, Ronny Beer, Bo-Michael Bellander, Antonio Belli, Habib Benali, Maurizio Berardino, Luigi Beretta, Morten Blaabjerg, Peter Bragge, Alexandra Brazinova, Vibeke Brinck, Joanne Brooker, Camilla Brorsson, Andras Buki, Monika Bullinger, Manuel Cabeleira, Alessio Caccioppola, Emiliana Calappi, Maria Rosa Calvi, Peter Cameron, Guillermo Carbayo Lozano, Marco Carbonara, Simona Cavallo, Giorgio Chevallard, Arturo Chieregato, Giuseppe Citerio, Iris Ceyisakar, Hans Clusmann, Mark Coburn, Jonathan Coles, Jamie D. Cooper, Marta Correia, Amra Čović, Nicola Curry, Endre Czeiter, Marek Czosnyka, Claire Dahyot-Fizelier, Paul Dark, Véronique De Keyser, Vincent Degos, Francesco Della Corte, Hugo den Boogert, Bart Depreitere, Đula Đilvesi, Abhishek Dixit, Emma Donoghue, Jens Dreier, Guy-Loup Dulière, Ari Ercole, Patrick Esser, Erzsébet Ezer, Martin Fabricius, Valery L. Feigin, Kelly Foks, Shirin Frisvold, Alex Furmanov, Pablo Gagliardo, Damien Galanaud, Dashiell Gantner, Guoyi Gao, Pradeep George, Alexandre Ghuysen, Lelde Giga, Ben Glocker, Jagoš Golubovic, Pedro A. Gomez, Johannes Gratz, Benjamin Gravesteijn, Francesca Grossi, Russell L. Gruen, Deepak Gupta, Juanita A. Haagsma, Iain Haitsma, Raimund Helbok, Eirik Helseth, Lindsay Horton, Jilske Huijben, Peter J. Hutchinson, Bram Jacobs, Stefan Jankowski, Mike Jarrett, Ji-yao Jiang, Faye Johnson, Kelly Jones, Mladen Karan, Angelos G. Kolias, Erwin Kompanje, Daniel Kondziella, Evgenios Koraropoulos, Lars-Owe Koskinen, Noémi Kovács, Ana Kowark, Alfonso Lagares, Linda Lanyon, Steven Laureys, Fiona Lecky, Didier Ledoux, Rolf Lefering, Valerie Legrand, Aurelie Lejeune, Leon Levi, Roger Lightfoot, Hester Lingsma, Andrew I.R. Maas, Ana M. Castaño-León, Marc Maegele, Alex Manara, Geoffrey Manley, Costanza Martino, Hugues Maréchal, Julia Mattern, Catherine McMahon, Béla Melegh, David Menon, Tomas Menovsky, Ana Mikolic, Benoit Misset, Visakh Muraleedharan, Lynnette Murray, Ancuta Negru, David Nelson, Virginia Newcombe, Daan Nieboer, József Nyirádi, Otesile Olubukola, Matej Oresic, Fabrizio Ortolano, Aarno Palotie, Paul M. Parizel, Jean-François Payen, Natascha Perera, Vincent Perlbarg, Paolo Persona, Wilco Peul, Anna Piippo-Karjalainen, Matti Pirinen, Horia Ples, Suzanne Polinder, Inigo Pomposo, Jussi P. Posti, Louis Puybasset, Andreea Radoi, Arminas Ragauskas, Rahul Raj, Malinka Rambadagalla, Jonathan Rhodes, Sylvia Richardson, Sophie Richter, Samuli Ripatti, Saulius Rocka, Olav Roise, Jonathan Rosand, Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld, Christina Rosenlund, Guy Rosenthal, Rolf Rossaint, Sandra Rossi, Daniel Rueckert, Martin Rusnák, Juan Sahuquillo, Oliver Sakowitz, Renan Sanchez-Porras, Janos Sandor, Nadine Schäfer, Silke Schmidt, Herbert Schoechl, Guus Schoonman, Rico Frederik Schou, Elisabeth Schwendenwein, Charlie Sewalt, Toril Skandsen, Peter Smielewski, Abayomi Sorinola, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Simon Stanworth, Robert Stevens, William Stewart, Ewout W. Steyerberg, Nino Stocchetti, Nina Sundström, Anneliese Synnot, Riikka Takala, Viktória Tamás, Tomas Tamosuitis, Mark Steven Taylor, Braden Te Ao, Alice Theadom, Matt Thomas, Dick Tibboel, Marjolein Timmers, Christos Tolias, Tony Trapani, Cristina Maria Tudora, Peter Vajkoczy, Shirley Vallance, Egils Valeinis, Zoltán Vámos, Mathieu van der Jagt, Gregory Van der Steen, Joukje van der Naalt, Jeroen T.J.M. van Dijck, Thomas A. van Essen, Wim Van Hecke, Caroline van Heugten, Dominique Van Praag, Thijs Vande Vyvere, Roel P. J. van Wijk, Alessia Vargiolu, Emmanuel Vega, Kimberley Velt, Jan Verheyden, Paul M. Vespa, Anne Vik, Rimantas Vilcinis, Victor Volovici, Nicole von Steinbüchel, Daphne Voormolen, Petar Vulekovic, Kevin K.W. Wang, Eveline Wiegers, Guy Williams, Lindsay Wilson, Stefan Winzeck, Stefan Wolf, Zhihui Yang, Alexander Younsi, Frederick A. Zeiler, Veronika Zelinkova, Agate Ziverte, Tommaso Zoerle, Molecular Neuroscience and Ageing Research (MOLAR), Centre of Excellence in Complex Disease Genetics, Research Programs Unit, Aarno Palotie / Principal Investigator, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, Genomics of Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders, HUS Neurocenter, Neurokirurgian yksikkö, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Statistical and population genetics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Biostatistics Helsinki, Clinicum, Helsinki University Hospital Area, Samuli Olli Ripatti / Principal Investigator, Complex Disease Genetics, Jacob, L., Cogne, M., Tenovuo, O., Roe, C., Andelic, N., Majdan, M., Ranta, J., Ylen, P., Dawes, H., Azouvi P., (CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators), Beretta, Luigi, Jacob, L, Cogne, M, Tenovuo, O, Roe, C, Andelic, N, Majdan, M, Ranta, J, Ylen, P, Dawes, H, Azouvi, P, Akerlund, C, Amrein, K, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Audibert, G, Azzolini, M, Bartels, R, Barzo9, P, Beauvais, R, Beer, R, Bellander, B, Belli, A, Benali, H, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Blaabjerg, M, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brinck, V, Brooker, J, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Cabeleira, M, Caccioppola, A, Calappi, E, Calvi, M, Cameron, P, Carbayo Lozano, G, Carbonara, M, Cavallo, S, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Ceyisakar, I, Clusmann, H, Coburn, M, Coles, J, Cooper, J, Correia, M, Covic, A, Curry, N, Czeiter, E, Czosnyka, M, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Dark, P, De Keyser, V, Degos, V, Della Corte, F, den Boogert, H, Depreitere, B, Dilvesi, D, Dixit, A, Donoghue, E, Dreier, J, Duliere, G, Ercole, A, Esser, P, Ezer, E, Fabricius, M, Feigin, V, Foks, K, Frisvold, S, Furmanov, A, Gagliardo, P, Galanaud, D, Gantner, D, Gao, G, George, P, Ghuysen, A, Giga, L, Glocker, B, Golubovic, J, Gomez, P, Gratz, J, Gravesteijn, B, Grossi, F, Gruen, R, Gupta, D, Haagsma, J, Haitsma, I, Helbok, R, Helseth, E, Horton, L, Huijben, J, Hutchinson, P, Jacobs, B, Jankowski, S, Jarrett, M, Jiang, J, Johnson, F, Jones, K, Karan, M, Kolias, A, Kompanje, E, Kondziella, D, Koraropoulos, E, Koskinen, L, Kovacs, N, Kowark, A, Lagares, A, Lanyon, L, Laureys, S, Lecky, F, Ledoux, D, Lefering, R, Legrand, V, Lejeune, A, Levi, L, Lightfoot, R, Lingsma, H, Maas, A, Castano-Leon, A, Maegele, M, Manara, A, Manley, G, Martino, C, Marechal, H, Mattern, J, Mcmahon, C, Melegh, B, Menon, D, Menovsky, T, Mikolic, A, Misset, B, Muraleedharan, V, Murray, L, Negru, A, Nelson, D, Newcombe, V, Nieboer, D, Nyiradi, J, Olubukola, O, Oresic, M, Ortolano, F, Palotie, A, Parizel, P, Payen, J, Perera, N, Perlbarg, V, Persona, P, Peul, W, Piippo-Karjalainen, A, Pirinen, M, Ples, H, Polinder, S, Pomposo, I, Posti, J, Puybasset, L, Radoi, A, Ragauskas, A, Raj, R, Rambadagalla, M, Rhodes, J, Richardson, S, Richter, S, Ripatti, S, Rocka, S, Roise, O, Rosand, J, Rosenfeld, J, Rosenlund, C, Rosenthal, G, Rossaint, R, Rossi, S, Rueckert, D, Rusnak, M, Sahuquillo, J, Sakowitz, O, Sanchez-Porras, R, Sandor, J, Schafer, N, Schmidt, S, Schoechl, H, Schoonman, G, Schou, R, Schwendenwein, E, Sewalt, C, Skandsen, T, Smielewski, P, Sorinola, A, Stamatakis, E, Stanworth, S, Stevens, R, Stewart, W, Steyerberg, E, Stocchetti, N, Sundstrom, N, Synnot, A, Takala, R, Tamas, V, Tamosuitis, T, Taylor, M, Te Ao, B, Theadom, A, Thomas, M, Tibboel, D, Timmers, M, Tolias, C, Trapani, T, Tudora, C, Vajkoczy, P, Vallance, S, Valeinis, E, Vamos, Z, van der Jagt, M, Van der Steen, G, van der Naalt, J, van Dijck, J, van Essen, T, Van Hecke, W, van Heugten, C, Van Praag, D, Vande Vyvere, T, van Wijk, R, Vargiolu, A, Vega, E, Velt, K, Verheyden, J, Vespa, P, Vik, A, Vilcinis, R, Volovici, V, von Steinbuchel, N, Voormolen, D, Vulekovic, P, Wang, K, Wiegers, E, Williams, G, Wilson, L, Winzeck, S, Wolf, S, Yang, Z, Younsi, A, Zeiler, F, Zelinkova, V, Ziverte, A, Zoerle, T, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), Oslo University Hospital [Oslo], Oxford Brookes University, European Commission, EC: 602150, The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Data used in preparation of this article were obtained in the context of CENTER-TBI, a large collaborative project with the support of the European Union 7th Framework program (EC Grant 602150). Additional funding was obtained from the Hannelore Kohl Stiftung (Germany), from OneMind (USA), and from Integra LifeSciences Corporation (USA). Data for the CENTER-TBI study were collected through the Quesgen e-CRF (Quesgen Systems Inc, USA), hosted on the INCF platform and extracted via the INCF Neurobot tool (INCF, Sweden). The funder had no role in the study design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data, writing of the report, and the decision to submit the article for publication., European Project: 602150,EC:FP7:HEALTH,FP7-HEALTH-2013-INNOVATION-1,CENTER-TBI(2013), Section Neuropsychology, RS: MHeNs - R1 - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, RS: FPN NPPP I, and Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie
- Subjects
Male ,030506 rehabilitation ,Neurology ,predictive factors ,IMPACT ,medicine.medical_treatment ,CENTER-TBI ,Health Services Accessibility ,3124 Neurology and psychiatry ,predictive factor ,Injury Severity Score ,0302 clinical medicine ,Brain Injuries, Traumatic ,Epidemiology ,EPIDEMIOLOGY ,Prospective Studies ,rehabilitation ,OUTCOMES ,Rehabilitation ,traumatic brain injury ,Neurological Rehabilitation ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,RECOVERY ,Prognosis ,3. Good health ,Hospitalization ,Europe ,Educational Status ,international prospective study ,Female ,HEALTH ,0305 other medical science ,Adult ,Employment ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Traumatic brain injury ,03 medical and health sciences ,Sex Factors ,medicine ,Humans ,Glasgow Coma Scale ,business.industry ,[SCCO.NEUR]Cognitive science/Neuroscience ,MORTALITY ,3112 Neurosciences ,PATHWAYS ,CARE ,medicine.disease ,Multicenter study ,Emergency medicine ,MODERATE ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
BackgroundAlthough rehabilitation is beneficial for individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI), a significant proportion of them do not receive adequate rehabilitation after acute care.ObjectiveTherefore, the goal of this prospective and multicenter study was to investigate predictors of access to rehabilitation in the year following injury in patients with TBI.MethodsData from a large European study (CENTER-TBI), including TBIs of all severities between December 2014 and December 2017 were used (N = 4498 patients). Participants were dichotomized into those who had and those who did not have access to rehabilitation in the year following TBI. Potential predictors included sociodemographic factors, psychoactive substance use, preinjury medical history, injury-related factors, and factors related to medical care, complications, and discharge.ResultsIn the year following traumatic injury, 31.4% of patients received rehabilitation services. Access to rehabilitation was positively and significantly predicted by female sex (odds ratio [OR] = 1.50), increased number of years of education completed (OR = 1.05), living in Northern (OR = 1.62; reference: Western Europe) or Southern Europe (OR = 1.74), lower prehospital Glasgow Coma Scale score (OR = 1.03), higher Injury Severity Score (OR = 1.01), intracranial (OR = 1.33) and extracranial (OR = 1.99) surgery, and extracranial complication (OR = 1.75). On contrast, significant negative predictors were lack of preinjury employment (OR = 0.80), living in Central and Eastern Europe (OR = 0.42), and admission to hospital ward (OR = 0.47; reference: admission to intensive care unit) or direct discharge from emergency room (OR = 0.24).ConclusionsBased on these findings, there is an urgent need to implement national and international guidelines and strategies for access to rehabilitation after TBI.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Effects of an oral supplement based on cucurbita maxima and capsicum annum on symptoms of overactive bladder in female population: an observational study
- Author
Carmen Formisano, Pierluigi Giampaolino, Luigi Della Corte, Carmine Nappi, Giuseppe Bifulco, Annamaria Fabozzi, Fabozzi, A., Della Corte, L., Formisano, C., Giampaolino, P., Nappi, C., and Bifulco, G.
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,biology ,business.industry ,Overactive bladder ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,The Overactive Bladder Questionnaire ,030205 complementary & alternative medicine ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Cucurbita ,Complementary and alternative medicine ,Tolerability ,L-Glutamine ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Observational study ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Medical prescription ,Capsicum ,business ,Cucurbita maxima ,Female population ,Cohort study - Abstract
Introduction: The prevalence of overactive bladder (OAB) in women increases with age and is present in approximately 30 % of women over the age of 65 years. A high percentage of patients undergoing pharmacological therapy discontinue treatment for side effects and costs. Using an oral supplement (Kubiker®), consisting of vitamins, cucurbita maxima, capsicum annum, polygonum cuspidatum and L-Glutammin, for the control of urinary symptoms, could be a valid alternative. Objective: To assess the efficacy and tolerability of this oral supplement in women affected by OAB. Methods: We performed a retrospective, longitudinal, observational, cohort study of 84 patients affected by OAB, who received a prescription of Kubiker® for 12 weeks (2 tablets a day for the first month, then 1 tablet a day for 2 months). Primary outcome was to check the efficacy of therapy through questionnaire Patient global impression of improvement (PGI-I) after 12 weeks of therapy. The secondary outcome was to evaluate the difference in the answers of the Overactive Bladder Questionnaire (OAB-Q) before and after therapy. Adherence to therapy was also evaluated. Results: Data showed a positive effect of Kubiker® in the control of urinary symptoms after 12 weeks of therapy. Paired t-test used for the evaluation of OBS before and after the treatment showed a p-value < 0.001. The analysis of this questionnaire especially showed an improvement in the responses concerning the symptoms of urination urgency and urge incontinence. Conclusion: Therapy with oral supplement based on vitamins (C and D), cucurbita maxima, capsicum annum, polygonum cuspidatum and L-Glutammin is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for overactive bladder.
- Published
- 2020
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20. Diagnostic work-up in paediatric and adolescent patients with adnexal masses: an evidence-based approach
- Author
Melanie Norton, Gulzhanat Aimagambetova, Gaetano Riemma, Milan Terzic, Benito Chiofalo, Rahul Manchanda, C.R. King, Antonio Cianci, Simone Garzon, Luigi Della Corte, Agnese Maria Chiara Rapisarda, Terzic, Milan, Maria Chiara Rapisarda, Agnese, DELLA CORTE, Luigi, Manchanda, Rahul, Aimagambetova, Gulzhanat, Norton, Melanie, Garzon, Simone, Riemma, Gaetano, Robinson King, Cara, Chiofalo, Benito, and Cianci, Antonio
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Pediatrics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Evidence-based practice ,Adolescent ,Population ,scoring systems ,Adnexal mass ,Diagnosis, Differential ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,tumour markers ,medicine ,Humans ,Precocious puberty ,Vaginal bleeding ,Child ,education ,ultrasound examination ,Pregnancy ,education.field_of_study ,030219 obstetrics & reproductive medicine ,business.industry ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,medicine.disease ,Work-up ,Abdominal Pain ,Gynecology ,Adnexal Diseases ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Female ,medicine.symptom ,Differential diagnosis ,business ,Adnexal mass, adolescent, scoring systems, tumour markers, ultrasound examination - Abstract
Adnexal masses are rare in the young female population. The differential diagnosis includes ovarian masses, tubal/paratubal masses, masses related to the gastrointestinal tract (colon), infectious lesions, or pregnancy. Acute abdominal pain, and less commonly, precocious puberty or vaginal bleeding, are typical symptoms in these cases. The majority of adnexal masses in the paediatric and adolescent population are benign; however, a thorough preoperative assessment is essential to guide surgical intervention and optimise patient outcomes. The proper diagnosis of an adnexal mass, correct management (surgical or nonsurgical), and necessary referrals are of paramount importance. In the light of these cornerstones, this review describes the aetiologies, presenting symptoms, and appropriate diagnostic work-up for paediatric and adolescent patients affected by adnexal masses. © 2020, © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
- Published
- 2020
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21. Tolerability considerations for gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues for endometriosis
- Author
Giulio Evangelisti, Simone Ferrero, Luigi Della Corte, Giuseppe Bifulco, Agnese Maria Chiara Rapisarda, Fabio Barra, Antonio Mercorio, Pierluigi Giampaolino, Della Corte, L., Barra, F., Mercorio, A., Evangelisti, G., Rapisarda, A. M. C., Ferrero, S., Bifulco, G., and Giampaolino, P.
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endocrine system ,medicine.medical_specialty ,norethisterone acetate ,vasomotor symptoms ,Endometriosis ,Gonadotropin-releasing hormone ,Toxicology ,030226 pharmacology & pharmacy ,Medication Adherence ,Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Bone Density ,Internal medicine ,gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog ,medicine ,Animals ,Humans ,Endometriosi ,Pain symptoms ,Pharmacology ,hormonal therapy ,business.industry ,Combined oral contraceptives ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Norethisterone acetate ,Vasomotor System ,Endocrinology ,Tolerability ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Hormonal therapy ,Female ,Steroids ,combined oral contraceptive ,bone mineral density ,business ,hormones, hormone substitutes, and hormone antagonists ,add-back therapy ,medicine.drug ,Hormone - Abstract
Introduction: The second-line treatment of endometriosis-related pain symptoms includes injectable depot formulations of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs (GnRH-as). These drugs improve the symptomatology by inducing a hypoestrogenic status and a consequent regression of endometriotic implants. However, GnRH-a may cause a not negligible rate of adverse events, in particular vasomotor symptoms and bone mineral density loss, that may limit patients’ adherence and safety on long-term treatment. Several strategies have been suggested to improve the compliance to treatment. Areas covered: This narrative review aims to give an overview of the safety and tolerability of GnRH-a therapy and to present the different options of steroidal and non-steroidal add-back therapies in order to reduce the hypoestrogenic side effects. Expert opinion: Side effects of long term GnRH-a treatment are particularly relevant. Although it has been known the efficacy of GnRH-as for treating endometriosis-associated pain, the best schedules of therapy in terms of duration and dosages are still to be defined. The ideal treatment schedule of GnRH-a is still a matter of debate as to the optimal add-back combination.
- Published
- 2020
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22. A rare case of isolated rectal laceration during parturition: consideration of the controversial role of the episiotomy and literature review
- Author
Antonio Mercorio, Pierluigi Giampaolino, Giuseppe Bifulco, Luigi Della Corte, Mercorio, A., Della Corte, L., Bifulco, G., and Giampaolino, P.
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Adult ,Episiotomy ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Anal Canal ,macromolecular substances ,Perineum ,Lacerations ,Lesion ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pregnancy ,Risk Factors ,Rare case ,medicine ,Humans ,Childbirth ,030212 general & internal medicine ,030219 obstetrics & reproductive medicine ,business.industry ,Parturition ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,rectal tear ,Obstetric Labor Complications ,Surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Sphincter ,Female ,medicine.symptom ,Presentation (obstetrics) ,business - Abstract
Background: Rectal laceration without sphincter lesion during childbirth is an unusual presentation. Like all the other severe lacerations during parturition, if left undiagnosed and untreated could hesitate in serious short and long term complications. Episiotomy once considered a routine procedure in nulliparous and a safeguard against severe tissue trauma nowadays is undergoing criticism and his effectiveness reconsidered. Currently, a policy of “selective” use of episiotomy is recommended only when an impending risk of lacerations is identified. When, according to this proposal, in the absence of risk factors episiotomy is not performed and complications occur, the medicolegal implication could arise. Case: A 29-year-old primigravida was admitted with spontaneous onset of labor at 41 weeks after an uncomplicated pregnancy. During the second stage of labor a spurt of siero- hemorrhagic fluid was noted trough the anus. In absence of recognized risk factor episiotomy was not performed. A healthy 3650 grams female was born in a fair condition. Rectal examination immediately after delivery revealed a longitudinal laceration with un undamaged sphincter. The rectal tear was repaired and recovery was uneventful. Conclusions: In our as in the other cases here reviewed a severe laceration occurred unexpectedly and unpreventably in patients where, according to a selective regime, episiotomy was not performed. In this setting, if severe short and long term complications ensued, especially in nulliparous, the decision to withhold episiotomy could be a source of medicolegal issues. Therefore a detailed informed consent is necessary to offer to patients a full disclosure on the role of episiotomy, its recent indications as well as the possible complications stemming from both executing or withholding this procedure.
- Published
- 2020
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23. Evaluation and treatment of infertile women with Asherman syndrome: an updated review focusing on the role of hysteroscopy
- Author
G.A. Vilos, Luigi Della Corte, Pierluigi Giampaolino, Rahul Manchanda, Salvatore Giovanni Vitale, Jose Carugno, Federica Di Guardo, Péter Török, Di Guardo, Federica, DELLA CORTE, Luigi, Angelos Vilos, George, Carugno, Jose, Török, Péter, Giampaolino, Pierluigi, Manchanda, Rahul, and Giovanni Vitale, Salvatore
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Infertility ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Asherman's syndrome ,Tissue Adhesions ,Gynatresia ,Hysteroscopy ,Endometrium ,Therapeutic approach ,medicine ,Humans ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Asherman’s syndrome, Hysteroscopy, Infertility, Intrauterine adhesions, Synechiae ,business.industry ,Uterus ,Gold standard ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Reproductive Medicine ,Concomitant ,Asherman Syndrome ,Female ,Uterine cavity ,business ,Infertility, Female ,Intrauterine adhesions ,Synechiae ,Developmental Biology - Abstract
Asherman syndrome is a rare acquired clinical condition resulting in the obliteration of the uterine cavity causedby the presence of partial or complete fibrous intrauterine adhesions involving at least two-thirds of the uterine cavity potentially obstructing the internal cervical orifice. Common reported symptoms of the disease are alterations of the menstrual pattern with decreased menstrual bleeding leading up to amenorrhoea and infertility. Hysteroscopy is currently considered the gold standard diagnostic and therapeutic approach for patients with intrauterine adhesions. An integrated approach, including preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative therapeutic measures, however, are warranted owing to the complexity of the syndrome. This review aims to summarize the most recent evidence on the recommended preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative procedures to restore the uterine cavity and a functional endometrium, as well as on the concomitant use of adjuvant therapies to achieve optimal fertility outcomes.
- Published
- 2020
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24. Current and experimental drug therapy for the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Author
Franco Alessandri, Pierluigi Giampaolino, Maria Grazia Centurioni, Luigi Della Corte, Giuseppe Bifulco, Simone Ferrero, Fabio Barra, Claudio Gustavino, Virginia Foreste, Della Corte, L., Foreste, V., Barra, F., Gustavino, C., Alessandri, F., Centurioni, M. G., Ferrero, S., Bifulco, G., and Giampaolino, P.
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0301 basic medicine ,Infertility ,Hirsutism ,chronic inflammation ,Physiology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Drug Development ,medicine ,Animals ,Humans ,Endocrine system ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Obesity ,Polycystic ovary syndrome ,hirsutism ,Pharmacology ,Experimental drug ,insulin-sensitizing agent ,business.industry ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Polycystic ovary ,Metformin ,Irregular periods ,030104 developmental biology ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Female ,anti-androgen drug ,Insulin Resistance ,medicine.symptom ,metformin ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that affects 8–13% of reproductive-age women. Irregular periods, hirsutism, or infertility are the most common clinical presentations of patients affected by PCOS. This syndrome is also linked to metabolic abnormalities such as type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and obesity. The optimal therapeutic approach is still unknown. Areas covered: This narrative review offers an overview of the literature on current and experimental pharmacological options for treating PCOS and highlights ongoing clinical trials. Several electronic databases were searched and current research registers were analyzed to the present year. The papers selected for this review were critically analyzed, and all data available were summarized, organized, and explored to derive key information. Expert opinion: The main goal of PCOS treatment is to obtain a metabolic and hormonal balance. Optimal PCOS therapy should be direct to the reproductive abnormalities and the entire spectrum of endocrine and metabolic complications that appear to have a long-term negative impact on PCOS patient health, as in post-menopausal period. The discovery of new mechanisms in PCOS pathogenesis will offer the possibility of testing new drug classes.
- Published
- 2020
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25. Effects on Vaginal Microbiota Restoration and Cervical Epithelialization in Positive HPV Patients Undergoing Vaginal Treatment with Carboxy-Methyl-Beta-Glucan
- Author
Carmine Nappi, Nicoletta De Rosa, Luigi Della Corte, Giuseppe Bifulco, Giada Lavitola, Lavitola, G., Della Corte, L., De Rosa, N., Nappi, C., and Bifulco, G.
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Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,beta-Glucans ,Article Subject ,Cervix Uteri ,Gastroenterology ,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology ,Group B ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Re-Epithelialization ,Metaplasia ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Pap test ,Retrospective Studies ,Colposcopy ,030219 obstetrics & reproductive medicine ,General Immunology and Microbiology ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Microbiota ,Papillomavirus Infections ,Case-control study ,HPV infection ,Retrospective cohort study ,General Medicine ,Uterine Cervical Dysplasia ,medicine.disease ,Case-Control Studies ,Vagina ,Clinical Study ,Medicine ,Population study ,Female ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
Objective. Evaluate the effects of carboxy-methyl-beta-glucan on cervical epithelialization and on the vaginal microbiota in patients with HPV infection or low-grade cervical preneoplastic lesion (CIN 1). Materials and Methods. Seven-hundred eighty-four women with positive HPV tests or diagnosed with CIN 1 were enrolled in a retrospective case-control study. All the recruited women performed, at baseline and after 6 months, Pap test, HPV test, evaluation of vaginal health according to the Amsel criteria, colposcopy, and punch biopsy. The study population was then divided into 2 groups in relation to the therapy performed during the follow-up period. Group A performed treatment with vaginal gel based on carboxy-methyl-beta-glucan (1 application/day for 20 days per month for 3 months). Group B was the control group. Results. The patients of group A had a significant improvement in the ectopia pattern and a greater number of cases with metaplasia in the maturation phase with a significant increase in Lugol uptake. In the experimental group, a significant improvement in the pH indices, a negative Swift test and a resolution of the leucorrhoea were observed. A negative result of the 37.1% Pap test and the 39.9% HPV test (vs. 15.2% and 16.5%, respectively) were demonstrated in the treatment group with respect to the control group. A negativization of the colposcopic pictures was observed with a reduction in the amount of CIN 1 found higher in the treatment group. Conclusions. Vaginal therapy based on carboxy-methyl-beta-glucan has been able to improve overall vaginal health; this effect seemed to positively impact the risk of persistence and progression of CIN.
- Published
- 2020
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26. Molecular pathways in vulvar squamous cell carcinoma: implications for target therapeutic strategies
- Author
Stefano Gentileschi, Anna Fagotti, Frediano Inzani, Giovanni Scambia, Gian Franco Zannoni, Simona Maria Fragomeni, Luigi Della Corte, Luca Tagliaferri, Giulia Mantovani, Giorgia Garganese, Mantovani, Giulia, Maria Fragomeni, Simona, Inzani, Frediano, Fagotti, Anna, DELLA CORTE, Luigi, Gentileschi, Stefano, Tagliaferri, Luca, Franco Zannoni, Gian, Scambia, Giovanni, and Garganese, Giorgia
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0301 basic medicine ,Oncology ,Cancer Research ,Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma ,Receptor expression ,Intracellular Space ,Pembrolizumab ,medicine.disease_cause ,0302 clinical medicine ,Tumor Microenvironment ,Molecular Targeted Therapy ,Tumor ,Neovascularization, Pathologic ,Vulvar Neoplasms ,Cell Cycle ,General Medicine ,Prognosis ,Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Disease-free survival, Genes, Molecular pathways, Mutation, Prognosis, Treatment, Vulvar neoplasms ,Carcinoma, Squamous Cell ,Hormonal therapy ,Female ,Disease Susceptibility ,Erlotinib ,Signal Transduction ,medicine.drug ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Disease-free survival ,Clinical Decision-Making ,03 medical and health sciences ,Internal medicine ,Biomarkers, Tumor ,medicine ,Humans ,Neovascularization ,Pathologic ,Neoplastic ,Molecular pathways ,business.industry ,Carcinoma ,Cancer ,medicine.disease ,Treatment ,Clinical trial ,Settore MED/40 - GINECOLOGIA E OSTETRICIA ,030104 developmental biology ,Squamous Cell ,Gene Expression Regulation ,Genes ,Mutation ,Extracellular Space ,business ,Carcinogenesis ,Biomarkers - Abstract
Background: Additional prognostic factors and personalized therapeutic alternatives for vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (VSCC), especially for advanced stages with poor prognosis, are urgently needed. Objectives: To review and assess literature regarding underlying molecular mechanisms of VSCC target therapeutic and prognostic approaches. Methods: We performed a narrative literature review from the inception of the database up to January 2020 limited to English language, organizing knowledge in five main fields: extracellular and intracellular cell cycle deregulation, tumor immune microenvironment, tumor angiogenesis and hormones. Results: EGFR immunohistochemical overexpression/gene amplification, representing early events in VSCC carcinogenesis, have been correlated with a worse prognosis and led to inclusion of erlotinib in cancer guidelines. p16 expression and HPV positivity are linked to a better prognosis, while p53 overexpression is linked to a worse prognosis; thus, biomarkers could help tailoring conventional treatment and follow-up. The implications of PD-L1 positivity in reference to HPV status and prognosis are still not clear, even though pembrolizumab is part of available systemic therapies. The role of tumor angiogenesis emerges through data on microvessel density, immunohistochemical VEGF staining and evaluation of serum VEGF concentrations. Few data exist on hormonal receptor expression, even though hormonal therapy showed great manageability. Conclusions: We suggest adding p16, p53 and HPV status to routine hystopathological examination of vulvar biopsies or surgical specimens. Predictive biomarkers for anti-EGFR and anti-PD-1/PD-L1 drugs are needed. Enough preclinical data supporting anti-angiogenic target therapies in clinical trials are existing. Hormonal receptor expression deserves further investigation.
- Published
- 2020
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27. The effect of connection hysteretic behaviour on seismic damage to moment resisting steel frames
- Author
G. Della Corte, G. De Matteis, R. Landolfo, Landolfo, Raffaele, DELLA CORTE, Gaetano, DE MATTEIS, G., F.M. Mazzolani and R. Tremblay Eds, Landolfo, R., Della Corte, G., and De Matteis, G.
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Moment (mathematics) ,business.industry ,Seismic damage ,Structural engineering ,business ,Geology ,Connection (mathematics) - Abstract
Montreal, Canada 24 August 2000
- Published
- 2021
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28. Neurocognitive correlates of probable posttraumatic stress disorder following traumatic brain injury
- Author
Dominique L.G. Van Praag, Kristien Wouters, Filip Van Den Eede, Lindsay Wilson, Andrew I.R. Maas, Cecilia Åkerlund, Krisztina Amrein, Nada Andelic, Lasse Andreassen, Audny Anke, Anna Antoni, Gérard Audibert, Philippe Azouvi, Maria Luisa Azzolini, Ronald Bartels, Pál Barzó, Romuald Beauvais, Ronny Beer, Bo-Michael Bellander, Antonio Belli, Habib Benali, Maurizio Berardino, Luigi Beretta, Morten Blaabjerg, Peter Bragge, Alexandra Brazinova, Vibeke Brinck, Joanne Brooker, Camilla Brorsson, Andras Buki, Monika Bullinger, Manuel Cabeleira, Alessio Caccioppola, Emiliana Calappi, Maria Rosa Calvi, Peter Cameron, Guillermo Carbayo Lozano, Marco Carbonara, Simona Cavallo, Giorgio Chevallard, Arturo Chieregato, Giuseppe Citerio, Iris Ceyisakar, Hans Clusmann, Mark Coburn, Jonathan Coles, Jamie D. Cooper, Marta Correia, Amra Čović, Nicola Curry, Endre Czeiter, Marek Czosnyka, Claire Dahyot-Fizelier, Paul Dark, Helen Dawes, Véronique De Keyser, Vincent Degos, Francesco Della Corte, Hugo den Boogert, Bart Depreitere, Đula Đilvesi, Abhishek Dixit, Emma Donoghue, Jens Dreier, Guy-Loup Dulière, Ari Ercole, Patrick Esser, Erzsébet Ezer, Martin Fabricius, Valery L. Feigin, Kelly Foks, Shirin Frisvold, Alex Furmanov, Pablo Gagliardo, Damien Galanaud, Dashiell Gantner, Guoyi Gao, Pradeep George, Alexandre Ghuysen, Lelde Giga, Ben Glocker, Jagoš Golubovic, Pedro A. Gomez, Johannes Gratz, Benjamin Gravesteijn, Francesca Grossi, Russell L. Gruen, Deepak Gupta, Juanita A. Haagsma, Iain Haitsma, Raimund Helbok, Eirik Helseth, Lindsay Horton, Jilske Huijben, Peter J. Hutchinson, Bram Jacobs, Stefan Jankowski, Mike Jarrett, Ji-yao Jiang, Faye Johnson, Kelly Jones, Mladen Karan, Angelos G. Kolias, Erwin Kompanje, Daniel Kondziella, Evgenios Koraropoulos, Lars-Owe Koskinen, Noémi Kovács, Ana Kowark, Alfonso Lagares, Linda Lanyon, Steven Laureys, Fiona Lecky, Didier Ledoux, Rolf Lefering, Valerie Legrand, Aurelie Lejeune, Leon Levi, Roger Lightfoot, Hester Lingsma, Ana M. Castaño-León, Marc Maegele, Marek Majdan, Alex Manara, Geoffrey Manley, Costanza Martino, Hugues Maréchal, Julia Mattern, Catherine McMahon, Béla Melegh, David Menon, Tomas Menovsky, Ana Mikolic, Benoit Misset, Visakh Muraleedharan, Lynnette Murray, Ancuta Negru, David Nelson, Virginia Newcombe, Daan Nieboer, József Nyirádi, Otesile Olubukola, Matej Oresic, Fabrizio Ortolano, Aarno Palotie, Paul M. Parizel, Jean-François Payen, Natascha Perera, Vincent Perlbarg, Paolo Persona, Wilco Peul, Anna Piippo-Karjalainen, Matti Pirinen, Horia Ples, Suzanne Polinder, Inigo Pomposo, Jussi P. Posti, Louis Puybasset, Andreea Radoi, Arminas Ragauskas, Rahul Raj, Malinka Rambadagalla, Jonathan Rhodes, Sylvia Richardson, Sophie Richter, Samuli Ripatti, Saulius Rocka, Cecilie Roe, Olav Roise, Jonathan Rosand, Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld, Christina Rosenlund, Guy Rosenthal, Rolf Rossaint, Sandra Rossi, Daniel Rueckert, Martin Rusnák, Juan Sahuquillo, Oliver Sakowitz, Renan Sanchez-Porras, Janos Sandor, Nadine Schäfer, Silke Schmidt, Herbert Schoechl, Guus Schoonman, Rico Frederik Schou, Elisabeth Schwendenwein, Charlie Sewalt, Toril Skandsen, Peter Smielewski, Abayomi Sorinola, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Simon Stanworth, Robert Stevens, William Stewart, Ewout W. Steyerberg, Nino Stocchetti, Nina Sundström, Anneliese Synnot, Riikka Takala, Viktória Tamás, Tomas Tamosuitis, Mark Steven Taylor, Braden Te Ao, Olli Tenovuo, Alice Theadom, Matt Thomas, Dick Tibboel, Marjolein Timmers, Christos Tolias, Tony Trapani, Cristina Maria Tudora, Andreas Unterberg, Peter Vajkoczy, Shirley Vallance, Egils Valeinis, Zoltán Vámos, Mathieu van der Jagt, Gregory Van der Steen, Joukje van der Naalt, Jeroen T.J.M. van Dijck, Thomas A. van Essen, Wim Van Hecke, Caroline van Heugten, Dominique Van Praag, Thijs Vande Vyvere, Roel P.J. van Wijk, Alessia Vargiolu, Emmanuel Vega, Kimberley Velt, Jan Verheyden, Paul M. Vespa, Anne Vik, Rimantas Vilcinis, Victor Volovici, Nicole von Steinbüchel, Daphne Voormolen, Petar Vulekovic, Kevin K.W. Wang, Eveline Wiegers, Guy Williams, Stefan Winzeck, Stefan Wolf, Zhihui Yang, Peter Ylén, Alexander Younsi, Frederick A. Zeiler, Veronika Zelinkova, Agate Ziverte, Tommaso Zoerle, Public Health, Neurology, Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Neurosurgery, Intensive Care, Surgery, Law & Health Care (LHC), Van Praag, D, Wouters, K, Van Den Eede, F, Wilson, L, Maas, A, Akerlund, C, Amrein, K, Andelic, N, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Audibert, G, Azouvi, P, Azzolini, M, Bartels, R, Barzo, P, Beauvais, R, Beer, R, Bellander, B, Belli, A, Benali, H, Berardino, M, Beretta, L, Blaabjerg, M, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brinck, V, Brooker, J, Brorsson, C, Buki, A, Bullinger, M, Cabeleira, M, Caccioppola, A, Calappi, E, Calvi, M, Cameron, P, Lozano, G, Carbonara, M, Cavallo, S, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Citerio, G, Ceyisakar, I, Clusmann, H, Coburn, M, Coles, J, Cooper, J, Correia, M, Covic, A, Curry, N, Czeiter, E, Czosnyka, M, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Dark, P, Dawes, H, De Keyser, V, Degos, V, Della Corte, F, Boogert, H, Depreitere, B, Dilvesi, Dixit, A, Donoghue, E, Dreier, J, Duliere, G, Ercole, A, Esser, P, Ezer, E, Fabricius, M, Feigin, V, Foks, K, Frisvold, S, Furmanov, A, Gagliardo, P, Galanaud, D, Gantner, D, Gao, G, George, P, Ghuysen, A, Giga, L, Glocker, B, Golubovic, J, Gomez, P, Gratz, J, Gravesteijn, B, Grossi, F, Gruen, R, Gupta, D, Haagsma, J, Haitsma, I, Helbok, R, Helseth, E, Horton, L, Huijben, J, Hutchinson, P, Jacobs, B, Jankowski, S, Jarrett, M, Jiang, J, Johnson, F, Jones, K, Karan, M, Kolias, A, Kompanje, E, Kondziella, D, Koraropoulos, E, Koskinen, L, Kovacs, N, Kowark, A, Lagares, A, Lanyon, L, Laureys, S, Lecky, F, Ledoux, D, Lefering, R, Legrand, V, Lejeune, A, Levi, L, Lightfoot, R, Lingsma, H, Castano-Leon, A, Maegele, M, Majdan, M, Manara, A, Manley, G, Martino, C, Marechal, H, Mattern, J, Mcmahon, C, Melegh, B, Menon, D, Menovsky, T, Mikolic, A, Misset, B, Muraleedharan, V, Murray, L, Negru, A, Nelson, D, Newcombe, V, Nieboer, D, Nyiradi, J, Olubukola, O, Oresic, M, Ortolano, F, Palotie, A, Parizel, P, Payen, J, Perera, N, Perlbarg, V, Persona, P, Peul, W, Piippo-Karjalainen, A, Pirinen, M, Ples, H, Polinder, S, Pomposo, I, Posti, J, Puybasset, L, Radoi, A, Ragauskas, A, Raj, R, Rambadagalla, M, Rhodes, J, Richardson, S, Richter, S, Ripatti, S, Rocka, S, Roe, C, Roise, O, Rosand, J, Rosenfeld, J, Rosenlund, C, Rosenthal, G, Rossaint, R, Rossi, S, Rueckert, D, Rusnak, M, Sahuquillo, J, Sakowitz, O, Sanchez-Porras, R, Sandor, J, Schafer, N, Schmidt, S, Schoechl, H, Schoonman, G, Schou, R, Schwendenwein, E, Sewalt, C, Skandsen, T, Smielewski, P, Sorinola, A, Stamatakis, E, Stanworth, S, Stevens, R, Stewart, W, Steyerberg, E, Stocchetti, N, Sundstrom, N, Synnot, A, Takala, R, Tamas, V, Tamosuitis, T, Taylor, M, Ao, B, Tenovuo, O, Theadom, A, Thomas, M, Tibboel, D, Timmers, M, Tolias, C, Trapani, T, Tudora, C, Unterberg, A, Vajkoczy, P, Vallance, S, Valeinis, E, Vamos, Z, van der Jagt, M, Van der Steen, G, van der Naalt, J, van Dijck, J, van Essen, T, Van Hecke, W, van Heugten, C, Vyvere, T, van Wijk, R, Vargiolu, A, Vega, E, Velt, K, Verheyden, J, Vespa, P, Vik, A, Vilcinis, R, Volovici, V, von Steinbuchel, N, Voormolen, D, Vulekovic, P, Wang, K, Wiegers, E, Williams, G, Winzeck, S, Wolf, S, Yang, Z, Ylen, P, Younsi, A, Zeiler, F, Zelinkova, V, Ziverte, A, Zoerle, T, Ragauskas, Arminas, Rocka, Saulius, Tamosuitis, Tomas, Vilcinis, Rimantas, „Elsevier Science' grupė, Ročka, Saulius, Tamošuitis, Tomas, and CENTER-TBI
- Subjects
Stre ,business.industry ,Traumatic brain injury ,Posttraumatic stress disorder ,medicine.disease ,Stress ,cognition ,head injury ,meuropsychology ,posttraumatic stress disorder ,stress ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Clinical Psychology ,Posttraumatic stress ,Cognition ,Head injury ,Neuropsychology ,Medicine ,Human medicine ,Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,business ,RC346-429 ,Neurocognitive ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
Introduction: Neurocognitive problems associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can interact with impairment resulting from traumatic brain injury (TBI). Research question: We aimed to identify neurocognitive problems associated with probable PTSD following TBI in a civilian sample. Material and methods: The study is part of the CENTER-TBI project (Collaborative European Neurotrauma Effectiveness Research) that aims to better characterize TBI. For this cross-sectional study, we included patients of all severities aged over 15, and a Glasgow Outcome Score Extended (GOSE) above 3. Participants were assessed at six months post-injury on the PTSD Checklist-5 (PCL-5), the Trail Making Test (TMT), the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) and the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB). Primary analysis was a complete case analysis. Regression analyses were performed to investigate the association between the PCL-5 and cognition. Results: Of the 1134 participants included in the complete case analysis, 13.5% screened positive for PTSD. Probable PTSD was significantly associated with higher TMT-(B-A) (OR = 1.35, 95% CI: 1.14–1.60, p < .001) and lower RAVLT-delayed recall scores (OR = 0.74, 95% CI: 0.61–0.91, p = .004) after controlling for age, sex, psychiatric history, baseline Glasgow Coma Scale and education. Discussion and conclusion: Poorer performance on cognitive tests assessing task switching and, to a lesser extent, delayed verbal recall is associated with probable PTSD in civilians who have suffered TBI.
- Published
- 2022
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29. Reply: Sometimes consensus is a euphemism for compromise
- Author
Alessandro Della Corte, Joseph J. Maleszewski, Joseph Bavaria, Borja Fernández, Ruggero De Paulis, Hector I. Michelena, Thoralf M. Sundt, Laurent de Kerchove, Hans-Joachim Schäfers, Della Corte, Alessandro, Maleszewski, Joseph J, Fernández, Borja, De Paulis, Ruggero, de Kerchove, Laurent, Bavaria, Joseph, Sundt, Thoralf M, Schäfers, Hans-Joachim, Michelena, Hector I, UCL - SSS/IREC/CARD - Pôle de recherche cardiovasculaire, and UCL - (SLuc) Service de chirurgie cardiovasculaire et thoracique
- Subjects
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,business.industry ,Compromise ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Medicine ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Surgery ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Euphemism ,media_common ,Law and economics ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
no abstract available
- Published
- 2022
30. Integrated Approach to Cardio-Vascular Risk in Insulin-Treated People with Diabetes based on the 'Heart Project' and on Metabolic Complications Expected from Incorrect Injection Practice-Related Lipohypertrophy
- Author
Maurizio Capece, Teresa Della Corte, Giampiero Marino, Maria Pasquarella, Fabrizio Loiacono, F. Strollo, Carmelo Alfarone, G. Guarino, Sandro Gentile, Carmine Romano, Rossella Lambert, and Ersilia Satta
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Insulin ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Diabetes mellitus ,medicine ,Lipohypertrophy ,Vascular risk ,Integrated approach ,medicine.disease ,Intensive care medicine ,business - Abstract
Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is known to be associated with increased cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality. Over time, the CV Risk of patients with T2DM has been assessed according to various methods, often borrowed from different populations. Nevertheless, never have been evaluated changes in insulin absorption due to improper injection technique and responsible for further, well recognized CV-R factors as high glycemic variability, frequent hypoglycemia, and unsatisfactory glycemic control. Aim of the study was to intensify diabetes and its own comorbidities treatment, and in addition reduce the impact of injection technique of insulin to evaluate possible improvement in the CV-R score and NHYA score in 4499 insulin-treated T2DM subjects with (LH+) and without lipohypertrophy (LH-) due to improper injection habit. The educational training and the treatment intensification significantly reduced glycemic control, hypoglycemia rate and the mean amplitude of glycemic variability, expecially in LH+ subjects, adding new knowledge to a global intervention addressed to reduce the devastating impact to the increased cardiovascular risk of diabetic people, inclusive of the risk due to LHs
- Published
- 2021
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31. Pharmacodynamic analysis of a fluid challenge with 4 ml kg−1 over 10 or 20 min: a multicenter cross-over randomized clinical trial
- Author
Antonio Messina, Maurizio Cecconi, Efrem Bonaldi, Francesco Della Corte, Paola Zito, Silvia De Rosa, Sara Baino, Giovanni Sotgiu, Manuel Ignacio Monge García, Laura Saderi, Katerina Negri, Chiara Palandri, Claudia Montagnini, Federico Villa, Francesca Sala, Vinicio Danzi, and Gianmaria Cammarota
- Subjects
Fluid responsiveness ,Neurosurgery ,Hemodynamics ,Health Informatics ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,law.invention ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Humans ,Medicine ,Fluid challenge ,Prospective Studies ,Cross over ,Fluids ,Pharmacodynamic ,business.industry ,Area under the curve ,Stroke Volume ,Crystalloid Solutions ,Stroke volume ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Anesthesia ,Pharmacodynamics ,Fluid Therapy ,business - Abstract
A number of studies performed in the operating room evaluated the hemodynamic effects of the fluid challenge (FC), solely considering the effect before and after the infusion. Few studies have investigated the pharmacodynamic effect of the FC on hemodynamic flow and pressure variables. We designed this trial aiming at describing the pharmacodynamic profile of two different FC infusion times, of a fixed dose of 4 ml kg-1. Forty-nine elective neurosurgical patients received two consecutive FCs of 4 ml kg-1 of crystalloids in 10 (FC10) or 20 (FC20) minutes, in a random order. Fluid responsiveness was defined as stroke volume index increase ≥ 10%. We assessed the net area under the curve (AUC), the maximal percentage difference from baseline (dmax), time when the dmax was observed (tmax), change from baseline at 1-min (d1) and 5-min (d5) after FC end. After FC10 and FC20, 25 (51%) and 14 (29%) of 49 patients were classified as fluid responders (p = 0.001). With the exception of the AUCs of SAP and MAP, the AUCs of all the considered hemodynamic variables were comparable. The dmax and the tmax were overall comparable. In both groups, the hemodynamic effects on flow variables were dissipated within 5 min after FC end. The infusion time of FC administration affects fluid responsiveness, being higher for FC10 as compared to FC20. The effect on flow variables of either FCs fades 5 min after the end of infusion.
- Published
- 2021
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32. The Durability of an Intensive, Structured Education-Based Rehabilitation Protocol for Best Insulin Injection Practice: The ISTERP-2 Study
- Author
Sandro Gentile, Giuseppina Guarino, Carmelo Alfrone, Carmine Romano, Felice Strollo, Teresa Della Corte, Fabrizio Loiacono, Giampiero Marino, Maria Pasquarella, Laura Giordano, Rossella Lamberti, Maurizio Capace, and Ersilia Satta
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Type 2 diabetes ,Hypoglycemia ,Injection technique ,Education ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Internal medicine ,Diabetes mellitus ,Internal Medicine ,medicine ,Original Research ,Rehabilitation ,business.industry ,Insulin ,Lipohypertrophy ,Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ,medicine.disease ,chemistry ,Glycated hemoglobin ,business - Abstract
Introduction Studies on the durability of an intensive, structured education protocol on best insulin injection practice are missing for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The aim of this study was to assess the durability of an intensive, structured education-based rehabilitation protocol on best insulin injection practice in well-trained subjects from our previous intensive, multimedia intervention study registered as the ISTERP-1 study. A total of 158 subjects with T2DM from the well-trained group of the 6-month-long ISTERP-1 study, all of whom had successfully attained lower glucose levels compared to baseline levels with lower daily insulin doses and with less frequent and severe hypoglycemic episodes, participated in the present investigation involving an additional 6-month follow-up period, called the ISTERP-2 study. Methods Participants were randomized into an intervention group and a control group, depending on whether they were provided or not provided with further education refresher courses for 6 months. At the end of the 6 months, the two groups were compared in terms of injection habits, daily insulin dose requirement, number of severe or symptomatic hypoglycemic events, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels. Results Despite being virtually superimposable at baseline, the two groups behaved quite differently during the follow-up. The within-group analysis of observed parameters showed that the subjects in the intervention group maintained and even improved the good behavioral results learned during the ISTERP-1 study by further reducing both the rate of injection technique errors (p
- Published
- 2021
33. Policaptil Gel Retard in adult subjects with the metabolic syndrome: Efficacy, safety, and tolerability compared to metformin
- Author
G. Guarino, F. Strollo, T Della Corte, and Salvatore Gentile
- Subjects
Adult ,Blood Glucose ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Maximum Tolerated Dose ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Type 2 diabetes ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Gastroenterology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Insulin resistance ,Polysaccharides ,Diabetes mellitus ,Internal medicine ,Internal Medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Hypoglycemic Agents ,Single-Blind Method ,Longitudinal Studies ,Aged ,Glycemic ,Glycated Hemoglobin ,Metabolic Syndrome ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Prognosis ,medicine.disease ,Metformin ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ,Tolerability ,Female ,Metabolic syndrome ,business ,Lipid profile ,Gels ,Biomarkers ,Follow-Up Studies ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Background Policaptil Gel Retard® (PGR), is a new macromolecule complex based on polysaccharides slowing the rate of carbohydrate and fat absorption. It proved to significantly reduce body weight, acanthosis nigricans expression, HbA1c levels, and glucose metabolism abnormalities in obese, hyper-insulinemic adolescents. No such data are available for adults. Aim to compare the effects of PGR vs. metformin in adult subjects with the Metabolic Syndrome (MS) and T2DM on a Low Glycemic Index diet. Subjects and methods This spontaneous clinical, longitudinal, single-blind, randomized study based on a per-protocol analysis enrolled 100 outpatients with MS and T2DM consecutively referring to our clinic for three months, and randomly assigned to either the active treatment (Group A:, 6 tablets/day) or the comparator (Group B: Metformin tablets, 1500–2000 mg/day in two divided doses during the two main meals, to minimize side effects) to be taken 30 min before each main meal in equally divided doses. Serum lipid profile, anthropometry, HOMA-IR index, and tolerability parameters were evaluated before and after a 6-month follow-up period. Results all parameters improved at a similar rate in both groups but for the lipid profile, which got even better in Group A. Group A also experienced less prominent gastrointestinal side effects than its counterpart. Conclusion For the first time, we showed the non-inferiority of PGR compared to metformin in obese adult subjects with the MS and T2DM as for glycemic control and a clear-cut superiority of PGR in terms of both serum lipid-lowering capacity and tolerability.
- Published
- 2021
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34. Relevance of dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and fiber intake before and during pregnancy for the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus and maternal glucose homeostasis
- Author
Shufang Shan, Yi Liang, Dagang Yang, Xiao Zhang, Hongmei Xue, Yunhui Gong, Dianke Yu, Jieyi Zhang, Fang He, Guo Tian, Wei Bao, Karen Della Corte, Rong Zhou, Guo Cheng, and Anette E. Buyken
- Subjects
Blood Glucose ,Dietary Fiber ,0301 basic medicine ,China ,endocrine system diseases ,Offspring ,Physiology ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Cohort Studies ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Insulin resistance ,Asian People ,Pregnancy ,Glycemic load ,medicine ,Homeostasis ,Humans ,Glucose homeostasis ,Prospective Studies ,Proportional Hazards Models ,Glycated Hemoglobin ,030109 nutrition & dietetics ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,business.industry ,Glycemic Load ,nutritional and metabolic diseases ,medicine.disease ,Diet ,Gestational diabetes ,Diabetes, Gestational ,Glucose ,Glycemic index ,chemistry ,Glycemic Index ,Female ,Glycated hemoglobin ,Insulin Resistance ,business - Abstract
Summary Background & aims To date, the prevalence of Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in China was 17.5%. Given the substantial relevance of GDM for medium- and long-term health of both mother and offspring and the paucity of existing data on the link between maternal diet and glucose homeostasis during pregnancy in Asian population, additional studies are needed. To examine the relevance of dietary glycemic index (GI), glycemic load (GL) and fiber intake before and during pregnancy for the development of GDM and glucose homeostasis over the course of pregnancy. Methods Cox proportional hazards analysis and linear mixed effects regressions were performed on data from 9317 women for whom three food frequency questionnaires (pre-pregnancy, 1st and 2nd trimesters) and biochemical measures during pregnancy were available. Investigated outcome variables included GDM risk, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C), and homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Results Women in the highest tertile of dietary GI (or GL) before pregnancy, in the 1st, or the 2nd trimester respectively had a 12% (15%), 25% (23%) or 29% (25%) higher risk of developing GDM than those in the lowest tertile (all p for trend ≤ 0.02). Women with the highest dietary fiber intake before pregnancy, in the 1st or 2nd trimester had a 11%, 17% or 18% lower GDM risk (all p for trend ≤ 0.03). Moreover, increases in GI or GL and decreases in fiber intake over the course of pregnancy (1st to 3rd trimesters) were independently associated with adverse concurrent developments in FPG, HbA1C and HOMA-IR (p ≤ 0.03). Conclusions Our study indicates that dietary GI, GL and fiber intake before and during pregnancy affects glucose homeostasis of pregnant Chinese women.
- Published
- 2021
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35. Impact of Regular Physical Activity on Aortic Diameter Progression in Paediatric Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valve
- Author
Marco Di Maio, Adelaide Fusco, Eduardo Bossone, Maria Giovanna Russo, Marta Rubino, Felice Gragnano, Giuseppe Palmiero, Rodolfo Citro, Simon C. Body, Marcellino Monda, Augusto Esposito, Martina Caiazza, Alessandro Della Corte, Emanuele Monda, Arturo Cesaro, Stefano Nistri, Paolo Calabrò, Giulia Frisso, Maria Pina Giugliano, Francesco Di Fraia, Annapaola Cirillo, Giuseppe Limongelli, Monda, Emanuele, Fusco, Adelaide, Della Corte, Alessandro, Caiazza, Martina, Cirillo, Annapaola, Gragnano, Felice, Giugliano, Maria Pina, Citro, Rodolfo, Rubino, Marta, Esposito, Augusto, Cesaro, Arturo, Di Fraia, Francesco, Palmiero, Giuseppe, Di Maio, Marco, Monda, Marcellino, Calabrò, Paolo, Frisso, Giulia, Nistri, Stefano, Bossone, Eduardo, Body, Simon C., Russo, Maria Giovanna, Limongelli, Giuseppe, Monda, E., Fusco, A., Della Corte, A., Caiazza, M., Cirillo, A., Gragnano, F., Giugliano, M. P., Citro, R., Rubino, M., Esposito, A., Cesaro, A., Di Fraia, F., Palmiero, G., Di Maio, M., Monda, M., Calabro, P., Frisso, G., Nistri, S., Bossone, E., Body, S. C., Russo, M. G., and Limongelli, G.
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adolescent ,Bicuspid aortic valve ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease ,Internal medicine ,medicine.artery ,Ascending aorta ,Aortopathy ,Medicine ,Humans ,Child ,Exercise ,Paediatric patients ,Retrospective Studies ,Aortic dissection ,Aorta ,business.industry ,Paediatrics ,Vascular surgery ,medicine.disease ,Cardiac surgery ,Echocardiography ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Aortic Valve ,Case-Control Studies ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Cohort ,Cardiology ,cardiovascular system ,Disease Progression ,Female ,Original Article ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) have an increased risk of aortic dilation and aortic dissection or rupture. The impact of physical training on the natural course of aortopathy in BAV patients remains unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of regular physical activity on aortic diameters in a consecutive cohort of paediatric patients with BAV. Consecutive paediatric BAV patients were evaluated and categorized into two groups: physically active and sedentary subjects. Only the subjects with a complete 2-year follow-up were included in the study. To evaluate the potential impact of physical activity on aortic size, aortic diameters were measured at the sinus of Valsalva and mid-ascending aorta using echocardiography. We defined aortic diameter progression the increase of aortic diameter ≥ 10% from baseline. Among 90 BAV patients (11.5 ± 3.4 years of age, 77% males), 53 (59%) were physically active subjects. Compared to sedentary, physically active subjects were not significantly more likely to have > 10% increase in sinus of Valsalva (13% vs. 8%, p-value = 0.45) or mid-ascending aorta diameter (9% vs. 13%, p-value = 0.55) at 2 years follow-up, both in subjects with sinus of Valsalva diameter progression (3.7 ± 1.0 mm vs. 3.5 ± 0.8 mm, p-value = 0.67) and in those with ascending aorta diameter progression (3.0 ± 0.8 mm vs. 3.2 ± 1.3 mm, p-value = 0.83). In our paediatric cohort of BAV patients, the prevalence and the degree of aortic diameter progression was not significantly different between physically active and sedentary subjects, suggesting that aortic dilation is unrelated to regular physical activity over a 2-year period.
- Published
- 2021
36. Novel diagnostic approaches to intrauterine neoplasm in fertile age: sonography and hysteroscopy
- Author
Salvatore Giovanni Vitale, Pasquale De Franciscis, Luigi Della Corte, Marco Noventa, Aldo Liberto, Gaetano Riemma, Virginia Foreste, Jan Tesarik, Federico Ferrari, Della Corte, L., Vitale, S. G., Foreste, V., Riemma, G., Ferrari, F., Noventa, M., Liberto, A., De Franciscis, P., Tesarik, J., DELLA CORTE, Luigi, Giovanni Vitale, Salvatore, Foreste, Virginia, Riemma, Gaetano, Ferrari, Federico, Noventa, Marco, Liberto, Aldo, De Franciscis, Pasquale, and Tesarik, Jan
- Subjects
Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Endometrial carcinoma ,fertile age ,hysteroscopy ,sonography ,Female ,Humans ,Ultrasonography ,Endometrial Neoplasms ,Hysteroscopy ,Endometrial carcinoma, fertile age, hysteroscopy, sonography ,Carcinoma ,Medicine ,Neoplasm ,Postmenopausal women ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Obstetrics ,Cancer ,medicine.disease ,Gynecological malignancy ,Childbearing age ,Surgery ,business - Abstract
Endometrial carcinoma (EC) is the most common gynecological malignancy in the world. It is mostly detected in postmenopausal women, but it can also occur in women of fertile age who need fertility-sparing therapy. An early diagnosis is the main objective for the correct management of these patients, making it possible to use a fertility-sparing treatment approach without exposing the patients to the risk of cancer progression. In this review, we discuss the role of sonography and hysteroscopy in the detection of intrauterine neoplasm in women of childbearing age.
- Published
- 2021
37. Surgical and Reproductive Outcomes after Hysteroscopic Removal of Retained Products of Conception: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Author
A. Cholkeri-Singh, Pasquale De Franciscis, Stefano Cianci, Salvatore Giovanni Vitale, Luigi Della Corte, Jose Carugno, John Preston Parry, Gaetano Riemma, Antonio Schiattarella, Vitale, S. G., Parry, J. P., Carugno, J., Cholkeri-Singh, A., Della Corte, L., Cianci, S., Schiattarella, A., Riemma, G., De Franciscis, P., Giovanni Vitale, Salvatore, Preston Parry, John, Carugno, Jose, Cholkeri-Singh, Aarathi, DELLA CORTE, Luigi, Cianci, Stefano, Schiattarella, Antonio, Riemma, Gaetano, and De Franciscis, Pasquale
- Subjects
Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Pregnancy Rate ,Surgical complications ,Hysteroscopy ,Cochrane Library ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pregnancy ,Fertility, Intrauterine adhesions, Surgical complications ,medicine ,Humans ,Intrauterine adhesion ,Birth Rate ,Fertility ,Intrauterine adhesions ,030219 obstetrics & reproductive medicine ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Obstetrics ,business.industry ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,medicine.disease ,Abortion, Incomplete ,Pregnancy Complications ,Treatment Outcome ,Systematic review ,Products of conception ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Meta-analysis ,Female ,Observational study ,Live birth ,business ,Placenta, Retained - Abstract
Objective To evaluate the impact of hysteroscopy for retained products of conception (RPOC) removal on surgical and reproductive outcomes. Data Sources Electronic databases (MEDLINE, Scopus, ClinicalTrials.gov, SciELO, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials at the Cochrane Library) were searched from inception to March 2020. Methods of Study Selection Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology guidelines were followed. Medical Subject Headings terms and text words such as “retained products of conception,” “placental remnants,” “placenta,” and “hysteroscopy” were used for the identification of relevant studies. We included observational and randomized studies that analyzed surgical and/or reproductive outcomes of women who underwent hysteroscopic removal of RPOC. The primary outcome was the complete resection rate after 1 procedure. Tabulation, Integration, and Results Twenty out of 245 studies were applicable, with data provided for 2112 women. The pooled complete resection rate was 91% (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83–0.96). The incomplete resection rate evaluated was 7% (95% CI, 0.03–0.14), with a complication rate of 2% (95% CI, 0.00–0.04). Out of 1478 procedures, only 12 cases (0.8%) of postsurgical intrauterine adhesions were reported. Regarding post-therapy fecundity, women attempting postoperative conception had a clinical pregnancy rate of 87% (95% CI, 0.75–0.95), with a live birth rate of 71% (95% CI, 0.60–0.81) and a pregnancy loss rate of 9% (95% CI, 0.06–0.12). Conclusion Hysteroscopy has a high rate of completely removing RPOC in a single surgical step, with low complication rates. Subsequent fecundity seems reassuring, with appropriate clinical pregnancy and live birth rates. However, standardization of approach and comparative trials of different hysteroscopic approaches are needed.
- Published
- 2021
38. Acellular Dermal Matrix Used in Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Clinical Outcomes Supported by Biochemical and Histological Analyses
- Author
Ferdinando Campitiello, Antonietta Stellavato, Silvestro Canonico, Chiara Schiraldi, Giulia Ricci, Manfredi Mancone, Gianluca Scialla, Anna Virginia Adriana Pirozzi, Antonella D’Agostino, Marcella Cammarota, Angela Della Corte, Campitiello, Ferdinando, Mancone, Manfredi, Cammarota, Marcella, D'Agostino, Antonella, Ricci, Giulia, Stellavato, Antonietta, Della Corte, Angela, Pirozzi, Anna Virginia Adriana, Scialla, Gianluca, Schiraldi, Chiara, Canonico, Silvestro, Campitiello, F., Mancone, M., Cammarota, M., D'Agostino, A., Ricci, G., Stellavato, A., Della Corte, A., Pirozzi, A. V. A., Scialla, G., Schiraldi, C., and Canonico, S.
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_treatment ,030207 dermatology & venereal diseases ,0302 clinical medicine ,Biology (General) ,Spectroscopy ,education.field_of_study ,biomaterial ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Diabetic Foot ,Computer Science Applications ,Chemistry ,Diabetic foot ulcer ,Acellular Dermi ,biochemical and histological analyses ,biochemical and histological analyse ,Female ,diabetic foot ulcer ,Human ,biomaterials ,medicine.medical_specialty ,QH301-705.5 ,Population ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Catalysis ,Article ,Inorganic Chemistry ,03 medical and health sciences ,Internal medicine ,Diabetes mellitus ,medicine ,Humans ,Acellular Dermis ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,education ,Molecular Biology ,QD1-999 ,Aged ,Diabetes Complication ,Wound Healing ,business.industry ,Regeneration (biology) ,Organic Chemistry ,medicine.disease ,Diabetic foot ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 ,Amputation ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ,Wound healing ,business - Abstract
Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a diabetes complication which greatly impacts the patient’s quality of life, often leading to amputation of the affected limb unless there is a timely and adequate management of the patient. DFUs have a high economic impact for the national health system. Data have indeed shown that DFUs are a major cause of hospitalization for patients with diabetes. Based on that, DFUs represent a very important challenge for the national health system. Especially in developed countries diabetic patients are increasing at a very high rate and as expected, also the incidence of DFUs is increasing due to longevity of diabetic patients in the western population. Herein, the surgical approach focused on the targeted use of the acellular dermal matrix has been integrated with biochemical and morphological/histological analyses to obtain evidence-based information on the mechanisms underlying tissue regeneration. In this research report, the clinical results indicated decreased postoperative wound infection levels and a short healing time, with a sound regeneration of tissues. Here we demonstrate that the key biomarkers of wound healing process are activated at gene expression level and also synthesis of collagen I, collagen III and elastin is prompted and modulated within the 28-day period of observation. These analyses were run on five patients treated with Integra® sheet and five treated with the injectable matrix Integra® Flowable, for cavitary lesions. In fact, clinical evaluation of improved healing was, for the first time, supported by biochemical and histological analyses. For these reasons, the present work opens a new scenario in DFUs treatment and follow-up, laying the foundation for a tailored protocol towards complete healing in severe pathological conditions.
- Published
- 2021
39. An Efficient 4H-SiC Photodiode for UV Sensing Applications
- Author
Elisa Demetra Mallemace, M.L. Megherbi, Fortunato Pezzimenti, Lakhdar Dehimi, H. Bencherif, Francesco G. Della Corte, Sandro Rao, Megherbi, M. L., Bencherif, H., Dehimi, L., Mallemace, E. D., Rao, S., Pezzimenti, F., and Della Corte, F. G.
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Materials science ,4H-SiC ,TK7800-8360 ,Computer Networks and Communications ,Optical power ,temperature effect ,Radiation ,medicine.disease_cause ,law.invention ,Responsivity ,p-i-n photodiode ,law ,medicine ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Photocurrent ,business.industry ,responsivity ,Photodiode ,Wavelength ,Hardware and Architecture ,Control and Systems Engineering ,Signal Processing ,Optoelectronics ,Quantum efficiency ,Electronics ,business ,Ultraviolet - Abstract
In this paper, we report experimental findings on a 4H-SiC-based p-i-n photodiode. The fabricated device has a p-type region formed by ion-implantation of aluminum (Al) in a nitrogen doped n-type layer. The dark reverse current density reaches 38.6 nA/cm2 at −10 V, while the photocurrent density rises to 6.36 µA/cm2 at the same bias under λ = 315 nm ultraviolet (UV) radiation with an incident optical power density of 29.83 μW/cm2. At the wavelength of λ = 285 nm, the responsivity is maximum, 0.168 A/W at 0 V, and 0.204 A/W at −30 V, leading to an external quantum efficiency of 72.7 and 88.3%, respectively. Moreover, the long-term stability of the photodiode performances has been examined after exposing the device under test to several cycles of thermal stress, from 150 up to 350 °C and vice versa. The achieved results prove that the examined high-efficiency UV photodiode also has a stable responsivity if subjected to high temperature variations. The proposed device is fully compatible with the conventional production process of 4H-SiC components.
- Published
- 2021
40. Is pizza sutable to type 1 diabetes? A real life identification of best compromise between taste and low glycemic index in patients on insulin pump
- Author
T. Della-Corte, S. Gentile, V. Di Blasi, G. Guarino, M. Corigliano, G. Cozzolino, A. Fasolino, C. Martino, M.R. Improta, D. Oliva, C. Lamberti, A. Vecchiato, S. Vaia, E. Satta, C. Romano, C. Alfarone, F. Strollo, C. Brancato, C. Lambersi, C. Mosca, L.A. Stile, A. Vetrano, E. Visconti, D. Battipaglia, I. Cecco, E. Della Monica, M.G. Di Capua, C. Palmieri, R. Procida, F. Viesti, Della-Corte, T., Gentile, S., Di Blasi, V., Guarino, G., Corigliano, M., Cozzolino, G., Fasolino, A., Martino, C., Improta, M. R., Oliva, D., Lamberti, C., Vecchiato, A., Vaia, S., Satta, E., Romano, C., Alfarone, C., Strollo, F., Brancato, C., Lambersi, C., Mosca, C., Stile, L. A., Vetrano, A., Visconti, E., Battipaglia, D., Cecco, I., Della Monica, E., Di Capua, M. G., Palmieri, C., Procida, R., and Viesti, F.
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Adult ,Blood Glucose ,Dietary Fiber ,Male ,0301 basic medicine ,Insulin pump ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Taste ,Adolescent ,endocrine system diseases ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Diabete ,Low glycemic index ,Glucomannan ,Gastroenterology ,Kamut ,Young Adult ,03 medical and health sciences ,Insulin Infusion Systems ,0302 clinical medicine ,Internal medicine ,Diabetes mellitus ,Dietary Carbohydrates ,Internal Medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Hypoglycemic Agents ,Insulin ,In patient ,Type 1 diabetes ,030109 nutrition & dietetics ,business.industry ,food and beverages ,nutritional and metabolic diseases ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Whole wheat ,medicine.disease ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 ,Treatment Outcome ,Glycemic Index ,Pizza ,Female ,business - Abstract
Opposed to whole wheat (WWP), traditional pizza (TP) is loved by patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) despite causing hyperglycemia. 50 well-trained T1DM patients had higher glucose levels after TP than after WWP or mixed flour pizza, which however was tasty, digestible and metabolically appropriate to break diet monotony.
- Published
- 2020
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41. Comparison between percutaneous and laparoscopic microwave ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma
- Author
Francesco De Cobelli, Federica Cipriani, Lorenzo Monfardini, Francesca Ratti, Angelo Della Corte, Simone Gusmini, Massimo Venturini, Marco Salvioni, Luca Aldrighetti, Paolo Marra, Della Corte, A., Ratti, F., Monfardini, L., Marra, P., Gusmini, S., Salvioni, M., Venturini, M., Cipriani, F., Aldrighetti, L., and De Cobelli, F
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Ablation Techniques ,Male ,Cancer Research ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Percutaneous ,Carcinoma, Hepatocellular ,microwave ,Physiology ,medicine.medical_treatment ,laparoscopy ,liver ,ablation ,030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Physiology (medical) ,Medical technology ,Medicine ,Humans ,R855-855.5 ,Laparoscopy ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,Radiofrequency Ablation ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Microwave ablation ,Liver Neoplasms ,Percutaneous approach ,Ablation ,medicine.disease ,Progression-Free Survival ,Treatment Outcome ,Liver ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Hepatocellular carcinoma ,oncology ,Female ,Radiology ,business - Abstract
Background Based on patient and tumor characteristics, some authors favor laparoscopic microwave ablation (LMWA) over the percutaneous approach (PMWA) for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We compared the two techniques in terms of technique efficacy, local tumor progression (LTP) and complication rates. Study design A retrospective comparative analysis was performed on 91 consecutive patients (102 HCC tumors) who underwent PMWA or LMWA between October 2014 and May 2019. Technique efficacy at one-month and LTP at follow-up were assessed by contrast-enhanced CT/MRI. Kaplan–Meier estimates and Cox regression were used to compare LTP-free survival (LTPFS). Results At baseline analysis, LMWA group showed higher frequency of multinodular disease (p
- Published
- 2020
42. Temperature Sensing Characteristics and Long Term Stability of Power LEDs Used for Voltage vs. Junction Temperature Measurements and Related Procedure
- Author
Francesco Della Corte, Giovanni Pangallo, Riccardo Carotenuto, Demetrio Iero, Giuseppe Marra, Massimo Merenda, Sandro Rao, Della Corte, F., Pangallo, G., Carotenuto, R., Iero, D., Marra, G., Merenda, M., and Rao, S.
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Materials science ,Junction temperature ,General Computer Science ,Light emitting diode ,01 natural sciences ,law.invention ,Safe operating area ,law ,0103 physical sciences ,Diode sensor ,Temperature sensors ,General Materials Science ,010302 applied physics ,business.industry ,LED ,010401 analytical chemistry ,General Engineering ,diode sensors ,Linearity ,Current source ,light emitting diodes ,0104 chemical sciences ,Optoelectronics ,Constant current ,lcsh:Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering ,business ,lcsh:TK1-9971 ,Voltage drop ,Light-emitting diode ,Voltage - Abstract
A detailed study about the direct measurement of junction temperature T_{J} of off-the-shelf power light emitting diodes (LED) is presented. The linear dependence on temperature of the voltage drop across the device terminals at a constant current is in particular exploited and fully characterized, in the temperature range from T = 35,,^{circ } ext{C} to 135 °C, with tests repeated at one thousand different probe currents. The accurate experimental data, obtained on several LED samples bearing two different part numbers, are reported, showing that they exhibit a high degree of linearity in wide current ranges, a circumstance that allows for a fast and reliable calibration as sensors. The measurement error is also fully characterized in terms of repeatability and stability over time, with measurements repeated after 600, 900, 1200 and 1800 hours of applied electro-thermal stress, demonstrating that the relevant sensor parameters stabilize after a few hundred hours of operation. A full set of parameters is provided for the two device models, allowing the direct use of each LED for the self-monitoring of the junction temperature and ensure compliance with their safe operating area over time. Moreover, a procedure and a simple circuit for the real time measurement of T_{J} , while the LED is on, are presented. The procedure does not require a stable current source, and relies instead on the application of a sub-threshold current ramp for such a short time that the change in the output light is not perceived by human eyes.
- Published
- 2020
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43. Combination Treatment of the Oral CHK1 Inhibitor, SRA737, and Low-Dose Gemcitabine Enhances the Effect of Programmed Death Ligand 1 Blockade by Modulating the Immune Microenvironment in SCLC
- Author
Triparna Sen, Carminia M. Della Corte, Snezana Milutinovic, Robert J. Cardnell, Lixia Diao, Kavya Ramkumar, Carl M. Gay, C. Allison Stewart, Youhong Fan, Li Shen, Ryan J. Hansen, Bryan Strouse, Michael P. Hedrick, Christian A. Hassig, John V. Heymach, Jing Wang, Lauren A. Byers, Sen, T., Della Corte, C. M., Milutinovic, S., Cardnell, R. J., Diao, L., Ramkumar, K., Gay, C. M., Stewart, C. A., Fan, Y., Shen, L., Hansen, R. J., Strouse, B., Hedrick, M. P., Hassig, C. A., Heymach, J. V., Wang, J., and Byers, L. A.
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,Lung Neoplasms ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor ,Administration, Oral ,DNA damage response ,Heterocyclic Compounds, 4 or More Rings ,Deoxycytidine ,Article ,Mice ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Cancer immunotherapy ,Heterocyclic Compounds, 4 or More Ring ,Tumor Microenvironment ,medicine ,Animals ,Humans ,Cytotoxic T cell ,Chemotherapy ,Animal ,business.industry ,SCLC ,Immunotherapy ,Low-dose gemcitabine ,Gemcitabine ,Combined Modality Therapy ,Small Cell Lung Carcinoma ,Xenograft Model Antitumor Assays ,Immune checkpoint ,respiratory tract diseases ,Blockade ,Lung Neoplasm ,Regimen ,030104 developmental biology ,Oncology ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Cancer research ,Female ,business ,Immune checkpoint blockade ,Human ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Introduction Despite the enthusiasm surrounding cancer immunotherapy, most SCLC patients show very modest response to immune checkpoint inhibitor monotherapy treatment. Therefore, there is growing interest in combining immune checkpoint blockade with chemotherapy and other treatments to enhance immune checkpoint blockade efficacy. Based on favorable clinical trial results, chemotherapy and immunotherapy combinations have been recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for frontline treatment for SCLC. Methods and Results Here, we show that combined treatment of SRA737, an oral CHK1 inhibitor, and anti–programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) leads to an antitumor response in multiple cancer models, including SCLC. We further show that combining low, non-cytotoxic doses of gemcitabine with SRA737 + anti–PD-L1/anti–PD-1 significantly increased antitumorigenic CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, dendritic cells, and M1 macrophage populations in an SCLC model. This regimen also led to a significant decrease in immunosuppressive M2 macrophage and myeloid-derived suppressor cell populations, as well as an increase in the expression of the type I interferon beta 1 gene, IFNβ, and chemokines, CCL5 and CXCL10. Conclusions Given that anti–PD-L1/anti–PD-1 drugs have recently been approved as monotherapy and in combination with chemotherapy for the treatment of SCLC, and that the SRA737 + low dose gemcitabine regimen is currently in clinical trials for SCLC and other malignancies, our preclinical data provide a strong rational for combining this regimen with inhibitors of the PD-L1/PD-1 pathway.
- Published
- 2019
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44. Power MOSFET Intrinsic Diode as a Highly Linear Junction Temperature Sensor
- Author
Francesco G. Della Corte, Giovanna Adinolfi, Giovanni Pangallo, Giorgio Graditi, Sandro Rao, Pangallo, Giovanni, Rao, Sandro, Adinolfi, Giovanna, Graditi, Giorgio, and DELLA CORTE, Francesco Giuseppe
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Materials science ,business.industry ,Linearity ,Biasing ,Repeatability ,Optoelectronics ,Junction temperature ,Sensitivity (control systems) ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Power MOSFET ,business ,Instrumentation ,Voltage ,Diode - Abstract
The characteristics of a thermo-sensitive electrical parameter used to estimate the junction temperature of power MOSFETs are presented. In particular, the dependence on temperature of the voltage appearing across the forward-biased body-diode at fixed currents is carefully investigated experimentally in order to optimize linearity and sensitivity. Error, resolution and repeatability are also discussed. The intrinsic diodes have been characterized in a wide working temperature range, namely between 25 °C and 175 °C, and for 1000 fixed probe currents between 10 $\mu \text{A}$ and 10 mA. The results show that the temperature sensor has high sensitivity and high linearity. It is shown that the best trade-off between sensitivity and linearity can be obtained in a particular bias current range. Finally, the sensor long-term stability has been tested.
- Published
- 2019
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45. Histological chorioamnionitis and risk of pulmonary complications in preterm births: a systematic review and Meta-analysis
- Author
Giuseppe Maria Maruotti, Gabriele Saccone, Francesco Raimondi, Laura Sarno, Angelo Sirico, Luigi Della Corte, Fulvio Zullo, Pasquale Martinelli, Maurizio Guida, Sarno, L., Della Corte, L., Saccone, G., Sirico, A., Raimondi, F., Zullo, F., Guida, M., Martinelli, P., and Maruotti, G. M.
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medicine.medical_specialty ,histological chorioamnioniti ,fetal inflammatory response syndrome ,funisiti ,Chorioamnionitis ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pregnancy ,030225 pediatrics ,Funisitis ,medicine ,Humans ,Prospective Studies ,Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn ,030219 obstetrics & reproductive medicine ,Obstetrics ,business.industry ,Infant, Newborn ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Preterm Births ,medicine.disease ,Bronchopulmonary dysplasia ,respiratory distress syndrome ,Meta-analysis ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Premature Birth ,Female ,Observational study ,business ,Fetal inflammatory response syndrome - Abstract
Histological chorioamnionitis is associated with significant adverse maternal, perinatal and long-term outcome. We performed a meta-analysis of 30 observational studies in order to clarify the association between Histological chorioamnionitis and pulmonary complications, like respiratory distress syndrome and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Unadjusted data extracted from all studies showed that Histological chorioamnionitis has no effect on development of RDS (RR 0.93, 95% CI 1.08-1.67), while it increased the risk of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (RR 1.75, 95% CI 1.37-2.23). However, when we restricted the analysis to the studies that adjust for Gestational Age, in order to exclude the influence of prematurity, we found that HCA reduced the risk of respiratory distress syndrome (RR 0.57, CI 95% 0.35-0.93) and it did not affect the development of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (RR 0.99, CI 0.76-1.3). Our results confirmed a possible role of prenatal inflammation on lung maturation. However, further prospective studies with a selected population are needed, in order to clarify the role of Histological chorioamnionitis in neonatal pulmonary complications.
- Published
- 2019
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46. Uterine arteries prophylactic occlusion balloon placement in pregnancies with placenta praevia
- Author
Pierluigi Giampaolino, Luigi Della Corte, Giuseppe Bifulco, Piera Apparente, Giampaolino, P., Della Corte, L., Apparente, P., and Bifulco, G.
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medicine.medical_specialty ,Caesarean delivery ,prophylactic occlusion balloon placement ,Blood Loss, Surgical ,Placenta Previa ,Placenta Accreta ,Hysterectomy ,Balloon ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pregnancy ,Placenta ,Occlusion ,Humans ,Medicine ,Retrospective Studies ,uterine arteries ,business.industry ,Postpartum Hemorrhage ,Infant ,Balloon Occlusion ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Uterine Artery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Hemorrhagic complication ,Female ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,placenta previae ,business - Abstract
Introduction: To evaluate the feasibility of uterine arteries prophylactic occlusion balloon placement (POBP) to reduce hemorrhagic complications associated with placenta praevia. Material and methods: A retrospective analysis was carried out from January 2014 to November 2018. Only women with a diagnosis of placenta praevia and gestational age at delivery between 33 and 40 weeks were included. All women were diagnosed using transvaginal ultrasound scan (TVS) and confirmed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All women underwent uterine arteries POBP before caesarean delivery (CD). All patients underwent clinical and instrumental follow-up with semestral outpatient TVS for 2 years after the surgery. Results: Forty-eight pregnant women were recruited and analyzed. 32/48 patients (66%) had positive anamnesis for previous CDs. Mean blood loss was 510 ± 222 mL. 15/48 patients (31.6%) were supported with RBC concentrate transfusion. In 10 (20.8%) cases, an intrauterine haemostatic balloon (Bakri-Balloon, Cook Medical, Spencer, USA) was used to control the intra-operative hemorrhage. Hysterectomy was performed in eight cases (16.6%). No cases of hemodynamic instability or urinary complications were reported. No postoperative complications occurred. During follow-up, no long-term complications were observed and nine patients had a successful pregnancy. Conclusions: Uterine arteries POPB is a promising technique that may be adopted in women with placenta praevia to prevent hemorrhagic complications.
- Published
- 2019
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47. Relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, intracerebral hemorrhage, and its location
- Author
Carlo Maida, Mariachiara Velardo, Alessandra Casuccio, Vittoriano Della Corte, Valerio Vassallo, Valentina Arnao, Francesca Corpora, Giovanni Salamone, Antonino Tuttolomondo, Irene Simonetta, Rosaria Pecoraro, Anna Cirrincione, Vincenzo Restivo, Antonio Pinto, Domenico Di Raimondo, and Tuttolomondo A, Di Raimondo D, Casuccio A, Velardo M, Salamone G, Arnao V, Pecoraro R, Della Corte V, Restivo V, Corpora F, Maida C, Simonetta I, Cirrincione A, Vassallo V, Pinto A
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Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Settore MED/09 - Medicina Interna ,Internal capsule ,Mediterranean diet ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,Medicine (miscellaneous) ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Diet, Mediterranean ,Risk Assessment ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Risk Factors ,Internal medicine ,Prevalence ,Humans ,Medicine ,In patient ,cardiovascular diseases ,Stroke ,Aged ,Cerebral Hemorrhage ,Retrospective Studies ,Aged, 80 and over ,Intracerebral hemorrhage ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,Proteinuria ,business.industry ,Retrospective cohort study ,Middle Aged ,Protective Factors ,Prognosis ,medicine.disease ,Italy ,Mediterranean Diet, ICH ,Female ,Diet, Healthy ,medicine.symptom ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Risk Reduction Behavior ,Dyslipidemia - Abstract
INTRODUCTION: Although some authors evaluated the relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MeDi) and both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke alone is not yet examined. AIMS: We conducted a retrospective study to evaluate the relationship between adherence to MeDi and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and different locations of ICH (ganglionic/internal capsule, brainstem/cerebellum, or lobar). METHODS: We analyzed charts and collected data of all consecutive patients with ICH admitted to our Internal Medicine Ward from 2005 to 2014. A scale indicating the degree of adherence to the traditional MeDi Score was constructed. RESULTS: When compared with 100 subjects without ICH, 103 subjects with ICH had significantly higher mean values of LDL (91.1 ± 38.7 mg/dl vs. 79.2 ± 34.4 mg/dl; p = 0.031), triglycerides (118.9 ± 62.9 mg/dl vs. 101.6 ± 47.6 mg/dl; p = 0.026), and proteinuria (32.6 ± 50.0 mg/dl vs. 18.1 ± 39.6 mg/dl; p=0.024) and a significantly lower mean MeDi Score (3.9 ± 1.0 vs. 7.0 ± 1.4; p < 0.0001). In a multiple regression analysis, smoking, diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and the MeDi Score remained significantly associated with ICH. We also observed a significantly lower mean MeDi Score in the lobar location group when compared with the ganglionic/internal capsule group (4.3 ± 1.0 vs. 3.5 ± 0.9; p < 0.0005). DISCUSSION: Our findings regarding the higher prevalence of ICH in patients with lower adherence to MeDi may be related to the fact that patients with lower MeDi Score exhibit a worse cardiovascular risk profile with increased risk factors such as hypertension and dyslipidemia.
- Published
- 2019
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48. Surgical treatment of isolated tricuspid valve infective endocarditis: 25-year results from a multicenter registry
- Author
Giosuè Falcetta, Ester Della Ratta, Roberto Lorusso, Daniele Maselli, Roberto Scrofani, Vito Margari, Francesco Nicolini, Antonio Salsano, Lorenzo Galletti, Alessandro Parolari, Carla Lucarelli, Davide Pacini, Michele Di Mauro, Giacomo Murana, Francesco Musumeci, Giuseppe Scrascia, Samuel Mancuso, Giuseppe Faggian, Massimiliano Foschi, Francesco Onorati, Mauro Rinaldi, Giovanni Troise, Yudit Dossena, Ugolino Livi, Marco Picichè, Domenico Paparella, Giovanni Mariscalco, Loris Salvador, Giangiuseppe Cappabianca, Cesare Beghi, Uberto Bortolotti, Guglielmo Mario Actis Dato, Carlo Antona, Filippo Benassi, Sandro Sponga, Paolo Centofanti, Enrico Vizzardi, Alessandro Della Corte, Carlo De Vincentiis, Fabio Barili, Alberto Pozzoli, Andrea Biondi, Giovanni Cagnoni, Riccardo Gherli, Michele De Bonis, Emmanuel Villa, Francesco Santini, Diego Cugola, Giovanni Casali, Di Mauro, M, Foschi, M, Dato, G, Centofanti, P, Barili, F, Corte, A, Ratta, E, Cugola, D, Galletti, L, Santini, F, Salsano, A, Rinaldi, M, Mancuso, S, Cappabianca, G, Beghi, C, De Vincentiis, C, Biondi, A, Livi, U, Sponga, S, Pacini, D, Murana, G, Scrofani, R, Antona, C, Cagnoni, G, Nicolini, F, Benassi, F, De Bonis, M, Pozzoli, A, Casali, G, Scrascia, G, Falcetta, G, Bortolotti, U, Musumeci, F, Gherli, R, Vizzardi, E, Salvador, L, Piciche, M, Paparella, D, Margari, V, Troise, G, Villa, E, Dossena, Y, Lucarelli, C, Onorati, F, Faggian, G, Mariscalco, G, Maselli, D, Parolari, A, Lorusso, R, MUMC+: MA Med Staf Spec CTC (9), RS: CARIM - R2.12 - Surgical intervention, CTC, RS: Carim - V04 Surgical intervention, Di Mauro M., Foschi M., Dato G.M.A., Centofanti P., Barili F., Corte A.D., Ratta E.D., Cugola D., Galletti L., Santini F., Salsano A., Rinaldi M., Mancuso S., Cappabianca G., Beghi C., De Vincentiis C., Biondi A., Livi U., Sponga S., Pacini D., Murana G., Scrofani R., Antona C., Cagnoni G., Nicolini F., Benassi F., De Bonis M., Pozzoli A., Casali G., Scrascia G., Falcetta G., Bortolotti U., Musumeci F., Gherli R., Vizzardi E., Salvador L., Piciche M., Paparella D., Margari V., Troise G., Villa E., Dossena Y., Lucarelli C., Onorati F., Faggian G., Mariscalco G., Maselli D., Parolari A., Lorusso R., Di Mauro, M., Foschi, M., Dato, G. M. A., Centofanti, P., Barili, F., Della Corte, A., Ratta, E. D., Cugola, D., Galletti, L., Santini, F., Salsano, A., Rinaldi, M., Mancuso, S., Cappabianca, G., Beghi, C., De Vincentiis, C., Biondi, A., Livi, U., Sponga, S., Pacini, D., Murana, G., Scrofani, R., Antona, C., Cagnoni, G., Nicolini, F., Benassi, F., De Bonis, M., Pozzoli, A., Casali, G., Scrascia, G., Falcetta, G., Bortolotti, U., Musumeci, F., Gherli, R., Vizzardi, E., Salvador, L., Piciche, M., Paparella, D., Margari, V., Troise, G., Villa, E., Dossena, Y., Lucarelli, C., Onorati, F., Faggian, G., Mariscalco, G., Maselli, D., Parolari, A., Lorusso, R., and Corte, A. D.
- Subjects
Male ,Time Factors ,SURGERY ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Heart Valve Diseases ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Prosthesis ,0302 clinical medicine ,Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency ,Tricuspid valve ,80 and over ,Acute infective endocarditis, Cardiac implantable electronic device, Intravenous drug use, Tricuspid valve ,Registries ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Acute infective endocarditis ,Aged, 80 and over ,OUTCOMES ,Endocarditis ,Cardiac implantable electronic device ,Hazard ratio ,Middle Aged ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Italy ,Infective endocarditis ,HEART ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adolescent ,Intravenous drug use ,Young Adult ,03 medical and health sciences ,MANAGEMENT ,medicine ,Humans ,Dialysis ,Aged ,business.industry ,MORTALITY ,Acute infective endocarditi ,Odds ratio ,medicine.disease ,TRENDS ,Surgery ,INVASIVENESS ,business - Abstract
Background: To assess early and late mortality in patients with isolated acute tricuspid valve infective endocarditis (TVIE) using data from a multicenter registry.Methods: From 1983 to 2018, isolated acute TVIE was surgically treated in 157 (3.8%) patients [mean age 47 +/- 16 years (range 15-86 years), 25% females]. Of these, 142 (90%) had native tricuspid regurgitation, 7 (5%) native tricuspid valve (TV) steno-regurgitation, and 8 (5%) prosthetic TVIE. Intravenous drug use (IVDU) was recorded in 38% of patients, infection involved cardiac implantable electronic device leads in 21%, and vascular catheters for dialysis in 1%; in the remaining cases, the cause was unknown. The primary endpoint was in-hospital outcome, long-term freedom from recurrence and overall survival.Results: Overall, 77 (49%) patients underwent TV repair, 72 (46%) TV replacement, and 8 (5%) prosthetic TV replacement. Early mortality was 11% (n = 17). Expected early mortality according to EndoSCORE was 12%, with age (odds ratio 1.06) and redo (odds ratio 6.64) as risk factors. Late deaths occurred in 31 patients and TVIE recurrences in 4. Survival rates at 10, 20, and 25 years were 66%, 60%, and 44%, respectively. Risk factors were age [hazard ratio (HR) 1.06], mycotic TVIE (HR 4.2), IVDU (HR 4.90), infected prosthesis replacement (HR 4.4), and presence of cardiac implantable electronic device leads (HR 3.0). No significant difference was found in valve repair vs. replacement and in IVDUs vs. non-IVDUs.Conclusions: Patients with isolated acute TVIE undergoing surgical treatment show acceptable early and late outcomes. TVIE recurrence was low, and repair of the affected valve does not seem to confer any advantage either at early or long term up to 25 years. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2019
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49. Case-mix, care pathways, and outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury in CENTER-TBI
- Author
Ewout W Steyerberg, Eveline Wiegers, Charlie Sewalt, Andras Buki, Giuseppe Citerio, Véronique De Keyser, Ari Ercole, Kevin Kunzmann, Linda Lanyon, Fiona Lecky, Hester Lingsma, Geoffrey Manley, David Nelson, Wilco Peul, Nino Stocchetti, Nicole von Steinbüchel, Thijs Vande Vyvere, Jan Verheyden, Lindsay Wilson, Andrew I R Maas, David K Menon, Cecilia Ackerlund, Krisztina Amrein, Nada Andelic, Lasse Andreassen, Audny Anke, Anna Antoni, Gérard Audibert, Kaspars Auslands, Philippe Azouvi, Maria Luisa Azzolini, Rafael Badenes, Ronald Bartels, Pál Barzó, Romuald Beauvais, Ronny Beer, Bo-Michael Bellander, Antonio Belli, Habib Benali, Maurizio Berardino, Luigi Beretta, Morten Blaabjerg, Peter Bragge, Alexandra Brazinova, Vibeke Brinck, Joanne Brooker, Camilla Brorsson, Monika Bullinger, Manuel Cabeleira, Alessio Caccioppola, Emiliana Calappi, Maria Rosa Calvi, Peter Cameron, Guillermo Carbayo Lozano, Marco Carbonara, Ana M Castaño-León, Giorgio Chevallard, Arturo Chieregato, Maryse Cnossen, Mark Coburn, Jonathan Coles, Jamie D Cooper, Marta Correia, Amra Čović, Nicola Curry, Endre Czeiter, Marek Czosnyka, Claire Dahyot-Fizelier, Helen Dawes, Vincent Degos, Francesco Della Corte, Hugo den Boogert, Bart Depreitere, Simone Dijkland, Đula Đilvesi, Abhishek Dixit, Emma Donoghue, Jens Dreier, Guy-Loup Dulière, Patrick Esser, Erzsébet Ezer, Martin Fabricius, Valery L Feigin, Kelly Foks, Shirin Frisvold, Alex Furmanov, Pablo Gagliardo, Damien Galanaud, Dashiell Gantner, Guoyi Gao, Pradeep George, Alexandre Ghuysen, Lelde Giga, Ben Glocker, Jagoš Golubović, Pedro A Gomez, Johannes Gratz, Benjamin Gravesteijn, Francesca Grossi, Russell L Gruen, Deepak Gupta, Juanita A. Haagsma, Iain Haitsma, Raimund Helbok, Eirik Helseth, Lindsay Horton, Jilske Huijben, Peter J Hutchinson, Bram Jacobs, Stefan Jankowski, Mike Jarrett, Ji-yao Jiang, Kelly Jones, Mladen Karan, Angelos G Kolias, Erwin Kompanje, Daniel Kondziella, Evgenios Koraropoulos, Lars-Owe Koskinen, Noémi Kovács, Alfonso Lagares, Steven Laureys, Rolf Lefering, Valerie Legrand, Aurelie Lejeune, Leon Levi, Roger Lightfoot, Angels Lozano, Marc Maegele, Marek Majdan, Alex Manara, Hugues Maréchal, Costanza Martino, Julia Mattern, Catherine McMahon, Béla Melegh, Tomas Menovsky, Davide Mulazzi, Visakh Muraleedharan, Lynnette Murray, Nandesh Nair, Ancuta Negru, Virginia Newcombe, Daan Nieboer, Quentin Noirhomme, József Nyirádi, Mauro Oddo, Matej Oresic, Fabrizio Ortolano, Olubukola Otesile, Aarno Palotie, Paul M Parizel, Jean-François Payen, Natascha Perera, Vincent Perlbarg, Paolo Persona, Anna Piippo-Karjalainen, Sébastien Pili Floury, Matti Pirinen, Horia Ples, Suzanne Polinder, Inigo Pomposo, Jussi P Posti, Louis Puybasset, Andreea Rădoi, Arminas Ragauskas, Rahul Raj, Malinka Rambadagalla, Ruben Real, Jonathan Rhodes, Sylvia Richardson, Sophie Richter, Samuli Ripatti, Saulius Rocka, Cecilie Roe, Olav Roise, Jonathan Rosand, Jeffrey V Rosenfeld, Christina Rosenlund, Guy Rosenthal, Rolf Rossaint, Sandra Rossi, Daniel Rueckert, Martin Rusnák, Juan Sahuquillo, Oliver Sakowitz, Renan Sanchez-Porras, Janos Sandor, Nadine Schäfer, Silke Schmidt, Herbert Schoechl, Guus Schoonman, Rico Frederik Schou, Elisabeth Schwendenwein, Toril Skandsen, Peter Smielewski, Abayomi Sorinola, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Simon Stanworth, Ana Stevanovic, Robert Stevens, William Stewart, Nina Sundström, Anneliese Synnot, Riikka Takala, Viktória Tamás, Tomas Tamosuitis, Mark Steven Taylor, Braden Te Ao, Olli Tenovuo, Alice Theadom, Matt Thomas, Dick Tibboel, Marjolijn Timmers, Christos Tolias, Tony Trapani, Cristina Maria Tudora, Peter Vajkoczy, Egils Valeinis, Shirley Vallance, Zoltán Vámos, Joukje van der Naalt, Gregory Van der Steen, Jeroen T J M van Dijck, Thomas A. van Essen, Wim Van Hecke, Caroline van Heugten, Dominique Van Praag, Roel P J van Wijk, Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse, Alessia Vargiolu, Emmanuel Vega, Kimberley Velt, Paul M Vespa, Anne Vik, Rimantas Vilcinis, Victor Volovici, Daphne Voormolen, Petar Vulekovic, Kevin K W Wang, Guy Williams, Stefan Winzeck, Stefan Wolf, Zhihui Yang, Peter Ylén, Alexander Younsi, Frederick A Zeiler, Veronika Zelinkova, Agate Ziverte, Tommaso Zoerle, Molecular Neuroscience and Ageing Research (MOLAR), Steyerberg, Ew, Wiegers, E, Sewalt, C, Buki, A, Citerio, G, De Keyser, V, Ercole, A, Kunzmann, K, Lanyon, L, Lecky, F, Lingsma, H, Manley, G, Nelson, D, Peul, W, Stocchetti, N, von Steinbuchel, N, Vande, Vyvere T, Verheyden, J, Wilson, L, Maas, Air, Menon, DK (CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigator), Beretta, L, Public Health, Ercole, Ari [0000-0001-8350-8093], Menon, David [0000-0002-3228-9692], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, CENTER-TBI Participants Investigators, Steyerberg, E, von Steinbüchel, N, Vande Vyvere, T, Maas, A, Menon, D, Ackerlund, C, Amrein, K, Andelic, N, Andreassen, L, Anke, A, Antoni, A, Audibert, G, Auslands, K, Azouvi, P, Azzolini, M, Badenes, R, Bartels, R, Barzó, P, Beauvais, R, Beer, R, Bellander, B, Belli, A, Benali, H, Berardino, M, Blaabjerg, M, Bragge, P, Brazinova, A, Brinck, V, Brooker, J, Brorsson, C, Bullinger, M, Cabeleira, M, Caccioppola, A, Calappi, E, Calvi, M, Cameron, P, Carbayo Lozano, G, Carbonara, M, Castaño-León, A, Chevallard, G, Chieregato, A, Cnossen, M, Coburn, M, Coles, J, Cooper, J, Correia, M, Čović, A, Curry, N, Czeiter, E, Czosnyka, M, Dahyot-Fizelier, C, Dawes, H, Degos, V, Della Corte, F, den Boogert, H, Depreitere, B, Dijkland, S, Đilvesi, Đ, Dixit, A, Donoghue, E, Dreier, J, Dulière, G, Esser, P, Ezer, E, Fabricius, M, Feigin, V, Foks, K, Frisvold, S, Furmanov, A, Gagliardo, P, Galanaud, D, Gantner, D, Gao, G, George, P, Ghuysen, A, Giga, L, Glocker, B, Golubović, J, Gomez, P, Gratz, J, Gravesteijn, B, Grossi, F, Gruen, R, Gupta, D, Haagsma, J, Haitsma, I, Helbok, R, Helseth, E, Horton, L, Huijben, J, Hutchinson, P, Jacobs, B, Jankowski, S, Jarrett, M, Jiang, J, Jones, K, Karan, M, Kolias, A, Kompanje, E, Kondziella, D, Koraropoulos, E, Koskinen, L, Kovács, N, Lagares, A, Laureys, S, Lefering, R, Legrand, V, Lejeune, A, Levi, L, Lightfoot, R, Lozano, A, Maegele, M, Majdan, M, Manara, A, Maréchal, H, Martino, C, Mattern, J, Mcmahon, C, Melegh, B, Menovsky, T, Mulazzi, D, Muraleedharan, V, Murray, L, Nair, N, Negru, A, Newcombe, V, Nieboer, D, Noirhomme, Q, Nyirádi, J, Oddo, M, Oresic, M, Ortolano, F, Otesile, O, Palotie, A, Parizel, P, Payen, J, Perera, N, Perlbarg, V, Persona, P, Piippo-Karjalainen, A, Pili Floury, S, Pirinen, M, Ples, H, Polinder, S, Pomposo, I, Posti, J, Puybasset, L, Rădoi, A, Ragauskas, A, Raj, R, Rambadagalla, M, Real, R, Rhodes, J, Richardson, S, Richter, S, Ripatti, S, Rocka, S, Roe, C, Roise, O, Rosand, J, Rosenfeld, J, Rosenlund, C, Rosenthal, G, Rossaint, R, Rossi, S, Rueckert, D, Rusnák, M, Sahuquillo, J, Sakowitz, O, Sanchez-Porras, R, Sandor, J, Schäfer, N, Schmidt, S, Schoechl, H, Schoonman, G, Schou, R, Schwendenwein, E, Skandsen, T, Smielewski, P, Sorinola, A, Stamatakis, E, Stanworth, S, Stevanovic, A, Stevens, R, Stewart, W, Sundström, N, Synnot, A, Takala, R, Tamás, V, Tamosuitis, T, Taylor, M, Te Ao, B, Tenovuo, O, Theadom, A, Thomas, M, Tibboel, D, Timmers, M, Tolias, C, Trapani, T, Tudora, C, Vajkoczy, P, Valeinis, E, Vallance, S, Vámos, Z, van der Naalt, J, Van der Steen, G, van Dijck, J, van Essen, T, Van Hecke, W, van Heugten, C, Van Praag, D, van Wijk, R, Vanhaudenhuyse, A, Vargiolu, A, Vega, E, Velt, K, Vespa, P, Vik, A, Vilcinis, R, Volovici, V, Voormolen, D, Vulekovic, P, Wang, K, Williams, G, Winzeck, S, Wolf, S, Yang, Z, Ylén, P, Younsi, A, Zeiler, F, Zelinkova, V, Ziverte, A, Zoerle, T, Section Neuropsychology, Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie, RS: MHeNs - R1 - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, and RS: FPN NPPP I
- Subjects
Male ,NEUROTRAUMA EFFECTIVENESS RESEARCH ,Glasgow Outcome Scale ,ALCOHOL ,Cohort Studies ,Traumatic brain injury ,0302 clinical medicine ,Patient Admission ,Quality of life ,QUALITY-OF-LIFE ,Brain Injuries, Traumatic/classification ,Brain Injuries, Traumatic ,Longitudinal Studies ,Prospective Studies ,Registries ,Israel ,Prospective cohort study ,SCALE ,Middle Aged ,Prognosis ,3. Good health ,Europe ,Intensive Care Units ,Critical Pathways ,Female ,Cohort study ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,03 medical and health sciences ,Case mix index ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,medicine ,Humans ,Glasgow Coma Scale ,Traumatic/classification ,Psychiatry ,Critical Care Outcomes ,Diagnosis-Related Groups ,Aged ,business.industry ,MORTALITY ,030208 emergency & critical care medicine ,El Niño ,Brain Injuries ,Human medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Background: The burden of traumatic brain injury (TBI) poses a large public health and societal problem, but the characteristics of patients and their care pathways in Europe are poorly understood. We aimed to characterise patient case-mix, care pathways, and outcomes of TBI. Methods: CENTER-TBI is a Europe-based, observational cohort study, consisting of a core study and a registry. Inclusion criteria for the core study were a clinical diagnosis of TBI, presentation fewer than 24 h after injury, and an indication for CT. Patients were differentiated by care pathway and assigned to the emergency room (ER) stratum (patients who were discharged from an emergency room), admission stratum (patients who were admitted to a hospital ward), or intensive care unit (ICU) stratum (patients who were admitted to the ICU). Neuroimages and biospecimens were stored in repositories and outcome was assessed at 6 months after injury. We used the IMPACT core model for estimating the expected mortality and proportion with unfavourable Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE) outcomes in patients with moderate or severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS] score ≤12). The core study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02210221, and with Resource Identification Portal (RRID: SCR_015582). Findings: Data from 4509 patients from 18 countries, collected between Dec 9, 2014, and Dec 17, 2017, were analysed in the core study and from 22 782 patients in the registry. In the core study, 848 (19%) patients were in the ER stratum, 1523 (34%) in the admission stratum, and 2138 (47%) in the ICU stratum. In the ICU stratum, 720 (36%) patients had mild TBI (GCS score 13–15). Compared with the core cohort, the registry had a higher proportion of patients in the ER (9839 [43%]) and admission (8571 [38%]) strata, with more than 95% of patients classified as having mild TBI. Patients in the core study were older than those in previous studies (median age 50 years [IQR 30–66], 1254 [28%] aged >65 years), 462 (11%) had serious comorbidities, 772 (18%) were taking anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication, and alcohol was contributory in 1054 (25%) TBIs. MRI and blood biomarker measurement enhanced characterisation of injury severity and type. Substantial inter-country differences existed in care pathways and practice. Incomplete recovery at 6 months (GOSE
- Published
- 2019
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50. Asymptomatic azygos vein overflow in a young patient with primary mediastinal seminoma
- Author
Andrea Ronchi, Morena Fasano, Giuseppe Viscardi, Maria Lucia Iacovino, Francesca Sparano, Rosa Laura Sabetta, Floriana Morgillo, Giovanni Vicidomini, Alfonso Reginelli, Fortunato Ciardiello, Carminia Maria Della Corte, Raimondo Di Liello, Di Liello, Raimondo, Sparano, Francesca, Iacovino, Maria Lucia, Viscardi, Giuseppe, Della Corte, Carminia Maria, Ronchi, Andrea, Sabetta, Rosa Laura, Fasano, Morena, Vicidomini, Giovanni, Reginelli, Alfonso, Ciardiello, Fortunato, and Morgillo, Floriana
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Mediastinal germ cell tumor ,Case Report ,Case Reports ,lcsh:RC254-282 ,Asymptomatic ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Superior vena cava ,medicine ,cardiovascular diseases ,Primary mediastinal seminoma ,Lung ,Superior vena cava syndrome ,Mediastinal Seminoma ,business.industry ,superior vena cava syndrome ,General Medicine ,lcsh:Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens ,medicine.disease ,radiology ,030104 developmental biology ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Oncology ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,cardiovascular system ,Radiology ,Germ cell tumors ,medicine.symptom ,Azygos vein ,business - Abstract
The azygos system is the most important pathway for decompression of the superior vena cava (SVC) when a blood flow obstruction to the right atrium is present. Thoracic and mediastinal malignancies, mainly lung cancers, are responsible for 60%-85% of superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) cases. An uncommon origin of SVCS is primary malignant mediastinal germ cell tumor (PMMGCT) which represent 1%-4% of all mediastinal tumors and can be divided into two broad groups: seminomas and nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCTs). Primary mediastinal seminomas clinical presentation is often nonspecific, even if the majority of patients present with superior vena cava involvement. Here, we present the radiologic features of asymptomatic azygos system overflow in a patient with primary mediastinal seminoma.
- Published
- 2019
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