Thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs is an important clinical and social problem. Despite an ever greater progress in the preven1. Patients and Methods tion, diagnosis and treatment of phlebothrombosis its frequency of occurrence increases constantly. 1.1. Selection of Patients A key role is played by the prevalence of the factors that increase the risk of thrombo-embolic diseases, The analysis included 89 patients (75 women and i.e., overweight, varices of the lower limbs, past 14 men) aged 25–69 years operated on at the Clinic thrombophlebitis, old age, past delivery, and also of General Surgery of the Military Hospital in Crasurgical operations. Complications after intervencow in the period 1996–1998 because of cholelithiations are brought about, among others, by longsis. In 53 patients, a laparoscopic cholecystectomy lasting immobility, pressure on the venous trunks, was carried out; in the remaining 34, a laparotomic and catheterization of the veins [1,2]. Durlach [3] cholecystectomy. underlines, as well, that this type of complications is favored by disturbances in the magnesium me1.2. Diagnosis of the tabolism developing after operations. Because this Thrombo-embolic Complications explanation of the etiopathogenesis of the thromboembolic disease has a great practical importance, The thrombo-embolic complications of the lower permitting a self-prophylacticotherapeutic manlimbs were diagnosed on the basis of an isotopic agement, we carried out studies that were aimed test (fibrinogen labeled with I iodine). The examat determining the extent of disturbance of the ination was dependent on the blocking of the thyroid with potassium iodide, administered with a daily quantity 2 cm during the whole period of Abbreviations: TPLL, trombophlebitis of the lower limbs; FAAS, flame atomic absorption spectrometry. the tests, and a single intravenous administration Corresponding author: Assoc. Prof. Zbigniew Kopanski, Military of 4 mBq of I-fibrinogen. Measurements were Clinical Hospital, Department of Surgery, Wroclawska Str. 1-3, made at the Erb point above the heart and at six 30-901 Krakow, Poland. Tel/Fax: 148 (12) 6543949; E-mail: (M. Schlegel-Zawadzka), points, as detailed below, of both lower limbs, 2 h