We present a new approach to the handling and interrogating of large flow cytometry data where cell status and function can be described, at the population level, by global descriptors such as distribution mean or co-efficient of variation experimental data. Here we link the “real” data to initialise a computer simulation of the cell cycle that mimics the evolution of individual cells within a larger population and simulates the associated changes in fluorescence intensity of functional reporters. The model is based on stochastic formulations of cell cycle progression and cell division and uses evolutionary algorithms, allied to further experimental data sets, to optimise the system variables. At the population level, the in-silico cells provide the same statistical distributions of fluorescence as their real counterparts; in addition the model maintains information at the single cell level. The cell model is demonstrated in the analysis of cell cycle perturbation in human osteosarcoma tumour cells, using the topoisomerase II inhibitor, ICRF-193. The simulation gives a continuous temporal description of the pharmacodynamics between discrete experimental analysis points with a 24 hour interval; providing quantitative assessment of inter-mitotic time variation, drug interaction time constants and sub-population fractions within normal and polyploid cell cycles. Repeated simulations indicate a model accuracy of ±5%. The development of a simulated cell model, initialized and calibrated by reference to experimental data, provides an analysis tool in which biological knowledge can be obtained directly via interrogation of the in-silico cell population. It is envisaged that this approach to the study of cell biology by simulating a virtual cell population pertinent to the data available can be applied to “generic” cell-based outputs including experimental data from imaging platforms., Author Summary One of the key challenges facing cell biologists today is understanding the influence of molecular controls in shaping and controlling cell growth and proliferation. There is growing recognition that abnormal progression through the cell cycle and the associated effects on the growth of cell populations has a major impact on a wide range of biological and clinical problems, including: tumour growth, developmental control, origins of chromosomal instability and drug resistance. Multiparameter flow cytometry is frequently used to assess proliferation dynamics of cellular populations using fluorescent reporters generating large data sets that can inform simulation models. We have developed stochastic computing approaches allied to evolutionary algorithms to produce simulated cell populations—providing a new approach to the analysis of real multi-variate data sets obtained by flow cytometry. The methodology delivers new insight on biological processes in delivering a continuous simulation of the dynamic evolution of a cellular system between fixed sampling points, hence, converting static data into dynamic data revealing the effective traverse of the cell cycle, restriction points and commitment gateways. The approach also permits the visualisation of the variation between individual cells reflecting biological heterogeneity and potentially Darwinian fitness, given that the simulation delivers a report on population dynamics in which each and every cell can be tracked.