Phosphorus (P) is one of the essential elements for all biological entities and an adequate supply of P in the early stages of plant growth is important for the proper growth and development of plants. Many microbes having phosphate solubilizing ability have been used as the soil inoculants to improve the uptake of phosphorus by plants. The use of pesticides is becoming very common in agriculture as plant protection measures. A potential inoculant organism must be tested thoroughly in lab under the conditions that will be experienced by the farmers. The major concern regarding the use of pesticides is that their use may adversely affect non target soil microflora and fauna. Phosphate solubilizing micro-organisms which are useful soil inhabiting microflora and of importance to soil fertility may be affected by some insecticides and herbicides. The isolate, Citrobacter freundii, used in present study is an efficient phosphate solubilizer and its effect on plants in presence as well as in absence of select pesticides was studied. Introduction Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms include bacteria and fungi which convert insoluble inorganic phosphatic compounds into soluble form. The use of pesticides is becoming very common in agriculture as plant protection measures and during storage of food grains. The use of organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides has been increasing whereas the use of chlorinated insecticides has decreased as these are very stable and persist in the environment for a long time (Vimal Ramani and H.H.Patel,2011). A potential inoculant organism must be tested under conditions that will be experienced by the farmers (Leggett et al., 1998). Although scientists continue to identify less persistent agrochemicals, microbiologists are concerned regarding their use, because some of these chemicals may adversely affect non-target soil microflora and fauna. Phosphate solubilizing micro-organisms which are useful soil inhabiting microflora and of importance to soil fertility may be affected by some insecticides and herbicides (Gaur, 1990). Raghu and Mac Rae (1967) found an increase in the population of anaerobic phosphorus solubilizers after treatment of soil with lindane. Effect of pesticides on microbial solubilization of rock phosphate in Pikovskaya medium was studied by Gaur (1990). Pseudomonas striata significantly augmented rock phosphate solubilization. Maximum phosphorus solubilization by the bacteria was obtained in the presence of carbofuran followed by oxyfluorfen at normal dosage. In a similar study the plant growth promoting traits of the strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa decreased consistently as the concentrations of each pesticide was increased from the recommended dose to the higher ones (Ahemad M,Khan MS,2011). Several studies have indicated augmented phosphate solubilization in presence of few pesticides and herbicides, while many other workers have reported significant decrease in phosphate solubi lization efficiency. In the present study attempt has been made to study the effect of various pesticides, which are used commonly by the farmers of this region of Madhya Pradesh on phosphate solubilizaton by C. freundii. Materials & Methods The culture Citrobacter freundii was maintained on Pikovskaya’s agar pH 7.2 at 4°C and sub cultured every month. Inoculum and Incubation Overnight grown culture of Citrobacter freundii in nutrient broth was harvested by centrifugation and resuspended in broth to have 1 O.D. mL-1at 660nm.Inoculum thus prepared was transferred under aseptic conditions to 100 mL Pikovskaya’s broth in 250 mL Erlenmeyer conical flasks. In one experimental set up the broth contained TCP 50 mg% equivalent to 114.5 mg P2O5 100 mL-1. To study the phosphate solubilization from URP (27.6 mg% P2O5), it was added equivalent to 50 mg P2O5 100 mL-1. The flasks were incubated at 28°C ± 2°C under static conditions with intermittent shaking at 12hr interval up to 7 and 15 days for TCP and URP respectively. Phosphate estimation Soluble phosphorus from the broth was estimated using chlorostannous reduced molybdophosphoric acid blue method as it is reported to be highly sensitive and satisfactory method. (Jackson M L,1973). Culture media Pikovskaya’s broth containing 50 mg % TCP and Modified Pikovskaya’s broth medium where TCP in Pikovskaya’s broth medium was replaced by URP equivalent to 50 mg % P2O5 was used. The required numbers of flasks with 100 ml of media mentioned above were sterilized. To each of these flasks the pesticides (malathion, chloropyriphos, dimethoate, monocrotophos, dicofol and phosphomidon) in the quantity of “recommended dose” as mentioned on the commercial packet and double the quantity of “recommended dose” (double dose) were added aseptically to separate flasks. The flasks containing Pikovskaya’s broth and modified pikovskaya’s broth without added pesticides were kept as control. Results and Discussions The effect of various pesticides on TCP solubilization by C. freundii is shown in Table 1. The results show significant decrease in phosphate solubilizing activity in presence of most of the pesticides under study. Maximum phosphate solubilizing activity was affected by both the single as well as double dose of the “recommended dose” of pesticides. However, in presence of pesticide phosphomidon, the organism shows