Habitualmente non se refire a literatura infantil e xuvenil como unha das áreas de incidencia do movemento feminista. Porén, dende os seus comezos, á literatura dirixida a infancia e a mocidade apúxoselle un condicionamento instrutor que a situou, en moitas ocasións, no ámbito educativo. Así, o movemento feminista ocupouse, no marco das prácticas a prol da coeducación, de revisar moitos dos textos que a compoñen. O ámbito galego non foi unha excepción a isto, polo que este traballo pretende revisar cales foron as angueiras levadas a cabo polas feministas para analizar as obras existentes e pular por unha nova literatura infantil e xuvenil., Normally, we do not refer to children’s and young adult literature as an area influenced by the feminist movement. However, since the beginning, an instructive conditioning was attributed to children’s and young people’s literature, placing it often in the educational field. Thus, the feminist movement dealt with the revision of many of these texts, within the context of activities in favour of coeducation. Galician literature was not an exception, so this paper aims to review the tasks carried out by feminists in order to analyze the existing books and streng then a new children’s and young adult literature.