22 results on '"publication activity"'
Search Results
2. Comparative analysis of publication activity and citation of Russian scientists in the separate scientific fields of knowledge according to the Russian science citation index and WOS CC
- Author
V. V. Arutyunov and V. A. Tsvetkova
- Subjects
публикационная активность ,цитируемость ,биология ,математика ,геология ,механика ,российский индекс научного цитирования (ринц) ,индекс хирша ,web of science core collection (wos cc) ,publication activity ,citation ,biology ,mathematics ,geology ,mechanics ,russian science citation index (rsci) ,hirsch index ,web of science (wos) ,Information theory ,Q350-390 - Abstract
The article considers the indicators of publication activity in 2013-2017 and citation of Russian scientists in the field of biology, mathematics, Geology and mechanics, reflected in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC) and the Russian science citation index (RSCI). It is revealed, that due to the minimal representation of Russian journals in the WOS СС and the weak representation of Russian authors in English-language publications, their maximum indices of Hirsch and citation in the WoS CC in the field of biology, mathematics and mechanics are significantly less than the maximum indicators of these indices in the WOS CC system, except geology. At the same time, the maximum citation index for biology in the RSCI exceeds the same indicator for WoS CC twice, for the other three branches of science - 30-90 times. It is stated that the world scientific community is not receiving a significant amount of new information and knowledge created by Russian scientists and experts on the basis of their research.
- Published
- 2018
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3. Scientometric and patent analysis of promising scientific and technological directions of research under sustainable development goal no. 5 in the field of gender equality
- Author
- Subjects
publication activity ,citation ,technological direction ,sustainable development goal ,scientometric and patent research ,promising direction ,forecasting ,patent activity - Abstract
The subject of the study is the systematization and identification of promising areas for makingforecasts for 2022–2030. in order to achieve Ukraine’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDC) on thesubject of ensuring gender equality. The purpose of the study is to identify the most promising areas in the social and humanitarian sphere using analytical data from the Web of Science and Derwent Innovation database platforms. Research methods. Comparative, logical–structural, analytical and systemic analysis. Results of work. The study is aimed at establishing the most promising directions for making forecasts for 2022–2030 with the aim of achieving the CSR by Ukraine, in particular, on the subject of ensuring gender equality. The work was carried out using the international database platforms Web of Science (WoS) and Derwent Innovation for the period 2011–2020. The scope of the results. Economics and management of the national economy, methods and mechanisms for regulating economic processes and their efficiency. Conclusions. The study is based on a comprehensive analysis and systematization of up–to–date data on the development of scientific and technological areas on the topic of ensuring gender equality in the world and Ukraine, obtained using international scientometric and patent databases. Having studied the dynamics of scientific publications and their citation, as well as the dynamics of patenting of relevant areas, we can conclude that the most promising global areas are: gender budgeting; big data; closing the gender pay gap; digital technologies; gender psychology; gender policy; information and communication technologies (ICT).
- Published
- 2022
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4. Bibliometric methods in libraries of the Republic of Belarus: History and contemporary state.
- Author
Berezkina, N.
- Abstract
This paper considers the use of bibliometric methods in library and information activities, as well as the role of libraries of the Republic of Belarus in increasing the publication activities of researchers and the promotion of scientific journals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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5. Publication activity of organizations in Moscow region on nanotechnologies and nanosystems: bibliometric analysis
- Author
J. V. Mohknaveva and T. N. Kharybina
- Subjects
bibliometric analysis ,moscow region ,nanotechnology ,publication activity ,citation ,rating of scientific publication ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
This publication represents bibliometric analysis of publication activity of scientists from research institutions Moscow region in the field of nanotechnologies.
- Published
- 2012
6. Анализ статистики публикационной активности научных сотрудников Института геофизики им. С.И. Субботина НАН Украины за 1974—2020 гг. в наукометрической базе Web of Science
- Subjects
оценка научных исследований ,publication activity ,citation ,оцінювання наукових досліджень ,імпакт-фактори журналів ,цитування ,Інститут геофізики ім. С.І. Субботіна НАН України ,NAS of Ukraine ,импакт-факторы журналов ,research evaluation ,индекс Хирша ,the Institute of Geophysics ,публикационная активность ,індекс Хірша ,Институт геофизики им. С.И. Субботина НАН Украины ,публікаційна активність ,Web of Science ,Hirsch index ,цитирование ,impact factors of journals - Abstract
The article presents an analysis of the statistical data from the Web of Science platform on the publication activity of the researchers of the Institute of Geophysics from 1974 to 2020. 1382 articles are indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection. They have been published in 107 journals of 18 countries in 5 languages. The distribution of publications over the years clearly shows two peaks. The first one (1981—1990) is due to the fact that «Geophysical Journal International» since 1981 for 10 years has been completely translated into English and distributed abroad. During this time, half of the journal’s articles have been indexed in the Web of Science. The second peak is a consequence of the journal’s inclusion in 2015 the Web of Science. The self-citation index is 17 %, which corresponds to the world indicator for the section «Geology». Over the past twenty years, when the SCI Journal began publishing the freely available Internet Impact Factor Database of journals that are part of the Web of Science, 181 articles have been posted in 73 journals whose impact factors range from 0,046 to 7,000 with an average value of 1,785. The Hirsch index is defined for 71 researchers. Its average value is 5, which is higher for 29,6 % of researchers. The practice was discussed for using the Hirsch index in Ukraine and Russia in sollution of employee issues and allocating grants for scientific research. The Hirsch index is shown to have a wider scope of its application in our neighbors and it plays a more influential role., В статье представлен анализ статистических данных платформы Web of Science о публикационной активности научных сотрудников Института геофизики им. С.И. Субботина НАН Украины с 1974 по 2020 г. В платформе Web of Science Core Collection проиндексировано 1382 статьи. Они опубликованы в 107 журналах 18 стран на 5 языках. На распределении публикаций по годам четко выделяются два максимума. Первый (1981—1990) обусловлен тем, что «Геофизический журнал» с 1981 г. на протяжении 10 лет полностью переводился на английский язык и распространялся за рубежом. За это время половина статей журнала проиндексирована в Web of Science. Второй максимум — следствие включения журнала в 2015 г. в Web of Science. Индекс самоцитирования составляет 17 %, что соответствует мировому показателю по разделу «Геология». За последние двадцать лет, когда «Журнал научного цитирования» (SCI Journal) начал публиковать свободно доступную в Интернете Базу данных ИФ (Impact Factor Database) журналов, которые входят в Web of Science, 181 статья сотрудников размешена в 73 журналах, чьи импакт-факторы изменяются от 0,046 до 7,000 при среднем значении 1,785. Индекс Хирша определен для 71 сотрудника. Средняя его величина равна 5 , она больше у 29,6 % научных сотрудников. Обсуждена практика применения в Украине и России индекса Хирша при решении кадровых вопросов и выделении грантов для научных исследований. Показано, что у наших соседей область их применения более обширна, и они играют более влиятельную роль., У статті наведено аналіз статистичних даних платформи Web of Science стосовно публікаційної активності наукових співробітників Інституту геофізики ім. С.І. Субботіна НАН України з 1974 по 2020 р. У Web of Science Core Collection проіндексовано 1382 статті. Вони опубліковані в 107 журналах 18 країн на 5 мовах. На розподілі публікацій по роках чітко виділяються два максимуми. Перший (1981—1990) зумовлений тим, що «Геофизический журнал» з 1981 р. протягом 10 років повністю перекладав- ся на англійську мову і поширювався за кордоном. За цей час половина статей журналу проіндексована у Web of Science. Другий максимум — наслідок включення журналу в 2015 р. в Web of Science. Індекс самоцитування дорівнює 17 %, що відповідає світовому показнику за розділом «Геологія». За останні двадцять років, коли «Журнал наукового цитування» (SCI Journal) почав публікувати загально доступну в Інтернеті Базу даних ІФ (Impact Factor Database) журналів, які входять до Web of Science, 181 стаття розміщена в 73 журналах, чиї імпакт-фактори змінюються від 0,046 до 7,000 за середнього значення 1,785. Індекс Хірша визначено для 71 співробітника. Середнє його значення дорівнює 5, яке більше у 29,6 % наукових співробітників. Розглянуто практику застосування в Україні та Росії індексу Хірша при вирішенні кадрових питань та виділенні грантів для наукових досліджень. Показано, що у наших сусідів сфера їх застосування більш широка, і вони відіграють впливовішу роль.
- Published
- 2022
7. An analysis of the scientific activities of researchers from Belarus according to bibliometric indicators.
- Author
Khrenova, G. and Chikun, O.
- Abstract
This paper considers the results of scientific research conducted by the Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (CSL NAS of Belarus) using the bibliometric indicators of the Web of Science Core Collection Database (WoS CC): the degree of reflection and citation of articles of Belarusian authors in this database. Attention is paid to the rating of the research institutes of the NAS of Belarus according to scientific productivity. The fields of the scientific work of Belarusian scientists are shown. The paper estimates the productivity of the joint scientific activity of Belarusian scientists and scientists of different countries, which is an indicator of the level of integration of the country into the international scientific community. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
- Subjects
бібліометричний аналіз ,publication activity ,citation ,цитування ,library and information science ,university library ,bibliometric analysis ,conference proceeding ,університетська бібліотека ,публікаційна активність ,proceedings paper ,конференція ,бібліотекознавство та інформатика ,conference paper ,conference - Abstract
Objective. The second part “Conference time in the library and information sciences” of the study is aimed at conducting a bibliometric analysis of the publication activity and citation of the authors presenting their papers at international conferences indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science (CC). Methods. Bibliometric analysis of publications that are Conference proceeding (“proceedings paper” and/or “conference paper”) was carried out using the Scopus and Web of Science (CC) citation databases. Using a comparative analysis, the obtained data, covering the “conference paper”/“proceedings paper” publication type for all years of their reflection in each of the databases, as well as in chronological frames from 2016 to 01.06.2020 were studied. Results. Analysis of the publication activity of LIS university (academic) researchers shows that Scopus (n=4561) contains more documents than WoS database (n=4145). The growth of Open Access (OA) documents in both databases is significant since 2000. But the period 2016-01.06.2020 demonstrates a slight dominance of the number of OA publications in Scopus (n=192) compared to WoS (n=185). Distribution data by authors, universities, countries, knowledge areas were also obtained. Citation analysis shows poor results on both bases, which may be due to the focus of conferences on rapidly changing topics. Conclusions. Showing the relatively low LIS coverage in university research, as well as low citation rates, this paper demonstrates that LIS researchers/practitioners need to create more quality publications to be recognized as an important area. The author hopes that this work will generate great research interest in the field of LIS and understanding the great value of Conference proceeding as a publication containing original/primary research results., Мета. Друга частина дослідження “Conference time in the library and information sciences” спрямована на проведення бібліометричного аналізу публікаційної активності та цитованості авторів з бібліотекознавства та інформатики (LIS), які представляють свої документи на міжнародних конференціях, індексованих в Scopus і/або Web of Science (CC). Методи. Бібліометричний аналіз публікацій, які є Conference proceeding ("proceedings paper" і / або "conference paper"), був проведений з використанням даних баз цитування Scopus і Web of Science (CC). За допомогою компаративного аналізу вивчені отримані дані, що охоплюють тип публікації "conference paper" / "proceedings paper" за всі роки їх відображення в кожній з баз, а також додатково в хронологічних рамках з 2016 р. по 01.06.2020 р. Результат. Аналіз публікаційної активності університетських (академічних) дослідників LIS показує, що в БД Scopus (n = 4561) представлено більшу кількість документів, ніж в БД WoS (n = 4145). Показовим є зростання документів відкритого доступу (OA) в обох БД, починаючи з 2000 р. Але період 2016 - 01.06.2020 рр. демонструє незначне домінування кількості публікацій ОА в Scopus (n = 192) в порівнянні з WoS (n = 185). Також отримано дані розподілу за авторами, університетами, країнами, галузями знань. Аналіз цитування показує невисокі результати по обох базах, причиною яких може бути зосередженість конференцій на швидко мінливих темах. Висновки. Показуючи відносно низьке охоплення LIS в дослідженнях університетських вчених, а також невисокий рівень їх цитування, дана робота демонструє, що дослідникам / практикам LIS необхідно створювати більше якісних публікацій, щоб їх визнали важливою областю. У автора є надія, що ця робота викличе великий дослідницький інтерес в області LIS і розуміння великої цінності Conference proceeding як видання, що містить оригінальні / первинні результати досліджень.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Tetiana O. Kolesnykova
- Subjects
bibliometric analysis ,publication activity ,citation ,conference proceeding ,Library science ,library and information science ,proceedings paper ,Sociology ,Citation ,Information science ,conference paper ,conference ,university library - Abstract
Objective.The second part “Conference time in the library and information sciences” of the study is aimed at conducting a bibliometric analysis of the publication activity and citation of the authors presenting their papers at international conferences indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science (CC).Methods. Bibliometric analysis of publications that are Conference proceeding (“proceedings paper” and/or “conference paper”) was carried out using the Scopus and Web of Science (CC) citation databases. Using a comparative analysis, the obtained data, covering the “conference paper”/“proceedings paper” publication type for all years of their reflection in each of the databases, as well as in chronological frames from 2016 to 01.06.2020 were studied.Results.Analysis of the publication activity of LIS university (academic) researchers shows that Scopus (n=4561) contains more documents than WoS database (n=4145). The growth of Open Access (OA) documents in both databases is significant since 2000. But the period 2016-01.06.2020 demonstrates a slight dominance of the number of OA publications in Scopus (n=192) compared to WoS (n=185). Distribution data by authors, universities, countries, knowledge areas were also obtained. Citation analysis shows poor results on both bases, which may be due to the focus of conferences on rapidly changing topics.Conclusions.Showing the relatively low LIS coverage in university research, as well as low citation rates, this paper demonstrates that LIS researchers/practitioners need to create more quality publications to be recognized as an important area. The author hopes that this work will generate great research interest in the field of LIS and understanding the great value of Conference proceeding as a publication containing original/primary research results.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
O. V. Dudnikova and O. A. Smirnova
- Subjects
publication activity ,citation ,business.industry ,Library services ,05 social sciences ,Library science ,General Medicine ,Scientometrics ,050905 science studies ,scientometrics ,university library ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources ,repository ,Identification (information) ,Activity monitoring ,Publishing ,Political science ,0509 other social sciences ,050904 information & library sciences ,business ,Citation ,organization profile - Abstract
The article reveals the experience of the Southern Federal University Scientific Library in accompanying the scientific and publishing activities of the university. The methods of conducting main library services are described, including that of the following areas: full-text databases access provision and user councelling, publication activity monitoring of the university and its subdivisions, identification of scientific publications in international citation bases. The experience of councelling university staff in forming a strategy of research results publication is given.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Preiss, Marek and Mačudová, Galina
- Subjects
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COLLEGE teachers , *PSYCHOLOGISTS - Abstract
Various parameters of publication activity according to the Web of Science are demonstrated on the sample of 109 associate professors and professors in psychology. 41 % of the sample publish only in Czech journals, 7 % do not publish in journals listed in the Web of Science at all. 29 % of the sample (32 persons) have not been cited at all, 40 % do not have any citation of a paper where associated professor/professor is the first author. The h-index equals 0 in 28 % of the sample. According to the Web of Science, associated professors and professors Kebza, Nakonečný, Břicháček, Kožený, Vymĕtal, Kratochvíl, Křivohlavý and Hoskovec had high number of publications (70 and more) although the types of publications vary (full papers vs. abstracts and other publication outputs). Among the journals with the highest impact factor, where Czech psychologists published, were American Journal of Psychiatry (professor Kožený, 1997) and American Psychologist (professors Hoskovec and Janoušek, 2004). The authors with the highest citations (in total) were Kožený, Fraňková and Balcar. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
12. Analyzing the publication activities of scientists of the national academy of sciences of Belarus.
- Author
Berezkina, N., Sikorskaya, O., and Khrenova, G.
- Abstract
This paper considers the publication activities of scientists from the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the degree of reflection of their articles in the Web of Science, Scopus, and Russian Science Citation Index, and data on the citation of works of Belarusian authors for 2006-2010. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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13. Publication activities of Russian organizations in the area of functional nanomaterials.
- Author
Soloshenko, N., Efremenkova, V., and Kirillova, O.
- Abstract
A bibliometric study of publications on functional nanomaterials in Russia and worldwide is presented. The Scopus - abstracts database with analytical facilities (Elsevier, Netherlands) is used for defining the publication activity of Russian organizations. The ranking list of organizations with high publication activities is outlined. The departmental and regional productivity in the field of functional nanomaterials is explored. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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14. The scientometric analysis of the activity of Kazakh scientists based on the materials of the SCOPUS DB (Netherlands).
- Author
Suluimanov, E., Frolova, V., and Khasenova, S.
- Abstract
This paper gives the results of the scientometric analysis of foreign publications by Kazakh authors that was reflected in the SCOPUS DB in 1991–2008. The publication activity is expressed in 3883 documents, the citation index of which is 10 132. The average share of Kazakh publications in the total worldwide flow is equal to 0.017%. The citation rate of publications was revealed to have significantly grown since the 1996–2000 period. It is shown that most articles were written in English and published in periodical editions. The main themes of publications are represented by physics and chemistry. The leading foreign partners of Kazakhstan in the scientific sphere were determined. Kazakh-Russian scientific cooperation is developing most fruitfully. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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15. Leading Russian scholars in the realm of general and special psychology and pedagogy: bibliometric analysis of publishing activity and citation
- Author
Chudinov, A. P., Khristolyubova, L. V., and Tsygankova, A. V.
- Subjects
ПУБЛИКАЦИОННАЯ АКТИВНОСТЬ ,SPECIAL PSYCHOLOGY ,Bibliometric analysis ,индексы научного цитирования ,ИНДЕКСЫ НАУЧНОГО ЦИТИРОВАНИЯ ,special pedagogy ,РОССИЙСКИЙ ИНДЕКС НАУЧНОГО ЦИТИРОВАНИЯ ,российские ученые ,ПЕДАГОГИ ,BIBLIOMETRICS ,Realm ,ЦИТИРУЕМОСТЬ ,PUBLICATION ACTIVITY ,ОБЩАЯ ПЕДАГОГИКА ,НАУЧНЫЕ ПУБЛИКАЦИИ ,citation index ,БИБЛИОМЕТРИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ ,Хирша индекс ,психологи ,НАУЧНАЯ ПРОДУКТИВНОСТЬ ,БИБЛИОМЕТРИЧЕСКИЕ ИНДИКАТОРЫ ,pedagogues ,НАУЧНАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ,НАУЧНОЕ ТВОРЧЕСТВО ,SCIENCE STUDIES ,общая психология ,science studies ,библиометрия ,ОБЩИЕ ВОПРОСЫ НАУКИ ,российская наука ,Publishing ,ОБЩАЯ ПСИХОЛОГИЯ ,АКАДЕМИИ НАУК ,PEDAGOGUES ,АКАДЕМИЧЕСКАЯ НАУКА ,научное творчество ,Hirsch index ,специальная педагогика ,научный авторитет ,академии наук ,ПСИХОЛОГИ ,библиометрический анализ ,publication activity ,общая педагогика ,psychologists ,ВЫСШИЕ УЧЕБНЫЕ ЗАВЕДЕНИЯ ,научная продуктивность ,российский индекс научного цитирования ,НАУЧНЫЙ АВТОРИТЕТ ,НАУКА. НАУКОВЕДЕНИЕ — РОССИЯ ,академическая наука ,БИБЛИОМЕТРИЯ ,публикационная активность ,bibliometric analysis ,педагоги ,CITATION INDEX ,специальная психология ,наукометрия ,СПЕЦИАЛЬНАЯ ПСИХОЛОГИЯ ,PSYCHOLOGISTS ,special psychology ,business.industry ,BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS ,general pedagogy ,РИНЦ ,HIRSCH INDEX ,ВУЗОВСКАЯ НАУКА ,НАУКОМЕТРИЯ ,Epistemology ,РОССИЙСКИЕ УЧЕНЫЕ ,индекс Хирша ,научные публикации ,высшие учебные заведения ,ИНДЕКС ХИРША ,методы библиометрии ,цитируемость ,ХИРША ИНДЕКС ,SPECIAL PEDAGOGY ,СПЕЦИАЛЬНАЯ ПЕДАГОГИКА ,РОССИЙСКАЯ НАУКА ,bibliometrics ,научная деятельность ,библиометрические индикаторы ,business ,Citation ,GENERAL PEDAGOGY ,МЕТОДЫ БИБЛИОМЕТРИИ ,вузовская наука - Abstract
В статье представлены материалы библиометрического анализа публикационной активности и цитируемости современных педагогов и психологов, основанные на данных Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ)., The materials presented in the article do not only reflect the scientific contri-bution of the leading specialists but also show methodological and paradigmatic tendencies of development of the Russian science on the whole. Specifically, it has been found that the scholarly rating scores of the psychologists, as a rule, are higher than those of the pedagogues. It is also interesting that the high publishing activity and citation are typical of the scholars working in the sphere of special psychology and pedagogy. Science-metrical ratings may be calculated not only for concrete scholars but for research teams or scientific institutions as well. Thus, the materials under consideration show that the absolute majority of the specialists with a high h-index work at academic institutes and leading metropolitan universities (Insti-tute of Psychology of the Russian Acad-emy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education., Специальное образование, Issue № 3 (59), Pages 137-146
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Sanchez Thomas W
- Subjects
bibliometrics ,Webometrics ,urban planning ,h-index ,scientometrics ,open access ,publication activity ,Google Scholar ,Web of Science ,gray literature ,citation ,Construction industry ,HD9715-9717.5 - Abstract
This article provides a complete citation analysis for the field of urban planning in the U.S. Urban planning is multi-disciplinary with a rich tradition of debate about the knowledge domain of both research and practice. Urban planning includes consideration of social, economic, technological, environmental, and political systems that are highly sophisticated, which therefore has an extensive body of scholarship. The article argues that Google Scholar is an appropriate source of citation data for urban planning and includes a brief example of one urban planning scholar to demonstrate GS citation patterns. This is followed by the results of a descriptive analysis showing general patterns of citation activity for urban planning schools. A greater depth of analysis is required to better understand the dynamics of these scholarly activities.
- Published
- 2015
17. Вклад региональных научных сообществ в современные российские социально-экономические и гуманитарные исследования (на опыте анализа публикационной активности ученых г. Рязани)
- Subjects
Исследуется публикационная активность региональных научных сообществ в социально-экономических и гуманитарных науках на примере ученых Рязани. Основным методом выступает библиометрический анализ данных Российского индекса научного цитирования за 2000-2017 гг. Представлены результаты изучения тематической структуры массива из 16352 публикаций и их цитирований; рассчитана средняя цитируемость работ рязанских ученых; определены организации, которые являются научными центрами региона, и проведен сравнительный анализ их публикационной активности. Библиометрический анализ показал, что основная часть массива публикаций рязанских ученых в сфере социально-экономического и гуманитарного знания формируется шестью отраслями знания, в которых активность ученых Рязани наиболее высока. Это юриспруденция, педагогика, экономика, филология, психология и история. В современных российских научных публикациях наиболее активно цитируются труды рязанских экономистов и психологов; достаточно высокое признание получают работы по педагогике. Менее интенсивно используются труды по юриспруденции и филологии; еще ниже степень цитирования трудов рязанских историков. Ведущими центрами научной активности Рязани являются шесть государственных вузов. Лидером по количеству публикаций и цитирований выступает Рязанский государственный университет имени С. А. Есенина. В юридических науках, педагогике, истории и филологии массив публикаций формируется по преимуществу одним из шести ведущих региональных научных центров. В экономике и психологии основной массив публикаций образуется примерно равными по значимости долями нескольких вузов. Статья включает ряд таблиц и диаграмм, визуализирующих результаты проведенного библиометрического исследования., The publication activity of regional research communities in the field of socio-economic sciences and humanities is studied on the example Ryazan region in Russia. The main method of research is bibliometric data analysis of the Russian Scientific Citation Index covering publications of Ryazan scholars for 2000 2017. The results of studying the subject structure of the array of 16,352 publications and their citations are presented. The average citation of the work of Ryazan scientists is calculated. The scientific centers of Ryazan region are defined, and a comparative analysis of their publication activity is carried out. The bibliometric analysis showed that the bulk of the mass of publications of Ryazan scholars in the field of socio-economic sciences and humanities is formed by six branches of knowledge, where the activity of Ryazan scientists is the highest. These are legal sciences, pedagogy, economics, philology, psychology, and history. Papers of Ryazan economists and psychologists are the most actively cited in modern Russian scientific publications. Papers in the field of pedagogy are also sufficiently recognized. However, a less intensive citation is observed in the field of legal sciences and philology, and the degree of citation of the papers of Ryazan historians is even lower. The leading centers of scientific activity in Ryazan region are six state universities. The Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin is the leader in the number of publications and citations. In the legal sciences, pedagogy, history, and philology, an array of publications is formed primarily by one of the six leading regional scientific centers. In economics and psychology, the main body of publications is formed by approximately equal shares of several universities. Tables and diagrams, available in the article, visualize the results of the bibliometric study.
- Published
- 2017
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18. Development of national citation index as a condition for the formation of a system to evaluate scientific research performance
- Author
Ol’ga Tret’yakova
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Knowledge management ,publication activity ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Citation index ,lcsh:HM401-1281 ,Science Citation Index ,RSCI ,a system to evaluate scientific research performance ,scientometrics ,lcsh:Sociology (General) ,State (polity) ,Political science ,Performance efficiency ,Agency (sociology) ,citation index ,Quality (business) ,Citation ,business ,Public funding ,media_common - Abstract
Nowadays the management of resources allocated to science depends directly on the availability of information about the state of scientific research in the country and abroad. Due to the increasing number of research projects that receive public funding and that are carried out with the support from various funds, special importance is attached to the issue concerning the analysis and comprehensive evaluation of scientific research performance and the choice of the most promising research topics. The article substantiates the necessity to develop a national information and analytical system of citation, which should become part of the system to assess the effectiveness and performance of Russian scientists and scientific organizations. The author uses the analysis of bibliometric indicators of the Russian Science Citation Index and shows the evolution of publication activity of organizations engaged in economic research and subordinate to the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations of Russia. The results demonstrate that scientific organizations increase their publication activity in the RSCI, improve the quality of publications and their scientific and practical significance , as evidenced by the steadily increasing citation rates. The indicators of a scientometric monitoring prove that in the future the RSCI along with expert assessment can be used as a tool to evaluate performance efficiency of scientific institutions; it can be viewed as an alternative to international databases that are officially used for this purpose at present
- Published
- 2015
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19. Citation analysis of urban planning scholars in the U. S
- Author
Thomas W. Sanchez
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open access ,Web of science ,publication activity ,citation ,Library science ,Webometrics ,lcsh:HD9715-9717.5 ,gray literature ,Bibliometrics ,Scientometrics ,scientometrics ,urban planning ,БИБЛИОМЕТРИЯ,BIBLIOMETRICS,ВЕБОМЕТРИКА,WEBOMETRICS,ГРАДОСТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО,URBAN PLANNING,ИНДЕКС ХИРША,H-INDEX,НАУКОМЕТРИЯ,SCIENTOMETRICS,ОТКРЫТЫЙ ДОСТУП,OPEN ACCESS,ПУБЛИКАЦИОННАЯ АКТИВНОСТЬ,PUBLICATION ACTIVITY,GOOGLE SCHOLAR,WEB OF SCIENCE,СЕРАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА,GRAY LITERATURE,CITATION,ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ ,Geography ,lcsh:Construction industry ,Citation analysis ,Urban planning ,Web of Science ,bibliometrics ,h-index ,Google Scholar ,GeneralLiterature_REFERENCE(e.g.,dictionaries,encyclopedias,glossaries) - Abstract
Приведен подробный анализ многих аспектов цитирования в области градостроительства в США и Канаде, основанный на особенностях градостроительства как междисциплинарной науки, в которой давно ведутся споры о предметной области как в сфере науки, так и в практике, поскольку градостроительство включает в себя социальные, экономические, технологические, природоохранные и политические аспекты, которые сами по себе весьма сложны. Приведены аргументы в защиту использования Google Scholar в качестве подходящего источника данных цитирования для градостроительства, и на примере данных о публикациях конкретного ученого-градостроителя проанализировано цитирование в GS. Приведены результаты описательного анализа цитирования для градостроительных вузов. Обоснована необходимость более глубокого анализа для лучшего понимания динамики этих научных процессов., This article provides a complete citation analysis for the field of urban planning in the U.S. Urban planning is multi-disciplinary with a rich tradition of debate about the knowledge domain of both research and practice. Urban planning includes consideration of social, economic, technological, environmental, and political systems that are highly sophisticated, which therefore has an extensive body of scholarship. The article argues that Google Scholar is an appropriate source of citation data for urban planning and includes a brief example of one urban planning scholar to demonstrate GS citation patterns. This is followed by the results of a descriptive analysis showing general patterns of citation activity for urban planning schools. A greater depth of analysis is required to better understand the dynamics of these scholarly activities.
- Published
- 2015
20. Слабка конкурентоспроможність російської і української науки. Заходи до її підвищення
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UDC 001 ,конкурентоспроможність науки ,активність публікації ,цитованість ,відкритий доступ ,глобальні університетські рейтинги ,Scopus ,Web of Science ,Publish or Perish ,Publish Best or Do not Perish ,competitiveness of science ,publication activity ,citation ,open access ,global university ranking ,Publish Best or Don’t Perish ,УДК 001 ,конкурентоспособность науки ,публикационная активность ,цитируемость ,открытый доступ ,глобальные университетские рейтинги - Abstract
Weak competitiveness of the Russian and Ukrainian science, connected with weak publication activity and article citation of the researchers of these countries is shown. Five cost-effective measures for increasing competitiveness of the named countries are proposed . They are connected with active involvement of universities and scientific organizations in the international movement of open access, stimulation of publication activity of researchers, promotion of domestic journals in Scopus and Web of Science databases, wide implementation of training activities and by enhancing international academic communication. Shown also is the criticism existing under the slogan Publish or Perish publication race with replacement of this slogan by the slogan Publish Best or Don't Perish., Показана слабая конкурентоспособность российской и украинской науки, связанная со слабой публикационной активностью и цитируемостью статей ученых этих стран. Предложены пять относительно мало затратных мер по повышению этой конкурентоспособности. Они связаны с более активным вовлечением университетов и научных организаций в международное движение открытого доступа, стимулированием публикационной активности ученых, продвижением отечественных журналов в базы данных Scopus и Web of Science, широким внедрением обучающих мероприятий и активизацией международных академических коммуникаций. Приведена критика существующей под лозунгом Publish or Perish публикационной гонки с заменой этого лозунга на лозунг Publish Best or Do not Perish., Показана слабка конкурентоспроможність російської та української науки, що пов'язано зі слабкою публікаціонною активністю і цитованістю статей вчених цих країн. Запропоновано п'ять відносно мало витратних заходів з підвищення цієї конкурентоспроможності . Вони пов'язані з більш активним залученням університетів і наукових організацій до міжнародного руху відкритого доступу, стимулюванням публікаційної активності вчених, просуванням вітчизняних журналів в бази даних Scopus і Web of Science широким впровадженням навчальних заходів та активізацією міжнародних академічних комунікацій. Наведено критику існуючої під гаслом Publish or Perish публікаційної гонки з заміною цього гасла на гасло Publish Best or Do not Perish.
- Published
- 2014
21. Publication Activity of Russian Researches in Leading International Scientific Journals
- Author
Kotsemir, Maxim, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), State University Higher School of Economics, and Kotsemir, Maxim
- Subjects
publication activity ,bibliometric indicators ,Scopus ,Library science ,Context (language use) ,jel:C43 ,Bibliometrics ,level of citation ,[STAT.OT]Statistics [stat]/Other Statistics [stat.ML] ,Biochemistry ,scientometrics ,bibliometric analysis ,publications of Russian authors ,[STAT.AP] Statistics [stat]/Applications [stat.AP] ,Political science ,jel:C1 ,the level of citation ,cross-country analysis ,[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance ,Molecular Biology ,[STAT.AP]Statistics [stat]/Applications [stat.AP] ,International comparisons ,Scientometrics ,[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance ,[STAT.OT] Statistics [stat]/Other Statistics [stat.ML] ,publication analysis ,Matthew index ,Molecular Medicine ,Web of Science ,Identification (biology) ,bibliometrics ,international comparisons ,Citation ,Strengths and weaknesses ,citation amalysis ,Biotechnology - Abstract
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2207297The primary aim of this research report is to analyse the dynamics and structure of the publications of Russian authors, as well as to define the place of Russian science in the global scientific process. Bibliometric analysis methods are the main methods for quantitative analysis of scientific cooperation, efficiency, and other aspects of scientific activity. The information base for this research includes materials from science citation databases containing bibliographic descriptions of the articles published in scientific journals (mainly written in English) in a significant number of fields of science. Various parameters (e.g. dynamics of the number of publications, the number of citation, the level of co-authorship, the scientific specialization index, etc.) at various levels of aggregation (e.g. individual researchers, research organizations, countries and regions of the world) can be calculated based on these data. The results of bibliometric studies can be used in a number of ways: analysis of latest trends in the development of various scientific fields; evaluation of the effectiveness of research organizations; overall assessment of the scientific potential of Russia (its strengths and weaknesses); identification the most productive scientists in various fields of science; drawing the international comparisons of publications; analysis of collaboration networks of scientific teams. The paper analyses the basic indicators of the publication activity of scientists in Russia and the leading countries over the period between 2001 and 2011. Publication activity of Russian scientists is analysed in the context of specific areas of science. This allows the identification of areas of specialization of Russian publications. The paper also examines the dynamics of highly-cited publications and the indicators of the international scientific collaboration of Russian researchers. In this paper, materials of Web of Science database were used for analysis of publication activity.Kotsemir, Maxim Nikolaevich, Publication Activity of Russian Researches in Leading International Scientific Journals (June 15, 2012). Acta Naturae, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 14-35, 2012; Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2207297
- Published
- 2012
22. Dynamics of Russian and World Science Through the Prism of International Publications
- Author
Maxim Kotsemir, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), and State University Higher School of Economics
- Subjects
index of scientific specialization ,publication activity ,jel:A00 ,bibliometric indicators ,Scopus ,scientific publications ,Library science ,Schools of economic thought ,jel:C00 ,Bibliometrics ,[STAT.OT]Statistics [stat]/Other Statistics [stat.ML] ,050905 science studies ,scientometrics ,jel:F01 ,structure of publications ,Citation analysis ,Russian Federation ,[MATH.MATH-ST]Mathematics [math]/Statistics [math.ST] ,Political science ,citation analysis ,cross-country analysis ,highly cited publications ,levels of citation ,jel:Z00 ,publication activity in Russia ,05 social sciences ,[STAT.TH]Statistics [stat]/Statistics Theory [stat.TH] ,Scientometrics ,[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance ,General Business, Management and Accounting ,BRIC ,Scientific publication ,level of citation ,international co-authorship ,Web of Science ,place of Russia in the global scientific community ,Position (finance) ,0509 other social sciences ,bibliometrics ,050904 information & library sciences ,Citation - Abstract
Maxim Kotsemir - Junior Research Fellow, Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University «Higher School of Economics». Address: National Research University «Higher School of Economics», 20 Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation. E-mail: mkotsemir@hse.ruThis paper analyses publication activities of scientists in Russia and selected other countries for a cross-country comparison of their integration into the global scientific community. It adds to the literature assessing global, regional and national trends in knowledge production to help policy makers develop a more flexible and effective science policy.It provides an overview of the dynamics of main indicators of scientific publications and their citation in Russia and leading countries over the period 1995-2010. Based on this analysis, the author estimates Russia’s position within the global scientific community. The data are drawn from Scopus and the Web of Science databases. For Russia, the focus is on publication activity in specific areas of science, identified as specializations. In particular, the level of citation of the most highly Russian publications is noted. Also, the paper focuses on the integration of Russian researchers in the international scientific community, as measured by the number of publications co-authored with foreign researchers. Finally, it reviews the methodological approaches of the evaluation of citations, focusing on resulting problems which require further investigations.The analysis shows that Russia has lost more international status in scientific publishing activity than other countries of the studied sample. At the same time the other BRIC nations as well as some other developing Asian countries have significantly improved their international positioning in this regard.
- Published
- 2012
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