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1. A Long-Duration Glacier Change Analysis for the Urumqi River Valley, a Representative Region of Central Asia.

2. A market-based framework for CO2 emissions reduction in China's civil aviation industry.

3. Green finance: between commitment and illusion.

4. Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Rainstorm Events in Southwest China from 1961 to 2021.

5. 石山苣苔属的潜在适生区特征及其环境驱动变量.

6. Dry and Wet Changes and Vegetation Time-Delay Responses in Western China.

7. Climate change reshapes bioclimatic environments in China's dry–wet transition zones.

8. The Increasing Role of Vegetation Transpiration in Soil Moisture Loss across China under Global Warming.

9. Cost of high-level flooding as a consequence of climate change driver?: A case study of China's flood-prone regions.

10. Health risks from extreme heat in China: Evidence from health insurance.

11. Political uncertainty and carbon emission trading: Evidence from China.

12. Cross-correlation analysis between energy and carbon markets in China based on multifractal theory.

13. Diatom evidence for late Holocene environmental change in a permafrost peatland in the northern Greater Khingan Mountains, Northeast China.

14. Impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C on precipitation patterns in China by regional climate model (COSMO-CLM).

15. A new assessment of modern climate change, China—An approach based on paleo-climate.

16. Climate fluctuations during the Ordovician-Silurian transition period in South China: Implications for paleoenvironmental evolution and organic matter enrichment.

17. The impact of emission trading scheme and the ratio of free quota: A dynamic recursive CGE model in China.

18. Extreme weather experiences and climate change beliefs in China: An econometric analysis.

19. Air Pollution Governance as a Driver of Recent Climate Policies in China.

20. Causes of mid-Pliocene strengthened summer and weakened winter monsoons over East Asia.

21. Potential impact of future climate change on crop yield in northeastern China.

22. Progress and prospects of climate change impacts on hydrology in the arid region of northwest China.

23. New progress in the Holocene climate and agriculture research in China.

24. Improved estimation of average warming trend of China from 1951–2010 based on satellite observed land-use data.

25. Spatiotemporal variability of vegetation phenology with reference to altitude and climate in the subtropical mountain and hill region, China.

26. Phenological trends of winter wheat in response to varietal and temperature changes in the North China Plain


28. Probabilistic Change of Wheat Productivity and Water Use in China for Global Mean Temperature Changes of 1°, 2°, and 3°C.

29. Improving China's water resources management for better adaptation to climate change.

30. Progressive and active adaptations of cropping system to climate change in Northeast China

31. Contrasting effects of warming and autonomous breeding on single-rice productivity in China

32. Predicting the wetland distributions under climate warming in the Great Xing'an Mountains, northeastern China.

33. Analysis of spatial and temporal variations of carbon dioxide over China using SCIAMACHY satellite observations during 2003-2005.

34. Contributions of climatic and crop varietal changes to crop production in the North China Plain, since 1980s.

35. Impact of technology advances on China's CO2 emission reduction.

36. Observed changes of drought/wetness episodes in the Pearl River basin, China, using the standardized precipitation index and aridity index.

37. Twenty-five years of change in scleractinian coral communities of Daya Bay (northern South China Sea) and its response to the 2008 AD extreme cold climate event.

38. Self-organized criticality of power system faults and its application in adaptation to extreme climate.

39. Twentieth-Century Surface Air Temperature over China and the Globe Simulated by Coupled Climate Models.


41. Analysis of the Characteristics of Climate Change in the Ecologically Vulnerable Area of the Mu Us Dune Field under the Background of Global Warming.

42. Potential impact assessment for China's dry and wet areas under global warming targets.

43. Detection of UHI bias in China climate network using Tmin and Tmax surface temperature divergence.

44. Scrutinizing the Limits of International Institution: China’s Shifting Position on Global Climate Change.

45. Change in the Air.