9 results on '"WordSmith Tools"'
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2. Wordsmith Tools e Sketch Engine: um estudo analítico-comparativo para pesquisas científicas com uso de corpora.
- Author
Fromm, Guilherme, Guarato Santos, Candice, Faria Grama, Daniela, and Veloso Beilke, Neubiana Silva
- Subjects
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LEXICOLOGY , *TYPE & token (Linguistics) , *CORPORA , *COMPARATIVE studies , *DRAWING , *KEYWORDS - Abstract
The present work consists of the description and comparison of two lexical analysis software, WordSmith Tools (WST) and Sketch Engine (SE). The study corpus selected for the comparative analysis between the programs is called LexTest which is composed of articles, dissertations, reviews and theses about Lexicology. These texts are written in Portuguese, and the corpus has 552,903 tokens. The aspects analyzed in the WST and in the SE are: interface, language settings, corpus upload, number of tokens and types, corpus tagging, word list, keyword list, access to concordance lines, and so on. Based on the comparative analyzes, it was possible to conclude that the WST and the SE are effective in their purpose, because, for example, they process the keywords and allow configuring the language according to the study corpus and calculate the number of tokens; however, depending on the purpose of the research, one of these programs may be more appropriate than the other. The choice of one of them will be responsibility of the researcher, who may consult the comparative table between the WST and the SE, presented at the end of this paper to substantiate his or her preference. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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3. Significado da formação docente e os sentidos atribuídos em pesquisas de intervenção: um estudo das teses e dissertações defendidas na região Centro-Oeste
- Author
Gimenes, Oliria Mendes, Longarezi, Andrea Maturano, Prada, Luis Eduardo Alvarado, and Arena, Adriana Pastorello Buim
- Subjects
Teoria histórico-cultural ,Corpus linguistics ,Professores - Formação ,Historic-cultural theory ,Wordsmith tools ,Significado e sentido ,Teachers education ,CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO [CNPQ] ,Linguística de Corpus ,Formação de professores ,Meaning and sense - Abstract
Teachers education has been the object of interest of several intervention researches being carried out at Masters Levels and doctoral degrees. Those researches have proposed formation processes from different approaches (concepts and practices) in teachers training. These studies, in theory, rely on these theoretical perspectives (which have a social definite meaning) and convert them into practical training (which express the meanings attributed by the researchers approaching teachers education). Under this premise, this study aimed to understand the social significance of academic researches on teachers education and the personal sense given in the context of theses and dissertations that have developed intervention research in Post-Graduate Education Programs in the Midwest, from 1999 to 2008. We opted for a qualitative research methodology through a dialectical approach in data analysis, being adopted two methodological procedures: one for the collection and data processing and the other for analysis. At first we used the Wordsmith Tools software, from Corpus Linguistics as a technological resource that was used for computer categorization. In the second, clusters were taken as units of meaning, relating to the prospects of training, and analyzed from the perspective of the Historic-Cultural Theory, specifically, the category meaning and sense. According to the systematized data, the analysis has portrayed the approaches and objectifications of the formative processes present in the studies analyzed, from the analysis of clusters relating the prospects for teachers education, the authors, and the practical training proposed by the researches authors. The survey collected data that allowed us to observe that the (non)coincidence between what is culturally approached by researchers who are teachers trainers (meaning) and the training practices proposed by them in the polls (sense) reveals the conception of the researcher and his training process, once he has approached meaning and sense, indicating in these cases, differences between the socially constructed and what is personally assigned. Thus, we conclude that during the process of signification the researcher has been exposed to situations that have made him approach sometimes wrongly or contrary to the meaning set in, raising the same way senses that do not correspond to that meaning, a condition favorable for alienation of both the researcher-trainer and the teacher in the training process. Thus, teaching learning triggered by teacher s training processes is therefore tied to the quality of tools and signs that mediate the formation processes experienced. It depends on the content, means and methods proposed. Ultimately mediational processes are defining the ownership of the social meaning and the attribution of meaning constituted in the training processes and teaching practice, which can humanize the teacher or trainer, or alienate them. A formação de professores tem sido objeto de interesse de várias pesquisas de intervenção que vêm sendo desenvolvidas em nível de mestrado e doutorado. Essas pesquisas intervêm nos contextos, propondo processos formativos a partir de diferentes abordagens (concepções e práticas) de formação de professores. Esses estudos, em tese, se apoiam nessas perspectivas teóricas (que possuem uma significação definida socialmente) e as convertem em práticas de formação (que expressam os sentidos atribuídos pelos pesquisadores no processo de apropriação das abordagens sobre formação docente). Sob essa premissa, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo geral apreender o significado social das produções teóricas sobre formação de professores e o sentido pessoal atribuído e objetivado no contexto das teses e dissertações que desenvolveram pesquisas de intervenção nos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGEDs) na região centro-oeste, de 1999 a 2008. Optou-se por uma metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa mediante uma abordagem dialética na análise dos dados, sendo que foram adotados dois procedimentos metodológicos: um para coleta e tratamento de dados e outro para a análise. No primeiro utilizou-se o software Wordsmith Tools, apropriado da Linguística de Corpus como um recurso tecnológico, que foi empregado para a categorização informatizada. No segundo, foram tomados como unidades de significação, os clusters, relativos às perspectivas de formação, analisados sob a ótica da Teoria Histórico-Cultural, especificamente, a categoria significado e sentido. De posse dos dados sistematizados, a análise empreendida retrata as apropriações e objetivações dos processos formativos presentes nas pesquisas analisadas, a partir da análise dos clusters referentes às perspectivas de formação de professores, aos teóricos utilizados e às práticas formativas propostas pelos autores das pesquisas. A pesquisa levantou dados que permitiram observar que a coincidência ou não entre o que foi apropriado culturalmente pelos pesquisadores formadores de professores (significado) e as práticas formativas propostas por eles nas pesquisas (sentido) revela, a concepção do pesquisador e seu processo formativo, pois se apropriou do significado e a ele atribuiu sentido. Apreendeu-se, portanto, discrepâncias entre o significado e o sentido, evidenciando, nesses casos, distanciamento entre o socialmente construído e o pessoalmente atribuído. Assim, conclui-se que o pesquisador, durante o processo de significação, esteve exposto a situações que o fizeram apropriar-se, às vezes de forma equivocada, ou ainda de maneira absolutamente contrária ao fixado na significação, suscitando da mesma forma, atribuições de sentidos que não correspondem a esse significado, condição propícia para a alienação tanto do pesquisador-formador, quanto do professor em processo de formação. Desse modo, a aprendizagem da docência desencadeada por processos de formação de professores está, pois, atrelada às qualidades dos instrumentos e signos que medeiam os processos formativos vividos, depende dos conteúdos, meios e métodos propostos. Em última análise os processos mediacionais são definidores da apropriação do significado social e da atribuição de sentido constituída nos processos de formação e prática docente, passíveis de humanizar o professor e o formador ou, ao contrário, de aliená-los. Mestre em Educação
- Published
- 2022
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4. As metáforas do presidente lula na perspectiva da linguística de corpus: o caso do desenvolvimento President Lula's metaphors in a corpus linguistic perspective: The case of 'development'
- Author
Tony Berber Sardinha
- Subjects
metáfora ,Linguística de Corpus ,presidente Lula ,WordSmith Tools ,metaphor ,Corpus Linguistics ,President Lula ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Um dos grandes fenômenos linguísticos da vida política brasileira recente é o que a mídia vem chamando de 'metáforas do presidente Lula'. O ponto de partida deste trabalho é o fato de que deve haver muitas metáforas que passam despercebidas no discurso do presidente e que podem ser descobertas por meio de pesquisa com corpora eletrônicos. Investigamos a presença de metáforas conceptuais relacionadas a 'desenvolvimento' em um corpus composto por pronunciamentos emitidos ao longo de três anos pelo presidente Luís Inácio Lula da Silva. Os resultados indicam que há uso sistemático de três conceitos metafóricos que definem a noção de desenvolvimento do chefe de Estado: VIAGEM, CONSTRUÇÃO e ORGANISMO. Esses três conceitos, em geral, equacionam desenvolvimento com um processo longo, construído, planejado e gerado pelo governo.One of the main linguistic phenomena in recent Brazilian politics is what the media has called 'President Lula's metaphors'. The starting point for the present investigation is that there must be lots of metaphors that go unnoticed in the president's discourse and that these may be uncovered by corpus-based research. We looked at the presence of conceptual metaphors related to 'development' in a corpus of three years of official presidential speeches. The results indicated the systematic use of three metaphorical concepts that together define the notion of development for the head of State: JOURNEY, BUILDING and ORGANISM. These three concepts together equate development with a long process that is generated, planned and carried out by the government.
- Published
- 2010
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5. Використання програмних засобів корпусної лінгвістики у перекладі офіційної документації
- Subjects
translation transformations ,corpus managers ,corpus linguistics ,переводческие трансформации ,корпусная лингвистика ,перекладацькі трансформації ,корпусні менеджери ,корпусные менеджеры ,корпусна лінгвістика ,официально-деловой стиль ,WordSmith Tools ,офіційно-діловий стиль ,official-business style ,Sketch Engine - Abstract
Теоретичне значення: у використанні результатів дослідження науковцями –лінгвістами, методистами, перекладачами та іншими спеціалістками-мовознавцями, отриманих завдяки різносторонньому аналізу методів та основ корпусної лінгвістики із перспективи застосування їх у перекладознавстві, зокрема у процесі аналізу мовних даних, у стильовому аналізі та роботі із засобами корпусної лінгвістики у методиці викладання. У роботі проаналізовано застосування програмного забезпечення в цілому та корпусного редактора WordSmith Tools та Sketch Engine зокрема як засоба для удосконалення та поглиблення вивчення лексичних та граматичних явищ в лінгвістичних дослідженнях, а також у аналізі текстів, зокрема офіційно-ділового стилю. Розглянуто можливі шляхи та галузі застосування корпусних менеджерів в межах розвитку корпусної лінгвістики та застосування її засобів на практиці. У роботі були проаналізовані та окреслені такі поняття як корпусна лінгвістика, її функцій, перспективи та напрямки розвитку, офіційно-діловий стиль та його характерні риси. Було досліджено поняття перекладацьких трансформацій; проаналізовано частотність вживання перекладацьких трансформацій на основі аналізу корпусу офіційно-ділових текстів за допомогою програмного забезпечення WordSmith Tools та Sketch Engine. Для вирішення поставлених завдань були використані загальнонаукові, лінгвістичні, та емпіричні методи дослідження, а саме: структурний, порівняльний, узагальнення, компонентний аналіз, класифікація, метод моделювання, контрастивний лінгвістичний аналіз. На основі проведеного дослідження були зроблені такі висновки, що використання лексико-граматичних перекладацьких трансформацій у процесі перекладу текстів офіційного стилю зумовлено різною мовною природою англійської та української мови і є необхідною умовою вирішення проблеми адекватності перекладу. Корпусні менеджери в свою чергу, зокрема WordSmith Tools та Sketch Engine , надають змогу перекладачеві створити власний корпус текстів певного жанру або спрямування, щоб в подальшому при виникненні сумнівів у використанні певних перекладацьких трансформацій, внаслідок яких одиниця з мови оригіналу видозмінюється в мові перекладу, мати змогу перевірити доцільність використання цієї лексеми, її частоту вживання в певному дискурсі та використання певної граматичн ої форми. Були розглянуті перспективи впровадження засобів корпусної лінгвістики у навчальному процесі для студентів-перекладачів та практично доведено ефективність використання методологічного доробку цього напрямку лінгвістики у процесі викладання та навчання практики перекладу. The work analyzes the application of the software in general and the corpus editor WordSmith Tools and Sketch Engine in particular as a tool for improving and deepening the study of lexical and grammatical phenomena in linguistic research, as well as in the analysis of texts, in particular of official and business style. Possible ways and areas of application of corpus managers within the framework of the development of corpus linguistics and the application of its tools in practice are considered. The work analyzed and outlined such concepts as corpus linguistics, its functions, prospects and directions of development, official-business style and its characteristic features. The concept of translation transformations was investigated; the frequency of use of translation transformations was analyzed based on the analysis of the corpus of official business texts using WordSmith Tools and Sketch Engine software. To solve the tasks, general scientific, linguistic, and empirical research methods were used, namely: structural, comparative, generalization, component analysis, classification, modeling meth od, contrastive linguistic analysis. On the basis of the conducted research, the following conclusions were made that the use of lexical-grammatical translation transformations in the process of translating official style texts is determined by the different linguistic nature of English and Ukrainian languages and is a necessary condition for solving the problem of translation adequacy. Corpus managers, in turn, in particular WordSmith Tools and Sketch Engine, enable the translator to create his own corpus of texts of a certain genre or direction, so that in the future, if there are doubts about the use of certain translation transformations, as a result of which a unit from the original language is modified in the language of translation, to be able to ch eck the feasibility of using this lexeme, its frequency of use in a certain discourse and the use of a certain grammatical form. Prospects for the introduction of corpus linguistics tools in the educational process for translation students were considered, and the effectiveness of using the methodological development of this field of linguistics in the process of teaching and learning translation practice was practically proven.
- Published
- 2022
6. The Influence of Reference Corpus Size on Wordsmith Tools Keywords Extraction
- Author
Tony Berber Sardinha
- Subjects
WordSmith Tools ,Corpus Linguistics ,reference corpus size. ,English language ,PE1-3729 ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 - Abstract
A KeyWords analysis (using WordSmith Tools) enables the discovery of lexical items which reveal the main lexical sets in a text or corpus. Such an analysis requires that a reference corpus be compared to the corpus the researcher intends to describe (the study corpus). This paper presents a mathematical method for finding out the influence of reference corpus size on the number of key words extracted by the program. The results reveal that a reference corpus that is at least five times as large as the study corpus allows for drawing an amount of key words that is statistically equivalent to larger reference corpora, thus suggesting five times (as larger as the study corpora) as the minimum order of magnitude for reference corpora.
- Published
- 2012
7. I'll just look that up in the concordancer: integrating corpus consultation into the language learning environment.
- Author
Varley, Steve
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CORPORA , *COMPUTATIONAL linguistics , *FOREIGN language education , *CONCORDANCES , *COMPUTER software , *ACADEMIC degrees - Abstract
Corpus consultation is gaining in prominence as a language learning tool. This approach to language analysis has made its way into the language classroom where its presence ranges from the presentation of printed concordance data with accompanying tasks to the direct use of concordancing software by learners themselves to carry out analyses of self-selected language features. Activities of the latter kind place concordancers fairly and squarely alongside dictionaries and grammar books as significant tools in the language learner's kit. Recent studies have indicated that research is needed to provide support for the integration of corpus consultation into the language learning environment. Here, the response of second year undergraduate EAL students was examined to a course assignment that required them to investigate language features characteristic of a range of genres using a popular concordancing software program, Wordsmith Tools. Results showed that students generally had a positive response to corpus consultation and were able to identify benefits clearly, particularly in the areas of vocabulary acquisition and increased awareness of syntactic patterns. Most of the students indicated they are likely to use concordancers in the future and this interest is strongest amongst those students who have clear goals for their language learning. Course assignments produced by the students demonstrated an increased awareness of lexico-grammatical usage, particularly with regard to vocabulary use, phrases and colligational patterns. A number of obstacles to greater uptake of concordancing are identified and suggestions are made to overcome those obstacles. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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8. Wordsmith Tools e Sketch Engine: um estudo analítico-comparativo para pesquisas científicas com uso de corpora / Wordsmith Tools and Sketch Engine: an analytical-comparative study for scientific research with corpora manipulation
- Author
Guilherme Fromm, Neubiana Silva Veloso Beilke, Candice Guarato Santos, and Daniela Faria Grama
- Subjects
wordsmith tools ,lcsh:Language and Literature ,Linguistics and Language ,linguística de corpus ,Word list ,Computer science ,Lexical analysis ,Lexicology ,Lingua franca ,sketch engine ,Language and Linguistics ,Sketch ,Education ,lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,Corpus linguistics ,lcsh:P ,computer ,Humanities ,computer.programming_language - Abstract
Resumo : O presente trabalho consiste na descricao e comparacao de dois softwares de analise lexical, o WordSmith Tools (WST) e o Sketch Engine (SE). O corpus de estudo selecionado para a realizacao da analise comparativa entre os programas denomina-se LexTest, e composto por artigos, dissertacoes, resenhas e teses da area da Lexicologia, escritos em lingua portuguesa, e apresenta 552.903 tokens . Os aspectos analisados no WST e no SE sao: interface, configuracao de linguas, upload de corpus , numero de tokens e types , etiquetagem do corpus , lista de palavras, lista de palavras-chave; acesso as linhas de concordância, entre outros. A partir das analises comparativas, foi possivel concluir que o WST e o SE sao eficazes no que se propoem, uma vez que, por exemplo, processam palavras-chave, permitem configurar a lingua conforme o corpus de estudo e calculam o numero de tokens de um corpus . Entretanto, dependendo do objetivo da pesquisa, um desses softwares pode ser mais apropriado que o outro. A escolha pela utilizacao de um deles e de responsabilidade do pesquisador, que podera consultar o quadro comparativo entre o WST e o SE apresentado no final deste artigo para fundamentar a sua preferencia. Palavras-chave : Linguistica de Corpus ; WordSmith Tools ; Sketch Engine . Abstract : The present work consists of the description and comparison of two lexical analysis software, WordSmith Tools (WST) and Sketch Engine (SE). The study corpus selected for the comparative analysis between the programs is called LexTest which is composed of articles, dissertations, reviews and theses about Lexicology. These texts are written in Portuguese, and the corpus has 552,903 tokens. The aspects analyzed in the WST and in the SE are: interface, language settings, corpus upload, number of tokens and types, corpus tagging, word list, keyword list, access to concordance lines, and so on. Based on the comparative analyzes, it was possible to conclude that the WST and the SE are effective in their purpose, because, for example, they process the keywords and allow configuring the language according to the study corpus and calculate the number of tokens; however, depending on the purpose of the research, one of these programs may be more appropriate than the other. The choice of one of them will be responsibility of the researcher, who may consult the comparative table between the WST and the SE, presented at the end of this paper to substantiate his or her preference. Keywords : Corpus Linguistics; WordSmith Tools; Sketch Engine.
- Published
- 2020
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9. As metáforas do presidente lula na perspectiva da linguística de corpus: o caso do desenvolvimento
- Author
Tony Berber Sardinha
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,President Lula ,Presidential system ,Metaphor ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Linguística de Corpus ,metaphor ,metáfora ,Linguistics ,WordSmith Tools ,Government (linguistics) ,Politics ,State (polity) ,presidente Lula ,Corpus linguistics ,Corpus Linguistics ,Sociology ,media_common - Abstract
Um dos grandes fenômenos linguísticos da vida política brasileira recente é o que a mídia vem chamando de 'metáforas do presidente Lula'. O ponto de partida deste trabalho é o fato de que deve haver muitas metáforas que passam despercebidas no discurso do presidente e que podem ser descobertas por meio de pesquisa com corpora eletrônicos. Investigamos a presença de metáforas conceptuais relacionadas a 'desenvolvimento' em um corpus composto por pronunciamentos emitidos ao longo de três anos pelo presidente Luís Inácio Lula da Silva. Os resultados indicam que há uso sistemático de três conceitos metafóricos que definem a noção de desenvolvimento do chefe de Estado: VIAGEM, CONSTRUÇÃO e ORGANISMO. Esses três conceitos, em geral, equacionam desenvolvimento com um processo longo, construído, planejado e gerado pelo governo. One of the main linguistic phenomena in recent Brazilian politics is what the media has called 'President Lula's metaphors'. The starting point for the present investigation is that there must be lots of metaphors that go unnoticed in the president's discourse and that these may be uncovered by corpus-based research. We looked at the presence of conceptual metaphors related to 'development' in a corpus of three years of official presidential speeches. The results indicated the systematic use of three metaphorical concepts that together define the notion of development for the head of State: JOURNEY, BUILDING and ORGANISM. These three concepts together equate development with a long process that is generated, planned and carried out by the government.
- Published
- 2010
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