[ES] Las Misiones Pedagógicas fueron, sin lugar a dudas, una de las iniciativas con las que el Gobierno de la Segunda República mostró sus mejores intenciones de transformar el tejido social de la nación. Gracias a ellas, muchos españoles de las zonas rurales vieron por primera vez cine y teatro, escucharon música clásica, o tuvieron contacto directo con el mundo de la literatura y el arte. Estas Misiones, encargadas de difundir la cultura entre las generaciones adultas del mundo rural, constituyeron un intento de regeneración social y cultural de vasto alcance, llegando a muy diversas zonas deprimidas del país. La provincia de Salamanca fue, como muchas otras, testigo de esta experiencia. Analizar cuál fue el trabajo de los misioneros en estas tierras es el objetivo fundamental de este artículo. El Museo del Pueblo, el Teatro y Coro, las bibliotecas circulantes… iniciativas éstas que sin duda dejaron el fermento de toda una filosofía, la del pensamiento educativo del maestro Cossío., [EN] Pedagogical Missions was the name given to one the initiatives of the Spanish Second Republic’s government aimed at transforming the social fabric of the country. For the first time, thanks to these Missions, many Spaniards from rural areas were able to go to the movies, theatre, listen to classical music or gain access to art and literature. These Missions, whose objective was to disseminate culture among adults from rural areas, represented a far-reaching attempt at social and cultural regeneration, and they were taken to several of Spain’s most depressed rural areas, including those in the province of Salamanca. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the type of work carried out by the team that operated in the province of Salamanca. The People’s Museum, the Theatre and the Choir, the traveling libraries … were all initiatives that sowed the seeds of a real philosophy, that of master Cossío., Pedagogical Missions was the name given to one the initiatives of the Spanish Second Republic’s government aimed at transforming the social fabric of the country. For the first time, thanks to these Missions, many Spaniards from rural areas were able to go to the movies, theatre, listen to classical music or gain access to art and literature. These Missions, whose objective was to disseminate culture among adults from rural areas, represented a far-reaching attempt at social and cultural regeneration, and they were taken to several of Spain’s most depressed rural areas, including those in the province of Salamanca. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the type of work carried out by the team that operated in the province of Salamanca. The People’s Museum, the Theatre and the Choir, the traveling libraries … were all initiatives that sowed the seeds of a real philosophy, that of master Cossío.