In the past few years, new hardware tools have become available for computingusing the graphical processing units (GPUs) present in modern graphics cards.These GPUs allow efficient parallel calculations with a much higher throughputthanmicroprocessors.Inthiswork,fastFouriertransformationcalculationsusedin SIR2011 software algorithms have been carried out using the power of theGPU, and the speed of the calculations has been compared with that achievedusing normal CPUs.1. IntroductionThe diffraction pattern from a crystalline solid (for eithersingle-crystal or powder samples) contains two basic pieces ofinformation: the peak positions, which depend on theperiodicity of the structure (i.e. the dimensions of the unitcell), and the relative intensities of these peaks, which dependonthe distributionofthe scattering matter (i.e. the atoms,ionsor molecules) within the repeat unit. Crystal structure deter-mination from diffraction data can be divided into threestages: (1) unit-cell determination (‘indexing’) and symmetrydetermination (space-group assignment); (2) structure solu-tion; and (3) structure refinement (Harris et al., 2001). Crystalstructure solution means the determination of the precisespatial arrangement of all the atoms in a chemical compoundin the crystalline state. This requires a wide range of infor-mation, including connectivity, conformation, accurate bondlengths and angles, density, symmetry, and the three-dimen-sional packing of the atoms in the solid (Massa, 2011). If theapproximate structure solution is a sufficiently good repre-sentation of the true structure, a good quality structure maythen be obtained by refinement of this structural modelagainst the experimental diffraction data in the structurerefinement stage (Harris et al., 2001).Once the diffraction data have been obtained, there arecurrently various methods, computing algorithms andprograms available at every step of the X-ray crystallographicstructure-solving process. Some of them may outperformothers in certain cases and vice versa. One of these powerfulprograms is SIR2011 (Burla et al., 2012). The SIR (semi-invariants representation) suite of programs was first dedi-cated to the crystal structure solution of small molecules[SIR88 (Burla et al., 1989), SIR92 (Altomare et al., 1994),SIR97(Altomareetal.,1999)].SIR2002(Burlaetal.,2002)andSIR2004(Burlaetal.,2005)were thefirstpackages ofthesuiteable to solve protein structures ab initio. SIR2011, the latestprogram in the SIR suite, can solve ab initio crystal structuresof small- and medium-sized molecules, as well as proteinstructures, using X-ray or electron diffraction data. The soft-ware and source code are available from most time-consuming process in SIR2011 is the phasingprocess, especially for large molecules and proteins. Thisprocess may apply three different phasing tools, according touser preference and the presence or absence of heavy atoms:direct methods (DM), Patterson deconvolution techniquesand VLD (vive la diffe´rence) (Burla et al., 2012). Phaseextension and refinement are achieved by the direct-spacerefinement (DSR) technique, which requires increasingcomputing time as the structure under consideration becomeslarger. The DSR procedure constitutes a large number ofelectron-density modification (EDM) cycles which, in turn,carry out a large number of fast Fourier transform (FFT) andinverse fast Fourier transform (FFT