17 results on '"Date"'
Search Results
2. The Dating of Last Wills in the Territory of the Czech Republic from the 19th to the 21st Century
- Author
Salák Pavel
- Subjects
last will ,date ,ABGB ,BGB ,Polish KC1964 ,Czech CC 1950 ,Czech CC 1964 ,Czech CC 2012 ,závěť ,datum ,KC ,OZ 2012 - Abstract
The text deals with the issue of the dating of the last will (in particular the holographic) on the territory of the Czech Republic in the development in the 19th-20th century. It also compares with the adjustments in neighboring states - especially Germany, Austria and Poland. text se zabývá otízkou datace závěti zejmína holografní) a území ČR ve vývoji v 19.-20. stol. Srovnává i s úpravou v okolních státech - ejmna Německu, Rakousku a Polsku.
- Published
- 2019
3. Meter for small particle air pollution
- Author
Gombar, Igor and Kramberger, Iztok
- Subjects
serijska komunikacija ,datum ,memory card ,battery supply ,vlaga ,temperatura ,udc:621.38.08:531.755(043.2) ,humidity ,temperature ,date ,buttons ,Merilnik mase majhnih delcev ,tipke ,display ,mikrokrmilnik ,čas ,Small particle mass meter ,microcontroller ,serial communication ,zaslon ,baterijsko napajanje ,spominska kartica ,time - Abstract
Cilj magistrske naloge je razviti in izdelati merilnik mase majhnih delcev, ki so škodljivi za zdravje ljudi in se nahajajo v zraku ki ga vdihavamo. Napajanje merilnika se vrši iz akumulatorskih baterij, ki se po potrebi polnijo iz zunanjega izvora energije. Izmjereni podatki o masi delcev iz zraka, temperaturi in vlažnosti zraka se prikazujejo na zaslonu, ter se odvisno od režima dela merilnika shranjujejo na spominsko kartico. Izmerjene podatke je možno s pomočjo serijske komunikacije prenesti na računalnik, seveda s pomočjo za to napisanega računalniškega programa. Merilnik mase majhnih delcev je sestavljen iz naslednjih medsebojno povezanih delov: napajalnih Li -ionskih baterij, enote za polnjenje baterij, enote za podnapetostno zaščtito baterij, časovnika za uro in datum, senzorja za merjenje temperature in vlage, enote za merjenje mase majhnih delcev, LCD zaslona, upravljalnih tipk, enote za shranjevanje izmerjenih podatkov, RS232 serijskega vmesnika in upravljalnega mikrokrmilnika. V nalogi so opisane nekatere od najbolj uporabljanih metod za merjenje velikosti, količine in mase majhnih delcev. Prav tako naloga vsebuje opis projektiranja in izdelave merilnika, katerega delovanje temelji na optični metodi prepoznavanja majhnih delcev. Umerjanje in rezultati meritev so prikazani tako tabelarično kot tudi grafično. The aim of the master's thesis is to develop and produce a mass meter for small particles that are harmful to human health and are located in the air. The power supply of the meter is made from rechargeable batteries, which when needed, are charged from an external source of energy. Measured particulate mass data from the air, temperature and a humidity of the air are displayed on the screen. They can be stored on the memory card, depending on the working mode. The measured data can be transferred via serial communication to the computer with the help of the computer program. The small particle mass meter consists of the following interconnected parts: Li-ion batteries, battery charging unit, batteries under-voltage protection, clock and date timer, temperature and humidity sensor, units for measuring the mass of small particles, LCD screen, control keys, units for storing measured data, RS232 serial interface and microcontroller. The master thesis describes some of the most used methods for measuring the size, quantity and a mass of small particles. It also contains a description of the design and construction of the meter. The theoretical background of the optical method for identifying small particles is also explained. Calibration and measurement results are displayed both tabular and graphical.
- Published
- 2018
4. Datace závěti z historické perspektivy
- Author
Salák Pavel
- Subjects
Závěť ,datum ,ABGB ,BGB ,OZ 2012 ,Testament ,Date ,Czech Civil Code 2012 - Abstract
Text se zabávý otázkou, zda datum je v OZ 202 obligatorní nebo fakultatvní náleřitostí. Porovnává přitom možné inspirační zdroje, zejména rozdílný přístup v BGB a ABGB k otázce, zda závěť musí, nebo nemusí být datována. The text deals with the question whether the date of testament should be obligatory or facultative requirement. It examines this question in relation to Czech CC 2012, when it compares antecedent legislation on our territory. Simultaneously it points out its inspirational sources, above all law German, Austrian, Polish and Hungarian. Moreover, it deals with questions resulting from the fact how is the requirement of dating of the testament just legally codified, primarily in what kind of form can the date be.
- Published
- 2018
5. Computer Supported Hemeroteque
- Author
Mandić, Denis and Fertalj, Krešimir
- Subjects
spremi ,hemeroteka ,IDE ,autor ,događaj ,baza podataka ,author ,Visual Studio ,mjesto ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,place ,GUI ,user specifications ,osvježi ,time ,database ,Save ,search ,članak ,SQL ,Microsoft ,vrijeme ,person ,Modify ,article ,SQL Server Studio ,reference ,data handling ,modificiraj ,obrada podataka ,Delete ,date ,Entity Framework ,application ,participant ,asocijacija ,sudionik ,naziv ,event ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,debeli klijent ,C# ,Update ,grafičko sučelje ,dodaj ,datum ,referenciranje ,obriši ,osoba ,aplikacija ,archive ,association ,pretraživanje ,title ,korisnički zahtjevi ,fat client ,Hemeroteca ,evidencija ,Add - Abstract
Cilj ove aplikacije je bio izraditi hemeroteku s funkcionalnim korisničkim sučeljem koje će omogućiti normaliziranu pohranu podataka o događajima, osobama, te izvorima na koje se članci odnose, kao i pretraživanje i referenciranje na članke. Pristupio sam problemu prvo konceptualno, odabirući programski jezik, pa onda tehnologiju realizacije. Odlučio sam se za programski jezik C#. Slijedno sam se odlučio za rad u Microsoft .NET Frameworku. Zbog lakoće korištenja, a opet bogate funkcionalnosti sam se odlučio za Visual Studio kao programsko okruženje. Nakon toga sam odabrao Windows Forms kao tehnologiju ostvarenja aplikacije. Pristup kodiranju mi je bio database-first, te sam bazu napravio koristeći SQL Server Management Studio 2014. Nakon toga je valjalo povezati podatke iz baze s formama, pri čemu sam se odlučio za Entity Framework kao logičan izbor. Aplikacija implementira cjelokupno znanje naučeno tijekom tri godine Preddiplomskog studija na FER-u, posebice gradivo naučeno na predmetu Razvoj primijenjene programske potpore. The goal of this application was to build a Hemeroteca with functional user interface that will allow for normalized data storage regarding people, event and source that articles refer to, as well as searching and referencing those articles. My approach to problem was firstly conceptual, choosing programming language and then the technology of realization.I have decided for the programming language C#. Following that, I have decided to work in Microsoft .NET Framework. Because of ease of use, but still a wealthy functionality I have decided on Visual Studio as my IDE. After that I have chosen Windows Forms as technology to accomplish my application in. My access to coding was database-first, having built a database in SQL Server Management Studio 2014. After that data had to be bound to said forms, for which I have decided to use Entity Framework as a logical choice. Application implements wholesome knowledge learned over the three years of studying for my Bachelor's degree in Program Engineering, especially the lessons learned on Development of Applied Programming Support subject.
- Published
- 2016
6. En beskrivning av informationsmiljö därdatumstyrda förhållanden råder : En fallstudie av en myndighet och dess informationsmiljö med rättsakter
- Author
Fredriksson, Jonas and Långberg, Andreas
- Subjects
Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik med samhällsvetenskaplig inriktning ,government agency ,myndighet ,date-controlled conditions ,systems design ,systemutveckling ,Information Systems, Social aspects ,IT-stöd ,förändringsanalys ,information systems ,datumstyrda förhållanden ,Information Environment ,Informationsmiljö ,systemering ,legal document ,date ,systems development ,change analysis ,IT support ,rättsakter ,datum ,informationssystem ,Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik - Abstract
In this study a case study was conducted at the Transport Agency. The government agency is seeking better alternatives to its current ways of keeping track of important dates stated in legal documents. The agency wants to explore the possibility for an IT-solution for keeping track on those dates. In the case study change analysis was conducted on the vehicle type approval process. Qualitative interviews were conducted with a section manager, vehicle type and component approvers, and with a system administrator and a system manager at the Transport Agency in Borlänge. The study describes an information environment in an organization in which date-controlled conditions apply and challenges with such an environment.The study also provides a proposal for designing an IT-solution for such an environment. The result that emerged showed that the information environment in terms of the legal documents and the institutions’ (EU and UNECE) websites where they are distributed is challenging for keeping track on dates. The challenges of the websites are that they are limited and complicated in terms of information search. The challenges with the legal documents are that date-controlled conditions apply. In other words, the dates themselves determine which dates and what applies and not. The legal documents are also many, retroactive, refer to each other and contain regulations for different kinds of areas, which makes difficult to find the relevant dates. The design proposal that emerged was made based on the existing IT environment at the Transport Agency. It was proposed that important key concepts are identified, categorized and realized in a database with searchability on the most important common concepts as denominators, and that it the information conforms with E-message. The developed database was based on date, date type, vehicle category, legal document, minor version and other info. A web interface was created in ASP.NET and C # for access to the database, with the message that a webbbased IT-solution should be considered. I denna studie har en fallstudie genomförts på Transportstyrelsen. Myndigheten söker bättre alternativ till sin nuvarande hantering av viktiga datum som står i de juridiska dokumenten och vill undersöka möjligheten för ett IT-stöd. I fallstudien genomfördes en förändringsanalys på processen typgodkännande av fordon. Kvalitativa intervjuer gjordes med en sektionschef, handläggare för typgodkännande av fordon och komponenter samt med en systemansvarig och en systemförvaltare på Transportstyrelsen i Borlänge. Studien beskriver en informationsmiljö i en verksamhet där datumstyrda förhållanden råder samt vilka utmaningar som finns med sådan miljö. Studien ger även förslag på utformning på ett IT-stöd för sådan miljö. Resultatet som framkom är att informationsmiljön vad gäller rättsakterna i sig och institutionernas (EU och UNECE) webbsidor där de distribueras är utmanande för datumbevakning. Utmaningarna med webbsidorna är att de har begränsad och komplicerad sökning. Utmaningarna med rättsakterna är att datumstyrda förhållanden råder, det vill säga att datumen styr över varandra vad som gäller. Rättsakterna är även många, retroaktiva, hänvisar till varandra och innehåller krav om flera olika områden vilket gör det svårt att hitta de relevanta datumen. Förslaget på utformning av IT-stöd togs fram utifrån den befintliga IT-miljön på Transportstyrelsen. Förslaget var att viktiga begrepp identifieras, kategoriseras och sedan realiseras i en databas med sökbarhet på de viktigaste gemensamma begreppen som nämnare och att E-meddelande uppfylls gällande informationen. Databasen som togs fram utgick efter datum, datumtyp, fordonskategori, rättsakt, delversion och övrig info. För kommunikation mot databasen gjordes ett webbgränssnitt i ASP.NET och C# med budskapet att en webbbaserad IT-lösning bör övervägas.
- Published
- 2013
7. A description of information environment in whichdate-controlled conditions apply : A case study of a government agency and its informationenvironment with legal documents
- Author
Fredriksson, Jonas and Långberg, Andreas
- Subjects
Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik med samhällsvetenskaplig inriktning ,government agency ,myndighet ,date-controlled conditions ,systems design ,systemutveckling ,Information Systems, Social aspects ,IT-stöd ,förändringsanalys ,information systems ,datumstyrda förhållanden ,Information Environment ,Informationsmiljö ,systemering ,legal document ,date ,systems development ,change analysis ,IT support ,rättsakter ,datum ,informationssystem ,Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik - Abstract
In this study a case study was conducted at the Transport Agency. The government agency is seeking better alternatives to its current ways of keeping track of important dates stated in legal documents. The agency wants to explore the possibility for an IT-solution for keeping track on those dates. In the case study change analysis was conducted on the vehicle type approval process. Qualitative interviews were conducted with a section manager, vehicle type and component approvers, and with a system administrator and a system manager at the Transport Agency in Borlänge. The study describes an information environment in an organization in which date-controlled conditions apply and challenges with such an environment.The study also provides a proposal for designing an IT-solution for such an environment. The result that emerged showed that the information environment in terms of the legal documents and the institutions’ (EU and UNECE) websites where they are distributed is challenging for keeping track on dates. The challenges of the websites are that they are limited and complicated in terms of information search. The challenges with the legal documents are that date-controlled conditions apply. In other words, the dates themselves determine which dates and what applies and not. The legal documents are also many, retroactive, refer to each other and contain regulations for different kinds of areas, which makes difficult to find the relevant dates. The design proposal that emerged was made based on the existing IT environment at the Transport Agency. It was proposed that important key concepts are identified, categorized and realized in a database with searchability on the most important common concepts as denominators, and that it the information conforms with E-message. The developed database was based on date, date type, vehicle category, legal document, minor version and other info. A web interface was created in ASP.NET and C # for access to the database, with the message that a webbbased IT-solution should be considered. I denna studie har en fallstudie genomförts på Transportstyrelsen. Myndigheten söker bättre alternativ till sin nuvarande hantering av viktiga datum som står i de juridiska dokumenten och vill undersöka möjligheten för ett IT-stöd. I fallstudien genomfördes en förändringsanalys på processen typgodkännande av fordon. Kvalitativa intervjuer gjordes med en sektionschef, handläggare för typgodkännande av fordon och komponenter samt med en systemansvarig och en systemförvaltare på Transportstyrelsen i Borlänge. Studien beskriver en informationsmiljö i en verksamhet där datumstyrda förhållanden råder samt vilka utmaningar som finns med sådan miljö. Studien ger även förslag på utformning på ett IT-stöd för sådan miljö. Resultatet som framkom är att informationsmiljön vad gäller rättsakterna i sig och institutionernas (EU och UNECE) webbsidor där de distribueras är utmanande för datumbevakning. Utmaningarna med webbsidorna är att de har begränsad och komplicerad sökning. Utmaningarna med rättsakterna är att datumstyrda förhållanden råder, det vill säga att datumen styr över varandra vad som gäller. Rättsakterna är även många, retroaktiva, hänvisar till varandra och innehåller krav om flera olika områden vilket gör det svårt att hitta de relevanta datumen. Förslaget på utformning av IT-stöd togs fram utifrån den befintliga IT-miljön på Transportstyrelsen. Förslaget var att viktiga begrepp identifieras, kategoriseras och sedan realiseras i en databas med sökbarhet på de viktigaste gemensamma begreppen som nämnare och att E-meddelande uppfylls gällande informationen. Databasen som togs fram utgick efter datum, datumtyp, fordonskategori, rättsakt, delversion och övrig info. För kommunikation mot databasen gjordes ett webbgränssnitt i ASP.NET och C# med budskapet att en webbbaserad IT-lösning bör övervägas.
- Published
- 2013
8. Support of using date and time in programming languages
- Author
Bendák, Martin, Pavlíčková, Jarmila, and Gála, Libor
- Subjects
ISO 8601 ,programming languages ,datum ,čas ,programovací jazyky ,ČSN ISO 8601 ,time ,date ,calendar ,kalendář - Abstract
The main object of this bachelor thesis is the support of using date and time analysis in following programming languages: Java, Visual Basic, C++, C, QBasic, PL/SQL, Lisp and Prolog. This thesis is categorized into two logical blocks. First one describes different types of calendarsand differences in the date and time formatting throughout the world. There is a Czech standard ČSN ISO 8601 related to this issue that defines unified dates interpretation in international data exchange. The second block analyses available tools for working with date and time in different programming languages. The bridge between both blocks are criteria defined by main areas (support of: gregorian calendar, 24-hour clock, formatting and other calendar systems).
- Published
- 2008
9. The use of the 'wet workability limit' to predict the land quality 'workability' for some Uruguagan soils
- Author
A. Terzaghi, R. Miedema, and W.B. Hoogmoed
- Subjects
uruguay ,grondbewerking ,bodemwatergehalte ,soil water ,Soil science ,seedbed preparation ,Land quality ,Organic matter ,Limit (mathematics) ,datum ,Water content ,Mathematics ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,Laboratory methods ,Laboratorium voor Bodemkunde en geologie ,Leerstoelgroep Bodemtechnologie ,zaaibedbereiding ,Soil Technology Group ,soil water content ,Laboratory of Soil Science and Geology ,bodemwater ,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) ,Tillage ,Linear relationship ,chemistry ,Soil water ,date ,tillage - Abstract
In an attempt to predict soil workability, the upper critical moisture content for tillage was determined for some Uruguayan soils, using two laboratory methods developed for Dutch conditions ('upper tillage limit' or UTL, and 'wet workability limit' or WWL). The results obtained showed that the critical point is mainly influenced by the percentage clay and organic matter (OM) in the soil, yielding the linear relationship: UTL = 7.5 + 1.91 x OM (%) + 0.34 x clay (%). The UTL is highly correlated with the moisture content at a range of pF values between 2.0 and 2.7, this being a consequence of the influence of clay and organic matter on the shape of the pF curve. The results obtained by both methods (UTL and WWL) are highly correlated (r = 0.88). Within a certain range of texture, both methods give statistically the same result. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)
- Published
- 1988
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10. Themadag 'Werkbaarheid en tijdigheid', 13 mei 1987
- Author
- Subjects
grondbewerking ,grondmechanica ,deformation ,zaaibedbereiding ,seedbed preparation ,soil ,deformatie ,soil physics ,bodem ,belastingskenmerken (grond) ,bearing characteristics ,date ,tillage ,soil mechanics ,Proefstation voor de Akkerbouw en de Groenteteelt in de Vollegrond ,datum ,bodemfysica - Published
- 1987
11. Symposium 'Werkbaarheid en bedrijf' gehouden te Wageningen op 13 mei 1977
- Author
- Subjects
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering ,Instituut voor Mechanisatie, Arbeid en Gebouwen ,grondbewerking ,agrarische bedrijfsplanning ,date ,farm planning ,tillage ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,farm management ,datum - Published
- 1978
12. Symposium 'Werkbaarheid en bedrijf' gehouden te Wageningen op 13 mei 1977
- Subjects
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering ,grondbewerking ,agrarische bedrijfsplanning ,date ,farm planning ,tillage ,Instituut voor Mechanisatie ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,farm management ,datum ,Arbeid en Gebouwen - Published
- 1978
13. Themadag 'Werkbaarheid en tijdigheid', 13 mei 1987
- Subjects
grondbewerking ,grondmechanica ,deformation ,zaaibedbereiding ,seedbed preparation ,soil ,deformatie ,soil physics ,bodem ,belastingskenmerken (grond) ,bearing characteristics ,date ,tillage ,soil mechanics ,Proefstation voor de Akkerbouw en de Groenteteelt in de Vollegrond ,datum ,bodemfysica - Published
- 1987
14. Prediction of workability and emergance date in dependence on soil and drainage conditions
- Author
van Wijk, A.L.M.
- Subjects
grondbewerking ,date ,tillage ,soil water ,Instituut voor Cultuurtechniek en Waterhuishouding ,bodemwater ,datum ,Institute for land and water management research ,drainage - Published
- 1988
15. Onderzoek naar werkbare dagen voor veldwerkzaamheden op akkerbouwbedrijven
- Subjects
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering ,grondbewerking ,Instituut voor Mechanisatie ,zware kleigronden ,arable farming ,field crops ,veldgewassen ,clay soils ,date ,tillage ,datum ,akkerbouw ,machines ,Arbeid en Gebouwen - Published
- 1978
16. Onderzoek naar werkbare dagen voor veldwerkzaamheden op akkerbouwbedrijven
- Author
Hokke, G. and Tanis, T.
- Subjects
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering ,grondbewerking ,zware kleigronden ,arable farming ,field crops ,Instituut voor Mechanisatie, Arbeid en Gebouwen ,veldgewassen ,clay soils ,date ,tillage ,datum ,akkerbouw ,machines - Published
- 1978
17. Prediction of workability and emergance date in dependence on soil and drainage conditions
- Subjects
grondbewerking ,date ,tillage ,soil water ,Instituut voor Cultuurtechniek en Waterhuishouding ,bodemwater ,datum ,Institute for land and water management research ,drainage - Published
- 1988
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