イメージ画を用いて,大学生の発達,成長,成熟の素朴概念についての検討を行った。大学生は,発達・成長・成熟の各々に,人の青年・成人期までの単純増加の質的変化を最も多く描いた。特に,発達と成長は同じように描かれた。発達と成長に比べ,学生は成熟を変化のプロセスというより,特定の段階に到達した状態として認識していた。, The university student's naive concept of ''development'', ''growth'', and ''maturity'' was examined by using the picture drawing. In general, students depicted picture that reveal qualitative increasing from birth to adolescence and adulthood in all ''development'', ''growth'', and ''maturity''. ''Development'' and ''growth'' were drawn similarly. Students recognized ''maturity'' as a different concept comparing with ''development'' and ''growth''. ''Maturity'' was recognized as a state that reached a specific stage rather than the process of the change.