58 results on '"tehnologija"'
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2. Utjecaj umjetne inteligencije na čovječanstvo
- Author
Meštrović, Nina and Dunđer, Ivan
- Subjects
razvoj ,future ,tehnologija ,dangers ,računalni sustavi ,artificial intelligence ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences ,budućnost ,opasnosti ,umjetna inteligencija ,technology ,computer systems ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti ,development - Abstract
Umjetna inteligencija (eng. „artificial intelligence“) je sposobnost računalnih sustava da obavljaju zadatke za koje su inače potrebne ljudske vještine i sposobnosti. Ti sustavi uče na temelju iskustva, komuniciraju s čovjekom i obrađuju velike količine podataka što im onda omogućuje da izvršavaju niz aktivnosti koje je prije samo čovjek mogao uspješno izvršiti. Umjetna inteligencija se je kroz godine uvukla u naš svakodnevni život te je postala gotovo neizbježna. Teško bi bilo zamisliti život bez nje s obzirom na to koliko pomaže u raznim domenama našeg života. No kako će umjetna inteligencija utjecati na našu budućnost? Do sada je uvelike utjecala na naš život i olakšala nam veliki broj svakodnevnih aktivnosti. Zasigurno će budućnost i tehnološki razvoj dovesti još mnogo korisnih sustava, no važno je uzeti u obzir i zlouporabu umjetne inteligencije koja može ugroziti našu budućnost. Oružje, gubitak posla, financijska kriza, društvene implikacije i potpuni gubitak privatnosti samo su neki primjeri putem kojih umjetna inteligencija može ugroziti život kakvog poznajemo danas. U ovom radu bit će prikazane sve pozitivne i negativne strane umjetne inteligencije te kakav to utjecaj može imati na našu budućnost. Artificial intelligence is the ability of computer systems to perform tasks that normally require human skills and abilities. These systems learn based on experience, communicate with humans and process large amounts of data, which then allows them to perform a series of activities that previously only humans could successfully perform. Artificial intelligence has crept into our everyday life over the years and has become almost inevitable. It would be hard to imagine life without it considering how much it helps in various domains of our life. But how will artificial intelligence affect our future? Until now, it has greatly influenced our lives and made many of our daily activities easier. Surely the future and technological development will bring many more useful systems, but it is important to take into account the misuse of artificial intelligence that can threaten our future. Weapons, job loss, financial crisis, social implications and complete loss of privacy are just a few examples of how artificial intelligence can threaten life as we know it today. This thesis will point out all the positive and negative sides of artificial intelligence and what impact it can have on our future.
- Published
- 2023
3. Ecological crisis and the importance od human action
- Author
Jelić, Šima and Kos, Marko
- Subjects
razvoj ,ekološka kriza ,tehnologija ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filozofija. Etika ,ecological crisis ,transhumanizam ,odgovornost ,technique ,ekološka etika ,deep ecology ,ecological ethics ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philosophy. Ethics ,tehnika ,technology ,dubinska ekologija ,values ,responsibility ,vrijednosti ,development ,transhumanism - Abstract
Kao društvo, suočavamo se s različitim pogledima na okoliš i ekološku krizu. Svaki dan donosimo izbore između različitih perspektiva. Neki od tih stavova postavljaju čovjeka u središte, koristeći prirodu kao alat za poboljšanje ljudskog života, dok drugi više ili manje ističu važnost svih živih bića i cjelokupnih ekosustava. Ključnu ulogu u ekološkoj etici imaju vrijednosti, stoga je važno razumjeti njihovu poziciju kako bismo ih potpuno shvatili i svjesno odlučivali o našim djelovanjima. S obzirom na to da tehnologija danas zauzima ključno mjesto u teorijama ekološke etike, važno je istaknuti pokret transhumanizma koji stavlja tehnologiju i njen napredak u središte rasprave. Poboljšavanje ljudskih sposobnosti i svijeta korištenjem tehnologije za neke je pozitivan korak prema unapređenju ljudske vrste dok drugi smatraju da to predstavlja prijetnju ljudskoj prirodi i moralu. U ovom radu ćemo pokušati dati širi uvid u ovu tematiku i navesti različita stajališta kako bismo uvidjeli različite teorije te s etičkog stajališta problematizirali njihovu održivost. As a society, we face different views on the environment and the ecological crisis. Every day we choose between different attitudes, some of which place man in the centre and use nature to achieve a better human life, and some place value in every living being, emphasizing the entire ecosystem. Values play a key role in theories of environmental ethics, and it is important to understand their position in order to understand them in their totality and to be aware of why we should act in a certain way. Considering that technology occupies a key place in the theories of ecological ethics today, it is important to highlight the transhumanism movement whose centre is occupied by technology and technological progress. Improving human capabilities and the world by using technology is for some a positive step towards the advancement of the human species, while others see it as a threat to human nature and morality. In this paper, we will try to give a broader insight into this topic and state different points of view in order to see different theories and problematize their sustainability from an ethical point of view.
- Published
- 2023
4. Management trajnostnih virov energije za prihodnost mobilnosti
- Author
Božič, Jan and Čater, Tomaž
- Subjects
razvoj ,energetics ,trends ,tehnologija ,renewable energy resources ,sustainable development ,energetika ,trendi ,mobility ,mobilnost ,električna vozila ,trajnostni razvoj ,technology ,obnovljivi viri energije ,development ,udc:620.9 ,electric vehicles - Published
- 2023
5. Scenariji budućnosti - afektivne i kognitivne reakcije ljudi na informacije o budućnosti i tehničkom razvoju.
- Author
Jurković, Eva and Ivanec, Dragutin
- Abstract
The aim of this research was to examine the cognitive and affective reactions of people to the information about rapid technical development which will, according to Moore's law and predictions of computer science specialists, be speedily accelerated and extended to all domains of human life in the near future. It is questionable whether people are ready for these changes and how would they react on them, both from an affective and a cognitive point of view. The study involved three groups of participants (N = 197). The first received information on the future of technical development based on scientific predictions and thoughts of authority through the carefully planned lecture. The other group received implicit information on possible changes connected with rapid development by displaying a science fiction film. The third group was referential - participants did not receive any information. The data on the perception of the future and of the positivity of progress were collected in all three groups. The results showed that the groups that were exposed to information about the future systematically assessed the future more negatively than the reference group. These differences were statistically significant but relatively small. Some of the stable characteristics of the personality domain, such as optimism and the dimension of intellect, have been shown to be slightly positively associated with the perception of the future. The results imply the importance of interdisciplinary academic discussions on the potential impact of the rapid development of technology on people's lives to facilitate the adjustment of people to such development. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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6. 'Custom made partners'? Perceptions of the future of intimate relationships in the age of 'smart technology'
- Author
Rudak, Laura, Nikodem, Krunoslav, and Rubić, Tihana
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,roboti ,intimate relationships ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Sociology ,percepcija budućnosti ,virtualno ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Sociologija ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Ethnology and Anthropology ,technology ,intimne veze ,robots ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Etnologija i antropologija ,virtual ,development ,future perceptions - Abstract
Tehnologija igra veliku ulogu u društvu 21. stoljeća gdje je napravila brojne promjene u svakom području, pa tako i u najosjetljivijem području međuljudskih odnosa, intimnim vezama. U ovom radu predstavljeni su rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja provedenog polustrukturiranim dubinskim intervjuima u srpnju i kolovozu 2022. godine. Ovo interdisciplinarno istraživanje (sociologija etnologija i kulturna antropologija) bilo je dijelom teorijski usmjereno, a dijelom je provedeno terensko istraživanje gdje sam istraživala poznavanje i percepciju ‘’pametne‘’ tehnologije u sadašnjosti i budućnosti. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljeni su prema kategorijama koje smo dobili iz analize materijala nakon obavljenih intervjua. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako tehnologija ima veliku ulogu u životu ljudi, no, da nisu svi spremni na promjene koje tehnologija potencijalno može napraviti u budućnosti. Technology plays a significant role in society in 21. century, where it has made numerous changes in every area, including intimate relationships, the most sensitive area of interpersonal relationships. This paper presents the results of qualitative research conducted with semi-structured in-depth interviews in July and August 2022. This interdisciplinary research was partly theoretically oriented, and partly qualitative research was carried out where I investigated the knowledge and perception of ‘’smart‘’ technology in the present and the future. The research results are presented according to the categories from the material analysis after the interviews. The research results showed that technology plays a significant role in human lives but that not everyone is ready for the changes that technology can potentially make in the future.
- Published
- 2023
7. Gibljivi simulator vožnje z električnimi aktuatorji in tremi prostostnimi stopnjami
- Author
Ušeničnik, Luka and Ambrož, Miha
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,simulator vožnje ,udc:004.94:629.3.017.2(043.2) ,varna vožnja ,električni aktuator ,driving simulator ,technology ,electric actuator ,safe driving ,development - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obravnava razvoj gibljivega simulatorja vožnje s tremi prostostnimi stopnjami. V uvodu diplomskega dela smo raziskali trg programske opreme za simulacijo vožnje in krmiljenje platform. Opravili smo pregled obstoječih sistemov z gibljivo platformo in primerjali njihove prednosti in slabosti ter cene. Namen diplomskega dela je bil razvoj električnih aktuatorjev, ki omogočajo okvirju simulatorja gibanje v treh prostostnih stopnjah. Predstavili smo razvoj električnih aktuatorjev in okvirja ter izvedli meritve pospeškov, ki delujejo na voznika, ki smo jih nato primerjali s teoretičnimi vrednostmi in ugotovili določene omejitve platforme, in sicer vzdrževanje pospeška med zavijanjem in pospeševanjem ter zaviranjem. V zaključku smo predstavili še tržni potencial projekta in primernost simulatorja za različne situacije in predstavili kratek povzetek delovanja in napotke za uporabo ter načrte za nadaljnje delo. The final thesis discusses the development of a motion driving simulator with three degrees of freedom. In the introduction we researched the market of driving simulation and platform controlling software. We reviewed the existing systems with a motion platform and compared their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their prices. The purpose of the thesis was to develop electric actuators that enable the simulator frame to move with three degrees of freedom. We presented the development of the electric actuators and of the frame. We measured the accelerations that affect the driver these measurements were then compared with the theoretical values, thus determining certain limitations of the platform, namely maintaining acceleration during turns, when accelerating and when braking. In the conclusion we also presented the project's market potential, the simulator's suitability for different situations, and a short summary of its operation, instructions for use, and plans for future work.
- Published
- 2022
8. The impact of modern technology on children's development
- Author
Požgaj, Maria Paula and Živoder, Ivana
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,child ,roditelji ,technology ,impact ,parents ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Kliničke medicinske znanosti. Sestrinstvo ,utjecaj ,development ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Clinical Medical Sciences. Nursing ,dijete - Abstract
Odgoj djeteta u doba lako dostupnih internet sadržaja i tehnologije predstavlja izazove za roditelje zbog još nepoznatih dugoročnih učinaka na zdravlje djece. Dječji mozak se brzo razvija i upija sve informacije. Trenutne preporuke uključuju potpuno izbjegavanje ekrana do dobi od dvije godine, do sat vremena za djecu do pet godina i do maksimalno dva sata dnevno za djecu stariju od 6 godina. Preporuka je uz navedenu kontrolu sadržaja i „konzumiranje“ edukativnih sadržaja, što često nije pravilo. Smatra se da korištenje tehnologije ima svoje negativne i pozitivne učinke na razvoj djece. Tehnologija ima pedagoški, psihološki, socijalni i medicinski aspekt. Cijelo vrijeme se naglašava ograničeno i razumno korištenje te provođenje što više vremena u pokretu, slobodnoj igri bez tehnologije te kvalitetnom vremenu s obitelji. U svrhu izrade rada provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem ispitivanja stavova roditelja o utjecaju tehnologije na njihovu djecu, utvrđivanja količine vremena koju djeca provode koristeći tehnologiju i da li i kako tehnologija utječe na njihovo ponašanje s roditeljske perspektive. Sudjelovalo je 260 sudionika od čega su 245 (94,2%)ženskog spola. Rezultati upućuju da su u istraživanju sudjelovali uglavnom roditelji mlađe djece od 3-8 godina. Gotovo svi sudionci, njih 253 (97,3%) u svojim kućanstvima posjeduju pametne telefone, a televizore posjeduje 256 (98,5%) sudionika. 99 (38,1%) sudionika izjasnilo se kako njihova djeca provode na elektroničkim uređajima dnevno 1-2 sata. 53 (20,4%) sudionika izjasnilo se da im djeca provode 2-3 sata slobodnog vremena na elektroničkim uređajima. 90 (34,6%) sudionika ponekad, a 82 (31,5%) uvijek ograničava vrijeme provedeno uz ekrane. U prosjeku polovina sudionika 3,5 sata dnevno provodi bez tehnologije. U pitanju otvorenog tipa, 62 (24%) sudionika je opisalo kako tehnologija negativno utječe, a 80 (31%) sudionika opisalo je pozitivan učinak tehnologije na djecu. Ukupno 146 (56,1%) sudionika često ili uvijek razgovara o negativnim utjecajima tehnologije. Gotovo svi sudionci u svojim kućanstvima imaju tehnologiju. Premali dio roditelja razgovara s djecom o negativnim učincima tehnologije. Raising a childinan age of easily accessible Internet content and technology presents many challenges for parents becauseo fthe as-yet-unknownlong-termeffects on children’s health. A child's brain develops much faster and absorbs all the information. Current recommendations include completely avoiding the screen by the age of two, up to an hour for children under five, and up to a maximum of two hours a day for children over 6. With content control and "consuming" educational content, which is often not the rule. The use oftechnology is believed to have negative and positive effects on children’s development. Technology has pedagogical, psychological, social, and medical aspects. The emphasis is on limited and reasonable use and spending as much time on the move as possible, free play without technology in quality time with family. For the purpose of the paper, a study was conducted to examine parents attitudes about the impact of technology on their children, to determine the amount of time children spend usingtechnology and whether and how it affects their behavior from a parent's perspective. 260 respondents participated of which 245 (94.2%) were female. The results indicate that the study involved mainly parents of children of 3-8 years. Almost all participants, 253 of them (97.3%) own smartphones in their households, and 256 (98.5%) participants own televisions.99 (38.1%) participantsstatedthattheirchildrenspend 1-2 hours a day on electronic devices. 53 (20.4%) participants stated that their children spend 2-3 hours of free time on electronic devices. 90 (34.6%) of participants sometimes restrict, and 82 (31.5%) always limit the time spent on the screen. On average, half of the respondents spend 3.5 hours a day without technology. In the open-ended question 62 (24%)respondents described how technology negatively affects their children, and 80 (31%) respondents rated the positive effects of technology on children. Total of 146 (56.1%) respondents often or always talk about the negative impacts of technology. Almost all respondents have technology in their households. Too few parents talk to their children about the negative effects of technology.
- Published
- 2022
9. Zbrinjavanje dišnog puta: jučer, danas, sutra.
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Acta Medica Croatica is the property of Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Krstanac, Stjepan and Jakobović, Mario
- Subjects
traktor ,razvoj ,tehnologija ,technology ,BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Poljoprivreda (agronomija) ,povijest ,history ,tractor ,development ,BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES. Agronomy - Abstract
Poljoprivredni traktor je vozilo namijenjeno obavljanju poslova po cestama i poljima, sposobno za nošenje, upravljanje, vuču i pogon oruđa – priključaka ili pokretnih i nepokretnih strojeva i vuču prikolica. Poljoprivredni traktor također možemo definirati kao motorno vozilo koje razvija snagu na poteznici i priključnom vratilu. Noviji trend razvoja poljoprivrednih traktora karakterizira porast uloge informacijske tehnologije povezane s unaprijeđenim konceptom prijenosnika snage visoko sofisticiranom i stalno poboljšavanom razinom udobnosti rukovatelju. Umjetna inteligencija podiže poljoprivredu na novu razinu sofisticiranosti.. GPS unutar traktora korak je prema kontrolama bez vozača. Voćarski i vinogradarski traktori specijalizirani su tip traktora prilagođeni karakteristikama kako bi bolje odgovarale uporabi u ovim područjima, a neki od prvih bili su mali traktori gusjeničari. Oni su često imali čudan rad na karoseriji kako bi obavili radne dijelove sveobuhvatnim dijelovima od kositra ili su bili suženi strojevi kako bi stali između redova vinove loze ili voćaka. Cilj ovog rada je opisati povijesni razvoj traktora pa sve do budućih tehnologija koje se očekuju u njihovog razvoja. An agricultural tractor is a vehicle intended for performing work on roads and fields, capable of carrying, operating, towing and driving tools - attachments or mobile and stationary machines and towing trailers. An agricultural tractor can also be defined as a motor vehicle that develops power on the drawbar and the PTO shaft. A recent trend in the development of agricultural tractors is characterized by the growing role of information technology associated with the advanced powertrain concept with a highly sophisticated and constantly improved level of operator comfort. Artificial intelligence raises agriculture to a new level of sophistication. GPS inside the tractor is a step towards driverless controls.. Fruit and vineyard tractors are a specialized type of tractor adapted to the characteristics to better suit use in these areas, and some of the first were small crawler tractors. These tractors often had strange work on the bodywork to do the working parts with all-encompassing tin parts, or they were tapered machines to stand between rows of vines or fruit trees. The aim of this paper is to describe the development of fruit and vineyard tractors from their inception to today's new technologies
- Published
- 2022
11. Does innovation policy matter in a transition country the case of Hungary
- Author
Attila Havas
- Subjects
Madžarska ,razvoj ,Hungary ,politika ,tehnologija ,udc:32(439) ,technology ,politics ,znanost ,development ,science - Abstract
The political and economic transition posed a complex, tremendous challenge in Hungary in the beginning of the 1990s. Not only macroeconomic stabilisation was required, but fundamental organisational and institutional changes were also needed to transform the country into a stable, middle-income economy, capable of catching up with the more advanced ones in the longer run. Having completed the first round of transition, Hungary has again reached a cross-roads. While the oneparty system has been replaced with a multi-party parliamentary democracy and the planned economy with a market economy based on private ownership, the world has significantly changed during this historically short period of time. Hungary now has to consider what role to play in the globalising learning economy, i.e. what future it envisions for herself. To be more specific, does the country passively accept the fate of a mere surviving economy, drifting without having its own strategy? Or, by implementing a clear strategy, does Hungary intend to be prosperous country, where in 15-20 years most citizens will enjoy high living standards, good health and a clean environment? The paper argues that a sound, coherent innovation policy is one of the cornerstones of an overall development strategy, required if a country is to excel. Yet, in spite of a number of efforts/ trials in the 1990s, no such policy document was approved in Hungary. The article first provides a brief overview of the transition process, emphasising the simultaneous need for systemic (institutional) changes and macroeconomic stabilisation in order to improve (micro)economic performance. Its core section analyses recent changes in the S&T decision- making system, various efforts to draft S&T and innovation policy documents, as well as the inputs and outputs of R&D and innovation. It concludes that the lack of an explicit innovation policy may hinder longterm development as such a policy is required to signal the main policy directions and commitments of the government, to strengthen the national inovation system – thus anchor FDI – and to align all public and private efforts, resources for development.
- Published
- 2022
12. Use of artificial intelligence in museums
- Author
Lovrić, Lara and Miklošević, Željka
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Muzeologija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Museology ,interaction ,organizacija ,organization ,artificial intelligence ,interakcija ,umjetna inteligencija ,technology ,muzeji ,museums ,development - Abstract
Umjetna inteligencija je sposobnost računala da uče na osnovu iskustava, prilagođavaju se novim izazovima i rješavaju zadatke koji su donedavno bili namijenjeni ljudima. Koristeći se prirodnim jezikom, računala mogu obraditi velike količine podataka i na osnovu njihove analize izvršiti složene zadatke. Bogat izvor podataka su muzeji koji svojim radom stavljaju naglasak na pravilno dokumentiranje i komuniciraje informacija o muzejskoj građi. Podaci koje posjeduju su iznimno vrijedni, ali često i nedovoljno iskorišteni, što se može promijeniti upotrebom umjetne inteligencije. Njezina je korist i upotreba unutar muzeja predstavljena kroz aspekt istraživanja i poboljšanja posjećenosti u muzeju, prepoznavanja ponavljajućih uzoraka na predmetima unutar zbirke, provjere autentičnosti djela, interakcije s posjetiteljima te automatske prostorne organizacije predmeta u digitalnom izložbenom prostoru. Unatoč navedenim mogućnostima unaprjeđenja djelovanja, važno je naglasiti problem gubitka radnih mjesta muzejskih zaposlenika, kao i moguć problem nedostatka međuljudskih iskustava tijekom rada te smanjenog kontakta s posjetiteljima. Artificial intelligence allows computers to learn based on experience, adapt to new challenges, and solve tasks that were designed for humans until recently. Using natural language, computers can process huge amounts of data and solve complex tasks based on their analysis. Museums possess large amounts of information and their work concentrates mainly on correct documentation and classification of museum material. The information they possess is extremely valuable but often left unused, which can be changed by using artificial intelligence. This work will present the benefits and use of artificial intelligence, specifically related to museum functions of research and communication, for example improving attendance, pattern recognition, artwork authentication, interaction, and automatic space organization. Despite mentioned work advancement opportunities, it is important to emphasize the problem of job losses of museum employees, as well as the possible lack of interpersonal experience during work and visit and reduced contact with visitors.
- Published
- 2021
13. Analiza vplivov tehnologije na spreminjanje narave in oblike dela
- Author
Matjašič, Andraž and Černe, Matej
- Subjects
razvoj ,udc:331.103 ,delovno mesto ,tehnologija ,analiza ,research ,analysis ,changes ,organizacija ,organization ,delo ,job ,work ,technology ,spremembe ,raziskave ,development - Published
- 2020
- Author
Zupur, Ognjen
- Subjects
RESEARCH & development ,TECHNOLOGICAL innovations ,CREATIVE ability in technology ,INDUSTRIAL research ,SOCIAL impact assessment - Abstract
Copyright of Economics: Innovative & Economic Research Journal / Casopis za Ekonomsku Teoriju i Analizu is the property of Sciendo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
Nuković, Mirsad, Nuković, Jusuf, and Azemović, Nedžad
- Subjects
Copyright of Univerzitetska Hronika is the property of Univerzitet U Travniku and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
16. Sawmilling in the Czech Republic.
- Author
Bomba, Jan
- Abstract
Copyright of Wood Industry / Drvna Industrija is the property of Drvna Industrija and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
17. Application of artificial intelligence : advantages and dangers
- Author
Kovač, Antonio and Dunđer, Ivan
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,umjetna inteligencija ,technology ,intelligence ,artificial intelligence ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences ,development ,inteligencija - Abstract
Svakim danom čovječanstvo se sve više susreće s pojmovima poput „pametna kuća“, „pametna rasvjeta“, „pametni automobili“, dok je pojam „pametni telefon“ usvojen već davnih godina. Pojam „pametan“ veže se uz inteligenciju, a poznato je da je inteligencija prirodna ljudska osobina. No imaju li nežive stvari poput uređaja i različitih tehnoloških naprava inteligenciju? Odgovor je ne, barem ako se govori o prirodnoj inteligenciji. Ovdje se radi o tzv. „umjetnoj inteligenciji“ (eng. „artificial intelligence“), koja je sve više prisutna u različitim sferama ljudskog života. Umjetna inteligencija je toliko uzela maha, da se smatra da bi za nekoliko desetljeća poneka zanimanja koja i dalje obavljaju ljudi trebala potpuno nestati i time stvoriti višak radne snage. Pametni roboti, ako se zlorabe, također mogu biti opasni. Zabilježen je, primjerice, slučaj kada je robot vlastitim pokretom imitirao ljudsku ruku, odabrao polje „I'm not a robot“ te tako pristupio sadržaju koji je namijenjen isključivo čovjeku. Umjetna inteligencija svakako je nužna, jer uvelike olakšava čovjekove poslove, ali do granice da ne ugrožava ljudsku egzistenciju. Ideja ovoga rada jest objasniti i ukazati na korisnost umjetne inteligencije te njezinu primjenu u različitim područjima, ali s posebnim naglaskom na opasnosti koje nosi sa sobom. Every day mankind is increasingly confronted with concepts such as "smart home", "smart lighting", "smart cars", while the term "smart phone" has been adopted for years. The term "smart" is tied to intelligence, and it is well known that intelligence is a natural human characteristic. But do inanimate things like appliances and various technological devices have intelligence? The answer is no, at least as far as natural intelligence is concerned. Here it is the so-called "artificial intelligence", which is more and more present in different spheres of human life. Artificial intelligence has so far taken the guts, it is considered that for some decades some of the professions still to be performed by humans should completely disappear and thus create excess workforce. Smart robots, if they are abused, can also be dangerous. There was a case, e.g., when a robot imitated the human hand with its own motion, chose the "I'm not a robot" field and thus gained access to content intended solely for man. Artificial intelligence is certainly necessary because it greatly facilitates man's affairs but to the limit that it does not endanger human existence. The idea behind this paper is to explain and point out the usefulness of artificial intelligence and its application in different areas, but with a special emphasis on the dangers it carries with it.
- Published
- 2019
18. Vpliv Industrije 4.0 na zaposlovanje v transportnem sektorju EU
- Author
Recek, Tadej and Čepar, Žiga
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,politika ,education ,competence ,Industrija 4.0 ,transportni sektor ,Evropska unija ,Industry 4.0 ,udc:004.451.62:005.953(043.2) ,izobraževanje ,transport sector ,kompetence ,technology ,zaposlovanje ,European Union ,prihodnost delovnih mest ,the future of jobs ,development ,policy - Published
- 2019
19. Future Scenarios - Affective and Cognitive Responses to Information about the Future and Technical Development
- Author
Dragutin Ivanec and Eva Jurković
- Subjects
future ,tehnologija ,Social Psychology ,napredak ,media_common.quotation_subject ,lcsh:BF1-990 ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Psihologija ,technology ,development ,progress ,budućnost ,Optimism ,razvoj ,Perception ,Personality ,Psychology ,tehnologija, budućnost, razvoj, napredak ,Dimension (data warehouse) ,Applied Psychology ,Reference group ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Psychology ,media_common ,Potential impact ,Cognition ,BF1-990 ,Clinical Psychology ,lcsh:Psychology ,Intellect ,Social psychology - Abstract
Cilj je istraživanja bio ispitati kognitivne i afektivne reakcije ljudi na informacije o vrlo brzom tehničkom razvoju koji će se, sukladno Mooreovu zakonu o eksponencijalnom razvitku tehnike i predviđanjima stručnjaka za računalne znanosti, u bliskoj budućnosti još više ubrzati i proširiti na sve domene ljudskog života. Pitanje je koliko su ljudi spremni na te promjene i kako bi ih mogli prihvaćati ili odbijati, kako s afektivnog, tako i kognitivnog aspekta. U istraživanju su sudjelovale tri skupine sudionika (N = 197). Prva je kroz planirano predavanje dobila informacije o budućnosti tehničkog razvoja, koje su se temeljile na znanstvenim predviđanjima i promišljanjima autoriteta. Druga je skupina dobila implicitne informacije o mogućim promjenama kroz prikazivanje jednoga znanstvenofantastičnog filma. Treća je skupina bila referentna, odnosno nije dobila nikakve informacije. Kod prvih dviju skupina prikupljeni su podaci o afektu prije i poslije predavanja/filma, a kod sve tri skupine prikupljeni su podaci o percepciji budućnosti te percepciji pozitivnosti napretka. Rezultati su pokazali da su skupine koje su bile izložene informacijama o budućnosti sustavno procjenjivale budućnost negativnije nego referentna skupina. Te su razlike bile statistički značajne, ali relativno male. Pokazalo se da su i neke stabilne karakteristike iz domena ličnosti, poput optimizma i dimenzije intelekta, bile blago pozitivno povezane s percepcijom budućnosti. Rezultati impliciraju na važnost pokretanja interdisciplinarnih akademskih rasprava o mogućim utjecajima brzog razvoja tehnike na život ljudi kako bismo olakšali prilagodbu ljudi na brz razvoj koji nam predstoji., The aim of this research was to examine the cognitive and affective reactions of people to the information about rapid technical development which will, according to Moore's law and predictions of computer science specialists, be speedily accelerated and extended to all domains of human life in the near future. It is questionable whether people are ready for these changes and how would they react on them, both from an affective and a cognitive point of view. The study involved three groups of participants (N = 197). The first received information on the future of technical development based on scientific predictions and thoughts of authority through the carefully planned lecture. The other group received implicit information on possible changes connected with rapid development by displaying a science fiction film. The third group was referential - participants did not receive any information. The data on the perception of the future and of the positivity of progress were collected in all three groups. The results showed that the groups that were exposed to information about the future systematically assessed the future more negatively than the reference group. These differences were statistically significant but relatively small. Some of the stable characteristics of the personality domain, such as optimism and the dimension of intellect, have been shown to be slightly positively associated with the perception of the future. The results imply the importance of interdisciplinary academic discussions on the potential impact of the rapid development of technology on people's lives to facilitate the adjustment of people to such development.
- Published
- 2019
20. Influence of technological development on encouraging innovativeness of domestic industrial enterprises
- Author
Gordana Kokeza and Darko Radosavljević
- Subjects
human resources ,ljudski resursi ,tehnologija ,Process (engineering) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,privredni subjekti ,industrija ,inovativnost ,0502 economics and business ,development ,Industrial organization ,media_common ,razvoj ,industry ,9. Industry and infrastructure ,Technological change ,05 social sciences ,innovativeness ,1. No poverty ,Mutual dependency ,business entities ,Key factors ,technology ,8. Economic growth ,050211 marketing ,Business ,Prosperity ,Developed country ,050212 sport, leisure & tourism - Abstract
Technology and technological development are the key factors of contemporary socio-economic development, and the application of the latest technological achievements is the developed countries' most powerful means of competitiveness. Intensive technological changes produce an influence on increasing the dynamics of the business conditions, making them uncertain, unpredictable and discontinued, while forcing business entities to adapt constantly. In this paper, the influence of technological development on the enhancement of innovativeness of domestic industrial enterprises is studied, given the fact that today, as well, industry is the branch of economy which the prosperity of the majority of the developed countries rests on. Study on the subject is divided into four parts. In the first part, the mutual dependency of technological and economic development is examined, with special attention to the strategic aspects of technological development. The second part of the paper is dedicated to observing innovativeness as the basis for technological development. The analysis of certain indicators of innovativeness in domestic enterprises is presented in the third part, whereas in the last part, analysis of the data obtained by conducting research into the influence of technological development on encouraging innovativeness of domestic industrial enterprises was carried out by investigating the role of graduate engineers in this process. The aim of this paper is to indicate the significance and complexity of the influence of technological development on contemporary business conditions, and also to conduct an analysis of the influence of technological development on encouraging innovativeness in domestic industrial enterprises. The ultimate goal of the paper is to define certain measures that are to be taken so as to improve the existing, highly unfavorable, situation in this field. Tehnologija i tehnološki razvoj predstavljaju ključne faktore savremenog društveno-ekonomskog razvoja, a primena najnovijih tehnoloških dostignuća čini najmoćnije sredstvo konkurentnosti razvijenih zemalja. Intenzivne tehnološke promene utiču na povećanje dinamičnosti uslova poslovanja, čineći ih neizvesnim, nepredvidivim i diskontinuiranim, i primoravajući privredne subjekte da im se stalno prilagođavaju. U ovom radu proučava se uticaj tehnološkog razvoja na pospešivanje inovativnosti domaćih industrijskih preduzeća, budući da je industrija i danas privredna grana na kojoj počiva prosperitet većine razvijenih zemalja. Proučavanje predmetne problematike podeljeno je na četiri dela. U prvom delu rada proučava se međusobna uslovljenost tehnološkog i privrednog razvoja, sa posebnim osvrtom na nužnost strategijskog pristupa u ovoj oblasti. Drugi deo rada posvećen je proučavanju inovativnosti kao osnove tehnološkog razvoja. Analiza određenih pokazatelja inovativnosti domaćih privrednih subjekata izneta je u trećem delu rada, dok je u poslednjem delu rada izvršena analiza podataka dobijenih istraživanjem uticaja tehnološkog razvoja na podsticanje inovativnosti domaćih industrijskih preduzeća, kroz proučavanje uloge diplomiranih inženjera u ovom procesu. Cilj rada je da se ukaže na značaj i kompleksnost uticaja tehnološkog razvoja na savremene uslove poslovanja, kao i da se na osnovu podataka dobijenih sprovedenim istraživanjem izvrši analiza uticaja tehnološkog razvoja na podsticanje inovativnosti u domaćim industrijskim preduzećima. Krajnji cilj rada jeste da se definišu određene mere koje bi trebalo preduzeti kako bi se postojeća, veoma nepovoljna, situacija u ovoj oblasti poboljšala.
- Published
- 2016
21. Innovation of 3D technology in Slovenia
- Author
Junaid Ulqamar, Muhammad and Pavasović Trošt, Tamara
- Subjects
trends ,razvoj ,tehnologija ,film industry ,Slovenia ,high technology ,trendi ,innovations ,visoka tehnologija ,technology ,inovacije ,udc:791 ,Slovenija ,filmska industrija ,development - Published
- 2018
22. Analiza industrije video igara
- Author
Pavelić, Ivan and Tomić, Daniel
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,doživljaj ,growth ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Microeconomics ,adaptation ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Mikroekonomija ,innovation ,prilagođavanje ,experience ,inovacije ,technology ,development ,rast - Abstract
Industrija video igara zajedno s svojim tržištem čini jedan od najbrže rastućih i najnaprednijih grana gospodarstva u svijetu. Video igre prisutne su svuda oko nas; od jednostavnih mobilnih igara, pa sve do online igra koje povezuju milijune igrača, održavajući međunarodne turnire baš kao ostali sportovi, poput nogometa, košarke, hokeja itd. Video igre omogućile su kompanijama da steknu zaradu koja se broji u milijardama dolara, dok sami igrači mogu steći status zvijezde s milijunskom zaradom kao u najpopularnijim sportovima. Od svojih začetaka pa sve do danas, najvažnija osobina koju je tržište video igara ima je prilagodba. Konstantnim prilagođavanjem tehnološkim dostignućima, potrebama tržišta i inovacijama, tržište video igara razvilo se u položaj koji ima danas. Tržište video igara ne čine samo video igre, već i uređaji koji omogućuju njihovo korištenje. Dugi su se niz godina video igre prilagođavale konzolama i drugim uređajima, zbog potrebnog vremena razvoja tehnologije. Pojavom interneta i sve većom zastupljenošću mobitela možemo reći kako se tržište video igara razvilo tamo gdje se nalazi sada. Video igre i uređaji koji ih pokreću sve su sofisticiraniji, a za daljnji razvoj kvalitete i doživljaja video igara brinu se inovacije na tom tržištu, koje trenutno, ali i u doglednoj budućnosti neće jenjavati. The video game industry along with it's marketis one of the fastest growing and most advanced branches of the economy in the world. Video games are present everywhere around us; from casual mobile games to online games that connect millions of players, organizing international tournament like in other sportssuch as football basketball, hockey, etc..Video games allow companies to earn billions of dollars in revenue, while playerscan earn star reputation and big income like in the most popular sports. Since it's beggining until todaythe most important feature of video game market has, is it's adaptation.Constantly adapting to new technological achievements, market needs and innovations, the video game market has developed into the position it has today. Video game markets aren't just video games, but also devices that allow them to be used. For many years video games were adapted to consoles and other devices because of the time needed to develop technology.It can be said that video game market has developed due to appereance of faster Internet and increasing presenceand performance of mobile phones to a point where it is now. Video games and devices that drive them are more sophisticated, and for the further development of quality and video gaming experience, the innovations in this market are being fostered, which are not going to lack in the foreseeable future.
- Published
- 2018
23. The microprocessor development
- Author
Anić, Robert and Bevanda, Vanja
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,technology ,microprocessor ,mikroprocesor ,povijest ,history ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Information Systems and Information Science ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Informacijski sustavi i informatologija ,development - Abstract
Gotovo sva današnja računala imaju više mikroprocesora, manja računala u obliku višejezgrenih procesora, a veća računala obično sadrže više procesora. Ciljevi ovog rada su: prikazati razvoj mikroprocesora od njihovog izuma 1971. do danas, objasniti njihovu arhitekturu i način rada, objasniti instrukcijski skup podataka i navesti primjere, objasniti memorijsku hijerarhiju računalnih sustava i predstaviti buduće izazove koje treba savladati u budućnosti razvoja mikroprocesora. U radu su navedene i tehnike koje se koriste u svrhu povećanja performansi mikroprocesora, što sve utječe na njih i kako se mjere. Objašnjena je potpora operacijskog sustava kroz procese, dretve i prekide. Na kraju su prikazane arhitekture novije generacije tvrtke Intel: Intel Core Duo i Intel Core i7-990X. Nowadays almost every computer is made of more than one microprocessor, smaller computers in the form of multicore processors, and the bigger ones usually contain several processors. In this paper my aim is to: describe the development of microprocessors since their invention in 1971 up to present day, explain the architecture and the way they operate, explain the memory hierarchy of operating systems and present future challenges to overcome in the further development of microprocessors. Also listed are the techniques used to enhance microprocessor performances, ways they can be influenced and how they are measured. The paper further explains the support for the operating system through processes, threads and interruptions. The end discusses new generation architectures developed by Intel corporation: Intel Core Duo and Intel Core i7-990X.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Maldini, Branka, Goranović, Tatjana, and Šimunjak, Boris.
- Subjects
zbrinjavanje dišnog puta, intubacija, tehnologija, razvoj, pomagala ,airway management ,intubation ,technology ,development ,devices ,zbrinjavanje dišnog puta ,intubacija ,tehnologija ,razvoj ,pomagala - Abstract
Prikazan je presjek razvoja zbrinjavanja dišnog puta u zadnjih tri desetljeća. Otežani dišni put je najveći problem s kojim se susreće liječnik u kliničkoj praksi, a neočekivani otežani dišni put smatra se najkritičnijim događajem u životu anesteziologa. Dostupnost kolica za otežani dišni put, zajedno s videolaringoskopom i fi berskopom poboljšala je zbrinjavanje dišnih putova kod bolesnika s neočekivanim otežanim gornjim dišnim putom. Poznavanje algoritma zbrinjavanja otežanog dišnog puta, tehnika i dostupnih instrumenata koji se koriste u procesu intubacije neophodno je u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi kako bi se rizik neuspješne intubacije sveo na najmanju moguću mjeru., In this brief review, we have made a cross section of the development of airway management in the last three decades. Diffi cult airway is the biggest problem that a doctor faces in clinical practice, and an unexpected diffi cult airway is considered the most critical event in the anesthesiologist’s life. Accessibility of the airway management trolley, along with video laryngoscope and fi berscope, has improved airway management in patients with unexpected diffi cult airway. Knowledge of the diffi cult airway management algorithm, techniques and available instruments used in the intubation process is necessary in everyday clinical practice to minimize the risk of unsuccessful intubation.
- Published
- 2018
25. Telekomunikacijska omrežja in storitve v Sloveniji
- Author
Žavbi, Peter and Cibic, Damir
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,services ,prevzemi podjetij ,infrastruktura ,združitve podjetij ,storitve ,podjetje ,infrastructure ,telekomunikacije ,telecommunications ,networks ,technology ,udc:654 ,mergers ,enterprises ,company takeovers ,mreže ,development - Published
- 2017
26. Inovacija poslovnega modela na zrelem trgu produkcije spletnih predstavitev
- Author
Jazbec, Matjaž and Antončič, Boštjan
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,primeri ,innovativeness ,organizacija ,organization ,inovativnost ,innovations ,udc:658 ,business model ,cases ,inovacije ,technology ,marketing ,poslovni model ,development ,trženje - Published
- 2017
27. Določitev kriterijev smiselnosti nadaljnjega internega razvoja programske rešitve
- Author
Jagodič, Vid and Groznik, Aleš
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,evaluation ,criteria ,software ,udc:004.4 ,ocene ,programi ,programmes ,price ,merila ,quality ,informatika ,kvaliteta ,technology ,informatics ,izbira ,development ,cena - Published
- 2017
28. A comparative analysis of approaches towards the smart specialisation strategy preparation in the selected new EU member states
- Author
Banko, Katarina and Zajc Kejžar, Katja
- Subjects
razvoj ,politika ,tehnologija ,analiza ,training ,research ,analysis ,udc:339.923 ,strategija ,mednarodne primerjave ,izobraževanje ,industrijska politika ,technology ,raziskave ,politics ,international comparisons ,EU ,strategy ,development ,industrial policy - Published
- 2017
29. Analiza vključevanja lokalne skupnosti v proces družbene inovacije
- Author
Podgoršek, Mateja and Peterlin, Judita
- Subjects
razvoj ,leadership ,tehnologija ,sodelovanje ,primeri ,innovativeness ,regionalni razvoj ,cooperation ,vodenje ,inovativnost ,udc:001.981 ,innovations ,regional economic development ,informacijska družba ,cases ,inovacije ,technology ,development ,information society - Published
- 2017
30. Organska poljoprivreda u Srbiji
- Author
Milan Brankov, Marijenka Tabaković, Milena Simić, and Vesna Dragičević
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,razvoj ,tehnologija ,Agroforestry ,lcsh:Biotechnology ,organic agriculture ,030105 genetics & heredity ,lcsh:S1-972 ,organska poljoprivreda ,03 medical and health sciences ,lcsh:TP248.13-248.65 ,technology ,Organic farming ,Business ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,development - Abstract
Organic agriculture, or at least its basic principles, was introduced, as an idea, in the world in the beginning of the 20th century and has been present since. Today's principles of organic agriculture were established in 1972 by founding the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFAOM). The aim of this study was to analyse concept, idea and basic principles of organic agriculture as to give an answer why does it provide chances for the development of agriculture in the world and in our country? In Serbia, organic agriculture has been present for almost 30 years, but it is still seeking its place. It could be said, it is on the very begging in relation to the rest of the world. The reason for this is the specific production technology that increases the price of production inputs, the economic situation in the country, insufficient training of farmers and their inadequate knowledge about importance and benefits of organic agriculture. Great natural potential and unpolluted natural resources are Serbia's potentials for the development of this branch of agriculture. The largest areas with organic farms are in Vojvodina, but under developed rural areas and small farms should also seek their chances in such cultivation. Today, in the world, areas with organic agriculture amount to 0.9% of the total agricultural area. The highest average percentage of these areas is in Europe (6.2%). As many as eight countries have an average over 10%, while there are only 0.44% of such areas in Serbia. Organic agriculture is not just a production method, but also a new way of living of modern man. It is a return to old values and preservation of new ones. Export of such products is the only chance for our farmers, due to the economic situation, but it is necessary to develop the network of extension services that will spread the knowledge and create prerequisites that will provide better access to both the production and the products to an average farmer in our country. Organska poljoprivreda, ili barem njeni osnovni principi, u svetu je zastupljena i prisutna kao ideja s početka dvadesetog veka. Današnji principi organske poljoprivrede utemeljeni su 1972. godine, osnivanjem Međunarodne federacije pokreta za organsku poljoprivredu IFAOM. Analiza pojma, ideje i osnovnih principa organske poljoprivrede i zašto se u njoj vide razvojne šanse poljoprivrede u svetu i u našoj zemlji, cilj je ovog rada. Veliki prirodni potencijal i nezagađeni prirodni resursi su potencijal koji ima Srbija za razvoj ove grane poljoprivrede. Najveće površine pod organskom su u Vojvodini, iako prednost u razvijanju organske poljoprivrede treba dati nerazvijenim ruralnim predelima i malim gazdinstvima. Danas u svetu površine pod organskom poljoprivredom zauzimaju 0,9% ukupnog poljoprivrednog zemljišta. Evropa ima najveći prosečni procenat površina od 6,2%. Čak osam zemalja ima prosek veći od 10%. Srbija ima svega 0,44% površina pod ovakvim načinom proizvodnje. Organska poljoprivreda nije samo način proizvodnje već novi način života savremenog čoveka. Povratak starim vrednostima i očuvanje novih. Šanse našeg proizvođača za sada su samo u izvozu ovih proizvod, zbog ekonomskih prilika, ali zato treba razvijati mrežu stručnih službi koje će širiti znanje i preduslove da približe kako proizvodnju tako i sam proizvod prosečnom proizvođaču i potrošaču naše zemlje.
- Published
- 2017
31. 'Out of this world' business
- Author
Ramovš, Jan and Tekavčič, Metka
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,turizem ,udc:338.48 ,technology ,tourism ,potovanja ,raziskovanje vesolja ,space research ,development ,economic growth ,ekonomska rast ,travel - Published
- 2015
32. Application of sustainable development mechanism for environmental, economic and social development of Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited
- Author
Dutta, Krishanu and Zidanšek, Aleksander
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,analiza ,industrial enterprises ,analysis ,ekonomski razvoj ,India ,Indija ,industrijsko podjetje ,poslovanje podjetja ,economic development ,papirna industrija ,Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited ,varstvo okolja ,pulp and paper industry ,udc:658 ,technology ,uspešnost poslovanja ,company performance ,business efficiency ,socialna varnost ,development ,social security ,environmental protection - Published
- 2015
33. Bassov model privzemanja UMTS
- Author
Žagar, Boštjan and Turk, Tomaž
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,evaluation ,ocene ,modeli ,innovations ,models ,telekomunikacije ,telecommunications ,informatika ,inovacije ,technology ,udc:654 ,informatics ,development - Published
- 2014
34. Poslovna vrednost direktorskih informacijskih sistemov
- Author
Štros, Boštjan and Jaklič, Jurij
- Subjects
vrednotenje ,razvoj ,tehnologija ,business intelligence system ,informacijski sistemi ,information systems ,case study ,poslovna inteligenca ,informatika ,technology ,informatics ,udc:659.2 ,Predilnica Litija ,valuation ,development - Published
- 2014
35. Celovita ocena prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti podjetja Color
- Author
Makarovič, Matejka and Lahovnik, Matej
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,analiza ,kadri ,industrial enterprises ,analysis ,organizacijske strukture ,Slovenia ,Color ,industrijsko podjetje ,poslovanje podjetja ,research activities ,organizational structures ,udc:658 ,technology ,kemična industrija ,personnel ,Slovenija ,uspešnost poslovanja ,raziskovalna dejavnost ,chemical industry ,company performance ,business efficiency ,development - Published
- 2014
36. Celovita ocena podjetja Termit d.d
- Author
Vozel, Tomaž and Marc, Mojca
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,analiza ,research ,kadri ,industrial enterprises ,analysis ,Slovenia ,rudarstvo ,mining ,industrijsko podjetje ,poslovanje podjetja ,udc:658 ,Termit ,technology ,personnel ,Slovenija ,uspešnost poslovanja ,raziskave ,company performance ,business efficiency ,development - Published
- 2014
37. Predvidevanje poslovnega okolja v avtomobilski dejavnosti
- Author
Primc, Rok and Jaklič, Marko
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,analiza ,industries ,industrial enterprises ,okolje ,analysis ,industrijsko podjetje ,car industry ,panoge dejavnosti ,produkcija ,udc:658 ,technology ,avtomobilska industrija ,production ,development ,environment - Published
- 2014
38. SWOT (PSPN) analiza podjetja KvarkCom
- Author
Kikelj, Jure and Lahovnik, Matej
- Subjects
tehnologija ,services ,analiza ,productivity ,analysis ,Slovenia ,podjetje ,financiranje ,poslovanje podjetja ,produktivnost ,udc:658 ,information technology ,Slovenija ,uspešnost poslovanja ,company performance ,business efficiency ,KvarkCom ,development ,personnel policy ,razvoj ,kadrovska politika ,organizacijske strukture ,proizvodi ,storitve ,financing ,products ,organizational structures ,technology ,informacijska tehnologija ,enterprises - Published
- 2014
39. Razvoj trga mobilnih telekomunikacij v Sloveniji
- Author
Pečnik, Viljem and Hrovatin, Nevenka
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,mobile telephony ,trg ,Slovenia ,market ,regulation ,mobilna telefonija ,podjetje ,mednarodne primerjave ,legislation ,regulacija ,telekomunikacije ,zakonodaja ,telecommunications ,technology ,udc:654 ,liberalizacija ,liberalization ,Slovenija ,international comparisons ,enterprises ,development - Published
- 2014
40. Primerjava inovacijske dejavnosti v Sloveniji in na Finskem
- Author
Blatnik, Tjaša and Jaklič, Marko
- Subjects
ustvarjalnost ,razvoj ,tehnologija ,politika ,Finska ,raziskovalno delo ,Slovenia ,mednarodne primerjave ,innovations ,creativeness ,udc:001.895 ,inovacije ,technology ,Slovenija ,politics ,international comparisons ,development ,Finland ,research work - Published
- 2014
41. Problematika trženja novih izdelkov v visokotehnološkem podjetju
- Author
Vidonja, Tomaž and Vida, Irena
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,analiza ,research ,analysis ,novi proizvodi ,udc:39.138 ,podjetje ,organizacija ,organization ,innovations ,new products ,inovacije ,technology ,marketing ,strategija trženja ,raziskave ,enterprises ,marketing strategy ,development ,trženje - Published
- 2014
42. Etični problemi razvoja zdravil v farmaciji
- Author
Zore, Katarina and Glas, Miroslav
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,medicine ,dežele v razvoju ,farmacevtska industrija ,regulation ,kontrola ,developing countries ,udc:615 ,zdravila ,pharmaceutical industry ,ethics ,regulacija ,testing ,testiranje ,etika ,technology ,development ,control - Published
- 2014
43. Od uporabnika spodbujeno inoviranje
- Author
Nagy, Tine and Antončič, Boštjan
- Subjects
ustvarjalnost ,razvoj ,tehnologija ,analiza ,research ,analysis ,design ,innovativeness ,udc:001.895(043.3) ,inovativnost ,innovations ,creativeness ,inovacije ,technology ,raziskave ,development - Published
- 2014
44. Razvoj tehnološke cone Brdo
- Author
Purgar, Barbara and Drnovšek, Mateja
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,okolje ,science park ,Slovenia ,podjetništvo ,znanstveni park ,modeli ,entrepreneurship ,models ,udc:658 ,tehnološki razvoj ,technological development ,technology ,Slovenija ,environment ,development - Published
- 2014
45. Plačilni sistemi med državami EMU
- Author
Vičič, Mateja and Ribnikar, Ivan
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,direktive ES ,finančni instrumenti ,central banks ,currency ,centralne banke ,payments ,financial instruments ,mednarodne finance ,valuta ,evro ,international finance ,technology ,sistemi ,euro ,systems ,EC directives ,udc:339.7 ,EU ,plačilni promet ,development - Published
- 2014
46. Trajnostni razvoj v povezavi z obnovljivimi viri energije v Sloveniji
- Author
Škaper, Darja and Dimovski, Vlado
- Subjects
razvoj ,energetics ,tehnologija ,sustainable development ,renewable energy resources ,research ,Slovenia ,ekonomski razvoj ,udc:330.3 ,energetika ,uravnotežen razvoj ,economic development ,technology ,welfare economics ,ekonomija blaginje ,Slovenija ,raziskave ,obnovljivi viri energije ,development - Published
- 2014
47. Vprašanje oživljanja mest in trženje mesta
- Author
Koliševski, Jane and Fabjančič, Zarjan
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,politika ,demography ,mesta ,urbanization ,udc:339.138 ,urbanizacija ,case study ,technology ,marketing ,demografija ,local government ,lokalna samouprava ,politics ,towns ,development ,trženje - Published
- 2014
48. Vpliv cen nafte in njenih derivatov na razvoj alternativnih tehnologij pogona pri vozilih
- Author
Japelj, Jaka and Glas, Miroslav
- Subjects
udc:338.45 ,razvoj ,energetics ,tehnologija ,primeri ,ekonomski vidik ,novi proizvodi ,energetika ,oil ,economic aspect ,price ,varstvo okolja ,car industry ,produkcija ,new products ,cases ,technology ,avtomobilska industrija ,production ,development ,nafta ,cena ,environmental protection - Published
- 2014
49. Vloga primorskega tehnološkega parka pri razvoju inovativnega okolja
- Author
Peloz, Nataša and Glas, Miroslav
- Subjects
razvoj ,tehnologija ,services ,knowledge ,sustainable development ,Slovenia ,podjetništvo ,znanje ,innovativeness ,regionalni razvoj ,udc:330.3 ,organizacija ,storitve ,Primorska ,entrepreneurship ,organization ,inovativnost ,uravnotežen razvoj ,Primorje area ,innovations ,regional economic development ,inovacije ,technology ,Slovenija ,development - Published
- 2014
50. Primerjalna študija modelov odprtih inovacij v izbranih podjetjih
- Author
Kržišnik, Ana and Škerlavaj, Miha
- Subjects
razvoj ,leadership ,tehnologija ,innovativeness ,team work ,podjetje ,vodenje ,motiviranje ,inovativnost ,innovations ,teamsko delo ,motivation ,udc:001.895 ,inovacije ,technology ,enterprises ,development - Published
- 2014
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