This paper will analyse the references to Aulus Gellius made by Spanish authors in the 16th century, with special attention to Fray Antonio de Guevara, Pedro Mejía and Cristóbal de Villalón. Likewise, this study will refer to some significant commentaries about Gellius and the miscellanea present in Michel de Montainge’s and Luis Vives’ works. The data will be reviewed in the light of the references to the ancient author himself, as well as to the thematic interest of his quotations, the critic commentaries to his work, and its modern re-reading, in terms of miscellanea or essay. Se analiza en este trabajo las referencias a Aulo Gelio en los autores españoles del siglo XVI, en particular Fray Antonio de Guevara, Pedro Mejía, y Cristóbal de Villalón. Asimismo, se recurre puntualmente a importantes comentarios sobre Gelio y la miscelánea que encontramos en Michel de Montaigne y Luis Vives. Se revisan los datos a la luz de las referencias al autor antiguo como tal, el interés temático de sus citas, los comentarios críticos a la obra y su relectura moderna, miscelánea o ensayística.