Svaka industrija pa tako i prehrambena ima cilj proizvesti što kvalitetniji proizvod uz što bolje iskorištenje sirovine tj. uz minimalnu količinu otpada, gdje otpad ne mora nužno biti ''otpad'' već može predstavljati nusproizvod ili sirovinu u nekom budućem procesu. Danas postoji velik interes u iskorištenju nusproizvoda prehrambene industrije u različite svrhe jer sadrže mnoge potencijalno korisne tvari i zbog toga bi mogli predstavljati značajne sirovine u proizvodnji/razvoju novih proizvoda. U ovom radu proizvedeni su ekstrakti različitih nusproizvoda prehrambene industrije biljnoga podrijetla: unutarnje pregrade oraha, kakao ljuska, pljevica kave, sjemenke grožđa Teran i Merlot, kožica grožđa, kora nara, koštice lubenice, koštice i peteljke trešnje, te sjemenke marelice, te je određeno njihovo antioksidacijsko i antibakterijsko djelovanje. Antioksidacijska aktivnost ekstrakata određena je DPPH metodom. Antibakterijska aktivnost provedena je na četiri soja test bakterija: Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa i Escherichia coli, te je određena s obzirom na minimalne koncentracije inhibitora modificiranom metodom mikrodilucije supstrata. Najveću antioksidacijsku aktivnost pokazao je ekstrakt unutarnjih pregrada oraha (18,80 mg/mL), a najveću antibakterijsku aktivnost ekstrakti unutarnjih pregrada oraha i pljevica kave (0,0156 mg/mL - E. coli; 0,0156 mg/L - P. aeruginosa; 0,0078 mg/mL - B. subtilis; 0,0625 mg/mL - S. aureus). Nadalje, u radu je ispitan i utjecaj metode ekstrakcije (hladno prešanje i superkritična \(CO_{2}\) ekstrakcija) na izolaciju ulja iz sjemenki marelice i sjemenki grožđa. U sjemenkama marelice naglasak je dan na udio amigdalina, a u sjemenkama grožđa na udjele polifenola koji su određeni primjenom tekućinske kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC). Sastav masnih kiselina u dobivenim uljima je određen metodom plinske kromatografije s plamenim detektorom GC/FID. Ovaj rad doprinosi rješenju stvaranja velike količine organskog otpada koji danas predstavlja ogromni ekološki i financijski teret u gotovo svim granama prehrambene industrije. Every industry, including food industry has the goal of obtaining the most quality product with the best possible use of raw materials, with the minimum amount of waste, where waste does not necessarily have to be "waste" but may represent a by-product or raw material in some future process. Nowadays, a tendency for reducing food industry waste is becoming more prominent due to a growing interest for utilization of food industry by-products for various purposes. These by-products contain many potentially useful substances and they could become significant raw materials in the production/development of new products. In this research, extracts of various food industry by-products of the plant origin have been produced: walnut partitions, cocoa bean shells, coffee parchment, Teran and Merlot grape seeds, grape skin, cherry seeds, watermelon seeds, apricot kernels, and their antioxidative and antibacterial activity is determined. Antioxidant activity of extracts was determined by DPPH method. Antibacterial activity was conducted against four test bacteria strains: Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli in terms of minimum inhibitory concentrations by a modified broth microdilution method. The highest antioxidant activity was determined in the extract of the walnut partitions (18.80 mg/mL), and the extracts of walnut partitions and coffee parchment (0.0156 mg/mL - E. coli, 0.0156 mg/mL - P. aeruginosa, 0.0078 mg/mL - B. subtilis, 0.0625 mg/mL - S. aureus) showed the highest antibacterial activity. Furthermore, the effect of the extraction method (cold pressing and supercritical \(CO_{2}\) extraction) on the isolation of apricot and grape seed oil was tested. In apricot seeds, emphasis is given to the content of amygdalin, and in grape seeds on polyphenols that are determined by the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The fatty acid composition in the obtained oils was determined by the gas chromatographic method with the flame detector GC/FID. This paper offers a potential solution against generation of large amounts of organic waste, which represents a huge ecological and financial burden in almost all branches of food industry.