Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada para identificar o perfil dos usuários dos caixas-automáticos em agências bancárias de Curitiba (PR). Na classificação dos altos, médios e baixos usuários dos caixas-automáticos, utilizou-se a análise de correspondentes múltiplos (MCA). Constatou-se, na análise dos resultados, que os altos usuários pertencem às classes sociais mais elevadas, principalmente do sexo masculino, e situam-se na faixa etária de 36 a 45 anos. Seus hábitos de leitura referem-se a jornais de outros estados, revistas esportivas e de atualidades. Estão familiarizados com as novas tecnologias de comunicação, sendo usuários de serviços e equipamentos, como: televisão por assinatura, Internet, telefonia celular, microcomputadores e aparelhos de fax. Foram, também, analisadas as operações realizadas nos caixas-automáticos em comparação com o atendimento pessoal, a influência exercida pelo banco na decisão de uso destes serviços, os aspectos relacionados às tarifas cobradas, a qualidade da orientação recebida dos funcionários, assim como a percepção dos clientes quanto ao ambiente onde os equipamentos estão localizados. The main purpose of this research is to identify the profile of Automated Teller Machine users, from the degree of utilization of the principal available operations in this equipment. The research focused on ATMs installed in the self-service areas of Banco do Estado do Paraná (Banestado), Banco do Brasil, Bradesco and Bamerindus, located in Curitiba - Brazil. The research also consisted of 296 questionnaires which were applied in the self-service environment of the above mentioned banks, from September 19 to October 4, 1996, during business hours. To build such profile, a reference key was utilized in order to rate high, medium and low users, a tool that proved to be consonant in the generation of scores. Also analyzed were the issues concerning ATM operations in comparison with services performed by a clerk, the influence from the bank and from other people in the decision to use an ATM, taxes and fees, advertising, the instructions for use given by clerks, and the client's perception of the environment in which the equipment is located. While forging this profile, that includes demographic and psychographic variables, it was possible to identify that the high users belong to higher social classes, they are 26 to 45 years of age, they read national newspapers; sports, automotive and current affairs magazines; they watch cable TV and own or use personal computers, fax machines, cellular phones, and they access the Internet. The results show that ATMs represent a tangible benefit to clients, for they are faster, easy to use and they carry the client's required privacy and reliability, being essential at the choice of a bank by the client. The perception regarding the influence from advertising refers to that which is broadcast on television and in the environment of the ATMs. Although clients have indicated their own initiative towards the use of the equipment, the necessity of an instructing clerk to help with the operations was explicit, chiefly with less common operations, such as ATM transferals and deposits.