EnglishThe lack of research on the prosody of Romance languages in general, and Portuguese in particular, gives rise to the project to which this study belongs. Thanks to the emergence of new technologies, which include suitable computational tools for speech signal collection and analysis, the Prosodic Multimedia Atlas of Romance Languages, AMPER project, appeared in 1999. This project departed from an idea of Michel Contini, originally presented in Bilbao in 1991 (Contini, 1992). Several countries in Europe and Latin America participate in this project, with the general objective of describing and contrasting the prosodic variation of all Romance varieties (Romano, Contini & Lai, 2014, p. 27). The studies on Portuguese varieties, domain AMPER-POR (AMPER for European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese), are coordinated by Professor Lurdes Moutinho and are based at the University of Aveiro, Portugal (website ). The acoustic analysis of the corpora collected in the field is done with MatLab software. For this purpose, we use scripts developed for the Project and used by all AMPER researchers, allowing the researchers to manually label the voice signals and automatically extract the acoustic parameters (F0, duration and intensity) from the vocal segments. It is possible to carry out an automatic statistical treatment of the data that allows graphical representations and applications in the field of geoprosody, studies such as linguistic dialectometry (Moutinho, Coimbra, Rilliard & Romano, 2011) and cartography (Moutinho et al. 2019). For the present example, we selected two informants with only basic education and from two locations in the north-eastern part of Tras-os-Montes. Both have Portuguese as their mother tongue, although one of them is inserted in a context in which Mirandese is also spoken, while the other is not exposed to that language. This study aims to account for the possible interference of the prosody of the Mirandese language on the Portuguese in a geographical context in which the two languages coexist. We noticed some differences between these two Portuguese speakers but not notorious enough to allow us to conclude that the sociolinguistic context may have influenced their melodies. asturianuL’ausencia d’investigaciones sobro la prosodia de les llingues romaniques en xeneral, y del portugues en particular, ta na base del surdimientu del proyeutu dientro del que s’asitia esti estudiu. Gracies a la iguadura de nueves teunoloxies, qu’inxeren ferramientes computacionales amanoses pa la coyida y l’analisis de la senal de voz, surde, a lo cabero de 1999, el Atles Multimedia Prosodicu del Espaciu Romanicu, proyeutu AMPER. Esti proyeutu sofitase nuna idea de Michel Contini, presentada orixinalmente en Bilbao en 1991 (Contini, 1991). Participen nel mentau proyeutu dellos paises d’Europa y America Llatina, col oxetivu xeneral de describir y contrastar la variacion prosodica de toles variedaes romaniques (Romano, Contini & Lai, 2014, p. 27). Les variedaes portugueses, dominiu AMPER-POR (AMPER pal portugues europeu, PE, y el portugues de Brasil, PO) tan coordinaes pola profesora Lurdes Moutinho y tienen la so sede na Universida d’Aveiro en Portugal (site ). L’analisis acusticu, de los corpora recoyios nel trabayu de campu, llevase a cabu per aciu del programa MatLab. Pa ello, empleguense scripts desendolcaos pal Proyeutu y emplegaos por tolos investigadores del AMPER, que permiten etiquetar, manualmente, les senales de voz y estraer automaticamente los parametros acusticos (F0, duracion ya intensida) de los segmentos vocales. Ye posible proceder a un tratamientu estadisticu automaticu de los datos que fai posible representaciones grafiques y aplicaciones nel campu de la xeoprosodia, como la dialectometra llinguistica (Moutinho, Coimbra, Rilliard & Romano, 2011) y la cartografia (Moutinho et al., 2019). Pal presente exemplu seleicionamos dos informantes, ensin estudios superiores, de dos llugares nel nordeste tresmontanu. Tienen los dos el portugues como llingua materna, anque un d’ellos ta inxeriu nun contestu onde se fala mirandes mentanto que l’otru nun ta espuestu a esti idioma. Esti estudiu pretende dar cuenta de la posible interferencia de la prosodia de la llingua mirandesa sobro la portuguesa nun contestu xeograficu onde les dos llingues conviven. Constatamos delles diferencies ente estos dos falantes de portugues, oxetu equi del analisis, pero non tan bultables que nos dexen afitar que’l contestu sociollinguisticu pueda tar influenciando les sos melodies.