This report is a summary and analysis of the knowledge gained from the activities carried out 2006 - 2008 within "Nationella träbyggnadsstrategins fortbildningsprogram". Expert knowledge and results are also included from the many corresponding R&D programs, aimed to support and develop timber housing construction, which was run parallel to "Nationella träbyggnadsstrategin"."Fortbildningsprogrammet" - the program for further education of actors in the housing industry was a cooperative effort between: Luleå university of technology, Vaxjö university, Dalarna university and the institute SP Trätek.The chapters of the report are written by different authors from the universities and institute.The report describes: The building technique and competence development that have taken place within the Swedish timber housing industry (viewed in a wide context). - Three types of structural systems exist on the market today (column-beam systems, massive wood elements and timber frame systems). These are combined and erected using three different types of construction methods (on-site construction, prefabricated elements and prefabricated volume elements).- During the program, seminars, workshops and study tours were attended by approximately 750 people representing construction clients, architects, designers and construction companies. In depth case results are presented and analysed from 15 different building projects that give valuable information for other projects and it is also estimated that more than 10 other projects was initiated as an effect of the program.As an important by-effect, it is noted that the undertaking and existence of the program gave additional support to the development of research groups with focus on timber housing construction.In-depth case descriptions of timber house projects with a focus on those in Växjö, Falun och Skellefteå. - Detailed descriptions and analyses regarding: Design aspects, architectural limitations, descriptions of technical solutions for adequate fire, acoustics and horizontal stabilising. Details for several structural elements are presented and experience and further development of the logistics and the montage employed are analysed.- Detailed descriptions and analyses regarding: Design aspects, architectural limitations, descriptions of technical solutions for adequate fire, acoustics and horizontal stabilising. Details for several structural elements are presented and experience and further development of the logistics and the montage employed are analysed. Scientifically based systems descriptions of industrialised timber housing.- A characterisation of the building technique is presented. - A description and analysis of the growth and potential of the multi-storey industrialised housing industry is given.- Analysis of different actor's roles, business models including a definition of industrialised housing (the process) is displayed.The report concludes with guidance instructions aimed for all actors involved in a housing project. I utredningen "Mer trä i byggandet", Ds 2004:01, som ledde fram till Nationella träbyggnadsstrategin slogs fast att: för att öka träbyggandet krävs utbildningsinsatser både av studenter och via fortbildning av yrkesverksamma ute i arbetslivet. Denna rapport är en sammanfattning av kunskaperna vunna ur de aktiviteter som genomfördes inom Nationella träbyggnadsstrategins fortbildningsprogram mellan 2006-2008. Kunskaper och resultat har även vävts in från flera FoU program riktat att stötta träbyggandet som utfördes parallellt med Nationella träbyggnadsstrategin. Fortbildningsprogrammet var ett samverkansprojekt mellan Luleå tekniska universitet, Växjö universitet, Högskolan Dalarna och SP Trätek I rapporten beskrivs: Teknik och kompetensutveckling inom träbyggandet, Systembeskrivningar av träbyggprojekt med fokus på objekt uppförda i Växjö, Falun och Skellefteå. Vidare ges vetenskapliga systembeskrivningar av industriellt träbyggande med definitioner byggsystem (tekniken), av aktörsroller, affärsmodeller och vad egentligen industriellt byggande handlar om (processen för industriellt byggande). Rapporten avslutas med en vägledning till byggandets aktörer: kommuner, arkitekter, leverantörer/entreprenörer. Godkänd; 2008; 20081113 (ysko)