1. Morphological fruit properties of some F1 peach hybrids
- Author
Nikolić, Dragan, Rakonjac, Vera, Radović, Aleksandar, Bakić, Ivana, Zec, Gordan, and Janković, Zoran
- Subjects
Prunus persica ,hibrid ,selekcija ,hybrid ,stone ,vreme sazrevanja ,selection ,fruit ,plod ,koštica ,ripening time - Abstract
Results of the most important morphological properties of the fruit and stone in four promising peach hybrids of late ripening time in the two-year period of research (2010- 2011) are shown in this paper. Selected hybrids obtained from the crossing combination Flaminia x Summerset. All of the traits of the examined hybrids were compared with a standard cultivar -Summerset. Statistically significant differences between investigated hybrids were found in terms of morphometric properties of the fruit and stone. Fruit weight ranged from 96.41 g (hybrid FS4) to 167.25 g (hybrid FS2). Stone weight was related to fruit weight, and stone share in the fruit weight ranged from 5.87% (hybrid FS2) to 8.24% (hybrid FS6). In terms of descriptive properties of fruit investigated hybrids are mainly exceeded the standard cultivar. Based on the late ripening time, weight and color of fruit, hybrids FS2 and FS3 were selected, which may be of interest as candidates for the recognition of new peach cultivars or further breeding work. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati dvogodišnjih istraživanja (2010-2011) najvažnijih morfoloških osobina ploda i koštice kod četiri perspektivna hibrida breskve poznog vremena sazrevanja. Izdvojeni hibridi dobijeni su iz kombinacije ukrštanja Flaminia x Summerset. Sve osobine ispitivanih hibrida upoređivane su sa standard sortom - Summerset. Između proučavanih hibrida utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u pogledu morfometrijskih osobina ploda i koštice. Masa ploda se kretala u intervalu od 96,41 g (hibrid FS4) do 167,25 g (hibrid FS2). Masa koštice je bila povezana sa masom ploda, a udeo koštice u masi ploda je varirao od 5,87% (hbrid FS2) do 8,24% (hibrid FS6). U pogledu opisnih osobina ploda proučavani hibridi su uglavnom prevazišli sortu standard. Na osnovu poznog vremena sazrevanja, mase i obojenosti ploda izdvojili su se hibridi FS2 i FS3, koji mogu biti interesantni kao kandidati za priznavanje novih sorti breskve ili dalji oplemenjivački rad.
- Published
- 2015