The Batch Markov Modulated Poisson Process (BMMPP) is a subclass of the versatile Batch Markovian Arrival process (BMAP) which have been widely used for the modeling of dependent and correlated simultaneous events (as arrivals, failures or risk events, real-time multimedia communications). Both theoretical and applied aspects are examined in this paper. On one hand, the identifiability of the stationary BMMPP2(K) is proven, where K is the maximum batch size. This is a powerful result when inferential tasks related to real data sets are carried out. On the other hand, some findings concerning the correlation and autocorrelation structures are provided. The first and second authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, research project ECO2015-66593-P. The Third author acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, research project MTM2015-65915-R; and also from Junta de Andalucía, and BBVA Fundation, research project P11- FQM-7603 and FQM-329