Upalne bolesti crijeva su kronične upalne bolesti gastrointestinalnog trakta karakterizirane rekurentnim upalama segmenata probavnog trakta koje se manifestiraju kao nadutost, abdominalna bol, grčevi, krvarenje te kronični proljev. U ovu skupinu bolesti spadaju dva podtipa, a to su Cronhova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis. Unatoč sigurnim i efektivnim farmakološkim metodama liječenja, koje uklučuju aminosalicilate, kortikosteroide, imunosupresive te biološku terapiju, mnogi pacijenti koji pate od ovih složenih bolesti posežu za rješenjima svojih tegoba u drugim područjima. Tako ih sve više efektivne odgovore na svoje probleme traži u dodacima prehrani. Neki od njih mogu predstavljati javnozdravstvenu opasnost zbog prisutnosti neprijavljenih ostatnih otapala u svojem sastavu. Ostatna otapala su hlapljivi organski spojevi koji se koriste ili nastaju u proizvodnji medicinskih proizvoda. Klasificiraju se od klase 1 do klase 3 ovisno o opasnosti koje predstavljaju za ljudsko zdravlje. Kako bi se odredila prisutnost ostatnih otapala u dodacima prehrani namijenjenim za liječenje upalnih bolesti crijeva korištena je analitička metoda definirana člankom Američke farmakopeje. 44 uzoraka s hrvatskog tržišta je pripremljeno i analizirano koristeći HSS-GC-FID za identifikaciju analita te onda uspoređeno s kromatogramima analiziranih standardnih otopina koji sadrže ostatna otapala klase 2 i klase 3. Analizom je određena prisutnost ostatnih otapala u 21 od 44 ispitanih uzoraka no u svim tim uzorcima koncentracije detektiranih ostatnih otapala bile su unutar prihvatljivih granica za ljudsku upotrebu. Inflammatory bowel diseases are chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract characterised by recurring inflammations of particular segments of the gastrointestinal tract, the clinical manifestation of which include bloatedness, abdominal pains, cramps, bleeping and chronic diarrhea. Two diseases belong to this group: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Despite safe and effective pharmacological treatment options, which include aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, immunosuppressives and biological therapy, many patients suffering from these complex diseases are seeking solutions to their medical issues in food supplements. Some of these food supplements may pose public health risks due to the presence of residual solvents in them not being properly reported. Residual solvents are volatile organic chemical substances that may have been used or produced in the preparation of a medicinal product. They are classified from Class 1 to Class 3 based on their potential dangers to human health. In order to determine the presence of residual solvents in food supplements used for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, method defined by the United States Pharmacopeia was used. Multiple samples from the Croatian market were prepared and analysed using HSS-GC-FID and then compared with chromatograms of analysed standards containing Class 2 and Class 3 residual solvents. Using this method, the presence of residual solvents was determined in 21 out of 44 analysed samples, with all of the detected residual solvents being within acceptable limits, making them safe for human use.