12 results on '"Rozman, Črtomir"'
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2. Financial evaluation of competitive ability of fruit growing in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Author
Ćejvanović Ferhat and Rozman Črtomir
- Subjects
investment ,cost ,analysis ,planting ,competitiveness ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 - Abstract
Before making a decision to invest in fruit growing, an investor needs to have the basic information on which to base his decision. This information contains sufficient economic indicators to form the basis for the decision making. The decision should be based, first of all, on economic profitability of the investment. Cost-benefit analysis is a method which provides the decision maker with the information about a number of economic indicators regarding the desired investment, from its profitability and competitiveness to the return on investment period, etc. This paper deals with the cost-benefit analysis in the decision-making process concerning economic profitability of investing in agricultural production, namely the newly planted fruit. Cost-benefit analysis has many advantages compared with the other known methods. It has proved very useful in agricultural production since it makes it possible to estimate the profitability of investment in very specific conditions of agricultural production, taking into account numerous factors of its economic efficiency as well as the main effects that may be expected both by individual producers and the social community as a whole.
- Published
- 2004
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3. Study on Feasibility of Purchasing a Grain Harvester
- Author
Lampe, Boštjan and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
investicija ,ekonomska upravičenost ,spravilo ,economic eligibility ,investment ,harvesting ,žitni kombajn ,grain harvester - Abstract
Žitni kombajni so v današnjem času sorazmerno dragi, cene žit pa nizke, zato je glavni cilj naše raziskave analizirati potrebne in mogoče letne rabe žitnega kombajna s stališča izvedbe žetve v optimalnem času in doseganje parametrov uspešnosti investicije. V raziskavi smo uporabili dva žitna kombajna različnih cenovnih vrednosti po scenariju A in scenariju B. Upravičenost investicije smo ocenili na osnovi neto sedanje vrednosti (NSV). Investicija se povrne v letih, ko je NSV prvič pozitivna. Izračun stroškov pokaže, da je po scenariju A žitni kombajn moral požeti 430 ha letno za povrnitev investicije. V primeru scenarija B se investicija v žitni kombajn ne povrne v obdobju 12 let in tako ni ekonomsko upravičen. Na območju Pomurja smo določili število žitnih kombajnov potrebnih za izvedbo spravila pšenice in koruze v optimalnem času. Pri tej raziskavi smo prav tako uporabili scenarija A in B. Pri scenariju A je bila za žitni kombajn določena površinska kapaciteta 1,5 ha/h ter 12-urni delavnik in en strojnik. Pri scenariju B je bila za žitni kombajn določena površinska kapaciteta 1,5 ha/h in 16-urni delavnik ter dva strojnika. Raziskava daje rezultate po scenariju A skupno potrebo po 79 žitnih kombajnih, po scenariju B pa skupno 60 žitnih kombajnov za območje Pomurja. The grain harvesters are relatively expensive nowadays and cereal prices are low, so the main aim of our research is to analyze the necessary and possible annual uses of the grain harvester from the standpoint of harvesting at the optimum time and achieving the parameters of investment success. In the research we used two grain harvesters of different price values under the scenarios A and B. The investment eligibility was estimated on the basis of net present value (NAV). The investment is paid back in the years when the NPV was first positive. The cost calculation shows that according to the scenario A, the grain harvester had to harvest 430 ha to recover the investment. In the case of the scenario B, the investment in the grain harvester is not paid off over a 12-year period and therefore not economically eligible. For the region of Pomurje, we determined the number of grain harvesters needed to harvest wheat and corn at the optimum time. The scenarios A and B were also used in this study. In the scenario A, the area capacity of 1.5 ha/h was determined, as well as a 12-hour workday and one operator. In the scenario B, the area capacity of 1.5 ha/h, an 16-hour workday and two machinists were determined for the grain harvester. Our study shows the results according to the scenario A the total need for 79 grain harvesters, and according to the scenario B a total of 60 grain harvesters for the Pomurje region.
- Published
- 2020
4. Evaluation of costs and economic viability of investing in a milk processing plant
- Author
Stipanič, Janez and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
net present value ,investicija ,milk processing ,simulation model ,predelava mleka ,simulacijski model ,investment ,neto sedanja vrednost - Abstract
Na hribovsko-gorski kmetiji Rjavc smo se pred leti odločili za dopolnilno dejavnost predelave mleka. Odločamo se za investicijo v obrat. Za enostavnejšo odločitev smo razvili tehnološko ekonomski simulacijski model, ki nam izračunava neto sedanjo vrednost (NSV), interno stopnjo donosnosti (ISD), lastno ceno (Lc), letni denarni tok (LDT) in koeficient ekonomičnosti (Ke). Vrednost investicije znaša 74.251,75 €. Na podlagi neto sedanje vrednosti (NSV) smo izračunali, da je investicija upravičena, saj se ob 4-odstotni letni diskontni stopnji povrne v devetih letih. Izvedli smo tudi simulacijo dveh podražitev, in sicer 5-odstotne in 25-odstotne s podražitvijo surovine za 36,36 odstotkov. At the mountain farm Rjavc, we decided to engage in milk processing as a secondary activity a few years ago. Now we are deciding to invest in the milk processing plant. In order to facilitate our decision, we have developed an economic simulation model which calculates the net present value (NPV), the internal rate of return (IRR), the cost price (CP), the annual cash flow (ACF) and the coefficient of economy (CE). The value of the investment is estimated at 74,251.75 €. On the basis of the net present value (NPV), we have calculated that the investment pays off as, at the annual discount rate of 4%, it is reimbursed in 9 years. We have also performed a simulation of two price increases, by 5% and 25%, with a price increase of raw materials by 36.36%.
- Published
- 2016
5. Assessment of investment in the adaptation of stable for dairy cows - a case study
- Author
Cizej, Blaž and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
investicija ,krave molznice ,ocena investicije ,investment ,dairy cows ,assessment of investment - Abstract
Namen diplomske naloge je ugotoviti ekonomsko upravičenost investicije v izgradnjo hleva za krave molznice in razvoj modela v programu Microsoft Excel, ki bo izračunaval upravičenost investicij v izgradnjo ali obnovo hleva po različnih scenarijih. Model, ki smo ga razvili, izračunava NSV (neto sedanjo vrednost) in ISD (interno stopnjo donosa). Upravičenost investicije v obnovo hleva za krave molznice smo izračunavali po štirih različnih scenarijih, v katerih smo spreminjali odkupno ceno mleka in mlečnost krav molznic v standardni laktaciji. Scenarija A in B sta bolj optimistična in v teh scenarijih bi bila investicija upravičila. Scenarija C in D pa sta manj optimistična in v teh dveh scenarijih se investicija ne bi upravičila. The purpose of this work is to determine the economic viability of investments in the adaptation of stable for dairy cows and to develop a model in program Microsoft Excel, which can calculate economic viability in the construction or an adaptation of stable for dairy cows in different scenarios. The model calculate NPV (net present value) and IRR (internal rate of return). We calculated assess of investment in the adaptation of stable for dairy cows in four different scenarios. In this four scenarios we were changing the milk yield and redemption price of milk. Scenarios A and B are more optimistic and investment would be eligible. Scenarios C and D are less optimistic and investment would not be eligible in this two scenarios.
- Published
- 2015
6. Razvoj modela za ocenjevanje investicije v predelavo mesa in turistične kapacitete na prašičerejski farmi
- Author
Ozmec, Manuela and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
net present value ,investicija ,udc:631.14:636.4+338.48-44:631.164.23:637.5(043.2) ,turistične kapacitete ,investment ,tourist facilities ,predelava mesa ,neto sedanja vrednost ,meat processing - Published
- 2015
7. Razvoj modela za ocenjevanje investicij v novogradnjo hleva za krave molznice
- Author
Čretnik, Simon and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
Net Present Value ,interna stopnja donosnosti ,investicije ,(ISD) interna stopnja donosnosti ,investment ,(NSV) neto sedanja vrednost ,molznice ,stall ,udc:631.1:338.3:658.146:632.2(043.2)=863 ,dairy cows ,(IRR) internal rate of return ,internal rate of return ,(NPV) net present value ,hlev ,neto sedanja vrednost - Abstract
Cilj naloge je razvoj modela v tabelaričnem generatorju Microsoft Excel, ki bo omogočal izračunavanje ekonomske upravičenosti v gradnjo ali adaptacijo hleva za krave molznice po različnih scenarijih. Model izračunava ISD (interno stopnjo donosnosti) in NSV (neto sedanja vrednost) . Model smo preizkusili na vzorčni kmetiji. Predvideli smo štiri različne scenarije, od zelo optimističnega do zelo pesimističnega. Po prvih dveh scenarijih bi bila investicija upravičena, po drugih dveh pa ne, kar pomeni da smo lahko določili pogoje oziroma parametre v katerih bi bila investicija še upravičena. The aim of the research is development of program in the tabular model generator Microsoft Excel, which allows the calculation of economic viability in the construction or conversion of stall for dairy cows at different scenarios. The model calculates IRR (internal rate of return) and NPV (net present value). We tested the model on sample farm. We anticipate four different scenarios, ranging from very optimistic to very pessimistic. In the first two scenarios investment would be eligible under the other two would not be. That means that we can determine the conditions or parameters in which the investment is justified.
- Published
- 2015
8. Analiza investicije v obnovo vinske kleti - študija primera
- Author
Kolmanič, Franc Frenki and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
pridelava ,investicije ,udc:336.532:663.25(043.2)=863 ,vinske kleti ,vinarstvo ,investment ,production ,current net value ,winegrowing ,vinogradništvo ,wine cellar ,neto sedanja vrednost - Published
- 2015
9. Ocena investicije v izgradnjo hleva za krave molznice - študija primera
- Author
Jezernik, Andrej and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
stable ,investicija ,krave molznice ,investicije ,hlevi za govedo ,upravičenost ,dairy cows ,investment ,udc:636.2.083:336.532(043.2) ,hlev ,NSV ,eligibility - Abstract
Namen diplomske naloge je ugotoviti ekonomsko upravičenost investicije v izgradnjo hleva za krave molznice. Izračunaval sem jo po različnih parametrih uporabil sem metodo NSV (neto sedanje vrednosti) in ISD (interno stopnjo donosnosti) ter štiri scenarije. V scenariju A sem uporabil vrednost, ki se uporablja v današnjem času. Ugotovil sem, da bi se nam vrednost investicije upravičila v devetnajstem letu. V scenariju B sem povišal mlečnost, odkupno ceno mleka in telet, kar bi vrednost investicije upravičilo v dvanajstih letih. V scenariju C in D sem odkupne cene zmanjšal, pri tem pa se pokaže neupravičenost investicije. The purpose of this work is to determine the economic viability of investments in the construction of stables for dairy cows. Eligibility will be calculated by different parameters. For the purposes of calculating the eligibility of the investment, the NPV method (Net Present Value) has been used and IRR (Internal Rate of Return). We used four scenarios. In scenario A, we used the values used nowadays. We found that we could justify the investment value in nineteen years. In scenario B, we increased the milk yield, milk and calves redemption price and determine the value to justify the investment in twelve years. In scenario C and D, we reduce the purchase price and determine that the investment would not be justified.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Türkl, Grega and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
net present value ,prašičereja,mesno-predelovalni obrat ,meat-processing plant ,Investicija ,Investment ,pig farming ,predelava mesa ,neto sedanja vrednost ,meat processing - Abstract
Kmetje si prizadevajo, da bi poslovali čim bolj ekonomično, zato se nekateri odločajo za dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji, in s tem svojim pridelkom dajejo dodatno vrednost, kar lahko tudi izboljša finančni položaj kmetije. V našem primeru je dopolnilna dejavnost predelovanje svežega mesa v mesne izdelke. Cilj diplomske naloge je raziskati, ali je smiselno investirati v mesno predelovalni obrat na prašičerejski kmetiji, oceniti investicijo ter obdobje povratka investicije. Investicijo bomo ocenjevali s pomočjo neto sedanje vrednosti ter interne stopnje donosa. Rezultati teh analiz nam bodo povedali, ali je naša investicija v mesno predelovalne obrate upravičena. Pri osnovni ceni izdelkov je NSV vrednost pozitivna pri 6% diskontni stopnji po 12. letu in pozitivna po 14. letu pri 8% diskontni stopnji. Pri 10% in 12% diskontni stopnji so vrednosti NSV negativne tudi po 15. letu. Interna stopnja donosa (ISD), izračunana pri osnovni ceni, je torej maksimalna obrestna mera in znaša 8,98%. Slednje pomeni, da je takrat še upravičeno investirati v projekt. Farmers seek to operate as economically as possible, which is why some opt for supplementary activities on the farm, and thus their crops provide an additional value, which can also improve the financial situation of the farm. In our case, the supplementary activity is processing fresh meat into meat products. The aim of this thesis is to investigate, whether it makes sense to invest in a meat processing plant, at a pig farm and to assess the investment period and return of investment. The investment will be assessed using the net present value and internal rate of return. The results of these analysis will tell us whether our investment in the meat processing plant is justified. At the base price of the products, the NPV value has a positive 6% discount rate on 12th year and 14th year is positive at 8% discount rate. The 10% and 12% discount rate of NPV values are negative even after 15 years. Internal rate of return (IRR), calculated at the basic price, therefore the maximum interest rate amounts to 8.98%. This means that it is still justifiable to invest in the project.
- Published
- 2015
11. The analysis of the investment into the wine cellar renovation – case study
- Author
Kolmanič, Franc Frenki and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
investicija ,pridelava ,vinogradništvo in vinarstvo ,investment ,production ,current net value ,winegrowing ,vinska klet ,wine cellar ,neto sedanja vrednost - Abstract
Na vinogradniški in vinarski kmetiji Kolmanič smo se odločili obnoviti kletno opremo. Za vso to opremo bomo porabili določena sredstva. Za lažjo odločitev o smotrnosti investicije smo razvili model analize investicije v obnovo kleti. Ocenjeni so bili naslednji parametri: višina investicije, neto sedanja vrednost (NSV), interna stopnja donosa (ISD) in letni denarni tok (LDT). Višina investicije znaša 58.660 €. V investiciji je zajeto: drozgalnik 2.000 kg/h, pnevmatska stiskalnica z vgrajenim kompresorjem PSB2 (volumen 1.400 l), ploščni filter 40x40 (15 ploščni), polavtomatska polnilnica za vino (800 l/h), pretočna črpalka (3.000-5000 l/h), vinifikatorji z pnevmatskim cilindrom ( 4x 5.000 l in 3x 2.000 l), žveplar, etikirni stroj, zapiralec kromski, zapiralec plute. Neto sedanja vrednost pri 7 % diskontni obrestni meri znaša 36.185,33 €. Interna stopnja donosa znaša 14,19 %. Letni denarni tok znaša 8.953 €. Analiza je izvedena za 20 let. Ugotovili smo, da bi se nam investicija povrnila v 10 letih. On the winegrowing farm Kolmanič we decided to renovate the cellar equipment. We are going to spend a certain amount of means for this renovation. For a simpler decision about the expedience of this investment we developed an investment analysis model for the renovation of the cellar. Assessed were the following parameters: investments, net present value, internal rate of return and annual catch flow. The rate of investment stands at 58.660 €. This includes: wine crusher 2000 kg/h, pneumatic grape press with an inbuilt compressor PSB2 (volume 1400 l), plate filter 40x40 (15 plate), semiautomatic bottling plant (800 l/h), flow pump (3000-5000 l/h), vinifikator with a pneumatic cylinder ( 4x 5000 l in 3x 2.000 l), sulphurizer, labelling machine, crown seal machine, cork seal machine. Current net value at 7 % discount interest rate totals 36.185,33 €. Internal rate of return totals 14,19 %. Annual catch flow totals 8.953 €. The Analysis is prepared for 20 years. We found out that the investment would repay itself in 10 years time.
- Published
- 2013
12. An analysis of the investment into a poultry meat processing establishment
- Author
Pušnik, Jasmina and Rozman, Črtomir
- Subjects
udc:637.513:636.5:336.532:004.414.23(043.2) ,an internal rate of return ,investicija ,supplementary activity ,technological-simulation model ,interna stopnja donosnosti ,dopolnilna dejavnost ,investment ,tehnološko-simulacijski model ,a net present value ,neto sedanja vrednost - Abstract
Namen naloge je bil proučiti ekonomsko upravičenost gradnje klavnice za predelavo perutnine na vzorčni kmetiji. Za pomoč smo v Excelu razvili tehnološko-simulacijski model za ocenjevanje investicije. Model izračunava neto sedanjo vrednost (NSV) in interno stopnjo donosnosti (ISD). Predvideli smo pet različnih scenarijev glede na prodajno ceno očiščenih in pakiranih piščancev (1,89 €, 3,00 €, 3,50 €, 4,19 €, 4,50 €). Hipotezo lahko delno potrdimo. V prvem scenariju, pri najnižji ceni perutnine 1,89 € na kilogram, investicija v predelavo perutnine ni upravičena. V ostalih štirih scenarijih pa je investicija upravičena. The aim of the diploma was the economic justification study of the construction of poultry meat processing slaughterhouse on a sampling farm. We have developed a technological-simulation model in Excel as an aid tool. The model calculates a net present value (NSV) and an internal rate of return (ISD). Based on the sales price of deboned chickens and packaged chickens (1,89 €, 3,00 €, 3,50 €, 4,19 €, 4,50 €) we have foreseen five different scenarios. The hypothesis can partially be confirmed. In the first scenario with the lowest poultry price of 1,89 EUR per kilo the investment into poultry processing is not justified. It is justified in the other four scenarios.
- Published
- 2012
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