Bovine tuberculosis (bovine TB) caused by Mycobacterium bovis remains a significant disease of farmed cattle in the Republic of Ireland, incurring substantial annual economic costs through surveillance and eradication programs (21, 29). Despite the implementation in this country of a comprehensive testing and eradication scheme operated by the Department of Agriculture and Food since 1954, which has dramatically reduced the incidence of the disease, bovine TB persists within the Irish cattle population (11). Various reasons have been proposed to explain this residual level of infection, including a relatively high level of cattle movement within the country (20) and reservoirs of infection maintained in other domestic, feral, and wild species (15, 21). Although cattle are the definitive host of this pathogen, M. bovis has an exceptionally broad host range and can be maintained in a variety of mammalian species to a greater or lesser extent (35). In Ireland and the United Kingdom, the badger (Meles meles) is known to represent a significant source of infection outside of the cattle population and is thought to be a contributory factor in the repeated herd breakdowns observed in certain areas, although the precise dynamics of TB transmission between badgers and cattle have never been firmly established (17, 20). Epidemiological analyses of M. bovis infection have been hampered in the past by the difficulty associated with distinguishing between isolates originating from different sources and species. In recent years, molecular biological techniques have been employed to examine M. bovis bacilli at the DNA level and to identify genotypically distinct strain types that may be presumed to be epidemiologically unrelated. Such data may provide information pertinent to routine field investigations undertaken following herd breakdowns and provide a greater understanding of disease transmission within the national cattle herd and between cattle and nonbovine transmission vectors. Several strategies for typing M. bovis isolates on the basis of DNA polymorphisms have arisen in recent years. Techniques commonly used internationally include restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis (4, 7, 9, 25, 30, 31, 37), spoligotyping (4, 7, 16, 27), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (12), and PCR-based techniques such as “ampliprinting” (13, 22). RFLP analysis has been demonstrated to be a robust and highly discriminatory typing procedure due to the availability of multiple DNA probes for the detection of polymorphic loci within the M. bovis genome and has been the method of choice, alongside spoligotyping, for typing M. bovis isolates from cattle and other hosts in Ireland (4, 5, 30, 31). The most commonly used genetic markers for this type of analysis include the mycobacterial insertion sequence IS6110 (33, 34), the highly repetitive polymorphic GC-rich repeat sequence (PGRS) (27), and the direct repeat (DR) region of the mycobacterial genome (14). IS6110 has been widely used as a tool for genotyping Mycobacterium tuberculosis (19, 36), in which it is usually present in up to 20 copies (24). This DNA element has since been adopted for use as an RFLP probe for typing M. bovis isolates also (8, 18). In M. bovis however, IS6110 is generally found in one to five copies, greatly limiting the ability of this element to discriminate between different strains of this organism (12, 30). The majority of Irish bovine-derived M. bovis isolates typed to date contain a single, monomorphic copy of IS6110 which is insufficiently sensitive for epidemiological purposes, necessitating supplementary typing with additional probes (4, 30, 31). The PGRS-based RFLP probe appears to be the single most discriminatory of the probes currently available for M. bovis strain typing (4, 7, 9, 25) and can be present in up to 30 copies in members of the M. tuberculosis complex (23, 28). PGRS is present in multiple copies interspersed throughout the genome and exhibits a high level of polymorphism between unrelated isolates. However, the result of a PGRS DNA fingerprint is relatively complex, containing a great many bands that can be difficult to interpret and which can hinder computer-assisted band analysis, particularly when the final image is less than ideal. The third most commonly used RFLP probe for this kind of analysis is the DR region. Unique to members of the TB complex, the DR region consists of a series of identical 36-bp DR sequences interspersed with variable spacer sequences from 35 to 41 bp in length (14). This region has found application both as a target for RFLP typing and for the PCR amplification-based spoligotyping technique, both of which give a satisfactory level of strain discrimination (1, 7). The DR RFLP probe is targeted at the 36-bp DR sequences found in multiple copies within the DR region, whereas spoligotyping targets the spacer sequences in between. As both DR RFLP analysis and spoligotyping target the same genomic locus, albeit different areas within that same locus, the results of these two methods tend to be comparable in terms of strain discrimination and sensitivity (8). While having the advantages of being a considerably faster and less labor-intensive method to perform than RFLP analysis, spoligotyping alone does not usually provide sufficient discrimination between strains of M. bovis to be used as a sole typing method and is often combined with supplementary techniques such as RFLP typing with IS6110 and PGRS (4, 8, 26). A recent geographical survey of Irish M. bovis isolates in which 452 M. bovis isolates were examined by RFLP analysis with IS6110, PGRS, and DR and also by spoligotyping (4) showed that 20% of isolates analyzed exhibited a common RFLP strain type, designated strain type A1 A1 A (IS6110, PGRS, and DR, respectively). This strain type, which cannot be further subdivided by existing RFLP methods, occurred in a variety of host species and was widely distributed across the country, appearing in geographically distant regions of the country where genetically isolated genotypes might be expected to arise. This strain type is similar to the most frequently occurring strain type identified from isolates in Northern Ireland (30). This may be due to an overall genetic homogeneity within the Irish M. bovis population and may represent a significant limitation on the usefulness of strain typing as an aid to the epidemiological investigation of herd breakdowns. As the collection and cultivation of isolates for typing is time-consuming and labor-intensive, there has been a need for supplementary methods of dividing this common type in order to maximize the amount of data that can be obtained from cultured material. In this study, a new RFLP probe has been identified from an M. bovis genomic DNA library which is capable of splitting the most common M. bovis strain type observed in Irish isolates. Preliminary analysis indicates that this probe yields a clear, highly polymorphic banding pattern that has a discriminatory ability comparable to the current combination of IS6110, PGRS, and DR probes.