Competing Interests: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. With regard to the authorship of the original article (and the present Letter), all authors except Dr. Dowswell attended the BiRD (British Ivermectin Recommendation Development) meeting comprised of medical doctors, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders, with international representation, which was convened for an “Evidence to Decision” framework event on 20 February 2021. A. Bryant and T. A. Lawrie were members of the Steering Group and did not vote on the decisions. E. J. Fordham, Hill, Mitchell and Tham were ordinary members of the panel. The panel voted to recommend the deployment of ivermectin for the treatment and prevention of Covid-19, upon an evidence base comprising an earlier version of the meta-analysis as published in Am. J. Therap., plus additional supporting evidence. BiRD remains an unincorporated, not-for-profit, ad hoc association with no financial or material interests in ivermectin or any other medicine or any other product. Its continuing activities are transparently managed through EbMCsquared, a not-for-profit Community Interest Company.