Chapters in this collection provide the perspectives of Caribbean educators on a variety of issues related to the theory and practice of education. Section 1, "Professional Development," contains these chapters: (1) "Is There Still Room for the Model Teacher?" (Sonia Jones); (2) "Using an In-Service Programme To Develop as a Teacher: Working on Expectations" (John Hayter); (3) "Teaching History in Secondary Schools: Organising for Instruction" (Dian McCallum); (4) "Practical Stress Management for Education Students" (Rosemarie Johnson); and (5) "The Teacher and Instructional Development in the Classroom" (Austin Ezenne). The second section, "Language Education," contains: (6) "Promoting Language Awareness through Language Study" (Beverley Brian); (7) "Two Contrasting Foreign-Language Teaching Orientations" (Hazel M. Salmon); (8) "Foreign Language Teaching Strategies and Students' Performance in Spanish" (Jocelyn Barton and Hazel M. Salmon); and (9) "Revisiting Methodological Approaches to Foreign Language Teaching: From Communicative to Actional Language Teaching" (Beatrice Boufoy-Bastick). Section 3, "Science Education," contains: (10) "Planning Lessons for Science Teaching" (Kola Soyibo); and (11) "Questioning Techniques in Science Teaching" (Kola Soyibo). Section 4, "Educational Administration," contains: (12) "Management of Student Discipline and Behaviour in Schools" (Austin Ezenne and Olga James Reid); (13) "Teachers and Stress Management in Schools" (Austin Ezenne and Olga James Reid); (14) "The Role of Educational Foundations in Teacher Education" (Oliver Mills and Austin Ezenne); and (15) "Models of Leadership Behaviour for Educational Organisations" (Austin Ezenne). Section 5, "Assessment and Evaluation," contains: (16) "Assessing the Predictive Validity of the ATLP-75 Selection Test for Caribbean Nurses" (Valerie J. Hardware and Tony Bastick); and (17) "Is Validity More Reliable than Reliability Is Valid?" (Tony Bastick). Section 6, "Philosophy of Education," contains: "Education and Choice: The Family or the State?" (Oliver Mills); and (19) "Spirituality and Education: Epistemology as Ethic" (Oliver Mills). The final section, "Psychology of Education, contains: (20) "Facilitating Gifted Learners in Jamaican Primary Schools; Challenges and Explorations" (W. Madge Hall and Marguerite Narinesingh); (21) "Subjectivist Psychology and Its Applications to Teaching" (Tony Bostick); and (22) "Learning Styles as a Foundation of Instructional Activities" (Susan Anderson). An afterword by Burchell Whiteman, Minister of Education and Culture, Jamaica, summarizes some of the themes of these essays. (Contains 8 figures and 19 tables.) (SLD)