Young-Mu Jeon, Kwonjin Park, G.Y. Park, Hyunsun Han, Jaehyun Lee, S.A. Sabbagh, Jin-Hyuk Chung, Wonho Choe, H. H. Lee, J. W. Juhn, Yong-Un Nam, Minjun Choi, Jinseop Park, Yong-Su Na, Y. S. Park, Sang-hee Hahn, J.M. Kwon, N.W. Eidietis, Won-Ha Ko, S.W. Yoon, C. S. Chang, Jayhyun Kim, Jong-Gu Kwak, Min-Gu Yoo, H.K. Park, Kun-Chun Lee, S.J. Wang, Y.B. Nam, H.G. Jhang, Y. In, Y. Chu, A. Loarte, Gunsu Yun, J.G. Bak, Suk-Ho Hong, Yeong-Kook Oh, Kimin Kim, R.A. Pitts, W.-R. Lee, B.H. Park, Jinhyuck Lee, D. Mueller, and Jinseok Ko
A decade long operation of KSTAR has contributed significantly to operation of superconducting tokamak device and advancement of tokamak physics which will be beneficial for the ITER and K-DEMO programs. Even with limited heating capability, various conventional as well as new operating regimes have been explored and achieved great performance. As examples, a long pulse H-mode operation with and without the ELM-crash was well over 60 seconds and over 30 seconds, respectively. Unique capabilities of KSTAR allowed to improve control capability of harmful instabilities and have been instrumental for many exciting new physics. The intricate IVCC system has been a great perturbation tool in studying of threshold power of the L/H transition in the presence of non-axisymmetric fields, rotation physics due to NTV effects, heat dispersal in divertor system and predictive control of the ELM-crash with a priori modeling. The state-of-the-art 2D/3D microwave imaging systems uncovered many new exciting new physics in the MHD and turbulence transport physics. They are validation of q0agt;1 right after the sawtooth crash, self-consistent asymmetric distribution of plasma turbulence amplitude and flow in the presence of 2/1 island, and underlying physics of low frequency turbulence induced by 3D resonant fields in suppression of the ELM-crash through non-linear interaction with the ELMs. In the turbulence area, non-diffusive "avalanche" transport event and role of quiescent coherent mode in confinement are studied. To accommodate anticipating higher performance of the KSTAR plasmas with the increased heating powers (NBI and ECH), new divertor/internal interface with full active cooling system will be implemented after the increased heating power systems and new current drive systems are fully tested. Upgrade plan for the internal hardware and efficient current drive system may allow a long pulse operation of higher performance plasmas at βNagt;3.0 with fbs~0.5 and Tiagt;10keV. a#13; a#13