1. Kur’ân kaynaklı çevre algısının pratiğe dönüştürülememesinin irdelenmesi
- Author
Kaya, Süleyman, BAİBÜ, İlahiyat Fakültesi, Temel İslam Bilimleri Bölümü, and Kaya, Süleyman
- Subjects
Çevre ,Eğitim ,Consciousness ,İnsan ,The Qur’an ,Bilinç ,Kur’ân ,Environment ,Human Beings ,Education - Abstract
Bu makalede, insanlığın en önemli sorunlarından biri haline gelen "çevre problemine" Kur'ânî perspektiften yaklaşımın pratiğe neden dönüştürülemediği ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Kur'ân temelli çevre anlayışıyla ilgili hayli çalışma yapıldığı görülmüştür. Yapılan çalışmalar gözden geçirildiğinde meselenin genel itibarıyla teorik olarak ele alındığı, Kur'ânî anlayışın pratiğe nasıl yansıtılabileceği konusu üzerinde yeterince durulmadığı kanaatine varılmıştır. Günümüzde çevre konusunda dile getirilen problemler konunun pratiğe dönüştürme değerini ve gereğini ortaya koymaktadır. Çünkü sorunların çözümü teorik yaklaşımları aşıp pratik uygulamalara dönüştüğünde mümkün olacaktır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmada, konuyu temellendirebilmek için öncelikle Kur'ân'ın varlık tasavvuruna kısaca vurgu yapılmış, insana verdiği değere değinilmiş, insan-varlık ilişkisinden hareketle Kur'ânî çevre algısının hangi bakış açısıyla topluma yansıtılması gerektiğine temas edilmiş, ardından da Müslümanda olması gereken çevre duyarlılığının neden yeterli düzeyde oluşturulamadığı, pratiğe dönüştürülemediği eğitim/öğretimle ilgili iki önemli veri üzerinden hareketle ele alınmış, söz konusu eksiklik giderilmeden Kur'ânî bakış açısının pratikte yeterince ma'kes bul/a/mayacağı görüşü işlenmiştir. Nitekim insandaki değişimi sağlayacak olan temel unsur eğitim/öğretimdir. Sadece çevre konusu değil hangi mesele olursa olsun kaliteli ve sağlıklı bir eğitim/öğretim olmadan sonuca gitmek ve problemi çözmek mümkün değildir. Kaldı ki, günümüzde söz konusu ettiğimiz eğitim/öğretim yanında çevre eğitimi ayrıca önem atfedilen, üzerinde durulan ve kendine özgü yöntemlerle verilmeye çalışılan ayrı bir alan haline gelmiştir. Mücadele yöntemi profesyonelleşmiş, daha organize ve sistemli çalışma ağları oluşturulmuştur This article tries to address the ‘environmental issue’ which has become one of humanity's most important problems, with regard to why the Qur’anic perspective has not been practically implemented. Numerous studies exist based on the environment in reference to the Quran. After reviewing these studies, it is seen that these matters are discussed mainly in theory and not enough effort has been placed into converting the Qur'anic understanding to practicality. The environmental problems being discussed today emphasises the need and importance of turning this theory into practice. The solution to resolving these problems will be possible by practical application of these theoretical approaches. Therefore in this study, the topic is firmly established by having a brief look at the concept of existence in the Quran, mentioning the value given to man, the viewpoint on the environment conveyed by the Quran and how this should be reflected to society is stated, based on the relationship between man and existence, then focusing on why the required level of environmental sensitivity and practical application has not been developed in Muslims. The topic has been reviewed based on two important data relating to teaching/education; while these deficiencies aren’t corrected, the Qur’anic viewpoint will not be echoed into practice. Indeed, education is fundamental to changes in man. Whether this is an environmental issues or something else, without quality education the problem will not be solved. Moreover, environmental education today has become an area of emphasis and with its specific methods. The method of struggle has become professionalized; more organised with systematic study networks being formed. The environmental issue has recently become one of the most essential problems of the humanity which is affecting everything whether animate or inanimate, intelligent or unintelligent beyond becoming a problem of a person, nation, or civilization. Therefore, to evaluate the environmental issue with its all aspects, each environmental value should be addressed and investigated separately. Today this problem is being addressed as a human centered and problem oriented approach and studies are centered around finding a solution. To find a Qur’anic solution for this humanity’s common problem is a requirement not only for Muslims but also for others. Nevertheless, this kind of solution only will make a sense if it is put into practice. For this reason, the practice of the Qur’anic perspective is the main point of this issue. Therefore, showing the Qur’anic perspective on the environmental issues is one of the basic principles. According to the Qur’anic thinking the existence needs a Creator to be existed. A precise system has been organized and everything has been created for a special purpose. It means that substance has been molded by holiness. Analysis of substance in this way would have a serious influence on the thinking of humanity and this kind of thinking Kur’ân Kaynaklı Çevre Algısının Pratiğe Dönüştürülememesinin İrdelenmesi 567 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 will be basis for relationship with it. When substance- human relationship is formed by this thinking, it necessarily leads to different results. Nevertheless, this understanding does not mean anything beyond the case of Qur’an in Lawh-i Mahfuz unless it is not put into action. For this reason, we should review our position in terms of faith-deed relationship to which is attached too much importance by Islam, and we should complete our practical missing including the sensitivity of the environment. Education/instruction is the most important factor that leads change in human. Unless having a good quality education, solving the issues, not only environmental but also others, is not possible. Ideally, humans should develop their personality as serve to the benefit of society in the best way. Education gives us the most substantial contribution to solve our problems. Eliminating ignorance, preparing people for the life is only possible by helping them to have a worldview and philosophy of life. The phase of values that guide people through their decision and preference is formed in this way. It is clear that, one aspect of the issue is related with the education/instruction level of the Muslim societies. When we try to solve this problem, we should take notice of that education must be molded by Qur’anic values. Additionally, we should not put aside the fact that environmental education has become a separate and essential discipline which has its own methods. Therefore, we must constantly update the environmental issue according to the Qur’anic viewpoint. It is clear that, an attempt, which seems as a defensive position, to try to find supports/stands in Qur’an for some conceptions which is used by environmental science doesn’t mean beyond excitement; furthermore, it will cause some troubles in long term. Indeed, it is more fundamental to turn the holiness aspect formed by God-existence relationship in the Qur’an into consciousness in man. This bond is so strong that even non-believers can feel that at certain times. At this point, the concept of “Rabb al-A’lameen” would be essential reference in terms of indicating of God his creatures and making them holy. It means that the believer should approach the existence with a holy value. In his mind existence converts into almost tekven-i Qur’an, and the Qur’an converts into tedven-i Qur’an which is its complement. By the expression of the Qur’an, tesbih of all existence turns into consciousness in man. Therefore, we should not destroy this harmony; rather accompany with it. We ought to turn the updated Qur’anic approaches into consciousness, then into behaviours in both Muslim man and society through education. The fact is that, environmental issue is one of the most essential humanity’s problems, and it has bad effects not only on certain groups but also on the world and on the ability of new generations to live in a healthy environment as well. Therefore, as Muslims, we should make active our Qur’anic perspective, which we tried to explain shortly above, to form and support necessary organisations. It seems impossible to get over that problem and to present good models for people with regard to the problem without creating communities that have environmental consciousness. 568 Süleyman KAYA Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 Whereas we individually display exemplary behaviours, we should present good practices inspired from the Qur’an, which draw other societies’ attention. We should make a point of non-governmental organisations and absolutely follow the proficiency in this kind of activities. Otherwise, Qur’anic environmental sensitivity would be considered as a claim and it would be attempted to attack and injure the Qur’an through Muslims unless good examples are not transferred into practice by Muslim individuals and society. No Muslim has a right to do so. The Muslim who does so would have a big responsibility both in the world and in the hereafter. Finally, because the issue has an international characteristic, the solutions which are based on Qur’anic thinking should be continued in a systematic way, and coordinated with other initiatives in the world. In addition to that, media and mass media should be used in an effective way, and sensitivity studies should be done through non-governmental organizations.
- Published
- 2015