The increasing incidence of NO3 contamination in municipal wells is a growing concern in the Midwest. While leachates from N fertilizers applied to agricultural lands can impact the water quality in municipal wells, there is also the potential for leachates from turfgrass fertilizers to be groundwater contaminants. In this study, five plots were treated with ammonium nitrate (34-0-0,N-P-K) at rates of 0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.4 kg N/100 m and irrigatedThe turf received approximately 640 mm of water during the 34-d study. Analysis of soil water from 15, 6-m continuous cores showed that as much as 95% of the NO3 applied in late August leached below the turfgrass root zone. Average NO3 concentrations in the pulse ranged from 34 to 70 mg/L NO3-N. Thirty-four days after fertilization the center of the pulse was at =1.2 m with the leading edge at 2 to 2.5 m. This vertical rate of movement is similar to that predicted by the one-dimensional CMLS model. The relatively high uniform NO3 concentrations in the unfertilized plot indicated that with excessive irrigation the water alone supplies NO3 in excess of the turfgrass need. T INTEGRITY of the public water supply in many municipalities relying on groundwater is threatened by rising NO3-N concentrations. Many municipalities in Nebraska and the Midwest have been forced to relocate their wells or blend water from several wells to obtain drinking water with a NO3-N concentration below the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 mg/L. Usually the public supply wells are located within the community. Because groundwater recharge in these urban areas occurs through lawns, the potential for NO3 contamination of municipal -wells from applied fertilizer exists. During the last 20 yr, NO3-N concentrations in the Sidney, NE municipal wells have been increasing at a rate of 0.4 mg/L per year (Nebraska Dep. of Health records) and concentrations in five of the eight wells now exceed 10 mg/L (Nebraska Dep. of Health records). Although there is some variability in the NO3 concentration in the distribution system from month to month, the concentration remains just below the MCL (Sidney Water Dep. records). Several of the municipal wells are within a 6-km long plume of NO3 M.E. Exner, Conservation and Survey Div., M.E. Burbach, Water Center, D.G. Watts, Biological Systems Eng. Dep., R.C. Shearman, Agronomy Dep., and R.F. Spalding, Agronomy Dep. and Water Center, Institute of Agric. and Nat. Res., Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583-0844. Received 20 Aug. 1990. *Corresponding author. Published in J. Environ. Qual. 20:658-662 (1991). contaminated groundwater. The plume extends from west of Sidney to at least the center of town and is about 1.5-km wide (Fig. 1). The groundwater within the plume has an average concentration of 12 ± 2 mg/ L NO3-N. Results from a study with stable N isotopes demonstrated that the source of the contamination primarily was leachate from manure applied to irrigated cornfields (Zea mays L.) (Bryda, 1988). The isotope ratios, however, became lighter at the eastern end of the plume suggesting the addition of leachate with a lower isotopic ratio; namely, commercial fertilizer. A previous study (Spalding et al., 1988) of five cores collected from two lawns in Sidney showed there was a difference in the amount of NO3 accumulated in the intermediate vadose zone of a professionally maintained lawn compared with one maintained by a typical homeowner. The intermediate vadose zone is the portion of the vadose zone extending below the crop rooting zone to the water table. The low average NO3 concentration (4.9 mg/L NO3-N) in the intermediate vadose zone and the absence of vertically transported NO3 pulses indicated there was minimal leaching of NO3 below the turfgrass root system of a lawn receiving a liquid commercial application of 1.5 kg N/100 m per season applied in four equal applications and watered automatically. The average NO3 concentration in the intermediate vadose zone below the private lawn receiving a split application of 5.9 kg N/100 m per season, which is far in excess of turfgrass needs, and manually irrigated with a garden hose was 12.9 mg/L NO3-N. Unlike the smooth profile beneath the lawn receiving the commercial applications, there were sharp pulses of NO3 in the vertical profile. The total accumulated NO3 in the intermediate vadose zone was 1.5 kg N/100 m in the professionally maintained lawn and 4.0 kg N/100 m in the owner-maintained lawn. Because most lawns are not fertilized by lawn care professionals nor is the irrigation water applied with regard to soil moisture conditions or water retention characteristics, there is the potential for excessive applications of both fertilizer and irrigation water. While several studies have addressed NO3 leaching from turfgrass grown on sandy loam soils under a spectrum of fertilization and/or irrigation rates (Rieke and Ellis, 1974;StarrandDeRoo, 1981; Brown etal., 1982; Morton et al., 1988), the collection of samples has been limited to shallow depths. This experiment was designed to record deep NO3 movement under fixed irrigation with variable N application rates. Published July, 1991